Eating Raoul (1982)
Bartel's masterpiece!!!
13 January 2009
I'm a major movie watcher and go through about 30-50 movies a month. Upon watching so many movies I'm lucky to get 2 or 3 I really like. So when I came across this gem it was truly a diamond in the rough. This is a very low budget film made with money Paul Bartel borrowed from his parents since Hollywood wouldn't touch it. And thank god they didn't! It's perfect. The plot of the movie is basically a couple needs money to close on a house quickly and they decide to attract customers of the sexually devious nature through the newspaper and take advantage of their perverse behavior. But this is just the surface. Beneath this story is a great message about society and the way sex can and does corrupt us all. Eating Raoul is a B-movie comedy masterpiece and I love seeing low budget movies pull off timeless quality films. It ranks as a must see to any B-movie enthusiast and movie lover for that matter.
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