Heal (2017) Poster

(I) (2017)

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If You Limit Your Mind, You Won't Appreciate This Doc
harris-ryan-10122 September 2020
There's a lot of negative reviews from people discrediting the information provided, or claiming the individuals interviewed are just trying to sell their book or knowledge. If only these people realized that the pharmaceutical industry is driven by profit. Now, I'm not saying Western medicine is wrong. There is a certainly a place for it, and it has certainly saved lives. But these alternative remedies cannot be ignored. Nothing is more powerful than the mind, and this documentary is just trying to explain the miracles our bodies can perform. As someone with a chronic health condition, I have relied on Western medicine at times of crisis. However, living everyday focusing on nutrition and positive mindful practices is what truly allows me to heal. I urge everyone to absorb this with an open mind and an open heart. Much of these practices can be performed at no cost to you, and there are some really amazing people working in the fields of alternative medicine.
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The secret ... to health(?)
kosmasp26 March 2019
Now similar to another documentary this tells us there is one powerful weapon we seldomly use: the power of will. The power to imagine something and to make it come true through sheer will and the power of ... well positive energy I reckon. Do you believe in it? Or is sarcasm winning over? Now I personally think there is truth to it.

And the same is true for all those people affected in this documentary. It doesn't mean that all is well as long as you think positive, but it is one step in the right direction. There is more we don't know yet, about many things, so why not go for some positivity. And if you take anything away from this (there is even an actress in this, you may recognize from a former hit TV show), hopefully it is something positive
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Worth watching yet leaved me unsatisfied
irinafiruti16 June 2019
What started as an overview of alternative therapies to diseases conventional medicine doesn't have an acceptable solution ended ... with no conclusion. Two severely ill cases are presented throughout the whole movie, alongside their therapeutic journey encompassing a wide array of alternative therapies. Yet only one of them is followed until the end of the disease, the other one being somehow lost in the eternal dilemma of choosing between harmful on long term conventional therapies and insufficiently proved unconventional ones.

Also quite bizzarre "match" between the lifestyle that some characters pretend to have ( yoga, ayurveda, meditation - which should balance and put one in deep connection to the real self), and their unnatural look ( obvious plastic surgery, underweight, hair dying in men, elegant hairdos etc).

Basically the movie just touches very sensitive areas of therapeutics without showing you clearly solved cases. It left me in an overall impression of shallowness.

Too bad. The topic deserves a better approach.
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You have to be a chronic illness survivor to truly appreciate this film!!
ioannisvamvakitis6 February 2021
Being a cancer survivor myself I truly appreciated this film that gave me hope throughout my chemotherapy treatment. As my type of cancer was particularly aggressive with the highest mortality rate during the 1st chemotherapy cycle I followed mental and emotional processes discussed in this documentary to actively participate in the killing of my disease. 8 months down the line I was in complete remission. Healing is a process that equally requires a scientific and a spiritual process - drugs and hope - and simply this is what this documentary is trying to teach us!!

Loved it!!!
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So many "Answers" to "Life's" "Questions"
MPAbroad17 February 2019
Heal seeks to answer a question that most of us ask ourselves daily: now that I've married this billionaire, what shall I do with my time? "Director" Kelly Noonan answers this question boldly as she speaks with "authors," many of which she appears to chase while on their lunch break in New York City. One man talks to ghosts and seems disappointed when Noonan doesn't have a terminal illness. The rest of us are disappointed for other reasons. All jokes aside, this is a gold digger's fantasy ride. Please don't be tricked into believing it.
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Missed Opportunity
sripley-1635715 March 2024
Having experienced great healing through a holistic approach, I had high hopes for this documentary.

But Kelly Noonan's ego got in the way of making a great film. As I watched, I thought, "Has any documentary filmmaker ever given themself so much screen time?!"

I suspected that she is actually an actress, who had a good idea for a documentary - an idea she hoped might get her face out there. Then I checked her IMDB page to confirm.

There is one scene in which Noonan inserts a comical shot of herself chewing grass, superimposed over a wide shot of cattle grazing. Why? Is she making light of her own assertion about the healing power of proper nutrition? I doubt that. Did she even consider the possibility that the shot might cost her some credibility with more skeptical viewers?

