
75 Reviews
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Strenuous Drama
15 December 2023
Yes, the Movie and especially the main character is annoying, dislikable, and sometimes even causes severe anger.

Adams character is nearly constantly lying, cheating, yelling, selfish, and even gets the money and the girls.

Only few main characters are written this straight unlikable as here. I do appreciate this. Not, because it is easy, not because it is fair, but because it is rare. Adam Sandlers performance delivers.

The movie itself is harsh, quick, and dirty. This is strenuous and challenging to view. It perfectly fits the overall atmosphere.

If youre looking for a feel-good time don't bother watching uncut gems. If you're heading for some serious entertainment then give it a try!
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65 (2023)
Solid average Dinosaur / sci-fi flick
15 December 2023
To me, 65 is a solid but also very average sci-fi flick.

The setting itself is creative enough.

The acting is good. Adam delivers.

The visuals look nice, as well as the CGI and the landscapes sometimes even stunning.

Unfortunately, all of the solid craftsmanship does not help with the flaws the movie brings.

There is the usual annoying kid scheme. Why can't Hollywood write believable and reasonable young characters? Especially when the actress surely is a couple of years older than the 9 years she should have. She looks half an adult and behaves like a toddler.

On the other hand the story is pretty thin and well-known. People crash-landing on a stranded island/planet, face an overwhelming enemy and have to get away.

And last but not least some scenes are way too dark and way too long.

All in all, if you're in for Adam, nice looks and dinosaurs give it a try.
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Very familiar and basic
15 December 2023
Spenser is your average buddy / good cop bad cop story.

With nothing new it sticks to the all familiar formula.

And even if you take it for what it is there are better buddy movies out there.

There are some upsides.

Mark plays his parade role well and looks ripped and stunning as we know him.

The fighting is choreographed decently and so on.

But by now we've seen all of it many times.

So, at least to me, it becomes a bit boring.

If you're a big fan of Mark and this kind of movie (one fist fight follows the other and one bad joke follows the other) it may be fun.

Otherwise you may better skip this one.
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Mimic 2 (2001 Video)
Direct to dvd for a reason
8 May 2022
Mimic 2 mimics Mimic 1 at its best moments. But even there it doesn't deliver.

The rest of the movie is your regular direct to dvd / b movie creature feature. Been there 1,000 times and doesn't need another one.
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Mimic (1997)
Aged pretty well
8 May 2022
I haven't watched mimic for at least 15 years or so. It was on free tv that day so I thought I give it a second chance.

A good decision because mimic aged pretty well. The story is fresh and interesting although a bit formulaic. The characters are written well and the actors know their trade.

But the main reason I like mimic so much is the dense atmosphere. It is almost entirely dark, gritty, rainy, and horrific. Finally a movie that shows New York for what it really is, so to say :-D

The monsters, costumes, and effects fit in. Some of them are practical some of them cgi.

And of course you get that pseudo scientific touch that was popular back in the days. Not realistic by any means but far better the mostl politically motivated plots nowadays.

So, overall you get a very decent thriller with horror elements that is done properly. I really like Mimic.
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The Bouncer (2018)
Strong atmosphere
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't knew anything about it until I watched it on free tv last week.

Honestly, this was a really proper movie. You get some action you would expect from a jcvd movie - of course in a slower and more basic version, he isn't 30 anymore - and you get adequate characters with very intense raw, rough, and depressing atmosphere. The actors play their parts sound, the sets were chosen carefully, and the overall tone and tempo matches the life of Lukas.

Yes, the story isn't very spectacular. There aren't any over the top action stunts. But if you're looking for a more mature and settled version of van damme you get a good one.
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Hard Target (1993)
This one is really bad
30 March 2022
I'm usually into mindless action movies, jcvd, and stuff from the 90s. But hard target is too much of it all.

It begins with the cheesy soundtrack that doesn't even remotely match or support the scenes it is added to.

Then there is the incredibly bad acting. If it is jcvd himself, the female protagonist, or the evil antagonist. Everyone acts one dimensional, over the top and even silly at the same time.

And it ends with the action. Not even this plays out well. That should have been the least to give the movie a try.

To wrap things up add a stupid plot and awkward camera shots to get hard target.

Nope. That doesn't work. I couldn't even watch beyond the first third of it.
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Eye See You (2002)
Promising start and a proper cast
27 March 2022
Unfortunately, that's it for the good aspects of d-Tox. The further the movie progresses the more confused and pointless it gets.

It doesn't know what it wants to be. The villain is nothing but a one-dimensional archetype without anything interesting like a motivation or a backstory. Not even one that fits in a one-liner. None of the characters develop by any means and the entire plot is unbelievable.

It is not complete BS like other reviewers point out. But let's be fair: it isn't a good one and below average at best.
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Raw Deal (1986)
Raw fun
26 March 2022
Alright, this isn't Arnold's best shot and this isn't a great movie or piece of art by any means.

