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The Yes Men (2003)
good guys - bad movie
13 March 2005
It's a shame the filmmakers do not have the same talents as the yes men. WHile the pranks are supreme -- intelligent, insightful and clever -- the same cannot be said for this movie.

Instead of giving us insight into what makes these pranksters tick, the film dilly dallies for what seems like hours over the fact the fact that the yes men miscalculated the time zone (!) in Finland. In a word: Who cares about the time zone?!

But, alas, the film treads water for ages.

But worse than that is the fact that the movie has no sense of irony, no joie de vivre and no fun. It's just a badly made doc about an interesting subject.

For people who want to see a film that makes a great uber-prank on pranksters big and small, my recommendation is the Anarchist Cookbook.
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Fight Club (1999)
2 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This might be the stoopidest movie ever made. The story is ridiculous, the twist beyond retarded.

Spoiler ALERT

Oooh Brad Pitt IS Ed Norton. Is this supposed to be deep?

Given what passes as intellectualism and political discourse in this country, it is no wonder that this film is heralded as a masterpiece. I give major props to Fincher for imbuing this piece of idiocy with great style. The lighting and clothes are top -notch. But that does not make for a good movie. I'm sure to teenage bozos, this is about something. To anyone with a brain it is pure dreck.

Is that supposed to be funny? Is it supposed to be insightful? What it leaves one with, is a feeling that Brad Pitt sure wishes he was cooler than he is.
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Together (2000)
Euro-Anarchist Cookbook
29 December 2004
Like the American film Anarchist Cookbook, this is an utterly brilliant and surprising film. Both are about the ups and downs of anarchy and collective living, but this one is far less cynical and provides a feeling of hope at its conclusion, unlike the American one.

The brilliance of this movie lies in its simplicity. A boy moves into his uncle's mid-seventies Stockhom commune. That's it. But the joys and aggravations of collective living are exposed thru a series of events that are not the type of life-changing things that characterize American movies. Rather, it's the small things: couples trying to stay together. Couples breaking up. And all along, people wrestling with their sexuality, individuality and where the two meet.

I recommend this as a double feature with the American movie Anarchist Cookbook.
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overlooked minor masterpiece
22 December 2004
This film represents what excellent movie-making is all about: the journey of a character to self-discovery. I can think of few films with so extreme of journey.

In the beginning there is Puck. He is a self-proclaimed anarchist who thinks he knows it all. And the film wittily begins as an anarchist romp. The scenes have a disjointed feel to them, as it ping-pongs around from a satire of the Freddie Prinz Jr. oevre, to examinations of characters and their ideas of freedom.

This wolrd is shaken up by the arrival of Johnny Black, the first person to arrive on the screen who actually knows what he wants. While the others talk, J Black does. And in the process, he earns the respect (no matter how begrudging) of the rest.

And Puck is caught in between. The kid who acted like he knew everything, must now confront his complete lack of knowledge: about the world, about his friends, and about himself.

Without revealing the brilliant twists at the end, allow me to say that this film explores trust, ideology, and friendship in a way that is funny and poignant. It's a shame more people did not see this minor masterpiece.
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Sideways (2004)
great American movie
22 December 2004
This is what a movie should be: storytelling that takes you on a journey. After the superb "Elecetion" and the hideous "About Scmidt", I did not know what to expect from Sacha Payne. Much to my delight, it is this gem.

The plot could not be more simple. Two guys go on a roadtrip and discover themselves along the way. What makes it so delightful are the rich and genuine characters. Jack and Miles are the realest screen personas in a long time. Each battling his own demons. Each asking himself, "Is that all there is?" Each travelling sideways.

Never has a film neeeded its title more. This one tells you the entire dilemma facing the characters. All four of the principals are traveling sideways in life. The question is whether they'll be able to move fwd.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
donnie crap-o
22 December 2004
This film is ridiculous: a mishmash of nothing that makes no sense. But alas, that is what its fans consider to be its genius. The less sense the better. Gyllenhal does a nice job with what he is given, but unfortunately it ain't much.

Is it an 80s movie? Is it set in the 80s? Does it matter? Does anyone care? If so, why? I watched this with low expectations, and they were not met. The only way this film can be appreciated is if you enjoy the sight of pretentious film-making. And yes, this is "FILMmaking" -- not movie making.

It's such a great premise, and yet it is wasted in the hands of a writer who does not know what good writing is and a director who could not direct a paper bag.
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why not have a plot
17 December 2004
After making movie magic in Croupier, Hodges and Owen thought they'd give it another try. Sadly, they fail.

The movie tries to be the usual cold and aloof Hodges who controls the screen, like his heroes control their rage and emotions. If you want to understand what it means to master the tone of a film, I rcommend seeing the original Get Carter. And with Croupier, it seemed Hodges was back and in Owens, he had found his muse.

Alas, this movie has the attitude of those earlier films. But it keeps its distance, not by elucidated characters, but by eluding plot. The first 45 minutes is all disjointed setup. When it finally does come together and the pieces of a revenge drama are put in place, there simply isn't enough story to make it work.
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like godfather 2....a better sequel
17 December 2004
I rented the original film, Decline of the American Empire, before setting out to watch this and I must admit -- it was not very good. In the years since he made it though, Arcand has learned how to direct. Instead of obvious camera setups, there was a precision to what he did here. Instead of the ridiculous tracking shot at the beginning of Decline, Barbarians was in control of the screen at all times. Arcand took the thinnest of reeds -- a man dying -- and made magic out of it.

The story of a child reconciling with a dying parent is older than time. But this movie did it with unique touches of pathos and wit. No character was good or bad. They were both.

This is a movie that was made for family viewing. Not children, mind you. But grownup parents and their progeny. It will leave you with a lot to talk and think about.
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clint is a master
17 December 2004
How long has it been since Clint had 2 good movies in a row? How many Blood Works and Space Cowboys must we endure before he pulls out a hat trick like this? After the masterpiece that was Mystic River, this was a refreshing surprise to see the old master do it back to back. It is so rare to see a sports movie that is about....sports! But this did it with wit and sentiment that was never cheap or cheezy.

Hilary Swank proved once again that she actually has acting chops and isn't just that chick who played that chick who thought she was a dude. This is the real deal. Morgan Freeman was solid as ever. But all praise to where it is due: Clint.

Kudos on Clint's directing, his stirring score and his understated, but superb acting.
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