"You" Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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ZegMaarJus27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Marienne, she is drawing. We go back to the moment that Joe was following Marienne. Joe caged Marienne in a basement. Nadia found Marienne in the basement. It gets clear that Rhys isn't a real person, it is a version of the real Rhys in Joe his brain. Joe killed Malcolm, Gemma and Simon, all of them. Joe finally found the place where he caged Marienne. Nice Episode of You Season 4, the exciting moments are coming now. The last few Episodes of this Season will be amazing i think! Joe is in a position of power, but he still does not win. Nadia, one of Joe his students, is really close to save Marienne!
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Oh was that too much Murdering for you?
tim_speckmann-059571 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why are People here who downgrade this amazing Plottwist on 1 Stars? The Story with Reace is amazing and of course its a bit weird but Joe was always a Killer. He killed more then 15 People before Seaonn 4. He is a Psycho who kills People. Why are People mad that his real Face got exposed? He kills People and he always will kill People. Why are People here who downgrade this amazing Plottwist on 1 Stars? The Story with Reace is amazing and of course its a bit weird but Joe was always a Killer. He killed more then 15 People before Seaonn 4. He is a Psycho who kills People. Why are People mad that his real Face got exposed? He kills People and he always will kill People.
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True Colors of Joe Goldberg
Simi15349 March 2023
Joe Goldberg was always an interesting character because after all the things he has done he still managed to stay a likeable character. But this is the episode when the watchers realize they only like Joe because they saw his point of view all along. However, in the first half of the episode we see the point of view of a different character and it mades one realize what a monster Joe actually is. We always forgave a lot of things what he has done because he killed somewhat even worse people than he is. But this time an innocent person is suffering from his deeds. And it is really hard to watch and make me disgusted that I've been rooting for him.
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enjoyed the turn this episode took
imdb-970213 February 2024
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Lots of complaints here from people who were enjoying the new trajectory for Joe, but I thought they did a brilliant job of concealing the twist until they reached it. Joe is Joe, he's not going to get better. The first 3/4 of the season was a fairy tale and this brought it to a sickening crunch. I can understand the criticism of Maryanne's motivation - calling police seems logical but she was right on some level that she needed a clean escape. THis was the part of the series where I really started to feel that Joes character isn't redeemable by just less killing and that he will ultimately need to pay for / face his reckoning to reach a satisfying conclusion for the series. Killing-lite wasn't going to work. The series starts to revisit his past and the Rhys character is a perfect vehicle to explore the dark and light within. Season 3 had started to feel like they were redeeming Joe and moving him into only justified murder. This twist (to me) set him back on a trajectory more true to his past and nature.
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Joe is the true murderer
vivianla12 March 2023
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We see Joe was the one who drugged Marienne before she got on the train and kidnapped her. He forced her into the human cage and brings her Indian food from next door everyday. Joe is now different - he has a sense of heartlessness and his eyes are soulless. Nadia is shocked to see a human in a cage and gives her food and water. Marienne gives it back to her. Marienne warns Nadia to make sure Joe does not find out Nadia knows about Marienne. The police will not help - this man found her halfway across the world. He killed his wife and got away with it. We see Joe hallucinating Rhys who speaks to him constantly. Joe cannot remember where he put Marienne. Joe realizes he was the one who killed all those victims he thought Rhys killed. Joe himself set a fire and forced himself to be trapped.
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businesslexiauthor1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
That twist was effing mind blowing. People who are downvoting, idk what's wrong with them but i am so glad that i didn't stop watching at Season 3. I thought it'd be a repeat of the same plot they repeated in season 2 and 3 but this plot twist was so good!

I think that this might be the best season out of all. I never saw that twist coming, and moreover IT MADE SO MUCH SENSE. It's brilliancy at its peak and here people are sh-ing over it. These are the people who just can't appreciate good plot at all or don't like to watch something smarter. Lol. Fooled me, kept me intrigued and impressed me.
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I liked this season but have a issue with this episode
BruceWayne32 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So far this season was going well

Until it fell into the same old issues as before

Writing characters to be very stupid. Nadia discoverers the girl that is prisoner and she doesn't call the cops ?!?

Come on

There's literally no case in which this makes sense

Cops could easier trap Joe without Joe hurting the girls daughter It's a very silly premise and lazy writing.

I do like just how crazy Joe is when you peel back the layers, they really don't touch on it much but I'm so glad they finally brought up him being a bum father by walking out on his young child.

