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Braceface (2001–2006)
Life is an adventure
6 June 2024
Because of her insecurities, Sharon frequently has to overcome hurdles. She would go above and beyond in an attempt to gain popularity and favor. For instance, the time she rebelled against her mother because she wanted a tattoo or the time she got wasted in Miami while visiting her father to impress his bandmates. She learns a lesson every episode that being who she is, is sufficient. This show is incredibly relatable since Sharon share all the same thoughts and questions we had at her age. There was a point in time when everybody wanted to fit in, but as you collect life experiences you start to discover yourself and your own path.
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Girlfriends (2000–2008)
True friends are forever, unbreakable and eternal.
22 May 2024
You don't find that many shows involving four black beautiful successful women in LA so finding Girlfriends was a gem. This show is an inspiration to strive for your goals, do what makes you happy, don't settle, and friendship is important. I love how even though all the ladies have different personalities they mesh together so well especially when sharing their problems they all come together to find a solution and we even get insight from a male point of view too. Even though the subjects covered are educational, there will be frequent humor. You can accompany the girls as they go through many stages of life, such as Joan's desire to be married, Maya's transition from marriage to divorce, Toni's involvement in a committed relationship and her learning to compromise, and Lynn's development. It's very relatable and will open your eyes to different experiences and the outcome.
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Sleepover (2004)
Never give up!
18 May 2024
A scavenger hunt is an perfect opportunity for friends to become closer. It demonstrates how you can work together to create a plan to solve a problem. This movie was very much full with intensity, and it kept you on the edge of your seat, praying that Julie's parents and the patrol cop/security guard wouldn't catch them. I loved how it pushed the group to take risks outside of their comfort zones while still having a great time. The tasks that had to be completed made the experience appear really adventurous. I loved how Steve wasn't weirded out by the list and decided to help Julie win the challenge. This movie was my first time being introduced to an electric car.
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Katt Williams: Woke Foke (2024 TV Special)
Could've been better!
15 May 2024
I have to admit that this Netflix special left me feeling let down. After watching him go viral for spilling all the tea during his Club Shay Shay interview, which attracted attention from all around the world, I expected more secrets to be revealed. Although Kat made a lot of noise about telling the truth, he stayed safe. We look on him to be honest, forthright, and to speak up when others would be too scared to. I really liked how he addressed several significant issues, such as the Alabama riverboat fight, black people receiving reparations, and self-belief. Although it was educational overall, it was not humorous enough to qualify as a comedy.
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Love does not delight in evil!
12 May 2024
This is the most remarkable and unforgettable biopic I have ever watched. Though there was a price she had to pay to get there, Tina Turner is known as the Queen of Rock for introducing a unique flair to the music industry. Tina's mother Zelma upon meeting Ike showed that she valued money more than her daughter's wellbeing which open the door to Ike being able to control Tina however he pleased. For example, he changed her name without her consent, discharge her from the hospital against medical orders, dictate how she wear her hair and how she sing. Tina should have saw the signs with his previous relationship with Lorraine, but she believed everything Ike said and let him guilt trip her into a relationship because he sense her naivety. Ike was jealous of Tina's success and wanted to break her. Out of all the people who were around her daily, Jackie motivated her to get the strength she needed to fight back and walk away even if it meant starting over.
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Coraline (2009)
Everything that glitters is not gold!
12 May 2024
When relocating into older homes, use caution. It is usually advisable to examine its historical context. You never know what kind of energy someone may leave behind or how it can impact your family. After moving to a new state, Caroline felt alone because her parents were preoccupied with their jobs. She made the decision to travel around the area and meet the neighbors, who forewarned her about the other world. However, due to the rich treatment she had on her first visit, she was eager to return, not realizing that everything had been set up to entice her. Several days later, Caroline received an offer that frightened her, making her want to return back home rather than continue engaging in the alternate world. However, it was too late; the other mother was enraged and intended to kidnap Caroline for her own sinister fulfillment. It wasn't until Caroline learned that other children had fallen for the same trick that she began to face reality. Even though she had to fight her way out, I was relieved that she didn't become part of the statistics of missing children.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Own who you are!
