Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence (1991) Poster

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violent yes. good.................
superchris500127 April 2011
Zombie 90 is a zero budget "movie" made by German director Andreas schnaas. This is the guy who also has a movie series called violent S##t. This is one of those straight to video movies that were very common around this time where anyone could buy a camcorder and make a movie. The special effects arnt completely horrible but thanks to the awful lighting most of the time the blood looks like strawberry milk. I cant judge the dialog writing or acting because the dubbers obviously did not follow the script. At some points you can hear the dubbers LAUGHING. The intentionally bad dubbing is hilarious though and is the only redeeming factor of this movie in my opinion. And to top it off this movie has no ending.( You will have to see it to know what i mean). If you want a few laughs then i recommend this movie but if you want a serious horror movie look somewhere else.
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Gratuitous gore has seldom been more boring.
capkronos4 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A military plane carrying a top secret chemical crashes and unleashes a toxin (the "extreme pestilence" of the title) into the woods. Soon after, people are infected and zombies are running amok killing and eating anybody in their path. A doctor and his colleague set out to uncover what's going on and put a stop to it. Though I wish I could provide a more in-depth plot synopsis, that IS the whole plot. There's no real story, no dialogue worth listening to, no character development, no narrative push leading anywhere, nada. This film was made for one reason and one reason only: to showcase as much splatter as possible. It - along with the same director's first feature VIOLENT SH*T - developed a minor reputation among extreme gore fans in the early days of home video. Nowadays, well, they just don't hold up all that well, especially considering we've had tons of professionally made movies since with ample and much more convincing-looking gore. The novelty of something like this is now pretty much gone.

Instead of playing out like an actual film, this is more a series of blood-drenched vignettes of zombies killing people and people killing zombies repeated ad nauseum. A zombie comes barreling out of the woods carrying a chainsaw and cuts a guy in two before he rips out his guts. A fat woman is attacked in a sauna and has her tit cut off and eaten. When her friend goes to check up on her, she has her back sliced open and all her organs cut out. A woman in a wheelchair holding a baby gets decapitated and then a zombie grabs her newborn, tears off its head and then rips it in two. Zombies are chopped to pieces with machetes and axes and chainsaws. Heads are knocked or shot clean off, stabbed and hacked in half both ways. Fingers are bitten and chopped off. Eyeballs are poked out with fingers. LOTS of guts are pulled out of stomachs. And during nearly every single scene an almost comical amount of exaggerated blood (which is usually runny and almost pink in color) sprays out all over the place. The zombie makeups aren't good at all and the other fx, bloody as they may be, usually look cheap and unconvincing.

Because this has all the gore in the world and yet still manages to be incredibly boring and monotonous, it does provide a valuable lesson to future horror directors about the importance of paying attention to everything else that's going on in your film. Look at something like George Romero's DAY OF THE DEAD. Even if you took away all the gore, it would STILL be worth watching for many other reasons, unlike this film, which isn't even worth watching FOR the gore because you can only watch so many limbs whacked off and chests torn open before it becomes tiresome. And that's precisely why "Day" has a large cult following and is highly regarded and respected after all these years and this film is only watched by a small number of die-hard horror buffs like myself who'll watch pretty much anything.

It goes without saying that the camcorder photography is pretty blah and washed-out looking and the acting is awful but the latter is made even worse thanks to a horrid English dub job done by a couple of guys who are clearly making a big joke of the whole thing and more or less mocking the entire movie as it goes along. Ironically, this comic spin turned out to be a wise decision because it at least provides a few dumb laughs to help get your through. I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to sit through this whole thing had it played out seriously.
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Memorable in it's badness
Undead_Master19 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst movies i've ever encountered, but i want to say that some of the criticisms i had heard turned out to be unwarranted..

