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6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this with big hopes, I was waiting for my day off of work to specifically see this at the cinema on IMAX.

Dune 1 (for me) is within the top 4 greatest 'Sci-Fi' movies. I say 'Sci-Fi' because it was futuristic i.e 'with greater technology' which (for me) results in 'Sci-Fi'.

Dune 2 was immense as an IMAX experience (no doubt). The explosions were awesome etc, however, where Dune 2 disappointed me was: (1) the fight scenes (2) the bi-polar characters (specifically Bautista)

(1) the group fight scenes (army battles etc) and what I'll refer to as the 'choreography' was poor, and you could see the actors waiting to be struck and it looked fake and ruined the credibility.

(2) Bautista in Dune 1 was frightening and dark where in Dune 2 he was a blubbering idiot. Also, the role played by Austin was 'okay' but the fact he needed the shield to fight 3 crippled Atreidas was confusing to me cos if Austin's character is such a badass then...?

My understanding of what is a 'Sci-Fi' has been changed, and from now on not only does it need 'technology' but also a 'higher level' of intelligence rather than a marketed/portrayed high level of intelligence.

Also the element of comedy in Dune 2 (which I like but not in 'Sci-Fi's) made it into an 'Action/Adventure' and there were Indiana Jones vibes in part from the 'Yemen' (sorry, the 'Fremen'). Bardem was a few lines away from saying 'Indy'.

In a nutshell Dune 1 was a dark and relatable movie. Spice = Oil etc etc. It was magnificent, and if Dune 1 = Batman Begins then Dune 2 = Batman & Robin.

For me this is overrated. It is good but not very very good.

Zendaya was good.

Chalomet was good.

Bardem was good.

Ferguson was good.

I wanted more and started falling asleep once the fight choreography ruined the credibility of what I expected to be a top top movie.
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Blonde (2022)
Likely a Future Classic...
1 October 2022
A raw and visceral narrative of the Marilyn Monroe story that in my opinion is both brave and beautiful. Ana de Armas kills the performance and puts her entire self into the role, which, will likely be the role she is forever best remembered for and as such then this performance should see her strongly considered within the 2023 movie award nominations. The tragic story of Marilyn Monroe depicted in 'Blonde' is like imagining a beautiful White Lily that blows over the bushes and then is forever caught up in it's thorns. 'Blonde' is a gorgeous movie that is likely a very close account of one Hollywood's greatest stars. Enchanting, and, it felt like 'Justify My Love' by Madonna should have come on at some point...
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Fall (I) (2022)
Well worth the watch!
14 September 2022
Took a chance on this guven it only had a 6.4 but I had a sneaky suspicion that in fact I would enjoy this and not to my surprise I found I totally did.

There are a few issues that I would take but there are a few issues to take in every film (and even the 9.5's etc).

The suspense was excellent and I've not seen many film that constantly have me in a WTF state of mind.

The acting was all that was needed and the two leads played their respective roles excellently.

I hope to see more of Scott Manns direction.

Don't be put off by 6.4, that is normally where you find the gems, this is a gem and you'll be glad you watched it...
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The Capture (2019– )
Bad Boy...
13 September 2022
This is WICKED, and the end of Season 2 is one of the most compelling pieces of film I've seen in a long long time.

Despite the typically European camera sheen (i.e 'crisp' rather than 'American' glossy and/or colourful) 'The Capture' totally engrossed me from the start until the final episode of Season 2.

The scriptwriting is top top drawer and the camera work and direction is near flawless.

The entire production deserve a big pat on the back because the complexity of the story would not be easy to translate so seamlessly as it has.

I have gone off a lot of TV lately i.e there is TOO MUCH (in my opinion) but when they are made to the standard of this then it's simply an honour to just kickback, chill out, and immerse yourself into what was an education as much as an enjoyment.

The last episode of Season 2 was PROPER... Bravo.
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Absolute Masterpiece
3 April 2022
I did a full Sunday in bed of the entire Nolan Batman trilogy. I've had this nagging to do this for a few weeks now. Watching TDKR for the first time in so long was literally like watching it for the first time and so much I didn't remember soon became evident. I used to dislike Bane's voice and it cast a shadow over the experience but now all these years later I realise the ignorance to overlook the film because of a temporary personal issue. TDKR is an absolute masterpiece and along with the other films in the trilogy then they are all almost flawless. A BIG film.
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Dune (2021)
My word...
1 November 2021
This is simply jaw-dropping. Mr Villeneuve has chopped and screwed the exact amount together to weave (in my opinion) the greatest sci-fi of all time. The creative pressure and delivery required must of given Denis some extra grey hairs, however, did he deliver!

