
206 Reviews
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A smartly crafted, directed,acted political thriller
2 June 2024
This Polanski Political thriller is something to be experienced at least once in your life. It is smartly written, well directed, brilliantly acted. The pacing was slick and suspense level heighten to North by Northwest standards. Ewan (The Ghost) has been hired to continue writing former British PM Lang's memoir after the first ghost turns up dead. MacGregor investigates deeper into Lang past, superbly played by Brosnan, and starts connecting the dots as things are not what they seem, and that Lang may not have been making the decisions during his reign. This one kept me engaged until the end, which I liked how it came together. Great support from Cattrall, Wilkenson, and cameos by Belushi, Wallach. 5/5. Don't pay attention to lower ranked ratings, those are written by the same simpletons who would think Norris,Seagal films are Oscar worthy, and can't appreciate a "real" type of suspense thriller.
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Demonia (1990)
Far from top tier Fulci.
23 May 2024
My favorite Italian director is Dario Argento, Fulci comes a close second. My favorite Fulci film is The New York Ripper, followed by City of the Living Dead,Zombi, I liked his giallo's too, A lizard in a woman's skin, Don't torture a duckling. I saw the trailer for this later entry on YouTube and thought the trailer looked great. It was deceiving as the trailer was better than the film. The story was interesting about 5 nuns being crucified for sins, and their ghosts returning after an archeological awakes them after 500 yrs. The film takes about 44 min to pick up, very brief nudity, most of the kills were underwhelming. The two more interesting kills were the psychic being mulled by her own cats, cheaply executed but intriguing, the other when the boys father gets ripped in half, an interesting effect as the inside parts coming out look real enough, the only similar effect like this is in Bone tomahawk which came out 25 yrs later. Fulci plays the detective, some of the editing seemed sloppy, and the ending was anti climatic. Not one of his better entries, not sure if I'll bother with Murder Rock as it's rating was lower. 2/5.
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Uniquely disturbing
19 May 2024
I really am not sure how to describe this film. It's a little bit police drama, horror, occult, explorative, musical and all leads up to an twist climax and macabre ending. Sgt Howie superbly played by Woodward is a staunch Christian policeman sent to a Scottish island village to investigate the disappearance of a local girl. The towns folk are less than helpful and project an unwelcome vibe while maintaining a forced small town hospitality to Sgt Howie. He discovers they have been making him the fool by lying to him about the girls existence as he pieces together the odd behaviour and pagan rituals of this village. You are later introduced to Lord Summerisle (Lee) who does the best Bond villain monologue of this isle history. There is also Britt Eklands boobs, some Celtic, and psychedelic music, a may festival with Lee dancing and dressed like a 2a.m Cher drag queen all leading to an unsuspecting double cross and one chilling ending. You honestly feel the tension and fear experienced by Woodward. Not for everyone but certainly a picture to experience once in your life. Also if your American watch the 1973 version, and not the hamstastic 2006 cage feature. 4.5/5.
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Visually stunning and atmospheric, albeit slow paced
19 May 2024
I had never heard of this film nor realized Plummer had ever played Holmes until one slow night watching old film trailers. It intrigued me as I've seen Rathbone, Massey, Downey Jr, Wontner, Caine as Holmes and furthermore interested by the Jack the Ripper aspect. I know Moore also played Holmes but haven't seen his film yet, but would say he and Plummer would be the two best looking guys to dawn the deerstalker. The foggy narrowed cobblestone streets and alleys of Whitechapel are very visually stunning as the costuming and performances. There are a couple murders depicted, Holmes seems a little more human and less about just solving the case, Watson (Mason) serves as the trusty sidekick, and most enjoyable scene with the green pea or interrogating the prostitutes. The middle section does build and creates an atmosphere of good story telling but find the pacing to be slow compared to the trailer, I like Sutherland but found his character (Lees) in this to be unnecessary and quite dull. It pulls off a couple decent action sequences and builds to a decent climax, with a harrowing speech by Plummer in Parliament once he unmasks the killers and the reason behind the killing. The scene with Holmes at the Sanitarium feels quite real. 3.5 / 5.