That's what bothers me the most about this film: it contains so much important information - information that could save lives - but most people will never see it. Because, under Noonan's direction, it's not a good film. In the hands of a more capable documentary filmmaker, these interviews could have changed public opinion about healing.
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Life Changer
M1racl3sHapp3n27 August 2020
I was perfectly healthy when I suddenly found myself with multiple sclerosis. I've been vegan for several years, I used to do yoga regularly and go for long walks and bicycle rides everyday. I've always shared what I have with others and donated what I could even when I had no income. I did meditation in Asian retreats, chanted mantras and prayed everyday. Now, I can hardly walk, must depend on others for my food and I must be totally peaceful because I live in Cambodia and it's the Khmer helping me (God bless them). I really wanted to die, I couldn't see a way out and felt abandoned by God... until I found this documentary, an eye opener which made me understand that my condition is not a curse but a true blessing!
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think about it
ferguson-620 October 2017
Greetings again from the darkness. Self-healing has been done in many futuristic and science fiction films, and in the recent BLADE RUNNER 2049 we watched Ryan Gosling instantaneously recover from severe wounds. Of course, most of us aren't replicants, so we follow along with what our doctors typically do … treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Director Kelly Noonan Gores explores the theory that our bodies are quite capable of self-healing even when serious disease is involved.

The Mind-Body connection is explored through case studies and interviews. It's the intersection of science and the spiritual that forms the basis of the thoughts from experts such as Deepak Chopra (who seems to be in every other documentary these days), Marianne Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Bruce Lipton, Michael Beckwith and others. They subscribe to the notion that your thoughts, beliefs and emotions directly affect your health. Change your perspective and it allows your body to heal itself. We've always believed that illness is inevitable, but maybe it's time to question this.

It seems logical, and has been proved, that we can activate our immune system through a regimen of exercise, nutrition, and supplements. The film covers this and more, including stem cell research, alternative treatments, and the use of healers – holistic energy for chronic pain and disease. As we would expect, the effects of stress are key to any film or study on healing. It's a known evil and the depth of its impact is only now beginning to be understood.

There are some interesting discussions regarding "fight or flight" and "rest and repair", and the belief that toxins are affecting newborns. These toxins likely lead to future disease and are the key to finding the cause, as opposed to treating the symptom. Director Noonan-Gores follows at least three people on their journeys of discovery and healing, providing hope that self-healing may become a true path for many. For more information, visit www.healdocumentary.com
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Think about it...one simple movie that changed your life FOREVER
terryemiddleton28 January 2018
I accidentally came across the movie last week and watched with an open mind and WOW. Imagine someone saying something to you that is so simple, yet so profound and impact-full that your life changes FOREVER.

I am compelled by this movie to dive deep into practicing changing my thoughts. The movie has to do with healing ourselves and the possibilities we have just by changing out thoughts.

If you are seeing this review, my gift to you is to watch this movie that Kelly and so many others have pour their hearts into and it is truly a gift.

Go visit their website and FB. I watched Peter Crone on a FB Live with Kelly and it was extraordinary.

Here's the deal...I am not even sick, well not that I know of, yet I am compelled and moved by this movie. Maybe because I am ill and just don't know it yet and/or it was so I could share the movies with others who might be.

Regardless, I am (and you will be too) full of gratitude and appreciation for this movie.

Thank you Kelly and all the people who made this movie happen.
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I liked the discussion around alternative healing for chronic illness.
Amyth4714 February 2019
My Rating : 7/10

It talks about how a placebo effect can be just as effective as taking a pill to cure chronic illness/pain through training the mind to believe so.

It's a good discussion and I'm sure there's some credibility to the whole concept.

Good watch.
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Profit Motive?
westsideschl30 May 2018
I shall start by saying that for decades I've supported some aspects of alternative medicine - naturopathic, herbal, etc. Also, I am one of the original members of what is one of the first and is now one of the largest natural, organic, locally grown food cooperatives. So, several problems with this doc's presentation. The doc's premises are largely that Eastern (i.e. Asian from some un-described point in history) coexists with something called energy (which of course is given many forms & sources) all in opposition to Western or science based medicine & thought. Additionally that emotions, stress create densities in our bodies that are bad such as cancer, fibromyalgia, Crohn's, migraines, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, etc. Thoughts & emotions produce illness, disease & consequently death. So by mediation, diet, emotion/thought you can control (i.e. cure) the above. You do so by tapping into an invisible power/intelligence that made us and thus can heal us. To support all this the evidence (and basically only evidence) is a few interviews of people who survived. What we don't get are the statistics of how many of the hundreds of thousands or millions w/similar issues that didn't live. Probability says that some will survive outside Western science for any of a number of reasons including unique genetics or reversals that just happen. The fact is that science based medicine has doubled the life spans of peoples in comparison to those living in idyllic hundreds or thousands of years ago peoples. Yes, thoughts & emotions do affect health, but what is presented here is exaggerated & grossly irresponsible. I also question the objectivity of the over whelming majority of speakers in this presentation because they were authors who happen to make money off of selling an idea.
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Great information
lynnm-thom5 April 2018
Everyone should see this movie to understand the power their body has to heal and to learn about options that are available to healing in addition or instead of allopathic treatments.
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anthonydapiii9 May 2020
This is similar to "The Secret" and has that same feel to it. I wanted to give it an 8 stars but that would've only happened if it was a little more rooted in pragmatism.

