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Gotta disagree with the consensus here
26 March 2007
When I saw that this movie was being shown on TV, I was really looking forward to it. I grew up in the 1980's and like everyone else who has grown up in that era, have seen every 80's teen and summer camp movie out there. So I couldn't wait to see this movie that totally spoofs that film genre. What a disappointment!! The movie was nothing but a bunch of really bad jokes and gags over and over, with hardly any plot and no substance. And the filmmakers attempts at dark humor totally failed-some of these so-called jokes didn't come across as anything but downright cruel and offensive. The only good things about this film were the wardrobe, music, and acting. It was nice to go on a nostalgia trip and see all of the summer clothing styles from the 80's, and the same goes for the music. And the acting was top-notch throughout: almost all of Hollywood's best comedians were present. Too bad they didn't have better material to work with.
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Johnny Cash in San Quentin (1969 TV Special)
30 November 2005
I really enjoyed this concert, which is being aired frequently on CMT now to coincide with the Cash movie release. Cash was so very charming, funny, energetic, and his love for performing really shone through. Mrs. Cash and her family were also excellent in their performance with Johnny. I also enjoyed the interruptions to air interview the inmates and prison staff about their lives and crimes. I found it to be very interesting since this concert took place in 1969, it was a good history lesson and something to contrast with today. It made me wonder what ever ended up happening with some of these inmate's lives, and if some of the death row inmates they interviewed ever ended up making it or not. I just wish this concert was out on DVD! I can't believe that it has never been released. Cash is such a legend, and one would think that a concert as well-known as this one would definitely of been released by now.
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High Fidelity (2000)
One of the best romance movies out there!
4 August 2005
I love this movie, have seen it at least several times, and could see it many times more. It is entertaining and funny every single time I see it, that is how great this movie is. Next to 'Say Anything' and 'When Harry Met Sally', it is the best romantic movie out there. For one, the film is very unique in that it portrays a love-lorn man instead of yet another love-lorn woman, as is the case with the majority of romance movies. When was the last time you saw a movie where a man talks about his feelings?? The film has many tender, touching moments without being the least drippy or milquetoast. This is offset by great humor throughout the film. John Cusack shines in the lead role and gives one of best, nuanced performances of his career so far. He is surrounded by a nearly-perfect supporting cast, and my nearly-perfect leads to the one and only criticism of this movie: the character of Laura. The actress who plays here (sorry, I can't remember the spelling of her name right now) gives a mostly dull, uninspiring performance. While Cusack performs perfect chemistry with her, she gives him nearly zero chemistry back. I feel she was the wrong choice in casting for this role. Who I feel should of been cast is Lisa Bonet, who had a small supporting role as one of Cusack's lovers. She totally sparked chemistry-wise with him and they were a perfect on screen couple. Lisa Bonet should of been cast as Laura. But this is just one criticism of an otherwise excellent film, and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone.
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Decent chick-flick
1 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has received mixed reviews from bad to great. One thing the film definitely is is a 100% chick flick! I can't imagine many men enjoying the movie. And it's not only men that probably wouldn't enjoy it, women who have been married for a long time and never really experienced single life probably wouldn't be too into the movie as well. 'Must Love Dogs' is told almost completely from the POV of single women struggling to make it in a marriage-dominated society while also dealing with dating pressures. One of the faults I found with the film is just that-what about the struggles of single men? They did delve briefly into Jake's loneliness, but I feel that this should of been touched upon more. That character should of been developed more. And why did Jake suddenly decide to saw his beloved boat in half after all at the end? I don't recall any reason being given for this decision. I also found the sing-along scene to the Partridge Family song really stupid and out of place. It did not come across as a funny, impromptu family sing-along as it was supposed to. But that's all I have with the criticism. 'Must Love Dogs' is very funny, clever, and just the right amount of milquetoast sweet without being drippy or obnoxious. 'Beaches' it is most definitely not, thankfully! Christopher Plummer gives an Oscar-worthy excellent performance, I hope he gets nominated next year. Diane Lane and John Cusack are terrific as usual. I
