Freebird (2008) Poster


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Absolute twaddle!
mysteryman71629 February 2016
This is one of the worst films I have ever seen. It's not objectionable or offensive, it's just very, very poor. The plot is trying to be a British Easy Rider, but it misses all its marks. It wants to be a druggie cult movie but demonstrates laughable ignorance of that world. Phil Daniels performance is especially risible. His attempt at acting high is just pathetic. I would avoid this like the plague or expected to be bored out of mind. I can honestly say I didn't laugh once during the entire movie. I can only hope that the UK stops making this kind of'comedy' as it reflects poorly on the country as a whole. Apparently my review is to short purple monkey dishwasher purple monkey dishwasher
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A nice, unthreatening diversion
gring019 April 2009
I was pleasantly surprised by the film. Let's face it; the premise doesn't sound particularly appealing when having to hand over money for a the night's flick, but it had an easygoing nature that wins one over. There were no moments that I found uproarious, and I doubt any that I'll remember the next day, but this doesn't fail as a nice diversion. What I found funny was watching it here in Peking with my Chinese girlfriend who never understands anything I like. I told her there was a plot- three guys have to bring back some weed to London. Hardly satisfying for her. There is no mugging going on here for the camera which I'd been expecting after reading a number of the comments. I do take exception however to comparisons with Withnail and I; not in the same league, and I doubt was it intended to.
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an unexpected treasure
howiemac24 June 2008
I was not expecting much from this movie, but was very pleasantly surprised, as it is light and funny and very well observed. The central trio of deadbeat bikers were surprisingly likable as they staggered and clowned their way through their drug-centred trip to Wales. The humour was gentle and subtle, as indeed were the three characters (witness their sympathetic treatment of the little old lady shopkeeper). The atmospherics of rural Wales were captured perfectly, and the soundtrack was very well chosen. Cleverly and carefully scripted, with great attention to detail - I have never seen such a realistic portrayal of alternative culture - I felt I was there with them. Very light in touch and full of fun - not what you might expect from a movie about bikers and drugs. A delight on all fronts, and difficult to criticise, though I thought the last two scenes were a bit lame - the film should have ended when they left Wales. But overall, an unexpected treasure of a film.
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Future cult classic?
HollyI2 July 2008
A comedy gem. Lots of laugh out loud moments, the shop and pub scenes had me belly- laughing uncontrollably. The characters are recognisable and the dialogue well-observed - I know people like this! The humour is surprisingly gentle and the film (this may sound strange) puts me in mind of an Ealing Comedy. It's a quirky little film with lots of detail. It certainly takes a number of viewings. I've watched it a few times (I've been showing all my friends!) and notice something new each time - a bit of dialogue,something visual that I hadn't picked up on before. I could get really picky and find a couple of shortcomings in the film but I'm not going to because overall this is a great fun, feel-good film which is really worth a watch and which anyone with a sense of humour must enjoy. It is a film which will find it's friends and I hope there are a lot of them out there. Oh.... and It has a great soundtrack.
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C'Mon Freebird
thegetrichplan17 July 2007
I saw a preview of Freebird at the Isle of Man TT as i had heard about it in a couple of motorcycle mags. Although i was over mainly for the racing, the lure of seeing Phil Daniels in a motorcycle movie (yes i love Quadrophenia like everyone else) proved enough to get me away from the beer and partying. At last! we've done it! us British have actually made a great motorcycle film (and no it's not like Torque) this is up there with the best of British comedy. Mark my words, this is Phil Daniels best screen performance, and as far as Geoff Bell is concerned, there's a new British legend making his name felt. I loved Gary Stretch in Shane Meadows' fantastic Dead Mans Shoes and here he gives a quietly touching performance that he can proudly add to his growing film reputation. This is a film not just for us Bikers, but I think for everyone (even my girlfriend loved it). I hope it gets the same brilliant response on the mainland as it got at the Isle of Man. I'm not going to go into the details of certain classic scenes that this movie has, (watch out for the shop), as it would spoil the fun, but i would say, go see, enjoy, and have one of the best nights in the cinema you've had in a while. I really think this could well be a cult classic. As they were saying at the TT... C'Mon Freebird!
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Lovely, Very British Film
h-orourke23 September 2008
This is a lovely, very British film. Meandering to begin with, the trick is to relax into the characters and scenery and before too long this many-stranded tale will artfully weave itself into a funny story with a wonderfully satisfying ending. We were in an up mood at the conclusion with smiles on our faces (what more do you want?). The drug scenes seemed to have achieved a rare thing in film, accuracy. If you want Hollywood schmaltz and pace this is not film for you. This is an amiable, funny film rooted in the modern British Isles but with many an echo to past rivalries and, it must be said, a millennia of ongoing male stupidity. Give it a few years probably become a cult.
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Bright, British comedy is a sorbet for the tired palate
beachrich29 August 2008
At last! A decent British comedy that isn't centred around some mockney bank robbers or spun off from a TV series. John Ivay's film is a psychoactive tale of discovery, dressed in biker gear. The three protagonists are gentle fools with a penchant for failure and each at a turning point in their lives, giving a sensitive, emotional trio of sub-plots to sew the riotous comedy together. The chemistry between the three amigos is palpable and makes for a touching companionship with hilarious dialogue and some classic comedic moments. It feels part Withnail and I, part American Werewolf in London, and part Quadraphenia (but only because of the bike gangs, and Phil Daniels). In fact, Phil Daniels' lovable rogue reminds you of Danny the dealer in Withnail and I, with his scholarly approach and scientific commitment to drugs. This is a great film, particularly for those who've dabbled in psychoactive substances in the past, who will relate to many moments in the film. A personal favourite is the brilliant scene in the Welsh corner shop, buying munchies while tripping on 'shrooms. This gentle comedy will warm the cockles of your heart and have you laughing out loud. And you don't have to ride bikes or even like them to enjoy it. But it'll add to it if you do. Brilliant.
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A light hearted British comedy
m-mittra15 July 2008
What a class bit of British cinema! It's about time. And a side splitting comedy to boot!