But nonetheless, this was an eye opening documentary with some great thoughts from the best thought leaders in the world.

The filmmaking wasn't top tier, but it moved me in certain ways, so you can say the storyline was there.
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Poorly executed
carlyduncan29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While I appreciate the sentiment of this documentary I feel it lacked in so many areas. As someone living with chronic illness and who has tried many alternative therapies there's so much the documentary missed out.

They documentary briefly touches on energy medicine theory and mention there is an impact from nutrition they failed to dig deeper.

We should have been given an insight and overview into a few of the many therapies available such as Bodytalk, Reiki, Homeopathy, acupuncture etc. We could have spoken with more practitioners and been given more successful case studies and seen what's involved with these treatments.

Also there were maybe 3 people who we speak to who struggle with illness one of which over came her cancer with chemotherapy and wheatgrass we are told.

We see a man receive treatment from a "divine healer" we are told he has cancer but we never find out if his healing session worked or what happens to him after treatment even though he says he feel different.

We follow a lady with a mystery skin condition who receives some treatment and nutrition information but her condition never clears up This does not give people a lot of faith in the treatment of these conditions through energy medicine as we actually do not see a sic evil treatment on this documentary which is sad as there are so many case studies out there which could have inspired hope in these modalities.

There's is a brief mention of nutrition but the documentary failed to go further into it or mention how unhealthy meat,dairy,eggs and fish are to the body (Watch What The Health) and only kind of mentions a whole foods plant based diet but doesn't talk about the supportive evidence of this or the science about what this does to your body.

Overall I was pretty disappointed as this could have been done so much better in a way that would inspire people to change their way of thinking about medicine and energy.
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Don't waste your time
sil-127 July 2019
Typical case of a chick married to a billionaire and gets him to waste his money funding a crappy documentary.
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emmathornston16 January 2019
The introduction of the concept positing that by re-arranging one's mental make-up and by re-directing one's frame of mind's accent and focus, one could acquire the capability to transform, re-shape and, by doing so, drastically improve one's existential well-being - i.e. financial and social circumstances is among the few most underrated scientific breakthroughs in human history.
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Nice but it's also a teethbleaching advert..
salanderlaura19 February 2020
Intelligent show. But is there someone who didn't bleach their teeth in this show?
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kelly-203-72779016 February 2019
I am relatively healthy, and I've been exposed to most of the concepts discussed in this documentary. Nevertheless, I found it immensely inspiring. I find myself making healthier choices in my daily life, even though I'm not dealing with dis-ease myself.
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Goodness gracious this is awful
morgansummerhoch16 March 2019
Although there are some things here I understand to be true, the rest is just advertising con artists. Clean up your diet, meditation, forgiveness, positive thoughts, confronting trauma, and the fact that certain places tend to over perscribing medication all were fairly accurate for living a better life (especially when it comes to mental health). Tapping on your face and sound waves? Yeah that's just all humbug. Also postive thoughts and prayer don't cure cancer. As someone who has known many people with chronic illnesses this also felt like a way of blaming them for not getting better. If only they had spent all of there money on pointless alterative medicine? This is evil at worst and misinformed at best.
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Heal Evaluation
daniellejma8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
That moment nowadays, when someone asks you, "have you seen this movie on Netflix?". My mentor suggested I watch the documentary Heal on Netflix. If my mentor suggested it, and it's a documentary, I knew it had to be good. This film was written and directed by Kelly Noonan. The film includes powerful facts about our bodies power for natural healing. Heal succeeds as a documentary because its educational means, expert testimony, stories from patients, and its inspirational meaning about how our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have a huge impact on our health and our ability to heal. Gregg Braden, a Geologist and author mentioned something in this film that was stated by the Buddha. He said that, "every man and woman is the architect of their own healing and their own destiny". I really admired and can relate from hearing this kind of philosophy from this film. I believe the power that made the body, heals the body. Films like this, are the kinds of documentaries I want to be watching. I thought this part of the film was a great reminder because of how our body can heal itself, it is something we all forget about, and take for granted. Deepak Chopra, a pioneer of integrative medicine stated in this film that, "the mind, body emotions, relationship, sensory experiences, sound, touch, sight, all these senses are windows to our inner pharmacy". I really was taken, how he worded this because it is so simple and true. In this film a lady shares her story of being a stage 4 cancer survivor. I think what she shares in this film, a lot of people can relate to, or learn and gain so much from. She mentions her daily lifestyle prior to being diagnoised, of how she had always ate 100% organic, vegan diet, ate about 40% whole raw foods. She had a positive mindset, was active, did yoga regularly, rode her bike daily. A year before finding out she had stage 4, she had been through a divorce, and her mom had passed. With all this stress she had in her life, she still maintained to be positive and healthy, seemingly did everything right. Then one day she wakes up with stage 4 cancer. I thought this was a great part about the film because it shares someone's personal experience that there is something besides our genes and daily lifestyles that leads to chronic illnesses or disease. One of those ultimate main causes, is stress. When you have Tonic thoughts, they produce tonic chemicals, toxic thoughts produce toxic chemicals in your body. There's a way to activate the immune system with your mental and emotional thoughts. With help from seeing alternative healers, spiritual phycologist, this lady overcame this illness by simply continuing her diet, her same lifestyle but also learning not being afraid and having the power of belief. They talk a lot about in this film, how stress is one of the ultimate causes of disease related illnesses. From the fight or flight response. I thought this part of the film was very important. The testimonies these experts share, are very important and need to be heard. David Hamilton, a organic chemist shared his thoughts of the placebo effect in this film. He had personally witnessed this himself a few times working at a huge pharmaceutical industry. I found this part of the film to be very interesting and made me more curious in the subject. They had tested about 100 people with the drug, and another 100 with the placebo and received the same number of results of people improving. This to me really proves how much the placebo effect can teach us with positive thinking, our mindset, and how beliefs, shifts our immune system. Heal really targets the subject that the power of belief is everything. Your either in fight or flight or you're in rest and repair. And it's your beliefs that toggle that switch. I without a doubt think this film is something that anyone could benefit from, what these specialists our putting out and sharing with the world. I think for someone to watch this, they need to be open minded about it, and willing to understand and learn from it. This film was great, five out of five stars from me. It grabbed my attention from beginning to end. With its scenic views of the ocean and information on of the best and only kind of natural healing.
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vickiphillips-4789817 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For sure there is a powerful connection between the human psyche and physical health and I would still love to watch a documentary that explores that. This 1 hr and 46 min infomercial is not that. Every person that is interviewed in this documentary makes their livelihood by flogging a book, program or course that supposedly makes you more attuned to this healing energy. There is no exploration of the topic, it's just the same opinion of the topic coming from a range of different people. Yes there are cases where natural therapies have helped some people much more than medicine but there are a lot of people that have had no success with natural therapies and for whom modern medicine has worked best. I expected an intelligent debate about both sides and a weighing up to one side at the end but boy was I disappointed. Lastly, I heard a lot of very questionable stuff coming out of people's mouth but to hear Bruce Lipton say that type 2 diabetes was 100% NOT genetic took the cake. Wow.
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The most underestimated breakthrough in human history
st_stoimenov12 March 2018
The full realization of the human psyche's degree of plasticity, together with the deepened understanding of its extraordinary malleability, adaptability and resilience;

