
5 Reviews
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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
20 August 2007
I liked the first High School Musical. Really I did. It was fun, cute without being cheesy and it appealed to most ages.

High School Musical 2 is a joke compared to the first. First of all you have tweeny Disney stars like Vanessa Hudgens and Corbin Bleu with their terrible acting, the songs were awful, the plot seemed like an idea someone came up with in a span of 10 minutes. Ashley Tisdale and Zac Efron are probably the only kids in this TV movie who can act. What happened to the characters personalitys? Gabriella was the worst, turned into a giggling, cutesy, boy crazy teen. I wanted to slap her every scene she was in. Disney we know you tried but it wasn't really that great. Please boycott High School Musical 3, I hate to see how that will end up.
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Nice attempt.. but no
13 December 2006
I was ready and waiting to see how "amazing" X3 was supposed to be. If only they had kept Bryan Singer on board. While it was a nice attempt by Brett Ratner I don't think he has the experience or creative imagination to direct X3 or any X-Men movie for that matter. For me there was just nothing there, the movie didn't surprise me or live up to it's expectations. If you read Bryan Singer's ideas that he had planned for X3 you would probably have been like me, excited, anxious and pumped.

Where were half of the characters? Rogue being one of the main characters in the first two X-men movies just disappeared completely! Jean Grey/Phoenix was practically a mime the entire movie. I ached for the scenes where we could actually see some emotion in both Jean and the Phoenix. And what was up with Cyclops? Was Fox angry because he was in Superman and decided to kill him off within the first 10 minutes of X3? Halle Berry only agreed to come back on board if she got more money, more screen time and more 'character development' (which I saw none of). Storm was just annoying and seemed to be shoved in every scene available. There are more characters I could comment on but that would take a long time.

If there is an X4 I will be ready to erase X3 from my mind and hopefully the terrible directing of Brett Ratner. All I have to say is BRING BRYAN SINGER BACK!
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
One of the best shows on television
13 December 2006
I am floored. I decided on a whim to download a few BSG episodes off iTunes and boy am I glad I did. I have been watching BSG non-stop (that's a lie) for two days. I'm almost done with all of the season currently out (including season 3). Now I cannot wait for the next episode! (17 days, 20 hours and 6 minutes!) Because no i'm not obsessed now. I haven't seen the original series but i'm sure i'll take a look at it. For now I will stick to the current BSG and maybe sometimes in the near future i'll check out the original. I love everything about BSG, right down to the soundtrack which I had to get because I admit it sounded wicked cool. If you haven't given BSG a chance I encourage you to try it out, you won't be disappointed!
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13 December 2006
For me Superman Returns was amazing. Everything about it was just enchanting and beautiful. Especially Brandon Routh.. Oh boy don't even get me started. I might not be a true devoted superman fan, I haven't read the comics or seen any of the previous movies but watching Superman Returns has made me into a "Superfan" for life. Kevin Spacey and Brandon Routh deliver an astounding performance that will not disappoint. Even Kate Bosworth had me convinced she was Lois Lane! While Bryan Singer was creating this masterpiece Brett Ratner was destroying X3. Superman has even turned me onto the show Smallville. I can't rave enough about my love for this movie, other than i've watched it about 15 times.
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Little Man (III) (2006)
14 July 2006
This movie is most possibly the worst movie I have ever see in my entire life! The plot is ridiculous and the whole "Little Man" crap is just so stupid. The entire movie is unrealistic and dumb. Let's face it, It's just a "Black Comedy". This is just a pointless horrible piece that should have never made it to theaters. The jokes are not funny and the acting is horrendous. Please, I beg of to you save your money than see this worthless piece of crap. I had to endure sitting through Little Man for an hour and a half wishing my eyes would bleed. I am disgusted that something like this would even be thought of! Who writes this crap? The actors have NO talent what so ever, how do these people get into Hollywood? They are making money off this junk!
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