As far as pure film-making technique goes, this director is competent. He's held back by the limited budget and the VHS camera, but the actual editing, camera angles, camera movements and scene staging are pretty professional. i've seen many movies where the "directing" was much worse. At least the scenes flow in a way that is not confusing and he has a few clever shots here and there. Also, the forest scenes contained a decent atmosphere. There is only so much you can do with a VHS camera, and he does a nice job as far as the technicalities go. As far as artistic merit, there is none. The scene where the camera pans down so that we can watch a guy urinate in the woods for 15 seconds sort of epitomizes the artistic style of the whole film. This is pure trash... Total garbage.

The gore is decent for a film in this budget range. , it's obviously fake but there's lot's of it, and it's very outlandish..

I saw the American version with the intentionally campy dubbing. This was a good idea (and it's the only thing that allowed me to make it through the film)... Unfortunately, it's overdone, especially towards the end.

It's really a terrible film, but i have to recommend it for it's camp value. It's really hard to find a movie that's worse than this and that sort of puts it in a unique category.
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Poverty row zombie trash
gavcrimson27 February 2000
The opening disclaimer states that the film you're about to see `contains scenes of extreme graphic violence and gore' and that we should watch `at your own risk'. Zombie 90 is only available by underground means, way too low budget to be officially released by anyone but its makers, and due to the violence unlikely to be released in most censorious quarters. That in mind it seems unlikely then that anyone who watches this tape can't be in any doubt as to what they're in for. However once you've seen it, the watch at your own risk part becomes obvious as well, because as well as being bloody in the extreme, Zombie 90 also turns out to be bloody awful. From the director of Violent Shit, the imaginatively titled Violent Shit 2 and the soon to be released (whether you wanted it or not) Violent Shit 3. In all those films nothing much happens but people being disemboweled by a masked psycho, and as a harsh change of pace for Schnaas nothing happens in Zombie90 but people being disemboweled by zombies! The threadbare plot has a plane carrying the cure for Aids crashing thus turning people into zombies. The rest of the film follows the misadventures of two of the most unlikely scientists ever committed to celluloid, (played by two of the most unlikely actors ever committed to celluloid) who stumble about talking scientific babble in between gory set pieces where they graphically dispose of zombies. Eventually one of them is bitten and has to be disemboweled. The remaining scientist then chainsaws and blows the heads off various zombie extras till he knocks himself out and we're treated to a very long and boring ten minute plus dream sequence. With the scientist stumbling through a `haunted house' and being chased by famous dead rock star zombies (a terrible idea). And boy if you thought that the makers hadn't even the talent to make the most basic of gore scenes interesting, wait until you see them try and make the movie scary, suspenseful and atmospheric. The rest of the film consists of people walking on, saying a line or two before they're butchered by zombies. A man's car breaks down and he's cut in half with a chainsaw, a group of spotty students are chopped up with machetes and/or pulled apart, two ugly women have their breasts eaten, you get the general idea. Hard to know if we're supposed take any of these effects seriously because the general effect is of a bunch of the director's slow witted friends chewing down on butchers cuts, while someone off camera throws red paint on them. We've all seen low budget movies before, but Zombie 90 is truly poverty row. Most noticeable is the shoddy dubbing, which involves giving the actors, effeminate squeaky Monty Python style voices or badass jive talk (even if most of the cast consists of weedy honkeys). Sure its funny for about the first ten minutes, but when you realize that there is another hour of this its not so funny after all. Most of it is so out of synch with what is happening that it looks as if the dubbers were just making it up as they go along, with passages like `come on, come on, err lets go'. In a perfect world the wide availability of camcorders should have given young filmmakers the opportunity to flood the market with the sort of sick, demented and creative movies that flourished in cinemas of the Sixties and Seventies. Sadly we don't live in a perfect world and most camcorder epics are happy to recycle the same material- erotic vampire movies, dull slasher and zombie movies all of which have been done a thousand times before and a thousand times better. Zombie 90's lighting, editing, not to mention acting are unbearable and the soundtrack hissy (God knows what bootlegs of this must look like) they've even left in video edits. This in mind its hard to judge any of the movies positive traits and poses the question `Why bother paying money for a film when you could make a better movie yourself possibly with less cash?'. In the cold light of day all Zombie 90 really is, is 70 minutes of bad special effects, with a smug attitude which suggests that anyone whose cinematic tastes range to viewing lots of lovely gratuitous violence is an imbecile with an attention span of two seconds and doesn't really deserve anything more than a puerile plot and childish dubbing. Not true, you can make a gore film and have talent, Frank Henenlotter, Stuart Gordon, Sam Raimi prove that you can make genre movies, which combine black humour, style and irony without the end result seeming like one long tedious gore scene. It seems unlikely that any censor board would pass the film although in its defence most of the gore is slapstick, tongue in cheek and enjoyable- like a Monty Python skit. However Schnaas loves to go over the top with scenes of sexual mutilation (both male and female) which isn't going to endure it to most people. The fact that Schnaas and friends can't be bothered to provide half decent acting, direction or original story (in fact the only surprise is that the hero isn't mistaken for a zombie and shot) casts doubts over their undertakings. Are they really trying to provide an alternative to the banal, tasteful and bloodless stance of most of today's genre movies? Or are they just shysters and junk merchants, trying to palm their useless home movies off on the public, Extreme Pestilence indeed.
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Wow!!! Andreas Schnaas Actually Succeeded In Making A Film That Sucks MORE Than ZOMBIE DOOM...
EVOL66619 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will keep this as short as possible as this piece of crap barely warrants a mention. ZOMBIE 90 is one of the worst films ever made - right up there with Schnaas' other horrible zombie entry - ZOMBIE DOOM (aka VIOLENT SH!T 3). These films suck so bad that everyone involved in their creation should be shot. I somehow managed (barely...) to sit through ZOMBIE DOOM - but ZOMBIE 90 is so horribly inept - even when compared to Schnaas' other horrible film - that I had to fast-forward through everything after the first 10 minutes. ZERO acting skills, inept gore, horrible camcorder-style camera-work, ridiculous dubbing...it just goes on and on. I really can't find a single thing redeeming about this garbage - and I can usually find SOMETHING redeeming in just about ANY film. This truly is one of the worst films ever made - You've been warned...1/10
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Low budget German splatter: an acquired taste.
BA_Harrison9 October 2015
When I first watched Andreas Schnaas' splatter-fest Zombie '90 (well over two decades ago: where has the time gone?), I struggled my way through with the original German audio, not understanding a word. I can't say that I enjoyed it that much.

