282 Reviews
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Tarot (I) (2024)
Absolutely horrendous
31 May 2024
This movie currently sits at a 4.9 rating on IMDb. That rating is way too high for what I just witnessed. I am so glad it didn't cost me a dime to see it because if it had, I would want my money back.

Wow, where do I begin? I guess first off the acting. All of them are pretty horrendous in this movie. I sure hope they got these actors and actresses for fairly cheap because none of them did a good job. Especially the guy from the Spider-Man movies, I think he was the worst.

Secondly it seems like AI wrote this. No one acts this way in real life. Why is it every movie lately seems like it was written for a 12 year old?

2/10 - One of the worst horror movies I've seen this year.
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Dark Windows (2023)
Hidden gem
23 May 2024
Much better than the rating suggests if you like drama/horror movies. In my opinion this is a little hidden gem. It's only one hour and 20 minutes long, so it's not one of those long drawn out type horror movies. The story is great and unique. It's got a couple of messages for younger people in the movie, such as never drink and drive and when someone is driving, act responsibly.

I had never seen any of these actors but All of the actors do a great job. There isn't a whole lot of horror in the movie but just enough to keep you interested and the final act it's worth the wait.

7/10 all in all a good/great horror.
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I had a dog like this
19 May 2024
I had a dog like this. She followed me everywhere I went til the day she died. Dring the last six months of her life had to hand feed her every day and although it was very painful for her to eat, her will to live kept her alive. Eventually she could no longer eat because the cyst on her mouth was so large that she could no longer get food down. She lasted much longer than they said she should have. And when I went to put her down they were amazed that she lasted as long as she did. When they gave her the injection, she did not die. They gave her another injection, she did not die. They had to give her well above the normal dose to put her to sleep, her will to live was amazing. She wanted to be with me and fought to the very end to do so. Putting her to sleep was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

If you find a dog like this, treasure it, life is too short. There is nothing in this world like the love and loyalty of a dog.
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Worst movie ever?
15 May 2024
Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. I really have no idea how this movie got green lit. You could literally sum up this movie into just a few sentences and save yourself an hour and a half of your life. So this movie is about a family of Sasquatches and they do things like crap in the woods, build a straw home, make monkey noises to each other, eat food, hide food from each other, and some adult activities. SS if that sounds like a great movie to you, you'll probably love this movie because that's about all it is.

I'm not sure what else to say about this except that it's quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen in my life.
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Humane (2024)
27 April 2024
Oh.....my......God... first I do not have the words to describe how I feel about this movie...but I'll try. The amount of cringy moments in this movie is off the charts. This is probably what would happen if one political party got control for too long. If you've been paying attention, a lot of people want to depopulate the planet and have openly said so. And, people are being euthanized today with the help of their government.

Also, If you are on the up and up with current movies and see the way they are trending, you can probably guess what happens in this movie before it even happens. You can also probably guess WHO survives. Yes, It's that predictable.

2/10 - A movie for a modern audience 🙄
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By far the worst
9 March 2024
Wow, where do I begin. First off let me say that I am a huge horror fan. It is by far my favorite genre and I watch them all of the time. But this movie was such a letdown, especially given the high grade. At the time of writing this review it is at a 6.2 with over 6000 reviews. That would suggest that this is a very well done horror movie. Sadly it is not.

I have seen every movie in the series and this is by far the worst one of them. You can tell the others did not have a big budget at all, but they were entertaining and scary. This one does neither. At no point was I scared and most of the actors do a horrible job.

2/10 Do yourself a favor and skip this one.
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The "top" reviews are crazy
6 February 2024
The top reviewers that said that this was just an OK film are crazy. This is the best action movie I've seen in a few years. Probably because it was made eight years ago now. They don't make action movies like this today, not exactly sure why but movies are not nearly as good today as they were several years ago.

This movie was basically nonstop action for 80% of the movie, The other 20% my story which was great. The action scenes are very well done. Most of the actors do a great job, there were a couple of soft spots though. I'll let you decide who that was. The main villain was extremely well done. I haven't seen him in a movie since this one and not sure why because he was great.

8/10 - don't listen to the top reviewer's, this is a great action film!
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Wonka (2023)
4 February 2024
What was the point in remaking the classic? And, if you're going to remake one of the most beloved movies of all time, you better make sure you're doing it REALLY well.

Well, that's where this movie easily fails. The original movie was a lot of fun for both adults and kids. This one is more for children. The songs are forgettable, the lead actor is OK but most of the other actors were not. The cast is completely forgettable. I could not tell you one of the actors names, or the real names besides the lead. They were that uninteresting.

All in all of this is an easy pass. Go watch the original instead .

Remember studios, if you're going to remake a movie, it better be BETTER than the original!

