Please Kill me... worst over dramatic dribble 2023 movie yet!
10 April 2023
Listen, this is the worst writing I have ever seen.

The poor actors did their best, I guess. This screenplay made a 30 minute ordeal (the actual story) into 103 minutes I literally died laughing throughout.

Yes, I'm a Pilot and non-pilots can forgive total fabrication and utterly terrible inaccuracies of this 'feel good' and 'Jesus take the wheel' mentality of this horrific waste of time, energy and the precious bandwidth that was used to stream this film. I have seen Adult films with much better plots and writing. If you are a Pilot or even Flight Sim lover, you are going to hate this flick. Also, on a $69 Introductory Flight (in the Cessna) the instructor would NEVER allow you to attempt an actual take off or landing. SO MJCH inaccurate drama was tossed in to feed our hopeful little feeble minds, including that, the doom storm, the Chocolate bar Eppy pen emergency...blah blah. From the controllers who were in real life heros, to these fake actor controllers and terrible lines making them all out to be toral morons, this film reeked!
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