Nadia "has a plan so insane it will never work" - That Makes sense haha.
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What on planet EARTH?!
kristinapallen16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This had to be the worst written episode ever. I was really enjoying this season up until this point. Don't call the police? That made absolutely no sense. Why wouldn't you want to save the person in the box? Helloooooooo. How did this make it past the script floor?! Nadia is supposed to be a smart person and she makes this terrible judgment call of not involving anyone else and risk getting caught by a known serial killer? She went an entire 24 hours+ not doing anything to save Marianne? There is zero explanation for that terrible decision. How could the entire season be written so well just to have an utterly lazy episode towards the end. Come on. Totally ludicrous.
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Destroyed in 1 Episode
TheConChronicles19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The worst thing to happen to a tv show ever. People hate on the ending of Lost, the final season of Thrones, and the entire phase 4 of Marvel. As they should. However I truly believe this is the most egregious thing ever done to a television show. They fundamentally changed the main character at their core. Took a smart, manipulative, and cunning character who wants to be good and turned them into a raving psycho. Worse they made it so he can't even remember the things he has done, argues with his fake self, and is being blackmailed...By himself?? Not only that, they took a character like Rhys and made him pointless.

We also get horrible narration by Maryanne, who's dialogue is pitifully written. Nadia makes pathetic decisions all episode. Go to his class that day? Decide to Google him while your in his class? Don't return with any food or water while you have key? Leave her for a full day. You'd think Maryanne might want to use Nadia's phone to see if that daughter she always talks about is ok?

This entire episode was an abomination. This was one of the last good shows on Netflix. Why is everything be rolled out in the past couple years such garbage? Thanks for killing one of the few watchable shows left on tv. RIP Joe Goldberg.
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Jump the shark
sgtGiggsy18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give 1/10 ratings as I believe no genuine 1/10 product exist. I rarely leave a series I like because of one episode. This episode of You managed to achieve both.

I loved the series from the beginning because Joe genuinely was different than the usual crazypeople of other movies and series. I loved how he had a reasonable grasp with reality and genuinely aimed to be better. He had an entire character arc going from a stalker through a reluctant murderer, to someone who kills to protect loved ones only until he became the Joe who could let someone he loved go, when that was the best for her.

This character arc continued this season, and the first half of it was genuinely great. He reached to a point where he still had the urges, but finally was stronger than them. He got dragged back into his old stalking ways, but this time for a good reason.

Wait, no, scratch that. The whole season so far was unreliable narration, and he has split personality now. Because split personality and unreliable narration AREN'T THE TWO MOST OVERUSED PSYCHOPATH CLICHES, RIGHT!?
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Just stop this please
TheRealSylar11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So absurd. Locked in a secure box...oh yes obviously that magic box...you are discovered but argue the police can't be involved as Joe will get away with it....? A man teaching at a university with a false identity who is a serial killer and he is apparently talking to himself. Why not kill him instead? These writers are terrible, the plot is agonisingly stupid and there is absolutely nothing to enjoy here. Just kill off Joe and let's never waste our own lives watching this tripe. Don't forget if this is all a hallucination is any of it actually real. Probably Joe is just an accountant in Delaware who has never done more than have delusions of being a serial killer.
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alexismhaas27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First season was just meh.

Joe was interesting and his manipulatio s were fascinating to watch. But I never understood his obsession with First Girlfriend. I can't even remember her name, she was such a boring & not very nice person.

Season 2 was better, and more complicated, with Joe trying to be good but... well, we know how that goes. Love brings her own bloody past. But she's less stable and more impulsive than Joe.

Season 3, things start to really get fun! I was happily surprised by the ending, but I felt like it should have ended there. The old adage, "Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned," should have been Love's epitaph. Joe, amazingly, pulled it off beautifully and is off to a fresh start! Yay!

Season 4 was SO much fun in the beginning. Horrible characters, a but of class commentary, and the fan-freakin-tastic idea of Joe being stalked by a new killer. Joe has spent years honing his craft - he's a serial killer expert! Now's his chance to catch the killer who is taunting him thru text! It's a great mystery and I thought maybe Joe would get redemption in the end. Ya know, expose the killer, and maybe sacrificing himself to save Kate, or Marianne or anyone! But no. The writers decided to be LAZY and just.make. Joe.a.aplit personality, black, blah, blah.

This episode just turned a great season into just another Crazy Murder Man who talks.to himself. I don't even know if I'll watch the rest.

Who wants to watch a season 5 when every ounce of creativity has been drained out of it? WHO is giving this episode it's high rating? The producers?
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Terrible writing, cringey dialogue
oesmith-618374 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if I've ever debated stopping a tv show I've watched for 4 seasons bc an episode was so bad. This was terrible. Nearly had to cover my ears during the absolute cringe fest of the "story" that took up Marianne's dialogue. And then just the stupidest thing to do to your main character. Idk how I'll keep watching this.

Joe's descent into Rhys made absolutely no sense and was just absolutely ridiculous.

But the biggest BS was Marianne telling the girl to not call the police. Absolutely the most terrible and unbelievable writing I've ever seen. Idk how this show can redeem itself, it's really jumped the shark.
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What nonsense.
ross_cooper-1618620 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the awful 3rd series, I thought I'd hate this series. But actually, all the quirky characters made me quite enjoy it.

But this episode was just...shocking. I really wish someone would just shiv Joe in the neck and get this show over with.