12 May 2024
Why is it that love doctors pride themselves on the success they achieve behind offering guidance on how to meet your soul mate, mend a broken relationship, or win over your crush, yet their strategies never seem to work for them? Hitch was like a love guru for guys, he research women in order to understand us and provide men the tactics they need to succeed. Hitch's romantic techniques worked for everyone-except for him, of course, who realized that in order for Sara to truly take him seriously, he needed to come out from behind the wall he had constructed to keep guys from getting hurt and show vulnerability.
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Bad Girls Club (2006– )
There is many definitions of a bad girl
11 May 2024
After watching this show, how likely do you think you would have been to finish? This show consists of seven girls from various backgrounds and personalities who coexist in a house for, I believe, a minimum of three months. To succeed in this challenge, you must be courageous, resilient, strategic, and able to lead others. It's similar to a survival show. Many of the females joined the show knowing full well that they couldn't take it, yet it still taught them valuable lessons. For example, to be able to control your temper and don't let anyone get under skin. It was a show that was needed because it helps you reflect on your traits like are you judgmental, arrogant, dominating, hedonistic, fragile, a liar or tormentor if so this is your chance to see what kind of consequences come behind those characteristics.
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The Return of Jafar (1994 Video)
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
11 May 2024
"A leopard never changes its spots" is a fitting metaphor for this film's lesson. That expression conveys the idea that no one can alter their basic essence or that it is impossible to change one's character, no matter how hard they try. Iago was not someone who should have been trusted or given a second opportunity. Did they forget all of the suffering that he and his master had previously caused? Iago eventually demonstrated to Jafar that he was still loyal to him by trapping Aladdin, but he returned after feeling bad and didn't deserve praise for it because, after all, he was only cleaning up the destruction that he had caused.
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What's more important to you? Family or riches?
10 May 2024
How would you feel if you were Aladdin? Would you be able to forgive as much? Even though he left with the goal of bettering his family, Aladdin's father was aware that his family was struggling, so as the years passed, he didn't feel the need to visit his house. Aladdin had to fend for himself in order to have a roof over his head and food, thus I think Cassim was being incredibly selfish. Cassim was ready to turn on his son for his personal gain, despite having extended forgiveness and an invitation to join him in life. There are times when it's best to leave things alone. I think you should be forgiving of everyone for what they have done, but you don't have to stick around.
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Bring It! (2014– )
9 May 2024
Omg I love this show, it is very entertaining, inspiring, and motivational. I felt like I was a part of the team, experiencing all the girls elevate from crabs to mature, responsible adults. The dancing dolls had a very creative, exclusive, and versatile dance technique. Diana is an excellent coach who pushes the girls pass their limits to demonstrate their limitless potential. I learned about so many styles of dance and the opportunities that being a professional dancer provides. I regret not investing in the time to be a majorette dancer. I adore the DDPs' dedication to the team. They were loyal, devoted, supportive, and provided a great laugh.
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Love Jones (1997)
Destroy your pride before your pride destroys you.
4 May 2024
Everyone in today's society attempts to conceal their emotions, due to pride, fear of rejection, or simply to prevent being hurt. The relationship between Darius and Nina began with a lot of love, excitement, and adventure. However, when Nina told Darius she was leaving town for unfinished business, he pretended it didn't upset him, which allowed things to fall apart. I was disappointed that Nina would cross a line and begin dating Darius's friend Hollywood; she was unaware of how unattractive it made her look until the party, but Darius still took precautions to keep her secure. Sometimes, being apart opens your eyes to how fortunate you were. I was relieved that they could make up before things spiraled out of hand.