But come on! This also isn't the pile of garbage the reviews make out of it. It is a generic but yet enjoyable 80s action movie. With all the ingredients you would expect from one: big muscles, bad guys, big guns, corrupt police, and lots of trouble!

So if you enjoy Arnold and 80s action movies you will enjoy watching raw deal. Nothing more and nothing less.
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Lake Placid (1999)
It's ok
26 February 2022
Lake placid is basically another animal/creature 'horror' movie. To be fair it is one of the better kind. The actors are capable, the story isn't too far stretched, and the monster/CGI is decent enough. Especially for a 20 years old flick. With that glasses on lake placid delivers.

On the other hand you get what you know. There is nothing really spectacular or innovative here. The suspense is mediocre, the characters remain flat, and you can leave for a toilet break without missing out.

So, all in all it is an OKish movie if you like that particular genre.
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Daybreakers (2009)
OKish movie with stupid vampire elitists
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself is quite fine for most of the time. The start is promising, a fresh idea, a bold cast, and the ending is plausible to at least some degree. The setting is well-crafted and the visuals fit.

So, Daybreakers is an all in all decent sci-fi / vampire movie with some good ideas and since gory scenes.

Unfortunately it makes two main mistakes:

#1: it wants too much.

  • 3 different factions/species with completely different goals/situations.

  • multiple main characters with enough possible content for half a movie filled by each of them.

  • several political topics that are never really handled later on.

  • and many other details that start promising but then get lost or forgotten very shortly afterwards.

If you want to cover all of these characters, scenarios, background, and topics you would be better of producing a whole series with at least one season than a 2 hour long movie.


#2: the vampires are stupid.

For such a highly developed, organized, and well-funded society the vampires are pretty clueless in doing anything sustainable. Less educated Humans with low tech in the Middle Ages were better at this than them.

The Ressource human blood even offers the wonderful ability of reproducing itself if only the host is kept alive. A renewable energy!

So in a Sense of sustainable farming the most effective way of getting your constant stream of meals is to simply let many humans live in regulated areas, with enough good life to keep on going and only one tax for them: a monthly dose of blood. Or build something like the matrix if you prefer that.

But no, the vampires decide to hunt them down relentlessly, and once they caught a pitiful being they drain them to the last drip instantly. All this while don't having any substitution at hand.

Sorry to let you guys know: that is way more more stupid than any climate warming, environmental damage, and war crime any human has ever done.
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Over the Top (1987)
A movie that takes itself dead serious
3 January 2022
And so do I. Some nay-sayers maybe like why? Alright. So here's why:

It's a movie about what matters most in life. It's not about girls, not about jobs, not about being there for your family when they need you. Not about being there for your dying wife. Not about giving your son the best education possible. No. Nothing of this BS.

I'm talking about real life. A man's life. And there you have it. Your answer. It's about trucks. Big trucks. It's about muscles. Big muscles. And it's about arm wrestling. Serious arm wrestling.

Arm wrestling Everywhere at any time against anyone without regrets. At the pub against some random dudes. About Pumping on the road while driving your truck. And about arm wrestling in a grand tournament. A tournament to win what? An even bigger truck! What more can you ask for?

And how do you win the megalodon of trucks? By arm wrestling. And when I'm talking about arm wrestling I mean serious arm wrestling. It is to destroy your opponent entirely. Ruin his legacy and his ancestors too. Push his entire existence into dust by bringing down his arm.

So, again here you have it. Your answer. It IS dead serious. How can this movie not be a 10 out of 10?
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Top Gun (1986)
It depends on what you expect
2 January 2022
When you expect a good movie with a well-crafted plot and deep characters you're better off with another one.

If you're here for pure 80s nostalgia, Tom cruise, some other handsome half-naked dudes, and of course military fighter jets... then you're at the best place available!

To be perfectly honest, I must admit that the 90s child version of me liked this movie a lot more than the 2020s adult me. But I still get why I loved this movie back then and at least the jet scenes hold up pretty well. So it's OK with me.
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By far the worst terminator
1 January 2022
This is what happens when Hollywood has a big budget to spend, a political agenda to promote, a beloved franchise to terminate, and no creativity, inspiration, or at least respect for the IP they are about to abuse.

I really can't say anything good about dark fate. Not even the action scenes are satisfying. And this alone is a harsh judgement for a movie in the terminator franchise. Every other installment has at least done that right.

Compared to dark fate even genisys is a masterpiece. And this was already far beyond the legends that started and defined the series. But at least genisys was a decent sci-fi action movie.
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Hannibal (2001)
The ending ruined it
30 December 2021
The first 2/3 of the movie weren't particularly great but they hade strong moments. The tension and acting for example were very good. Also the locations and overall appearance. Hannibal relies a bit too much on nausea and gore this time. Sometimes less is more. But anyways, until this point most of the movie works for me.