The one thing I would ask be fixed for both the DVD and then for Part 2 is the audio i.e Ms Ferguson and Mr Sarsgaard are too difficult to hear sometimes when they're whispering. Ms Ferguson's voice is tweaked to sound too crisp when she is whispering and Mr Sarsgaard's Scandinavian accent sounds too different to the other actors to clearly hear what he is sometimes saying...but whatever.

This time next year Dune should surely of entered the top 15 greatest movies on IMDB and with that nothing remains to be said other than Bravo...
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Apocalypto (2006)
Written when saw Rotten Tomatoes had given 66%?
1 November 2021
This is a 8/9 from 10 movie, simple as that. Mel is a straight legend and I couldn't care less about 'The Mel Tapes' etc. The subject matter. The direction. The casting. The camera work. The friggin plotline and sequencing is literally breathtaking. In terms of a movie to see in 4K on a large tv in the dark then this is up there alongside the new Dune. The colours and the energy just jumps from the screen but also the feeling that Mel wants the story and the actors to give off is palpable too and anyone that gives this friggin 66% is an utter loser. Great film. Mel is a G, end of.
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Changeling (2008)
Angelina and Clint on FIRE!!
18 February 2021
I haven't seen this movie in a few years now (I'm watching it later on today). I recall watching this the first time around with my old Nan and she and I dimmed the lights, closed the curtains, got comfy and zoned out. Nana was new to Angelina but knew (as she always did) a 'star' when she saw one. She recognised Angelina as well as others such as Brad Pitt and Matt Damon and knew immediately that they were bonafide legit. She would resonate a 'star' via her own benchmark per the golden greats of her time and so recognised 'star quality' upon this formula. After she and I watched 'Changeling' she just nodded and said simply "what a bloody good film that was!" and that was that.. 'Changeling' feels to me like the last of the great films ie there was 'Revolutionary Road', 'Benjamin Button' and a few others of a very similar ilk and feel and because of this then I feel it is fair to say that 'Changeling' is a total classic for the ages. Angelina is a total badass and personally I feel she is one of the hollywood greats of the last 30 years per her face, per her beliefs, and moreso per her acting ability and credentials. And as far as Clint is concerned then what do I need to say. Clints films are always top top top drawer and they always have been and always will be for now and eternity. A magnificent film.
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Boxing Helena (1993)
Cult Classic...
18 February 2021
Don't pay any attention to the silly people giving this 4.8 and trust me when I tell you that this is a deep psychological journey into the depth of one person's narcissistic rejection that is so damned possibly true that it needs to be watched if only for the education and warning. The 4.8 is due to pretentious 'pro' reviewers thinking that the film is in bad taste etc when in fact it is a tour de force worthy of so much more... If Daddy Lynch had of made it then it'd of gotten a 7+ but because it is the daughter of the great man then the haters are out to hate. A heavy heavy film...
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A Modern Classic...
15 February 2021
As a stand alone film then this is straight off of the top drawer.

Kaluuya kills the part stone dead and all in all this will and should go down as a modern classic that is worthy of an Oscar nod in the best 'actor / script / director / film' categories.
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Another 10 magnifications of 'reality' from the mastery of Adam Curtis...
13 February 2021
The tapestry that sits protected within its depressurised security glass seems enchantingly rich and lush, but when it's no longer attended to then it suddenly and rapidly begins to wither away until just the slightest wind is enough to detach the fibres into nothing more than a flailing and ruined mess. The same thing that captivated you suddenly becomes indistinct from anything else you saw before it... 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head' is a work of art that is mesmerising just as much as it is troubling. As a Brit that has suffered in what I would call an 'empty meaningless life' then I recognise everything that Adam Curtis is divulging to us and from the merest mention of its subject matter until it's inevitable conclusion. This docu-series could of been told in an invariable amount of different ways and yet this 'mini-encyclopedia of reality' strikes chords that make it feel and seem so damned evidently true. A masterful production edited in AC's typical 'shock therapy fashion'. My advice is simply turn off the lights, get comfortable, and join the dots. Note: The BBC deserve a big shout out for showing this. They themselves could be guilty of using subterfuge and/or reverse psychology in playing this but whatever, 'props' are due because I thoroughly enjoyed this...
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Unprecedented and Simply Amazing
24 January 2021
I'm not going to write a long one but suffice to say that this is the greatest tv show of all time other than 'The Twilight Zone'.

The sheer bloody-mindedness of David Lynch proves the talent of this genius and his aura is included within every fibre of this masterful production.

Ray Wise (Leland Palmer) totally owns this and if ever an actor was made for a part then he was made for his.