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Not extraordinary, but worth a viewing
5 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't feel that this film lived up to the hype that was created about it, which could of spoiled it somewhat for me and others. I know it's your job to sell, but don't over-hype your movie, studios!! I just didn't feel that this movie was as spectacular as it was made out to be. However, I still enjoyed it and would recommend it to moviegoers. There were some scary parts-the loud 'honking' noise that sounded every time the aliens were about to attack was truly frightening and kept running through my head the day after I saw the movie. If I ever hear a noise like that in reality, I think that I may jump out of my shoes!! The tripods were quite scary as well. It was interesting and a good plot line that Spielberg chose to show the aliens as actually being very curious and timid once they exited their tripods and explored around the house. Apparently they could only be menacing inside their tripods. My problems with this film: it wasn't at all explained how the aliens were able to harbor underground to begin with. Was this explained in the novel? I also felt that it should of been shown how Tom Cruise killed Tim Robbins. Why did the door close without the viewer being able to see how he did it, and not even a scuffle or other noise? Spielberg can show countless people being zapped and guts being blown out but not one person killing another?? There was also no explanation given as to how Tom Cruise's son survived and made it back home. He headed into the fight and somehow survived the huge, fiery inferno that killed everyone else? How extremely milquetoast and unrealistic. Overall, the movie is scary, it has amazing special effects, and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout, but is not flawless nor the best action/scary movie you will ever see.
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I Want to Keep My Baby! (1976 TV Movie)
Suprisingly good TV movie
13 August 2004
Yes, it has some of the usual corny cliches of made-for-TV movies, especially ones made in the 70's. Yet all in all, it's a very decent movie and I would recommend it to high school sex ed. classes. Much better and more hard-hitting than the usual TV movies that simply just exploit people and their situations without adding any depth or insight. It's a very realistic, honest, gritty portrayal of the struggles of teenage motherhood. There doesn't seem to be a lot of movies out there on this subject, so this little gem is unique. Certainly better than the awful 'For Keeps' with Molly Ringwald that came out in the late 80's. That one was sooo badly written and had the worst dialogue.
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Wendigo (2001)
Very good chills - storyline was weak
7 June 2004
I don't think this film deserves all the bad reviews it has gotten on this site. It isn't the best movie, but it does have some really scary moments. The director is very talented at filming scary movies. His camera work and lighting techniques added a lot of scares to this film. The acting was decent, especially from the little boy. The criticisms I have have already been discussed on this site. The storyline was promising at first but then fell flat and never delivered. This made the film dull at points. And what was with the lame ending?? It was a "huh??" ending. The wendigo itself could of been scarier-looking when it was finally fleshed out, but this was a pretty low-budget film. The film seemed more like a made-for-cable film rather than for the theater.

But overall I would recommend this film to fellow scary movie fans, the chills make it worthwhile. Roger Ebert gave a great review summing up all the strenghts and weaknessed. I rate this movie 6/10.
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Bob Roberts (1992)
4 February 2004
Wow-is this supposed to be a comment area about the movie or a comment area about politics?? I'm a little confused as I came here to discuss the movie, but others on here obviously confuse this area with a political commentary forum. Shut up and discuss the movie!

But getting to the point of this issue. Robbins is no Christopher Guest. Only HE can do effective 'mockumentaries'. While 'Dead Man Walking' is absolutely brilliant, Robbins is just a pathetic copycat here. Even the best artists make bombs sometimes. Boring and one-sided, plus you can basically see this movie just by turning on 'Meet the Press' and other similar shows-seeing what goes in the movie for real! Infinitely more interesting seeing the real thing than this stupid movie, especially since campaign time is here. Watch 'Spinal Tap' and other Christopher Guest movies for effective 'mockumentaries'.
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Very impressive
22 January 2004
I read the book before seeing the movie, and the film is one of the best adaptations out there. Very true and faithful to the book. Sean Penn and Sarandon are amazing. Robbins is a talented filmaker and I wish he would add more to his repetoire. He made the film very haunting and intentionally slow-paced to add depth. An especially brilliant bit of filmaking was the reflection of the victims appearing in the glass of the execution room at the very end.