Anyone searching to relive a bit of freedom from their misspent youth this road movie will prove the ticket.

It's a mix between "Withnail and I" and "Easy Rider". The movie runs at a solid pace and doesn't let you drift off for too long... At times there are reflective moments, but I think they are well justified and add to the characters the actors are portraying. I was a little concerned with Phil Daniels character at the start but thankfully was won over half way through in what was one of the funniest scenes of the entire movie! Generally I found myself belly laughing through the film most likely annoying some people around me. Oh well.

I would thoroughly recommend it. This will become a cult British comedy. Well worth a visit.
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A very good British Independent movie.
c-borgia5 August 2008
Highly recommended!!

A well written, funny film which will appeal to everyone out there with a sense of humour!!!. Give it a go, it's good to see an Independent British Movie more than holding it's own against the big established studios!! Definitely worth adding to any film collection. There are scenes in this film that I'm sure a lot of people will be able to relate to. You will laugh out loud at the antics and enjoy the great soundtrack. I especially enjoyed the Orb's version of Jimmy Cliff's Vietnam and The Tower of London's take on Freebird.

Go on give it a go............ you won't be disappointed.
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What a weekend Away
fredwhite-white25 July 2008
This is a great British film. A cleverly observed script with many quotable lines, which captures perfectly what magic mushrooms can do to a man over a weekend. As per usual Phil Daniels is excellent along with that most under rated of British actors Geoff Bell. Peter Bowles with a joint hanging out of his mouth is a casting masterstroke and Gary Stretch with his brooding looks brings something strangely atmospheric to the piece. Although it seems to be billed as a biker movie, i think it will find an audience outside of this, purely on the premise that a lot of people have been there done it and got the t-shirt. also A great original soundtrack with a blinding version of Freebird. This really could be a 21st century heir to the famous Ealing comedies. Like the weed in the Welsh fields: it's a grower!
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Feel-good and slick British comedy
amandac-105 September 2008
Freebird is the perfect marriage of road trip comedy, gang caper, "stoner" film and feel-good British movie.

It is the brilliant lead characters that set this movie apart from other films in this genre. Stars Phil Daniels, Gary Stretch and Geoff Bell have a great chemistry and make their characters hugely likable and realistic. The main story centres around their road trip from London to Wales, and the adventures and mishaps that occur along the way. This small film also has a great heart - it is not just for bike fans, as it bases around the character's relationships with each other including dreams and regrets, such as Gary Stretch's Fred longing for the family he left behind. The cinematography is also great - a love letter to the Welsh countryside as well as capturing the grittiness of London streets and typical pub life in the Welsh country towns.