However, in the years since my first viewing, I've developed something of a fondness for ultra low budget German splatter, learning to appreciate the sight of assorted mulleted Germans in stone-washed denim smashing papier maché heads full of offal.

As with Schnaas' first gore-drenched film, Violent Sh*t, the picture quality is cruddy, the sound lousy, the acting crap, the direction dire, the editing amateurish, and the gore effects thoroughly unconvincing, but I can't help but admire the fact that the guys behind the film have ploughed on regardless of their technical limitations. Every spurting wound, severed head, and eviscerated gut is a labour of love by fellow gorehounds, gawd bless 'em!

Rather irritatingly, Zombie '90 has since been released with an English dub, which attempts to add some unnecessary humour to proceedings by using ridiculous voices and silly dialogue; it does nothing to improve matters, being desperately unfunny throughout. My advice: stick with the original German soundtrack if possible: it's less insulting to horror fans.
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movieman_kev10 October 2005
A chemical spill is turning people into zombies. It's up to two doctor's to survive the epidemic. It's an Andreas Schnaas film so you know what the par for the course will be. Bad acting, horribly awful special effects, and no budget to speak of. The dubbing is ridiculous with a capital R and the saddest thing is that I feel compelled to write one word about this piece of excrement, much less the ten lines mandatory because of the guidelines placed on me by IMDb. My original review of merely one word: Crap wouldn't fly so I have to revise it and go more in to how bad it is. But I don't know if I can, so.. wait I think I may have enough words, or lines rather to make this review pass. Which is cool, I guess. So in summation: This movie sucks balls, don't watch it.