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A Mighty Wind (2003)
Not their best, but mighty good
2 January 2004
I don't think this one is as good as the other Guest films, but it's not as bad as some have made it out to be. The subject matter was excellent and original, it was amusing to finally see folk music being satirized. It was entertaining throughout and there were some pretty funny parts. Not as funny as Spinal Tap, Best in Show, and Guffman though. I loved the Mitch and Micky storyline, that was very sweet and touching. And some of the music was suprisingly quite decent given the fact that it was supposed to be satirical. Watching some of the deleted scenes on DVD I had to wonder why some were left out of the final cut as they were hilarious and would of made the film funnier. I think some poor decisions were made on the editing side. Overall I would recommend this film and give it a 6.5/10.
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Definitely creepy!
28 December 2003
I am suprised at the number of bad reviews on here because this film was suprisingly scary IMHO. ALthough I haven't seen the first one so I can't compare. Victor Salva uses different techniques in his horror storytelling, such as intently focusing on the pain and agony the victims feel, something a lot of other horror film directors don't. This makes the film much more agonizing for the viewer. Another thing I liked was how he gave human characteristics to the Creeper-watching him antagonizing the busload of kids first instead of just outright killing them added skin-crawling suspense when it so easily could of come across as just stupid. The only complaint I have was the poor dialogue in the sub-plot involving the kids' personalities and their relationships with each other. It was typical teen slasher-movie dialogue. Fortunately, the rest of the film wasn't typical teen-slasher movie at all. I recommend this film to any true horror-movie fan (meaning those who like their horror intelligent and intellectual instead of cheap thrills) and give this movie a 7/10.
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Willard (2003)
Pretty decent film
23 December 2003
I finally got around to watching it and was pleasantly suprised, it was better than I thought it would be. For one, the camera work was amazing. Great color and graphic work, and the editing effectively added the right amounts of uneasiness, suspense, etc. Crispin Glover was SO excellent in his performance and should receive an Oscar nomination (although he probably won't as snooty Oscar will shun this movie), he was the perfect casting choice for Willard. Jackie Burroughs was effectively repulsive as his mother and R. Lee Ermey for the most part did well although his last scene could of been a lot more dramatic, he doesn't do death very well. The story itself was well done for the most part. The only complaints I have is the cheesy and inappropriate into-like someone else on here said, it made the movie look like it was Beetlejuice or Danny Elfman or something. Definitely not keeping in tone with the rest of the movie. Also, on the DVD, there were the usual deleted scenes along with the original ending. The original ending was sooo much better than the ending that ended up in the film-they should of never listened to the test audience. Even a couple of the deleted scenes would of filled in some minor holes that were otherwise not explained, but it was nothing glaringly overlooked. Overall this is a decent movie and I would recommend it. My score: 6.5/10.
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23 October 2003
I am a HUGE Cusack fan. I was especially excited to see this movie since he co-wrote and produced it. Plus I had heard nothing but critical acclaim lavished on this film. I finally got around to seeing it last weekend, and it pains me to have to say it was a disappointment. For one, the writing fell flat. It was jumbled and uneven. The film had at least several writers and they just didn't come together to create a film that well, came together for lack of a better word. There was no explanation as to why Marty became a hit man or what the main business was behind all these hits. Not only that, but all the hit men were very mild-mannered and clean-cut. They came across like a bunch of church pastors playing a game of paint ball. IMHO it would of been much funnier for them to have been portrayed as the stereo-typical movie hit men such as the Mafia, for example. Also, some of the hits came off as serious instead of the black humor they were supposed to be. With the exception of a few good, funny moments, a lot of the humor in this movie fell flat. The movie did get somewhat better as it progressed-the scenes at the reunion were decent. And the acting was top-notch-no complaints there at all. But overall-I can't understand why this film is as critically acclaimed as it is and I would give it a 5/10.
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Serendipity (2001)
For the most part.....ugghh
20 October 2003
I was hoping it would be better than what I had heard. Sadly, it was not. It was a great story idea-very cute and charming that could of been pulled off but instead it was just basically so stupid, silly and uneven. Bad dialogue, bad writing, bad continuity. The only highlight-John Cusack gave one of the best performances I have seen him do, too bad it wasn't a better movie for the guy. I give it two stars out of ten just for his performance.