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Well animated, but lacks story
1 May 2024
I maintain if you want a great children 's anime feature look for 1974 Jack and the beanstalk. I saw it numerous times as a 5 yr old, and rewatched again at 39, and remembered each scene before it happened with many fond memories. I was shown this feature just yesterday and don't remember much of it. It follows a family who move to a country home to be closer to their ill mother, illness never disclosed. The youngest daughter Mei wanders in the woods and finds the home of Totoro, a weird hairy creature. There are only a couple memorable scenes one being the cat bus. There wasn't much development between the girls and Totoro with any adventures and the ending seemed abrupt. Kids will like it. Look for pat Carrol voice of Ursula as Granny. 3/5.
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Mediocre sequel
1 May 2024
I have seen all 4 Vacation films, and I would put this one as #4. The first installment and Christmas vacation are the best two, and Vegas vacation doesn't have as many laughs it has Eddie, Eddie may have improved this one too if he were featured. This films starts with the Griswold's on a gameshow, and mistakingly win the European trip. Random mishaps ensue, as it seem like a bunch of segments slapped together and doesn't flow as a story, Audrey is nauseatingly annoying in this one, Chase doesn't seem as interested. The best parts of this film is when they're in Germany and there visit to Stonehenge. 2/5.
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A Comedy classic
14 April 2024
Mel Brooks is synonymous with parody and comedy. This film is a true classic and offered plenty of hard laughs. It definitely wouldn't be allowed to be made today. It stars many big names of the times, Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder,Harvey Korman, Slim Pickings, and follows the Western formula perfectly of a Randolph Scott film. The only scene that seemed unnecessary is near the end with the fight breaks out on the set of the gay musical, and Dom Delouise as the overly flamboyant director otherwise everything fits like a glove. Warning if your easily offended and have no sense of humor perhaps give it a pass rather than analyzing and trying the find a reason to dislike this joyous comedy classic. 4.5/5.
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Fun B suspense thriller, but no Strait jacket
28 March 2024
I enjoy the films of William Castle I've seen so far. House on haunted hill, Strait jacket. This one is a decent watch as well, if you can get past how juvenile the two teens act, for driving age teen Libby acts more like a 12 yr old. Libby,Kit,Tess are bored and make crank calls, they make one to the wrong guy, who just murdered and disposed of his wife in a particular graphic scene. Joan Crawford makes an appearance as the nosey next door neighbor who has a fascination for Steve. Steve must try to silence everyone who knows his little secret. It is a decent that offers up some genuine tension and suspense. The soundtrack doesn't seem to match accompanying scenes but not a biggie. 3.5 /5.
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Strait-Jacket (1964)
Some heads are gonna roll
24 March 2024
This is my first Joan Crawford film. I really enjoyed William Castle's House on haunted hill, so gave this a go. I really enjoyed it, the story, performances and the practical effects were decent for the times. Lucy Harbin returns home to find her husband on bed with another woman. She grabs an ax and pulls a Lizzy Borden, love the little rhyme. Harbin does 20 yrs in an asylum, then released. Upon her return people start getting decapitated again. A particularly well done scene in the freezer barn. There is a good twist to the story mid way, I think I will look for more of these classics. A 5/5. Going to give "I saw what you did" a go next.
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Incident on a Dark Street (1973 TV Movie)
Much better than expected
17 March 2024
I bought this film after hearing about the passing of Gordon Pinsent who plays the mayor. He plays a good elected official even though he only features in three scenes. The story revolves around a hood for the mob that gets killed trying to give information. His brother a mob wanna be tries to help the d.a office in building a case against the mob boss suspected of ordering the hit. It doesn't end there two city officials are connected to the case as well, Deever, Ed supremely played by Shatner and Hamilton. It really was a decent made for t.v thriller that keeps you interested, David Doyle of Coogans bluff and Match game plays a D. A assistant. Frank Romero is really convincing in his flee from the street sweeper. A good afternoon watch on a rainy day 3/5.
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Turkey Turd
25 February 2024
I can have appreciation for B grade films, or even Z grade films, but it has to either entertain or hold my attention thru a character, practical effects, music so on. This postumous Karloff release somehow manages to take snakes,voodoo, zombies, and make basically an unentertaining, virtually unwatchable film. A Police chief from Paris is sent to the island to whip the dept into shape, and is introduced to the voodoo that's going on Turing local dead into zombie cane field workers. Karloff doesn't have much screen time and ending is effective. The only two scenes that were memorable one actress locks lips with a mirrored double of herself, a risky taboo of its day in 68, the other is when the priestess grabs the arms of zombies black actress and her body begins to smoke and cremate in front of Crenshaw, an excellent effect. Not scary, not interesting, not entertaining. 1/5.