My Grade: F
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Impossible to sit through
damonfoster12 May 2005
Beyond dirt cheap, this shot-on-video exercise in ineptitude was difficult to get through. It's got the typical gore that you'd expect in a zombie movie, but none of the required atmosphere to make it worth while.

What's strange is that this is an amateur German video, and the version I saw is English-dubbed! The dubbers seem to be American fans (penpals of the Germans?!) who can't decide whether they want to play it straight or turn it into a comedy. One character (a white German, of course) is dubbed by a black guy apparently, who speaks with thick ebonics! 'Kno wahm sayin', Comrad?
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Amateurish and entertaining at the exact same time
Horst_In_Translation21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence" is (despite the English title) a German movie from 1991, so this one already had its 25th anniversary last year. The writer and director is Andreas Schnaas and he was in his early 20s still when he made this movie. Many more should follow, in all kinds of positions. And having seen some of his stuff, I must say that there are many garbage films in there. And honestly, there is also one reason really only why I do not give this film 1 star out of 5, but 2 stars out of 5 and this is because I watched the 2009 version named "Zombie 09" for which they kept the video the same, but renewed the audio and added new commentaries and quotes that we can hear now in very clear voices that made obvious they weren't from the early 1990s. It is a pretty short movie in the version I saw, barely made it to the 70-minute mark. It is of course much more about the effects and splatter than about anything story-related or performances, but still the character of Dr. Bern was somewhat memorable with the Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts references. I wonder if these were also part of the film back then as they were already known weren't they? Anyway, I guess this new rework of the movie if you want to call it like that is somewhat of a success as it makes a pretty bad film almost watchable. That's why I also think that everybody who wants to see this short film should go for the remastered version. But overall, it is of course still a thumbs-down. Don't watch.
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How bad is it?
JohnSeal7 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This review is based on the dubbed Shock-o-Rama video released on an undeserving world in 2002. How bad is it? It's awful, which is what a '1' represents on the IMDb scale--but it's much worse than that. It's nice to imagine that an original German-language print might improve matters--the comedic English-language dubbing isn't funny at all--but truthfully, this is one of the worst amateur films of any genre you're likely to see. The zombies in the film are as slow and clumsy as ever, and they don't seem to have the ability to speak or think about anything beyond their next meal. However, they're also intelligent enough to operate chainsaws and malicious enough to know that western taboos about genitalia will no doubt enliven their dinner table conversation. George Romero's Land of the Dead posited a zombie nation that retained a shred of social coherence; here, zombies are nothing more than an empty canvas for the perverse imaginings of director Andreas Schnaas. Utterly without redeeming social value, and even worse, entirely lacking as entertainment, Zombie '90 is a bad joke on anyone who wastes money on it.
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blair witch if it sucked and was a bad zombie movie.... by a third grader
miguelsanchez6915 January 2003
First, I am not really a fan of the whole "things eating flesh in disgusting new ways" genre of film but I am a bad movie afficionado so my next door neighbor said he had the worst movie ever. This one. So we start watching it. First and foremost - it is recorded on a camcorder sans tripod! Second the voice of the skinny white doctor is dubbed by a large black man! Third, none of the dialogue makes any sense. Fourth, the zombie scenes, though unconvincing and chockful of poor makeup and tomato paste, lead me to believe the director (and my next door neighbor) are in need of psychological help. It's funny for about 5 minutes but it gets old fast. It's so amateurish it's like watching a poorly dubbed high school video yearbook.... with zombies. A note to anyone involved with this movie - I want the 20 minutes of my life I spent watching this, before I fell asleep, back.
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MoonRat14 May 2007
If you only see one film this year, you should make it Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence. It is the sort of film which opens eyes and touches hearts whoever you are... Wherever you are.