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19 October 2003
I just saw this movie last night, and all I can do is rave about it!! IMHO the best movie of 2003, hands down. Sofia Coppola is an excellent filmmaker. Where others filmmakers feel the need to use a lot of action and noise to make a point, she somehow manages to brilliantly make the same points, and makes them much better, with her minimalist technique. Despite what others have said on here, this minimalist technique does not come across the least bit boring.

I never expected the film to be as funny as it was either-it was non-stop laughs almost until the end with the exploration and comparison/contrast of Japanese vs. American culture. Those of us who have visited Japan will definitely identify with this.

Bill Murray and Scarlet Johanson could not of given better performances. Johanson I expected this of as I had seen her impressive turn in 'Ghost World'. Bill Murray-I had never really seen in a dramatic role, with the exception of his dull performance in 'Rushmore'. In 'LIT' he gave an extremely impressive, touching performance in this film and deserves accolades from Oscar. Both of them do!! What a fine dramatic actor he is turning out to be. Johanson and Murray had perfect, beautiful, touching chemistry that had me fighting back tears at the end of the film. The tension they created between these characters was dynamic and intriguing.

In a side note-this film is especially interesting being that it is somewhat based on truth from a visit to Japan Coppola took with her husband. Also the character that Anna Faris plays is rumored to be based on Cameron Diaz, and from what I can see, I would believe that to be the truth.

I give this film a 10/10!!!
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This one really sucks
9 September 2003
I wasn't expecting the best movie in the world, just a mildly entertaining simple film. But it wasn't even that! First of all, the jokes were terrible. They were all very sophmoric and unoriginal-like a bunch of dumb 13 year-old boys wrote them. Just one pee-pee joke after another that have been heard countless times in other movies. At least the Farrelly Brothers know how to make pee-pee jokes good. And the other dialogue was just as bad. What was a talented performer like Crystal thinking?? He is much better than this crappy film he helped write. The characters were just saying one stupid line after another. The storyline was decent, but alas, it was ruined by everything else in the movie being so bad. The only thing that saved this film were the talented performers like Azaria, Roberts and Cusack. I would never recommend this movie. I give it a 3/10.
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I Am Sam (2001)
Not the greatest film, but better than I thought it would be
4 September 2003
Parts of it were too cheesy and ‘ABC Afterschool Special'ish. The movie was also too simplistic and illogical-they never explained how a mentally-impaired man with the mentality of a 7 year-old could handle a baby-a job that is hard enough for mentally sound adults! Not only that, but how could he support himself and Lucy living in L.A., in a fairly nice apartment on $8.00/hr? Bascially, there wasn't much depth to this film. But it was very well done on the emotional level-it really touched my heart and almost drove me to tears, and I am someone who hates those mushy movies! The characters were very well fleshed out as far as their psyches went. And the whole psychological thing involving parenting and what makes a person sound and decent was very interesting and intriguing. The movie is worth it alone just to see the number of amazing performances-Sean Penn, Dakota Fanning, Michelle Pfeiffer, Laura Dern and Dianne Weist just rocked. Penn gave an extremely impressive performance and definitely earned his Oscar nomination. So no, this movie isn't quite that deep, but it is definitely a real feel-good movie worth a glance. I give it 6/10.
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Say Anything (1989)
The best romantic comedy/drama out there!!!
18 June 2003
I absolutely love this movie and have seen it many times in the past years it has been out. There simply isn't a better romantic comedy/drama out there. Lloyd Dobler is the most lovable lead male, every woman who sees this film wishes that he would materialize into her living room and be hers as he is so sweet, unique, caring, charismatic, funny, and doting. John Cusack and Ione Skye make the best screen coupling with their wonderful, perfect chemistry. Cameron Crowe's typical brilliant moviemaking is in full force here with a very charming, sweet, witty, funny, and touching storyline and writing. This is my favorite film of his. I can usually find criticism with every film, but honestly can't with this one which is why I would wholeheartedly recommend it and give it a 10/10!!!
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Nurse Betty (2000)
One of the stranger movies out there...