together with

the introduction of the concept positing that by re-arranging one's mental make-up and by re-directing one's frame of mind's accent and focus, one could acquire the capability to transform, re-shape and, by doing so, drastically improve one's existential well-being - i.e. financial and social circumstances,

is among the few MOST UNDERVALUED AND UNDERRATED scientific breakthroughs in human history.\

This documentary could give you the perspective why that might be, as it did for me.
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Answer to all of your questions? Maybe not...
heeerresjohnnny19 April 2019
Let me start off by expressing how much I despise social media, smart phones, smart TV's, and the internet in general:

I despise it.

I hate being harassed by ads all day every day while trying to network for my business, but alas, that is the world we live in.

But I also hate feeling like google, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, amazon, Disney, and whatever other monopoly is left standing (chick-Fil-a?) read my mind and know EXACTLY what to show me because of what I've been researching or saying out loud....

But once again, I digress.

I have been studying and practicing self-healing, meditation, NLP, Chakras, the endocrine system, similarities in religions, and physical ailments for just a few months now but I have soaked up A LOT of juicy connections amongst ALL of these topics and beliefs. I've been a skeptic...of EVERYTHING my whole life, but now I'm finally piecing so many different sources together. I've never been a fan of modern-western medical science and for good reason.

There IS proof in this stuff and it's even beginning to be explored by modern-western science (but fancier words so you feel more convinced!) so please do not disregard this as pseudo-science mumbo-jumbo, because it can save your freakin life! Of course, there is much, MUCH more to the power of belief and the strength behind the connection of our pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands, reproductive glands, and so on and so forth...but don't take my word for it! Try it yourself! Wahoo!
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You can heal yourself!
hoefmanmarieke15 November 2020
This docu says it all! How we can heal ourselves..
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An important truth.
lakelady-3139827 November 2019
One of the very best documentaries I've seen. Full of valuable information...that anyone can benefit from using.

How much is your health worth?
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