Good, but nothing can match the book.
5 March 2002
It was an honest attempt to capture the magic of this awesome epic and the film would have seemed even better if it did not have the book to compete with. I most certainly did enjoy the film but, simply put, something was seriously lacking. Entire chunks of the first part of the trilogy were taken out and Bilbo Baggins was a bit of a disappointment... Being a huge fan of J. R. R. Tolkein since my very early teens I should not have gone into the cinema expecting so much from the film because, in candor, there was no way that the film could possibly ever compete with such a timeless book. The ultimate adult fairytale. I suppose I was disappointed by the hobbits generally because I was expecting something more rotund, so to speak. I mustn't be so harsh, though, because it was an enormous attempt... but how can a book which took 40 years to write be made into a film in 3 years, despite all the hitech technology of the the modern times? There is nothing better, in such a case as this, as the movie you can create in your own imagination while reading the book.

I must add that I thought Gandalf was wonderful. I was delighted because I thought that the producers had got him spot on just as Tolkein {and every reader} would imagine him.

My advice: lovers of the Hobbit and the trilogy don't go to see it with high expectations that the film can possibly match the books. Despite every effort made it was a bit of a let down and the end was an anticlimax if there ever was one regardless of the fact that this is probably the way it should have been done because it is only 1/3 of the entire story. Do what I'm going to do; wait until all 3 films have been made so you can flop out and completely vegetate in front of your T.V. for approximately half a day and get much more enjoyment out of it because you won't be left dangling and subconsciously wondering 'The rest of it?'.

Other movie goers who haven't read the books: A bit long, the special effects were great {as I said, an honest effort to glorify the author's great work of literature}. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, but again, you will wonder... The rest of it?
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