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A partially true account of History
22 February 2024
The Wild Geese is a superior film, in terms of story, pacing, action, light comedy. The hardest thing to get over is the modern look of the clothes and not of WW2 styling. This is my first film with Gregory Peck, not a fan. Found him to be emotionless, and wooden. Hard to say if the real Pugh was like that or not, but in a film you want to entertain. Roger delightfully playing to his Bond persona, and even darker in some ways as he snaps a spy's neck, and kills a woman. Niven is put in charge of the floating turd they must use to blow up the Nazi ship. The climax is good, along with bits and pieces along the way, but is bogged a bit in the middle. Some funny lines from the German sub discussing the barge. 3/5.
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Dark Glasses (2022)
Blood, boobs, great music, stylish graphic kills, he's back.
18 February 2024
I haven't seen all of Dario's work yet. I have enjoyed the ones I have seen . Bird with crystal plumage, cat o'nine tails, 4 flies on grey velvet, Deep Red, Susperia, Tenebrae, Opera, Sleepless. With Deep Red, Sleepless, Tenebrae standing out as my favs. I was glad to hear he was returning to the giallo after 20 year gap. Don't believe the negative reviews let yourself be the judge. If your a fan of the genre there is much to enjoy here. Great camera work in the beginning during the eclipse scene. This film has a Jack the Ripper influence as the killer first kills prostitutes, before going after those who get in the way. The first kill at the hotel is incredibly graphic and realistic to point anyone with a weak stomach will leave the room, the practical effects were top notch. We follow the story of Diana an escort who has a severe car accident as a result of being chased by the killer. Sadly the parents of a small Chinese boy are killed in the collision. Diana loses her sight, and has to adapt to a life without sight with the help of Rita, the support worker for the blind and nera a sight seeing dog. She meets again with the boy named Chin as she has a guilty conscience about the accident, he escapes the orphanage and goes to Diana. This is where the killer starts his murderous stalking. It's a simple but good story, moves at a quick pace, with great atmosphere, and goblin style sync music, boobs, graphic kills. Slightly sad and sympathetic end, Diana speaks a couple stirring lines near the end and you feel for her. My only complaints there was a scene involving water snakes that seemed a bit excessive and longer than was needed and it was in Italian with English subtitles. There were subtle nods to earlier work. Blind taking in a child (Cat o nine tails). Dog killing someone (Susperia), Dark atmosphere, with sync music and use of musical item for a kill (Sleepless). A very good watch, and the killer was revealed at a good point not too early like some giallos. This film also has a psychological terror element to it as well. Solid 4/5.
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Burton, Moore,Harris soar in formation
13 February 2024
This was a unique film, Bond style title sequence provided by Binder, second unit direction by the greatest Bond director John Glen, a great script and the talents of screen greats Richard Burton, the best Bond Roger Moore, and Richard Harris. A banker hires Burton to rescue a deposed African leader, and Burton puts his old team back together, you get great action, with some realistic practical effects and good old British humour from Sandy and cast, R. Lee Emery Full metal jacket drill Sgt equivalent. There is a double cross during the rescue and the men are left to find their own way out. No typical Hollywood everything goes to plan, there are some jarring and sad parts in this film as characters you have followed and enjoyed watching for two hours don't all make it home. A particular emotional scene between Burton and Harris near the climax stands out as a sad reality of what some men went thru left with no option. 4/5.
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The Sadist (1963)
Gritty and plausible
9 February 2024
This was an interesting and plausible small budget thriller, that knew how to build awkward tension and suspense. It's about three teachers on their way to a Dodgers game when their 62 Belair experiences fuel pump issues. They pull into an old wrecking yard and are bewildered that no one is around to help. One teacher starts taking a fuel pump out of a 53-54 Bel Air when your introduced to the antagonist, and his girlfriend who begins to torment the trio. The film goes a little long but overall is effective and the climax and end to the antagonist Tibbs is quite good. The best bit of acting comes from a teacher named Carl as he tries to plead with Tibbs and appeal to the fact that they were young and would have had parents. Arch Hall plays an effective serial killer, but he and his gf spend alot of the film doing a redneck giggle back and forth and she only whispers to him. The worst acting comes from the female teacher Doris, screamy damsel in distress and at times were wooden somehow outfits the killer. Ok watch for fans of B movies. 2.5/5.
