Review of Heal

Heal (I) (2017)
Heal Evaluation
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
That moment nowadays, when someone asks you, "have you seen this movie on Netflix?". My mentor suggested I watch the documentary Heal on Netflix. If my mentor suggested it, and it's a documentary, I knew it had to be good. This film was written and directed by Kelly Noonan. The film includes powerful facts about our bodies power for natural healing. Heal succeeds as a documentary because its educational means, expert testimony, stories from patients, and its inspirational meaning about how our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have a huge impact on our health and our ability to heal. Gregg Braden, a Geologist and author mentioned something in this film that was stated by the Buddha. He said that, "every man and woman is the architect of their own healing and their own destiny". I really admired and can relate from hearing this kind of philosophy from this film. I believe the power that made the body, heals the body. Films like this, are the kinds of documentaries I want to be watching. I thought this part of the film was a great reminder because of how our body can heal itself, it is something we all forget about, and take for granted. Deepak Chopra, a pioneer of integrative medicine stated in this film that, "the mind, body emotions, relationship, sensory experiences, sound, touch, sight, all these senses are windows to our inner pharmacy". I really was taken, how he worded this because it is so simple and true. In this film a lady shares her story of being a stage 4 cancer survivor. I think what she shares in this film, a lot of people can relate to, or learn and gain so much from. She mentions her daily lifestyle prior to being diagnoised, of how she had always ate 100% organic, vegan diet, ate about 40% whole raw foods. She had a positive mindset, was active, did yoga regularly, rode her bike daily. A year before finding out she had stage 4, she had been through a divorce, and her mom had passed. With all this stress she had in her life, she still maintained to be positive and healthy, seemingly did everything right. Then one day she wakes up with stage 4 cancer. I thought this was a great part about the film because it shares someone's personal experience that there is something besides our genes and daily lifestyles that leads to chronic illnesses or disease. One of those ultimate main causes, is stress. When you have Tonic thoughts, they produce tonic chemicals, toxic thoughts produce toxic chemicals in your body. There's a way to activate the immune system with your mental and emotional thoughts. With help from seeing alternative healers, spiritual phycologist, this lady overcame this illness by simply continuing her diet, her same lifestyle but also learning not being afraid and having the power of belief. They talk a lot about in this film, how stress is one of the ultimate causes of disease related illnesses. From the fight or flight response. I thought this part of the film was very important. The testimonies these experts share, are very important and need to be heard. David Hamilton, a organic chemist shared his thoughts of the placebo effect in this film. He had personally witnessed this himself a few times working at a huge pharmaceutical industry. I found this part of the film to be very interesting and made me more curious in the subject. They had tested about 100 people with the drug, and another 100 with the placebo and received the same number of results of people improving. This to me really proves how much the placebo effect can teach us with positive thinking, our mindset, and how beliefs, shifts our immune system. Heal really targets the subject that the power of belief is everything. Your either in fight or flight or you're in rest and repair. And it's your beliefs that toggle that switch. I without a doubt think this film is something that anyone could benefit from, what these specialists our putting out and sharing with the world. I think for someone to watch this, they need to be open minded about it, and willing to understand and learn from it. This film was great, five out of five stars from me. It grabbed my attention from beginning to end. With its scenic views of the ocean and information on of the best and only kind of natural healing.
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