Review of XOXO

XOXO (2016)
1 hour and 30 minute of clichés
29 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So many clichés that i had to finish the movie in 3 sessions.

The biggest cliché. The love interest. She meets the guy and hes of course dumbfounded and cant speak. Shes all smiley and we already know that these 2 are getting together. But wait, shes got another guy shes meeting and rejects our hero because hes an awkward little boy, who stutters a lot, and has 100% Prakinsons making it impossible to insert a USB-stick. And also he f#*ks up his set, and I'm sitting here like awwww, this is gonna end so badly for him. Like embarrassed on his behalf. But lo and behold, he manages to pull of a good set at the last minut of the movie, like just before the end with all the scrolling names. Shiit, talk about perfect timing. And he also gets the girl, because hes a bigtime DJ now. Golddigger.

And also, wtf is up with the couple going into the sewers? 1st they lose the tickets because riot, naturally. Then they go into the sewers. Then they get lost, take a nap, break up, get back together and magically finds the ladder they need just around the corner. 5deep3me man. Edgy story.

Only reason i give it 3 of 10 is because of Tariq and his drug overdose that gives him a great revelation. No its not, its because he crawled into a RentaLoo and that was a true wtf moment for me.

OK, ill give it 4 of 10 because they got the stereotypes of rave correctly.
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