19 May 2003
But entertaining and a good view all the same. I never expected the movie to be quite so odd, but it was also very witty, charming and humorous at the same time, an interesting combination. I would definitely recommend this movie and give it an 8/10. The only criticisms I have is the gratuotious violent scene at the beginning-that was unnecessary for it to be that violent and bloody, it was unwatchable!! Chris Rock is not much of an skilled actor, just more of a stand-up comedian. The rest of the cast was outstanding-Renee Zellweger definitely earned her Globe, Freeman was great as usual, Tia Texada is an impressive newcomer, Crispin Glover is very charming and quirky and he and Pruitt Taylor Vince made a great comedic team.
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Little Noises (1991)
What a cute little film!!
4 May 2003
Just saw this yesterday and it was my favorite kind of indie film-low budget and charming! Crispin Glover was terrific in it, nice to see his range in a 'normal', everyday-guy role and he he really pulled it off! Tatum O'Neal was impressive, despite her addiction problems, she still has the talent. She and Glover made a great screen pairing, they really had great chemistry and worked well together. Jane Spencer really assembled a great group of talented actors, there wasn't one bad performance among them. Too bad a lot of them haven't been heard from since this 12 year-old film. There were some really creative filming, camera decisions made and I can see why this was nominated for a Sundance Grand Jury prize. The only complaint I have is that the film was also low-budget when it came to sound quality, and a lot of the dialogue was hard to decipher. I give this film a 7/10.
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Chicago (2002)
2 January 2003
This movie was so excellent. I would see it again in a heartbeat. For one, the camera work was amazing. Beautiful cinematography, very creative and effective camera angles, and great editing. The cast was mostly excellent as well as far as their musical performance skills go. The one that suprised and impressed me was how good Richard Gere was. His singing was great-very old-fashioned 'shoeshine' period. Zeta-Jones was an impressive dancer and had a strong singing voice. Zellweger's dancing was good, but her singing voice was sufficient at best. It was obvious that she hadn't done a lot of singing before the movie as her voice wasn't quite developed. It seemed okay for the character though as Roxie Hart wasn't supposed to be that good of a performer. The choreography and staging of the musical numbers was wonderfully creative, I loved the puppet scene! 9/10.
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A Diva's Christmas Carol (2000 TV Movie)
Suprisingly good for a VH1 movie!!
12 December 2002
Most of the made-for-VH1 movies are soooo awful, but this one is actually a decent, entertaining little gem. Great special effects, decent acting from everyone, especially Vanessa Williams, who played the bitchy diva to a hilt. John Taylor of Duran Duran was decent as well as the second spirit. A good little holiday movie to watch some night. 7/10
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A must see for youth!!
13 November 2002
Every kid should see this very depressing, dark, and scary, and well-made documentary to see how evil drugs really are. It should be a must in any health/safety high school class! I know the documentary was made quite some time ago and I would love to see an update on the young adults who were featured in it. I do know that Tracy, the woman with the long brown hair and glasses, sobered up and is doing well. She was on the Oprah Winfrey show about two years ago on a segment about a women's drug rehab center-she was one of the people who had made it through the program. Sadly though, some of those people featured on the HBO doc looked so near death you know they probably are dead by now.
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CBS Schoolbreak Special: The Drug Knot (1986)
Season 4, Episode 1
One of the best anti-drug shows out there!!
8 October 2002
I completely agree with the other comments on here. David Toma is the best anti-drug lecturer out there. He is very up front, out spoken, and appropriately graphic in his lectures. I saw this show when it first aired 16 years ago and it still makes my stomach turn. Pretty harsh for the usual afterschool special, and it worked! The ending is particularly horrifying, unexpected, and very disturbing. I hope that kids in school everywhere get to see this shows, it should be mandatory IMO!
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ABC Afterschool Specials: One Too Many (1985)
Season 13, Episode 7
Great for a driver's ed class to see
8 October 2002
One of the better anti-drunk driving shows out there. I didn't like the casting, a bunch of obvious adults playing teens?? Even if they all ended up major Hollywood stars! The ending was very out of the ordinary for these types of educational teen afterschool specials, and much more realistic.
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