Stylish, slick, fantastic soundtrack, likable characters and funny storyline - I would recommend Freebird in a heartbeat!
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Small gem
misterjolly4 September 2012
Not a major film perhaps, but a perfect gem for what it is - a small masterpiece of ensemble acting, in a wonderfully realised little study of male relationships in the modern world. And although that sounds a bit serious, this is a fun, and funny, film.

Highly recommended for not just a beery night in, but one to keep coming back to. A film I enjoyed the first time round, and have also found myself going back to again and again. Very funny in parts, but with serious moments that were dealt with sensibly and without sentimentality.

I wish there were more films like this.
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This is the biker movie I always wanted to see
jayneflakes6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film about three mates on a bike trip was so well done that at times I forgot it was a film and felt like I was out with my mates. Such is the nature of this film, the scene in the pub when they have the giggles felt like moments from my own life. Although I am a biker, I do not think that you need to be a biker to love this film, but as a biker you have that extra understanding of the sub plots.

As far as the humour goes, this film is gentle, very funny and at moments it tugs on your heart strings. The bikes of the three main characters fit them perfectly and the pannier scene in the services had me in fits. Remember that this film is entertainment, it gets you away from a dreary winter evening of not riding your bike and it fills your heart with the love of the open road and your biker mates. If you are not a biker, you may want to be one by the end. It does not have the nasty edge of Sons of Anarchy, but is a good picture of the British Biker.

I loved this movie so much that I had to have the DVD set. Well worth the purchase and will give a lot of pleasure over the years as my own riding continues into the sunset.
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Working mans Withnail
mowbray-peter20 August 2009
The brilliant thing about Withnail & I is that it captures that not long left college and life could go either way moment along with all its other finery. Freebird is something for those who probably never considered higher education and just went straight to work aged 15/16. I know some of the broad sheets stuck the knife into this film when it came out in Cinemas but i saw it at a packed house in Hailsham and everybody seemed to really enjoy it. I grew up in the forest of Dean and this took me straight back to my mushrooming and dope days (had some great mates - hate to think what they're all up to now - probably running the local council). I've watched it a couple of times on DVD and already i see the film as an old mate that will stay forever as part of my collection (how can i like this film and the Dambusters - doesn't seem right somehow) I certainly edge towards the second half of this film and i think the social interacting scenes with the locals are brilliantly done. I like the mix of the three lead characters and there really is some lovely writing in here along with some very quotable lines and dare i say a good smattering of integrity. I have tried to obtain the soundtrack, but it has not been released (shame, as it's a corker). Someone told me it was originally a stage play, not quite sure how that worked but i'm sure it was fun. I liked the little Shakespearian touches/references that seem to crop up throughout the film (also spotted the Dylan Thomas ref as well) and like all little gems, there will always be little things to discover like the final scene giving a nod to Easyrider as they start they're next journey. All in all a genuinely unpretentious piece of film making (love it!)
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Was I in the film?
vikkigosling17 December 2008
I was in the film too, but i don't know if they actually put this scene in. On the way back from a school trip (in 2005) we stopped at a service station at the same time as they were doing the film, and we were asked (the whole of us) to run in and shout Go! Freebird! We were all around 10 years old, could anyone who has seen the film tell me if that part was actually kept in the film, it would be great to know! I remember I thought the film had never come out, because it was another 2 and a half years before it was released. All of your comments seem to be good so I'm guessing it has been quite a successful film, I might buy it, but first I would like to know if I'm in it! :D Thank you
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Can't get enough
newbikerchick19 July 2008
I simply never tire of watching FREEBIRD. My husband was an extra so I was involved from the start. Have kept in touch with Jon and have helped out with promoting the film both in Cinemas and now the DVD release. Even to the extent of distributing promotional postcards on cross channel ferries and various places throughout France. FREEBIRD was expertly written and directed with the perfect combination of fun and serious moments plus choice casting. Only Phil Daniels could fit the role of Grouch. Great privilege to meet Jon and the cast at the party following the premier in January. Anything else you want doing Jon just ask, either email or phone, you know how to get me. Sue xx
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WOW! Love this film - you must see it!
snapdragondesign3 April 2008
What a GREAT British movie, a screaming good laugh and sexy Gary Stretch too, and oh, lots of bikes and lovely Welsh countryside.