Angelo Badalamenti (for me) deserves a special mention, for without him then the dark energy emitted throughout would never have resonated the same
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JFK (1991)
An All-Time Classic...
24 January 2021
At one point Kevin Costner was the best actor in the World, and not only was he the best actor in the World but his films were also 'World-Class' too. JFK is the pinnacle of his career, it is his greatest film, and his second greatest performance after 'Dances With Wolves'. Personally I am truly honoured to have seen both of these masterpieces.

JFK is without doubt one of the greatest films and a film that leaves you feeling troubled and lost and that pulls you from left to right as you become engrossed within the sweeping juxtaposition between flashbacks and the present time (1963).

The movie is a behemoth and the lineup is truly worthy of the 10 stars I am giving it and frankly it was a part of my youth that still influences me till this very day. Every single performance in this masterpiece is at least a 9/10 with a particular mention deserving to both TLJ and Pesci who together are simply phenomenal.

An absolute classic and Oliver Stone at his very very best. Nuff said...
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Simply Mesmerising
24 January 2021
I've seen this film 3 times now and I will undoubtedly see it again. The film is mesmerising from the start and is shot with a familiarity and simplicity that masterfully hides the complexity of the direction and script. The nearest thing to a Lynch movie you'll see (other than from the man himself) and for a film that is so deep and layered then it is extremely easy to follow when considering the tale. An enchanting movie of the highest calibre
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Creed (II) (2015)
Blew me away... a modern classic
24 January 2021
When I saw this I was so looking forward to it, and when I finally saw it I was absolutely blown away. MBJ was excellent, and Sly was just Sly. The music by Tessa was hauntingly good, and the action was friggin superb. Sly is a global treasure and we should be grateful for his contribution to modern film because he truly has added something to most of our lives. He came from nothing and just kept on hammering away and demanded to be trusted and to be taken seriously and this film encapsulates his spirit to a tee. For me Creed should have cleaned up at the Oscars because it gave the one single thing that we all want from a movie and that is entertainment (and the entertainment here is of the highest calibre). Well done to the production staff and well done to Sly and MJB. A modern classic and an motivator to pick you up when you feel down.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Epic Blockbuster That Inspires Millions Of Humans Worldwide, END OF
24 January 2021
I saw that Rocky 4 had 6.9/10 and frankly I felt angry. This film was made with love and acted as a surrogate father for many lonely or single parent kids. When I first saw this I was in care and I was lonely and frightened and my older Uncles came for me at the home and took me to the cinema with all their mates and it was the best day of my life. The part where Uncle Paulie says "he ain't gettin beat he's gettin mad!" is probably the single most energising line of any film I have ever seen and I jumped out of my seat super pumped and to the point where my Uncles grabbed me to sit down. The film is supreme and to give it 6.9 is nothing short of pathetic and weak. They took MJ, and now they're taking Rocky 4 and I'm saying go away and leave them both alone cos they were my youth and I love both. 10/10, done
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Made sense to me...
13 September 2020
In keeping it as short and as I can, I would say this is a film that juxtapositions with mathematical synchronicity held magnificently together by all actors and staff involved. The film is a masterpiece that expresses exactly what it wants you to understand and exactly what it wants to show you. Great performances all around, and a selfless production throughout...
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Yardie (2018)
Does Elba wish he was of Jamaican descent, and not African? Cringey ASF...
24 December 2018
I read the books when I was young, Yardie, Yush etc, and they were vivid and engrossing, and especially on my young and susceptible mind. This is a good idea as a series of films BUT a bad choice for Elba to do. Elba needs to make his mind up on whether he is the 'Suave & Sophisticated' - 'black' guy of now, or, the schizoid who picks and chooses when he wants to be the 'S & S' guy one day but then the 'ghetto black' dude the next? Elba has lost stock by doing this film and because he NOW needs to commit to the whole series, and Yardie was the best book but the film is poor? Firstly his family are Sierra Leone people, not Jamaican, and being 'black' or having 'some in you' does not mean you can cheat a 'ghetto' upbringing or give you the authority to push 'patois'? it is insecure and cringey asf. I get tired of seeing (and especially hearing) silly brown people desperately clinging on to being 'black' and in 2018+ it is 100% cheating, and my dad is like this also so don't get the wrong idea about me. There is a virus and it is 'blackness' and continuing to think that you are 'black' therefore thinking you can 'talk like dis blad innit' is not the agenda we should be encouraging today, and Elba is ripping us off by feeding unnecessary junk in our way. Elba is a middle aged man so perhaps it's time to be original and stop cheating a living with this desperate attempt at 'showing his roots'? Idris you are British and African, you ARE NOT Jamaican - are you embarrassed by this? Seeing Africans talking like Jamaicans is cringey (as if being Jamaican is better?) is annoying, and children of ist generation African British families who speak or think they can claim 'struggle privilege' does my head in, seriously. Rubbish film
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