3/10 - poor remake.
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Finale (I) (2018)
Hidden gem
18 January 2024
From someone who has literally seen thousands and thousands of horror movies this is a little hidden gem. It does start out a little slow, but once the action and gore kick in it's hard to take your eyes off of it. And the gore is done really well which should a delight any horror fan. Some of it was even too gruesome for me to look at sometimes, that's how intense it was. Then right when you think you know what's going to happen next, it surprises you and takes a totally different turn.

So if you are in the mood for something a little different and love horror you should really like this one!

7/10 - A hidden gem.
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The worst revenge movie of all time
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the worst revenge movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Revenge movies are one of my favorite genre. It's always great to see someone getting their revenge on people who have wronged them. This movie however is more like a drama. I'm over an hour into the movie and there has been probably five minutes of action total. One of the people he was seeking revenge against he had the opportunity to take him out completely but never did and let him run away after the guy beat him up. How in the world did someone think that that was a good idea to put in a movie?

Once again save an hour and 45 minutes of your life by not watching this garbage. You'll thank me later.
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A masterpiece of a movie
22 December 2023
This without a doubt was the best Christmas movie I've seen all season, and one of the best animated features of all time in my opinion.

Every holiday season I always watch the Christmas Classics. Home alone, a Christmas story, Die Hard, Rudolph, frosty, etc... but I think this movie even tops all of those. I have not laughed this much at any movie in years and years. It was actually kind of hard keeping up with all of the jokes. But it was done in a brilliant way. This movie will definitely be added to my holiday season movie list. I will watch it every year from here on out.

10/10 A masterpiece, hilarious.
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The Divide (2011)
Excellent movie
17 December 2023
This movie is currently rated a 5.8. That is absolutely criminally underrated. At a bare minimum this movie is an eight out of 10, but I liked it so much I rated at a 10 out of 10.

There is hardly a moment that is not tension filled in this movie. And The tension slowly builds and slowly builds until the last half an hour of the movie is pure chaos. All of the actors do a really great job. But I have to give a special nod to Michael Eklund whose performance should have won him the best actor award of 2011. He does an absolutely phenomenal job.

So when you get a chance I highly recommend watching this film, I think you would love it to!
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One of the worst Christmas movies ever?
13 December 2023
This is one of the worst movies I've seen all year. And that's not an easy thing to say because I've seen a lot about movies this year. But this one just might be one of the worst.

First off whoever wrote this should go back to school. This is extremely poorly written. I think this is supposed to be a comedy? I never laughed one time. I think I've seen the dad in a comedy movie before though? Well he was the dumbest one in this movie, and the unfunniest by far.

The horror in it is bad but I'm still giving it two stars instead of one because I do like horror movies and this did have a few good scenes, I guess.

2/10 One of the worst this year.
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Really really bad
16 November 2023
How in the world is this rated a 5.5 out of 10 stars? Even the top review is a 3 out of 10. This was one of the weirdest, stupidest, non-horror horror movie I have ever seen. How in the world did this script get green lit? How did a studio look at the words on the screen and say, yeah this sounds great!

The first 20 seconds of the trailer makes it seem like it might be a decent movie. But don't be fooled. That's about the only good scene in the entire movie. When will people wake up and quit making garbage like this? I feel dumber just by watching it.

2 out of 10 - One of the worst movies I have ever seen on AMC/shudder.
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The WORST of the series
10 November 2023
As a huge Transformers fan, this film was a huge disappointment.... This.....by FAR.....was the weakest movie in the series. You can easily tell Bay was not the director in the film.....And while I do agree that Bay has lost some of his zest in the Transformers franchise, hes still the best person for the job because at least he knows how to make a competent movie. Whoever the director was for this film did not know what he or she was doing.

BTW, When are we going to get back to the real Transformers??......you know, G1??? All of this garbage is just silly....

Anyway, Horrible movie...VERY disappointing

2/10 - Please just STOP.
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Halloween II (2009)
One of the best
30 October 2023
First off, I felt compelled to leave a review because there are currently 666 reviews for this movie (you can see the current number by the "review this title" on this page). So now my review will be the 667th which is a much better number lol.

Next, I am shocked at the low score. It currently sits at a 4.8 grade out of 10. That is absolutely ridiculous! This is what a Halloween movie should be. It's brutal. Gory. Full of rage. This is how you do Michael Myers. The kills in this movie are very brutal, but after all this is a horror movie. I am glad to see the top reviews have a much higher score than a 4.8, because this is one of the best Halloween movies of all time.

Rob Zombie, you outdid yourself with this one. Excellent job.

8/10 highly recommend it for any true horror fan.
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Police State (2023)
Must see TV
27 October 2023
No matter which side of the aisle you are on, this is a MUST SEE documentary. It is so sad that our country has come to this. I am almost 50 years old and never thought in million years our country would be in the situation that its in today. Growing up, you learned in History class that these types of things happened all over the world in other countries. And I felt so sorry for the people living in those countries. To have to be careful of what you say in your own country is not something I ever dreamed the United States of America would have to go through.

Well, sadly those days are over. We should come together as a UNITED country and not let these things happen. I hope we can. The USA is the greatest country in the world, but our freedoms are under attack.