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Deuces (2016)
Everyone don't want to see you elevate
28 April 2024
Typically, drug dealers use that lifestyle as a stepping stone to improve their circumstances, but some individuals become accustomed to it and start to get intimidated by others when they start to change or they observe someone wishing to move on because they believe that person is attempting to prevent them from eating. Before he met Reece, Deuces didn't have a friend with whom to share suggestions and advance his real estate plan forward which solidified their bond. In my opinion, for Deuces character to be described as alert, paranoid, and meticulous, he granted Reece access to his operation without thorough researching him.
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Life is full of opportunities!
14 April 2024
Cain is a product of his environment. He was exposed to drugs, sex, and murder while growing up in the 1970s and 1980s. After learning about the hustle from Pernell, he was drawn to it even though he witnessed the fast life's downfall. Cain's grandparents raised him with their values and beliefs in the hopes that he would change, but he was reluctant to give up life on the streets. When he finally decided he wanted more for himself, it was too late. Some people cave in to the pressure, and others manage to break free. When Cain grandfather asked him "Does he care whether he live or die?" I think he was so used to people just dying he didn't realize it's so much to live for.
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Crossover (2006)
I love this movie!
18 January 2024
Growing up, most athletes were advised to steer clear of groupies because you never know if they are genuinely interested in you for money, fame, or romance. Why didn't Noah expect Jewelz's ex-girlfriend having a purpose when they started dating? She rushed on the train as soon as she learned of his scholarship and the NBA's interest in him. I was infuriated to see Noah defend Vanessa over Tech. She just recently became apart of his life; she shouldn't have an opinion about their friendship especially since she's not aware of their history. Tech shouldn't have let Vanessa's comments affect him to the extent their secret was made public; if he was going to hold grudges against Noah each time he didn't get his way, he shouldn't have served time for him.
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Queen & Slim (2019)
I love this movie!
6 January 2024
This is the harsh reality of a criminal justice system that is filled with corruption, and it is the heartless outcome that so many Black people have had to endure. Have we as a society grown insensitive to the injustices inflicted on African Americans by the American criminal justice system? Everyone was so preoccupied with the death of a police officer that they failed to notice the officer's intimidation of Queen & Slim. He was still viewed as innocent even in death, so I can understand why they fled the scene. Who would have imagined that they would become wanted felons after just one date? They joined forces right away, knowing that their future did not exist. It be your own people that's your downfall.
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Sparkle (I) (2012)
Life is a gamble!
6 January 2024
Recall the days when your identity was determined by your family name. Several moms would meticulously plot their daughters' lives in order to shield them from repeating their own faults or molding them into the stereotypes of those in their upbringing. I love that this film presented two viewpoints on the music industry. Not everyone will have the same experiences; what happens to you will rely on your morals and ideals. Sister would have done better, in my opinion, if Emma had been able to use her experiences to guide her kids rather than treating them like inmates. I think she was indoctrinated at an early age about the value of marriage, which caused her to make poor decisions. After she gained a terrible reputation as a result, she lost hope for herself and became survival-focused.
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Eye opener!
1 January 2024
These days, more people are embracing this way of life. The fact that transgender women must conceal who they are behind a façade highlights how difficult it is for them. Money has long been said to be the source of all evil, and some individuals would stop at nothing to accomplish their objectives, but sometimes it can go too far. I enjoyed how they delved into the past to let you empathize with the girls and understand why their family's rejection of them led them to prioritize security over love. This is a film that you must view with an open mind. This movie has started a discussion concerning a topic many are embarrassed to talk about or acknowledge happening to them.
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The Rosa Parks Story (2002 TV Movie)
Change is necessary!
