Thoroughly Horrible
18 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the worst Pokemon movie to date. I pity everyone who took part in the creation and viewing of this movie, minus the writers because I am personally offended at how they wasted an hour and twenty minutes of my time that I will never get back.

The movie breaks every canon they had set up in Pokemon prior to this. It's like they decided to write a movie without watching any of the previous movies or playing the games or knowing what Pokemon were aside from general design for animation purposes.

First of all, Hoopa is the most grotesquely annoying character from literally any series I've ever seen. They scream every single line they have except when on the brink of death. The voice eventually felt like someone was putting my ear drums against a cheese grater.

Second of all, they added in every legendary Pokemon they could cram into a scene just for a "clash of the titans" type action scene to try to compensate for the movie not really having a coherent story. Or even a story really. It was just legendary Pokemon fan-service and it flopped horribly.

Third, it takes place in a fictional version of Dubai named after some variation of the word "Sahara" since Hoopa is based on a Djinn. The city was barren. There was no one there aside from like two scenes where you'd see maybe five other people aside from the main characters. Plus, every single character in this movie was white. In fictional Dubai. At the beginning of the movie the supporting characters and background characters were wearing (though stereotypical and outdated) middle eastern attire, but by the end you'd swear you were looking at a hipster poetry night at a coffee shop in Portland with how white everyone was.

I was left with far more questions than answers with this movie. Literally none were remotely close to answered. I get this is a kids movie but kids movies and animation in general has stepped up in the past decade. Pokemon apparently didn't get the memo because this views worse than almost any B movie.
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