And then there comes the last third. Oh my god! It alone makes Hannibal the worst chapter in the series. It's full of stupid decisions, delivers an implausible outcome, and it even feels rushed. Nope. The ending ruined everything that could have been an otherwise decent movie.
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A Perfect sic fi movie
25 December 2021
Starship troopers got it all: a great concept, stunning practical effects, cgi that holds up even 20 years later, believable characters with reasonable decisions, a great soundtrack, gory action, a clever plot, deeper political meaning under the surface, And even the cheesy Teenie romance stuff does fit in.

I don't know the book but the movie is a true masterpiece.
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Maybe it was something nowadays it isn't anymore
19 December 2021
I really do believe that this movie was somewhat serious back in it's day. I must admit that It is even older than me and I'm already in my 30s. So, that's saying something.

But let's be honest: I didn't age well. The pacing is far too slow, the characters remain flat, the motivations of humans and aliens are vague at best and not even there at all far too many times. The plot keeps you in the dark and the special effects can't keep up, of course.

Nope. I've almost skipped the entire second half. But let's be fair and respect that this movie is 45 years old. So I'll still give it a 4 out of 10.
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Stand by Me (1986)
Deserves the fame
18 December 2021
Stand by me is a classic and deserves it! Even as The plot itself isn't very deep, interesting, or even new. Four boys go out searching for a dead body, because it seems thrilling to them. That's basically it.

But, what the movie makes out of this premise is incredible. The characters are so well drawn, the scenery ranges from beautiful to frightening, the acting is superb, the actions are mostly believable, the heroes are relatable as it gets, the soundtrack matches, and the movie hits all the right spots on your soul.

Stand by me grips you right at the heart and plays on any string available. The warming friendship, simple life, and pure joy only young boys can experience (before they discover girls). The highs and lows of growing up, and even the sadness of getting older and dying.

Life itself has so many to offer and so does Stand by me. After finishing this movie many viewers may have laughed, bathed in nostalgia, and even cried at the end.

Only the villains Fall a Bit Short. They are too much of a cliche.
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R.I.P.D. (2013)
Decent entertainment
10 December 2021
Especially the first half of the movie is very creative and entertaining. It is fun, feels new, explores fresh ideas, and visually stunning. The cast delivers good work, too.

Unfortunately RIPD can't hold up and gets more and more mediocre towards the ending. The last third lost almost anything that's special about the first third.

All in all it is a good and fun movie but it could have been way more.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Overrated and boring
10 December 2021
I do agree on serious acting, great style, and cult-ish impact on mainstream cinema. For that I give this movie some points.

But let's put all the hype aside and pulp fiction is mostly boring. Casual non-sense dialogues, no plot, no character development or anything interesting whatsoever. In 2021 even the violence can't save the day.
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American Warships (2012 Video)
A cheap one
9 December 2021
But at least it is not as bad as the reviews suggest.

Of course, there is plenty of cheap CGI, bad acting, and all the other stuff you would expect from an Asylum movie.

But on the other hand there are some decent action scenes and at least some degree of entertainment. Nothing good but by far no 1 out of 10.
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Decent action, awful rest
1 December 2021
Clearly, the action entertains and is well-made. And The actors are professionals and know their Trade. Unfortunately, thats the only two good parts of this film.

Anything left is entirely awful. Cheap CGI, Unbelievable story, plot holes all over the place, and so predictable.
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Pure trash
28 November 2021
I really liked the first Jurassic world movie. While it wasn't very impactful at least it was entertaining. So, here we are with the second installment and I was seriously disappointed.

Although we witness the same actors and some stunning CGI (I don't say that too often!) the overall movie is boring, dumb, and packed with modern day Hollywood cliches: The hipster nerds, an unbelievable environmentalists agenda, worn-off capitalists as evil villains, and the forced jokes that don't really work. And not even the acting is very good. Especially Bryce is totally annoying while she can't decide whether to look good or emotional all the time.

And just to wrap things up: No, dinosaurs aren't your cuddly ones from the petting zoo. No, dinosaurs aren't the better soldiers modern day warfare needs. No, nerdy hipster teens of Friday's for future won't save the day against a full blown military with tons of funds. No, fallen kingdom is not a good movie.
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The Wrestler (2008)
Intense drama
26 November 2021
To me, the wrestler is a movie near to perfection. The score, camera work, locations, acting, plot, characters, emotional impact, and everything wrapped up by an intense ending. Everything is at least good and most of it even better.

Spare this one if you're looking for a good time with light hearted entertainment. But you better watch it now if you're in for San intense drama with all the (few) ups and (mostly) downs real life has in store for us.
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Replicant (2001)
At least the ending was fun
25 November 2021
Besides that the entire movie is unbearable. The plot is illogical, the acting is horrible, the movie isn't exciting, and not even the action scenes work for me.

Nope. Replicant is just a waste of time and one of JCVD's worst movies of all time to me.
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