King Kong (1933)
king Kong
3 March 2015
The famous king Kong movie starts here in the 1930's. There have been numerous recreations however, none can compare to the original. From the unbeatable sound track that ties to movie together to the dramatic acting from each individual character this movie is a classic. The very idea of a horror-type movie was just emerging during this time period. This movie had a bit of every genre that would allow all different types of movie-goers to enjoy. Director Merian Cooper definitely had a wonderful vision when coming up with the scenes for this movie. The different dynamics for each part of the movie, whether it be the actors/actresses, the sounds, the camera angles, the costumes, even the amazing (for it's time) special effects, all make this movie an unforgettable one. Although most people would prefer the newer versions of this timeless movie, watching the original is well worth it.
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