The special effects are ground-breaking, even by todays standards and the dubbing over is hauntingly realistic, hurtling the viewer in to a world of complex relationships, beautiful scenery and frightening bad guys. The script brings a tear to the eye... Never before have I felt so immersed and impressed by the use of the English language.

So please please... Show your parents, your lovers, your children, your friends and everybody who has ever impacted your life positively... This film is a must see for all the family and a cornerstone of world cinema.

Zombie '90, I salute you! EXELSIOR!!!
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Boy, this movie is as low as any horror film can get.
UnratedX9 April 1999
Man, I've never seen a movie so unbelievably and extremely disgusting since who knows when. This has to rank as the ALL-TIME MOST DISGUSTING FILM EVER MADE IN MOVIE HISTORY, as well as the funniest. The gore, the killing, the acting, and the atrocious dubbing into English is incredibly horrible. The dubbing is so cheap that you'll see a nerdy looking doctor with the voice of a 70's pimp. The movie is about a military airplane carrying untested toxic chemicals that crashes into the forest, starting a brand new disease ("The Extreme Pestilence"), turning people into hideous looking zombies who'll eat any body part, sex organ or not, and internal organ they can get their hands on. The tagline says it all, "Guts, gore, splatter and more." This extremely gruesome and gory horror film is so terrible and funny that it has the corniest scene in movie history! A woman who is being pushed on a wheelchair by some guy while she's carrying her baby is attacked by a zombie and the zombie tears up the baby into little pieces, which you can easily tell is a doll filled with silly putty. This is as bad as horror movies can get!!!
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Extreme PISStilence...
Teeeelicious15 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, not only is this film a "new lesson in real bad taste," but also a lesson in "real bad film making." Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the concept of 'Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence,' but at the same time one must realize when a movie is terrible. In case you missed out on the storyline, the plot of 'Zombie '90' is about a government plane carrying toxic chemicals that so happens to crash into the wilderness, causing the chemicals to spill, turning locals into hideous looking zombies. The next thing you know, zombies are all over the city eating people alive, while a goofy-looking doctor and a government agent are trying to figure out the disease that's making these people eat one another - hence the name "Extreme Pestilence." From then on, all we see is zombies having a field day on every local in sight - nothing but extreme and sickening disembowelments and dismemberments accompanied by endless buckets of guts and gore. Since this is a German film, the film had to be dubbed into English and when you're not laughing at the feeding frenzies of the zombies, the voice-overs are quite hilarious and entertaining as well. As user UnratedX mentioned *SPOILER* *SPOILER* *SPOILER*, there is a scene in the film that crosses the line between what's acceptable and not acceptable, hence the scene in which a woman, who is carrying her infant baby, is being wheeled around in her wheelchair by some dude and a horde of zombies come out of nowhere and attack them. One zombie grabs the baby and rips it into pieces, eating its organs as you hear the baby crying. Wow, that is a new lesson in REALLLLLLLLLY bad taste. Atrocious I tell you, atrocious.
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The Search is Over...the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE!!!
doomsyer4 April 2003
Hell, where do I start with this one?

Let's see, I thought that I had seen close to the worst overall horror movie of all time, as far as acting, dubbing, plot, etc., when I tortured myself by watching Children of the Living Dead. To put this movie in perspective, compared to this, COTLD should be up for an Oscar.

This movie was made with a camcorder, a low tech camcorder. This movie has the most horendous overdubbing in the history of film, on any level. (I will not go into the fact that they used a black mans voice over a Hitler's youth looking actor playing the main doctor and a blatant homosexual overdubbing the other doctor, etc., since everyone else has hit on that subject. This, although funny, cannot carry this movie for more than a minute or two.)

This movie was made by the same moron that made the Violent Sh*t series of films, which are not much better than this. I actually saw this movie included on the Zombie Doom: Violent Sh*t 3 DVD. Why I bought it, I do not know.