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Crawlspace (1986)
A strangely satisfying thriller
23 January 2024
This film is a mixed bag,horror, psychological thriller, peeping tom, and the son of a nazi officer, who was a doctor that enjoyed holding the balance of life or death of his patients in his hands, often choosing death. He now is the landlord of a building renting units out to women and psychologically torturing them. He comes off as a soft spoken recluse, but you learn very early in the film of his dark side, he builds booby traps and has even kept one of the female tenants in a cage as like a pet. He must have moments of clarity as he enters a room on three occasions to play Russian roulette after killing someone else, and always uttering "so be it " with each empty chamber to continue his killing spree. The landlord is played by the always entertaining Klaus Kinski as Dr Karl Gunther a tortured man that your unsure whether he's psychotic or just a bad hobby, at one point he is given a photo of himself as a HJ cadet and begins to become emotional to the point of actual tears , not a trait with psychotics. I had never heard of this picture until last year. I stumbled across the trailer and decided I needed to find it when I saw Kinski standing in an attic as a Hitler video played in the background while he wore his dad's S. S hat giving a salute with woman's make up smeared on his face making him look a little like Batman's joker. It was an enjoyable watch, decent in effect imaginative kills, good back story to Gunther's character and the noir style narrative helps set the tone 4/5.
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Will to Die (1971)
Some good,but not enough to redeem
22 January 2024
It started out ok, liked when the tape of Carradine reading his will was played, and there were a couple good kills, but it was weighed down by by alot of dark nothing and lousy dialogue. Most of the Dean family are unlikable so as they get bumped off you really don't care that much. A twist near the end, and an ok ending does little to help this clunky murderer in the creepy house movie. I recommend House on haunted hill 1958, or The abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) as much better films that use the elements established in Legacy of Blood. There must have been a re write, the family was to stay a week, but it appears it's really only overnight. I generously gave it 3/10, as the kills of Acosta hatchet to the head, and the Dr. Face eaten by bees were quite good. Other than that sidestep this turd.
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Night Fright (1967)
21 January 2024
Sometimes a really low budget film can be fun, either thru costume of the antagonist, piece of music, campiness of the acting. This 1967 bottom of the dung heap sc-fi horror offers nothing to the viewer and maybe a cure for insomnia or constipation. The acting is bad , the lighting is bad, the costume of the monster isn't that bad but difficult to see due to the bad lighting, the script was bad, and the soundtrack didn't work. The teens were played by people between 25-30 yrs of age. The only positive to take away is the cars, love these old land yachts. The film is incredibly anti climatic, and if you have a car but choose to run thru dark woods away from a slow moving furry monster your just an idiot. 1 ⭐ for the monster costume and 1 star ⭐ for the cars.
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The Attic (1980)
Not horror, but a psychological character study
18 January 2024
This film is a slow burn at times, but offers a very in depth character study and the effect of mental criticism, manipulation of overbearing parent. Your introduced to Louise a middle aged librarian whose life is less than ideal and was stood up at the alter 19 yrs ago. You really do sympathize with her fragile mental state and her delusion that her fiancee will return to her. Louise is played by Carrie Snoggren and we'll played too, Wendell her awful excuse of a father is played by Ray Milland. For about 40 minutes it's a slow burn, until the intro of the monkey. The ending though quite sad builds to an exciting climax as to what's really in the attic. Not a repeat watch but deserving of a viewing once or twice. 3/5.
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Well crafted, acted, directed Thriller
3 January 2024
This film proves Clint (62)still has what it takes to do a proper action/ thriller film. In this film he plays Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan and is a blend of "Dirty"Harry Callihan sarcastic wit, Walt "get off my lawn " Kowalski surliness. After a phone call from a man who calls himself Booth discussing Frank's failure to Protect JFK, and will he fail to protect the current President. Frank rejoins for active field agent while investigating "Booth" who turns out his name is Mitch Leary played passionately unhinged by John Malkovich as a man felt betrayed by his government. (I don't want to divulge too much). Leary plays cat and mouse with Horrigan for about 1/2 the film until Horrigan puts most of the pieces together. Everything tied in nicely except for the unlikely romance of a 62 yr old Eastwood and a 24 yr younger Renee Russo who plays agent Raines. Lot of big names in this film, but it's Malkovich and Eastwood that make it a top rung thriller. 5/5.