The moment that lost me at why Nadia didn't call the police right away. Maryanne's pathetic explanation (Because "Joe always gets away with it") just seemed a way of prolonging this torture. If he always gets away with it, that would've been much more interesting to watch how he disproves involvement in court than this nonsense.

I'm done.

Given at least 1 star coz Ed Speleers is hot.
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A Saddening Example of Character Assassination
Hydromatic24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've also never written a review here for any tv show or movie, much less a stand alone episode. This episode however, deeply upset me as a long time fan of YOU and as dramatic as this sounds, I personally believe that this episode single handedly ruined the character of Joe.

I've been a fan of the show and the books the show is based on for years and frequently revisit both. I mention this to say that I have garnered a pretty good understanding of what the character of Joe Goldberg is supposed to be; his character, his motivations, and his psychology.

When I say that this episode ruins the character of Joe, I'm referring to what another reviewer mentioned in saying that they have turned a character who is passionate, calculating, and manipulative into a bog standard lunatic with no clear motivations or reasoning. (Seriously, what was with him banging his head on the cage and telling Marienne "he's going to kill you"?)

The reveal of Rhys being a part of him the whole time made absolutely no sense on many levels, I could do a whole essay breaking that down and above all, giving Joe dissociative identity disorder as a justification for having him do insane things he wouldnt normally do and then have no memory of doing them just feels like a lazy plot device that is now a part of this character going forward. The other criticisms I've seen that have been levied towards this episode are all very valid as well. (Nadia not wanting to call the cops, Joe black mailing himself, etc.)

The sad thing is, they could have done a much better job with the story of this season and kept pretty much all of the same beats and have Joe end up where he is at the end without the whole contrived D. I. D. Plot twist which could have maintained the integrity of the character.

I will continue to watch the show if they decide to continue with a season 5, but it's truly a bummer knowing that this narrative is now a part of Joe's cannon.

P. S. I love this show too much to give any part of it one star, so I'll give this episode 2 stars because Marienne's artistic narration at the begining of the episode was quite charming, I suppose.
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The worst plot twist
mina_awny10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly one of the worst things that happened to this show because it was really interesting watching Joe being followed for the first time not the other way around, but now he is just living his life with two personalities and one of them blackmailing the other one to kill some rish people but I mean why, it doesn't really make any sense to me, because was many other ways this show could have taken rather than this really non enjoyable one, and I also hope it doesn't end like the other 3 seasons because then the show would never come to an ending

Note : I didn't see the last two episodes.
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soap factory
kyrenaika11 March 2023
This guy should start a self-help group instead of ripping off classic works of art. What is he thinking? Some plot devices are single use and meant to stay that way. I guess they never got the memo that some types of recycling are actually quite bad. And painfully transparent.

Add to that a victim who would prefer to remain a victim despite having clear and present remedies for her predicament. Well, that tracks. Can't be bothered. Which is the answer for whether there should be another season.

And yes, I understand the so-called justification for that plot line, which has so many holes, a block of swiss cheese would be jealous.
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Love the Series No Longer Interested
mrdouglasgray6 June 2024
I was thoroughly enjoying the series up until this episode. Each installment had been engaging and well-crafted, keeping me hooked and eagerly anticipating what would happen next. However, this particular episode took a very wild and unexpected turn that completely shifted the direction of the storyline. Unfortunately, this change did not resonate with me at all. The plot twist felt out of place and disconnected from the rest of the series, which significantly diminished my interest. What had once been a compelling and enjoyable experience became confusing and less appealing. I found myself no longer invested in the characters or their journeys. The shift was so jarring that it disrupted the flow and enjoyment of the series for me. As a result, my enthusiasm for continuing to watch has waned considerably. I am disappointed by this development, as I had high hopes for the series based on its earlier episodes.
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Game of Thrones level BS
efeakdamar6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
WOW. Before watching this episode, I thought the finale of Game of Thrones had the worst screw-up but hold on tight because the writers of You are here! The destruction of the character arc of Jamie Lannister is all I can compare this to. The Joe finally trying to actually be good story goes completely out of the picture because guess what: LET'S ADD A TWIST TO THE STORY ! Honestly, I am out of words to describe the s**thousery the writing crew pulled off. For once let the story go on. It didn't need any plot twists, it was already going well. Joe finally being the victim and trying to find the real killer was good but obviously he has to be the killer for the show to be entertaining.
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Too much handholding, too little logic
ratpackaustin4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The twist itself is fine. Very unoriginal and done to death, but fine. What isn't fine however is how it then proceeds to explain every little detail of how the twist worked in previous episodes. A good twist doesn't require 5 minutes of flashbacks explaining that yes, they actually did make it work. After the twist is explained Rhys ends up becoming a mainstay in Joe's head even though he wasn't before. It's kind of a cheap twist but whatever.

Then when Nadia finds Marienne and says she's going to call the cops Marienne stops her. Why? She gives no explanation for why Nadia can't just call the cops right there. This episode starts off really well but just falls into a pit of messy plot gaffes.
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