The "special" effects in this movie SUCK. Everytime someone is "killed" by a Zombie, they use the exact same prosthetic fake stomach wound with very fake guts coming out. The guns are cap guns with somebody making a "kapow" sound in the microphone. You see big cardboard machete's covered in aluminum foil. You see "zombies" acting like they are eating and squirting ketchup packs with their hands. You even see zombies attacking people with the "prop" machetes (sections cut out). Utter crappola. The genius even took a plastic baby doll and filled it with fake guts. I did better effects than this in grade school.

BE WARNED. This movie is so bad it is not even one of those movies worth watching for the laughs. Whoever sunk any money into this film, making it, renting it, or buying it is a f*cking idiot, myself included. Nuff said.
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YOU could do better than this in your own back garden...
rc22311 September 1998
A movie best summed up by the scene where a victim simulates disembowelment by pulling some poor animal's intestines out from under her T-shirt. Too terrible for words.
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A god awful film (may contain spoilers)
m_jordan_jones19 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is god awful. Not one quality to this movie. You would think that the gore would be good but it sucks bad. The effects are worse and the acting if you can call it acting is the worst I've ever seen. This movie was obviously shot on a camcorder and runs on a budget around 500 dollars probably. If you want to watch a good Zombie movie than watch Dawn of the dead or Day of the dead. If you want to watch a good cheap shot on video Zombie movie like this but way better than watch Redneck Zombies. Please avoid this movie at all costs. It is unwatchable and pointless. You've been warned. I've got nothing else to say about this stupid movie.
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Oh my dear Lord Jesus...
grenni28 March 2004
This really is one of the worst movies ever made. I consider myself a HUGE zombie film fan and usually tolerate bad acting, lame "special effects" a dumb story and whatever you may encounter in second rate movies, AS LONG as the film has a good atmosphere/story/suspension or whatever to offer. This one has basically no positive aspect to it and is third or fourth rate, maybe worse. Some friends of mine and myself made a small movie during a week´s holiday and definitely did a better job (no zombie film though).

This flick is not even funny, not speaking of anything else. Really bad and redundant special effects, zombies that look like normal people (except for a white additional skin pulled over their faces), WAY TO MUCH fake blood (I like realism a lot, the combination of realism and Zombie films being debatable, but the presented gore is just plain silly). The camera stays quite long with feedings scenes, it gets boring and you cannot help but wonder, why the zombies use WEAPONS (!) to kill their prey. I will not go into the details of the dubbing (others have done so). Although I am from Germany myself and am at least a bit curious about the original version, I will NOT waste more of my time with this movie.

Keep away from it, as far as you can.
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A pain...having to sit through this piece of crap
Remster3 July 2002
I've seen the original non-dubbed German version and I was surprised how bad this movie actually is. Thinking I had seen my share of bad movies like Ghoulies 2, Rabid Grannies, Zombie Lake and such, nothing could've prepared me for this! It really was a pain to sit through this flick, as there's no plot, no good acting and even the special effects aren't convincing, especially the so-called zombies, wearing nothing more than white make-up and their old clothes, so their good set wouldn't be ruined by ketchup and marmalade stains.

If you really want to waste 90 minutes of your life, then watch it, for all the others, don't do it, because you WILL regret it!
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Extreme low budget zombie gore.
Kungfuzombie15 October 1999
Well, when I ordered this one I knew it was low budget, but I have never seen a movie like this. The quality is that of a normal home video. The English dubbing is terribly funny, I think the people that did it just made up some extra lines for fun! The effects are very gore and hilarious. The acting is so bad it's funny ! Just keep in mind that it is a very low budget zombie film and have a few laughs !
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maybe the worst zombie film ever......
theromanempire-129 February 2024
This film is for sure a candidate for the title of the worst zombie movie ever made.

It's so bad and auful that not even the plenty zombie gore can save it.

U really have to see this to understand how bad it is.

So amateur it is even the actors in this movue can not even act.

Gore is pointless with no real scenario to support it.