1 January 2024
I was captivated by this film from the beginning to the very end. As the NAACP secretary, Rosa Parks was devoted to every narrative until she finally had enough. You will know who is on your side when everyone else is against you. Although it appears that Parks, as they nicknamed him, didn't support her throughout the movie, what guy wouldn't want to shield his wife from harm? Learning about Rosa's past reveals that she was raised to be a leader, but nobody anticipated the impact her incident would have on the entire country. To bring about a change, it was necessary to seize this opportunity. We are grateful to Mrs. Rosa Parks for taking a stand when so many others were frightened to.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
Love always prevails!
29 December 2023
Have you ever wonder why the majority of hotels has a no-pets policy? This movie supports why that rule is enforced; At the Royal Gate hotel, Tom and Jerry destroyed a ton of property and ruined an elite event. Kayla tried to maintain order by forcing them to get along, but the food chain is an hierarchy that is firm. Tom and Jerry feeling guilty for blowing Kayla's cover as a result she was fired decided to come together and right their wrongs. It was a stretch that their plan worked to prevent Preeta from leaving New York and marrying Ben because the wedding planning drifted them apart due to differences but surviving prove their bond is solidified.
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Aladdin (2019)
Be yourself!
20 December 2023
Upon first viewing the movie, I failed to recognize the link, but at the start of the movie, the children were being told a story by a now-free genie and their father. Genie began by describing Arabia's breathtaking scenery. Then Aladdin appeared to us; showing the day in a life of a thief; he counterbalanced the crimes he committed by being generous to others in need. Who else would rescue a stranger from being arrested and offer their only meal to an impoverished child when they are risking their lives everyday? This is the reason he is the diamond in the rough. Aladdin's desire for a better life was granted via betrayal by Jafar. After having the opportunity to experience both social classes, he came to the conclusion that Jasmine didn't care; she was concerned with presenting Agrabah's citizens with a leader they could be proud of, even if it meant she had to accept that role.
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Saving Asgard!
19 November 2023
There is a history of resentment and envy in this family. Can someone get a therapist, please. After learning that their sister Hela was the firstborn and banished and is currently attempting to seize the kingdom from Odin, we now know that Loki was not the first. Did anyone find him satisfactory as King? It appears like everyone has a different opinion about how the kingdom ought to be ruled. Hela demands recognition and payback because she believes she is the reason Asgard is powerful. It looks like Thor has finally found his match this upcoming battle you do not want to miss. Despite the circumstances involving Thor and Banner's reunion, I'm happy Thor has an ally on his side to count on.
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Team work makes the dream work!
19 November 2023
For yet another mission, the Avengers have reconnected. I adored watching the group work together, relying on one another's strengths and defending one another. Since recovering the scepter was already challenging it seemed bizarre that Stark would develop a program behind everyone's back that would eventually need to be destroyed. With his unwavering leadership and optimism that they would go undefeated as a team, Captain America was the only one who could keep the team cohesive. The introduction of the new Avengers, The Scarlet Witch and Vision, as well as their backstories, was fascinating to watch. I can't wait to see what's next.
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The Avengers (2012)
I love this movie!
22 October 2023
It is shocking to me that Loki's personal resentment against Thor led to all of this destruction. For what reason did he believe that he would just take control and dictate Earth without any consequences? Earth is not at an advantage in battle, so Nick Fury had the right of using the Tesseract to create weaponry. It took some time to get everyone on the same page, but in the end, their shared goal inspired them to work together as a team, which is why I admired how the Avengers came together. I have never watched the Marvel series before, but now I am totally invested. I am curious to know since Loki did not keep his promises to the Chitauri what will happen next.
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I love this movie!
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Terry's position, how would you feel? Would you accept and forgive if you discovered that everything you believe to be true was actually a falsehood told out of love? Despite the lies she told Terry, I believe Inez just had Terry's best interests in mind and wanted to do everything in her power to ensure he was well-cared for and given every opportunity. Normally I would be all for kidnappers to be arrested but Inez was actually a hero given that she was the one who found Terry standing on the corner neglected by his parents. I was very outraged when Terry told the social worker the truth about his bogus name; I think this is one situation where the truth is best hidden.
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