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Worthy end to a hilarious trilogy
2 January 2024
I did enjoy this one more over TNG 2 1/2. This one feels a bit different in the jokes while still maintaining the film noir base. Frank has retired but it's short lived when Ed Hocken convinces him to return for a case. Frank has to go undercover in prison and foil the plan of a bomber played by Fred Ward, Leslie Nielsen was a lucky guy in this one getting to lock lips with a sultry Anna Nicole Smith, as a teen in the 90's couldn't get much better than her. Kathleen Freeman plays Ward's mom. This was a great finish for the trilogy. It was said there were plans for a fourth, which is probably best they didn't go through with it as it may have become stale at that point. I think the producers knew that too hence why the word "final" is in the title and T-Rex crushing the roof of the opening credit squad car. 4/5.
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Decent sequel
2 January 2024
In 1991 the Zucker's treated us to a continuation in the Frank Drebin Police Squad story. All supporting characters return, and Norberg's O. J Simpson gets to do a bit more in this showing he did have comedic acting ability. In this the wealthy businessman with evil plan is played by Robert Goulet who is invested in big oil and kidnaps a respected dr who is to speak at a conference suggesting alternate means. There are a few good scenes with characters playing President G. H Bush and first lady Barbara. Not quite as strong as the first film but a decent follow up, ending bomb similar to the one used in Bond film Goldfinger. 3/5.
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Classic Nielsen
2 January 2024
Leslie Nielsen's deadpan performance as aLt Drebin and making fun of the film noir genre brought about great fun,laughs, dialogue. "The truth hurts, maybe not as much as jumping into a bicycle with the seat missing, but it hurts". "Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel things out". Of the trilogy I think this one is the best, closely followed by 33 1/3, then 2 1/2. Rounding out the cast are George Kennedy as Capt Ed Hocken, O. J Simpson as Norberg, Presilla Presley as Jane Spencer, Drebin's love interest in all three. This one story is about a plot to assassinate the queen during a ballgame using mind control by a wealthy businessman played by Ricardo Montalban. This film recreates a good scene between mayor and cop used in Dirty Harry. Fun escapism 5/5.
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Visually striking, Kinski's Dracula more human
2 January 2024
I have viewed a good number of films offering the tale of Dracula. 1922 Nosferatu, all of Christopher Lee Hammer films, 1973 Jack Palance, and 1992 Bram Stoker, admittedly I haven't seen Bella Lugosi yet as Dracula for comparison. This 1979 offering from Werner Herzog is visually striking and not only offers beautifully shot landscapes, but offers a more human characteristically layered version of the Count, who is saddened with being immortal, and desperate to feel love and affection. This is expertly played by Klaus Kinski. His plan is still evil, of wanting to move and bring about plague and destruction to his new home but you feel sympathy for him in his cursed existance. I don't want to give too much away,but this film is an experience all should share. The version of Renfield in this is probably one of the zaniest, reminiscent of Herbert Lom as Dreyfuss in the Pink Panther franchise oh, that laugh. The ending is also unsettling for Harker's character. A 5/5.
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Realistic,macabre one of the best euro westerns
28 December 2023
This 1968 Sergio Corbucci western completely shattered the mold of all Hollywood or Spaghetti westerns that came before and after it. To my knowledge it is the only western set in a wintery frontier and offers some of the best location shots of the Dolomite mountains meant to double as Utah. The characters are strong and well acted. Silence is a mute gunslinger out to avenge those who cannot for themselves, Pauline the widow of one of the bounty corpses who later becomes Silences love interest, is played with strong conviction. Loco is the head bounty hunter played expertly by the one and only Klaus Kinski who looks to have enjoyed playing this character. You also have a group of outcasts waiting for amnesty so they can return home and you do sympathize with them. This is one of the more violent westerns I've seen and leads up to probably the most un Hollywood macabre endings of it's genre, but probably more realistic. If you purchase the 50th anniversary Blu-ray it offers two alternative endings #2 of which may have also worked. Another memorable score from Ennio Morricone. This film is one that will leave a lasting impression and one of the few that depicts good doesn't always triumph evil. 5/5.
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