There are plenty bad zombie films out there like the lake of the dead the oasis of the zombies the atrocious night of the living dead remakes (leave out the great 1990 tom savini remake) and a lot more of bad and boring zombie films.

But this 1990 german effort combines all bad things. Bore, indefference, amateur acting, bad director. Everything is bad so maybe u wanna check it out for the obvious reasons.
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Zombie 90
BandSAboutMovies8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Night of the Living Dead shocked audiences with scenes of ghouls devouring human bodies - actually fried chicken - but I can't even imagine what would have happened if those audiences sat through Andreas Schnaas' Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence.

A military transport carrying untested lethal chemicals crashes into the forest, leading to a dead patient returning from the dead in an operation room. Before long, decimated human beings are turning up and the Extreme Pestilence pandemic has broken out. That's a nice way of saying zombies and we all know that the only way to kill them is to take out the brain

The English dub was done as a joke and honestly, it makes the movie. It's also deeply offensive, but so is this movie, in which no people in wheelchairs, breasts, babies or penises are safe.

It's not the best zombie movie ever - or even the best gore movie, as it promises - but for those that find its wavelength, it's pretty entertaining. I mean, it cost $2,000 or less to make, so they definitely got their money's worth of H. G. Lewis' looking blood.
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realfrank4 November 2012
In 1990, the guy who did the music for this masterpiece, Gregg Parker, asked me if I wanted to dub a movie he was working on in Hamburg . I said sure. So we went to some studio in the German countryside. While not paying any particular attention to storyline, lip-sync, decency, or racial cohesion, I proceeded make up dialogue on the fly, as the 2 lead characters in the English dub. One (a White doctor) as a Redd Fox kinda voice, and the other lead doctor, I tried a whiny effeminate Paul Lynde type. I wasn't sure what I was doing, or if it would be funny. But on the World premier of the English dub in Hamburg, Everybody seemed to laugh in the right places. As a habit I don't usually subject myself to these types of movies, let alone work on them. But I must admit after reading all the reviews on it. I'm proud to be a part of such an iconic contribution to schlock-Horror.

Stefan Ashton Frank

I think they paid me. I'm not sure I got a credit. I seem to remember a Maltese connection for this massively budgeted extravaganza
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For what it's worth....
matazzbounmy6 June 2003
O.K O.k.. First thing is. let's get some things straight here, The people that have seen this movie should have known what there where about to watch. I knew from the start it had bad dubbing and horrible filming.. But SO WHAT That's what low buget movies are all about. I personally don't think the director had any intentions about winning an Oscar. When i watch a movie a try and relate myself to where this director was going in this film, You can't expect to watch these kind of films and expect award winning actors and film. Who cares about the plot it's just bascially a SPLATTER FEST.. and i do mean SPLATTER FEST. My Jaw was open the whole time, i have never seen anyone put some much extra gore into a movie before. I acually found the Dubbing quite funny.. as seeing as i myself used to do almost the same thing with my sister recording our own words to horror movies... and playing the movie back with our version.. as for the movie NONSTOP GORE throughout the flick quite the imagiation the director had.... It's Just a GOOD OLE BLOOD BATH.... check it out if your just looking for a good old night of GORE!!!

7/10 rating..
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Ultra-gore fun, from Andreas Schnaas
Viva_Chiba21 September 2010
Shot on video horror just rules, i don't care about perfection or anything and that's why i like most of the movies from Andreas Schnaas.

The plot is about a military plane that crashes in some woods, people transforms in zombies and the contamination begins. Some scientists decides to find a cure for this disaster....off course our friends must fight against the zombies.

Zombie '90 is probably (in)famous for the hilarious English dub, it looks dubbed by just two guys !

I like the "cheap gore effects", this is why i like shot on video horror movies, because directors use the most "creative" and "cheap" ways to deliver gore.

The music in the opening credits is Awesome, with the capital A, also the Opening Credits are made with a Amiga Computer, that just add's the retro fashion.
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