Members of our club the ARROWHEAD Bike and Trike Social Club appear in it as extras! Hooray!!

There are some genuinely hilarious bits, good acting, a good idea.

Met the director, Jon Ivay at a showing in Wareham, Dorset. A great man, down to earth and a good laugh. This film must be supported, as all great Brit movies should!

So please go and see it if you can, they have a website with cinemas that are showing it , so find one near you!

I can't wait to get the DVD. Some of our biker friends have seen the film two or three times already and can't get enough of it.

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I was in the film.
newbikerman12 July 2008
Was lucky enough to be an extra in this great film and loved every minute of the filming. Went to the premier in London and had a great chat to Phil, Peter, Martin, and Jon as did my wife.Fantastic after party too. Then a few weeks later had trip to the cinema with members of our bike club. What a brilliant film, it deserves to be up there with all the great biker films. Now we have the DVD Sue my wife can't get enough of it neither can the kids. Get a bit of stick from the club who seem to think I'm a film star now oh well one can only dream. I think they are just jealous. The only downside of the first part of the filming was the weather, rain, rain and more rain but hey we was in Wales. Hopefully there will be a follow up so keep me posted Jon. Danny Beck
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Give it Time
john-d-mann2 July 2008
Running out of films to rent, I picked up Freebird. I struggled through the first third of the movie wondering if the rest would be a waste to see. Fortunately, it really warmed up, and I loved the movie quite a bit. The second half of the movie had me grinning and laughing the entire time. Thankfully, although there were bits of CGI included, they were not overdone or prevalent.

I would have to say, though - the actors all have heavy European accents, so be warned if you have trouble understanding those voices or their cultural humor.

I really loved this movie, and will have to order myself a copy for my own collection.
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Great British Indy Romp
p-helmer21 August 2008
A great British Indy movie! Fantastic chemistry between the 3 main characters make for some hilarious drug-fuelled set pieces that Cheech and Chong would be proud of. Great to see Phil Daniels back on the big screen (even if he has swapped sides since Quadrophenia!) and Gary Stretch is surprisingly good and a treat for the ladies! Loved the final fight scene with it's nod to Zulu and now I know what happened to Arthur Brown after he set himself on fire on Top of the Pops!...he's not acting....he really is a bona-fide British hippie!!! You don't have to be a biker to enjoy this and it's straight into my Friday night post-pub repeat viewing collection.

Give this film a go and you won't be disappointed.
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Great film!
daveca-112 July 2008
I have seen the freebird movie and think its great! its laid back fun, about time the British film industry came through with something entertaining!! its good how the guy who met them at the service station gets mentioned way into the film in the news agents, nice touch. The acting was convincing (i am a biker) they reminded me of some good times i have had in the bike scene. It was good to see the film director getting in on the acting, well done jon ! At the end a new crop gets mentioned, in Ireland is this the foundation for a 2nd film? hope so keep them coming. Great film , well written, realistic characters !
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Please sir, can I have some more
mt335530 June 2008
This is one to watch a few times. The excellent writing shows they had to have lived this story or know someone whom did because they nailed it. Freebird made me relive and laugh at my misspent youth. The title was a Great choice. Great film, setting, story, soundtrack and characters. It's a biker flick but would be a shame to pigeon hole it that way. Funny to the bone, kinda like Trailer Park Boys in the U.K. If you've never seen TPB, make a point to if you like this film. You will thank me. I hope to see more of these characters in other films. Sequel? Could be done. There's a whole lot more of the world I would like to see through their eyes.
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dbowsky9 August 2008
But the opposite, sorry bud, i completely understand how you can be dragged into a film because you relate to the subject ( and you have). This film is terrible, the main character would give any charlie brown subtitler a run for his money he just constantly mumbles which is always a laugh, most scenes just feel awkward with characters more often than not gazing across to another with a look of...its your line now, then i will react. Best British comedy? Please buddy, have a strong word with your bad bad the end of the day ...the sun goes down...and this film is Awful. I mean well done to the people involved...they have made a film...and maybe motorbike enthusiasts may be into it but people that still live here on earth with an actual sense of humour will struggle with this more than smiling at the Christmas present they're nan bought them...was that overly harsh? i do apologise...
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