For what it's worth....
6 June 2003
O.K O.k.. First thing is. let's get some things straight here, The people that have seen this movie should have known what there where about to watch. I knew from the start it had bad dubbing and horrible filming.. But SO WHAT That's what low buget movies are all about. I personally don't think the director had any intentions about winning an Oscar. When i watch a movie a try and relate myself to where this director was going in this film, You can't expect to watch these kind of films and expect award winning actors and film. Who cares about the plot it's just bascially a SPLATTER FEST.. and i do mean SPLATTER FEST. My Jaw was open the whole time, i have never seen anyone put some much extra gore into a movie before. I acually found the Dubbing quite funny.. as seeing as i myself used to do almost the same thing with my sister recording our own words to horror movies... and playing the movie back with our version.. as for the movie NONSTOP GORE throughout the flick quite the imagiation the director had.... It's Just a GOOD OLE BLOOD BATH.... check it out if your just looking for a good old night of GORE!!!

7/10 rating..
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