Ultra-gore fun, from Andreas Schnaas
21 September 2010
Shot on video horror just rules, i don't care about perfection or anything and that's why i like most of the movies from Andreas Schnaas.

The plot is about a military plane that crashes in some woods, people transforms in zombies and the contamination begins. Some scientists decides to find a cure for this disaster....off course our friends must fight against the zombies.

Zombie '90 is probably (in)famous for the hilarious English dub, it looks dubbed by just two guys !

I like the "cheap gore effects", this is why i like shot on video horror movies, because directors use the most "creative" and "cheap" ways to deliver gore.

The music in the opening credits is Awesome, with the capital A, also the Opening Credits are made with a Amiga Computer, that just add's the retro fashion.
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