9/10 - One of the best docs I have seen in a long time.
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Really bad
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I had seen it all until I saw this movie. Where does one begin with a movie like this? The horrific writing? The blatant political message? The writer of this movie, which lives in California (huge shocker), thinks that their worldview is what everyone else's worldview is. And they think that they know what people on the right are like.

The story is absolutely absurd. At any time the main sniper could've gone inside the store and this movie would've been about five minutes long. But instead it's drug out for 90 excruciating painful minutes.

There is a decent movie in here somewhere, but the writer and director obviously didn't know that. When will Hollywood learn? I am getting rid of shudder.

2/10. So bad.
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Saw X (2023)
The worst one by Mile, who wrote this?
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to begin with this so called Saw movie. If you like a lot of drama with your Saw movies then this one is right up your alley!! It's like they forgot what made Saw so great. It was the unique devices, the unique things people had to go through in order to try to survive. I am currently 45 minutes in to the movie and not one person has died yet. Let me repeat, I am 45 minutes in and no one has died yet. Do you ever remember hey Saw movie being like that? What a complete letdown. Just shows you where Hollywood is right now. The last saw movie Spiral was a complete joke and thought it couldn't get any worse than that. They have outdone themselves with this one, the worst in the series!

2/10 - The worst one yet.
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V/H/S/85 (2023)
A let down, again
12 October 2023
The VHS series WAS one of my favorites. The first two movies were really well done. The third movie was ok....but it's been all downhill from there. The last two movies, 99 and 94 were absolutely terrible, and I think this one might be just as bad or possibly even worse.

The beginning segment is OK, but still leaves you hanging even though the second part to it is in segment four. The next one was in Spanish, it was OK, but it ended kinda dumb. The third one was absolute trash. The fourth one continues were the first one left off. The last few segments were kind of a blur to be honest, they were kind of a mess. And the ending was absolutely terrible.

So if I average out all the segments it comes to a 3.5 out of 10. I rounded down for my score.

When will we make horror movies great again?

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Better years later
28 September 2023
I just got finished watching the original version for the second time. It is now 2023 so I first saw it seven years ago. I remember seven years ago I thought it was just OK/good and gave it a 7 out of 10, although I didn't like several things about it.

Now that years have passed I think this was a really good movie. I'm not even talking about the ultimate edition which I just found out about by reading some of the reviews. I am really looking forward to watching that one. But as others have said I think this version was ahead of its time. This came out when the MCU was at its height and knocking every movie out of the park, those days are long gone now though.

So if you watched this film years ago and didn't like it, give it another chance, and watch the ultimate version as well because it's supposed to be even better.

8/10 -ahead of its time.(original version) Ultimate version?- Going to watch it soon.
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The Hallow (2015)
One of the best horror movies I've seen in a while
24 September 2023
I am what one would call a horror fanatic. I watched at least five horror movies a week. This is one of the best horror movies I have seen in quite some time. This one was something really special.

It starts off a little slow, not bad or anything, just a little slow. But it's just setting up the story and atmosphere for something truly fantastic. This is not one of those horror movies that relies on a lot of cheap jump scares to frighten you. There are a couple.... but this relies on atmosphere, tension... and once it gets going it's pretty much nonstop until the end.

8/10 I highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys horror or suspense movies.
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Good news/bad news
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, there is some good news and bad news with this movie.

The good news ...it's very competently acted, the effects are very good, and it keeps you engaged.

The bad news...you are left wondering what in the hell did I just watch?

Well, I think I figured it out from the first five minutes of the movie. The main girl is crazy. She sees things all the time in her mind that is not there. She also probably killed her BFF, and got away with it, and that's why everyone in the town looks at her like she's crazy.... Including the police when she goes and visits them seeking help.

But again, the effects are great, the acting is fine, and it's still an intriguing movie, but From the get go I thought she was crazy and seeing things, and in the end I think I was right.

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12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fairly weird movie, but not in a good way. Is it watchable? Yes it's watchable. Especially if you are in the mood for something really different and weird.

People make some really stupid decisions in this movie and it's one of those that you'll be yelling at your TV. It seems they make these decisions just to move the plot along.

Another fairly annoying thing was that only one person lives in this movie. All other people around him perish, including all animals, trees, wildlife, plants, everything.... everyone except this one out of place character.

3/10 - could've been so much better.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Not quite
30 August 2023
It had potential....but yet again, Hollywood lets us down with another mediocre movie.

Why is it in every movie that comes out today that the young kids are in charge? Every. Single. Movie. Its getting really really old. Kids under 18 should not be running the family.

And the Dad does nothing but apologize all movie long and thinks everything is always his fault. The older daughter treats him like crap and says its all his fault. What kind of message is that sending to kids today? And we wonder why they rebel more today than every before. Gee, I wonder why?

Another gripe is you could barely see the monster in the movie it was so dark.

3/10 Could have been so much better.
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