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A really enjoyable, old fashioned thriller with a stunning performance by Gibson
8 September 2013
This thriller is based on a British 1980's TV series of the same name. While the TV series dragged and feels very dated to the modern viewer, this film certainly did not. Unlike a lot of thrillers these days, it did not leave you scratching your head trying desperately to hear every word of mumbled dialogue in case you missed an important plot point. It was very well executed and easy to follow - though not by any means overly simplistic. This was a huge plus in my opinion. The story itself was intriguing and interesting and Mel Gibson gives a wonderful performance. He has always been a great actor and deserves to be welcomed back by Hollywood with open arms! His depiction of a man intent on avenging his daughter's death is full of raw emotion - both deep sorrow and anger are expressed in equal measure and are totally convincing. The plot is well paced and exciting and the ending is unexpected. I will not say anymore in case I give too much away. Ray Winston is menacing and mysterious, although somewhat underused. It would have been good to see more of him. There are some real 'heart in your mouth' moments that will have you jumping out of your seat. The film is not overly violent and tends to cut away from the (implied) heavy violence just before it escalates - for example when Mel's character gets hold of a particular 'baddie' in the woods. It has the feel of one of the older Hitchcock thrillers in terms of story and pacing. I would recommend this to anyone who likes thrillers, and who enjoy truly wonderful acting.
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Catfish (2010)
1 September 2013
At first, this film seemed exciting, intriguing and credible. However it has since became obvious that it is not a real life story at all. The whole thing is clearly a rip off of two other genuine real life documentaries - 'Talhotblond' and 'My Kid Could Paint That.' Watch those instead and avoid this. (Unless you are happy to accept that it is fiction and ignore the fact that the film makers are trying to hoodwink you!) I hate being conned and felt cheated by this film. The smugness of Nev Schulman throughout the film is extremely annoying too! If he wished to make a film about the perils of the online world, he should have presented this as a work of fiction, rather than trying to replicate the techniques employed by the makers of 'The Blair Witch Project.' At least the people behind 'Blair Witch' revealed fairly quickly that their film was not actually real, whereas Schullman has continued to lie about the authenticity of his work. There are many obvious 'plot holes' which give the truth to the lie, but I will not list them here as I do not want to have to use the 'spoiler alert' banner!
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Talhotblond (2009)
Excellent documentary
1 September 2013
There is nothing I enjoy more than compelling real life stories, and this is certainly one. The story is disturbing and fascinating in equal measure. It details an almost unbelievable chain of events, which results in one man (Thomas Montgomery) carrying out a brutal and unforgivable act, fuelled by obsession and temporary madness. The film tells us how he got to that stage, in his own words. As well as interviews with him, there are insights from clinical psychologists, attorneys, and various law enforcement officials, and the other key figures in the story. (I will not say more about who these 'key figures' are as I do not wish to give it away.) But their honesty during their interviews is commendable and very much adds to the credibility of the film. To my mind, this is clearly what inspired the fake "real life" documentary 'Catfish'. In fact I would go so far as to say Catfish totally ripped this off, and threw in a few elements of 'My Kid Could Paint That' for good measure. Anyway, this film is definitely one to watch. It is a stark warning of the perils of the online world and is also of interest to people who enjoy learning about the human psyche and criminal psychology. Highly recommended.
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The Fountain (2006)
1 September 2013
This film is an astounding masterpiece. I won't try to sum up the plot, as others have already done so, so instead I will use a list of adjectives to describe it - Beautiful, Mesmeric, Psychedelic, Awe inspiring, Haunting, Emotional, Compelling, Mysterious, Stunning. It is like no film I have seen before. Watch it and you will feel like you have been sucked into a fantastical world of Aronofsky's creation, which will make you think very deeply about life, love, spirituality and the universe. It is like going down the rabbit hole and you will not want it to end! The cinematography is amazing. One for people who like to think and dream and feel. It is almost like taking a blissful mind altering drug. I only wish I had seen it on the big screen.
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Don't believe the hype - this is AWFUL
1 September 2013
This film was a flat, lifeless mess. No attempt was made to allow us to get to know the characters, much less understand their actions and motivations. Almost nothing happened throughout the entire movie, other than Tilda Swinton staring blankly at all around her. I felt completely bored and unmoved throughout the whole thing. This is the kind of movie you could watch with the sound off and not miss anything. If you are interested in finding out about the motivations of a young boy who kills his classmates, I suggest you read the truly amazing book, 'Nineteen Minutes' by Jodi Piloult. Now THAT should be made into a film. Just not by Lynne Ramsey! How this managed to win awards I will never know. Do not waste your time!!
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Drop Dead Diva (2009–2014)
An unexpected gem!
1 September 2013
I was very surprised by the fact that I loved this show! Although there are many 'flaws' in the premise and setting, they somehow melt away into insignificance as you watch the brilliant performance from the lead actress and appreciate the humour, warmth and fun which is at the heart of the show. Of course it doesn't make sense that Fred the guardian angel tells Debs that "memories are stored in the soul" in order to explain why she has no knowledge of Jane's life, yet at the same time she is able to recall all of Jane's expert legal knowledge. Nor is it realistic that the whole world which Jane inhabits seems to consist purely of beautiful people, while she is the only overweight person. This is probably a necessary device however, in order to magnify Jane/Deb's predicament and the discrimination and judgement she often faces. It is as though an overweight (though still very attractive) woman has gatecrashed an episode of Ally MacBeal! But what fun she is to watch! The legal stories dealt with in each episode are very light and not intended to be a serious representation of how the law works. This is fine with me, as there are more than enough legal dramas out there for those who want to see serious courtroom action. Drop Dead Diva is NOT trying to be Damages or The Good Wife! However, the legal cases depicted are still quite interesting and serve the main premise of the show well, being used most often to reinforce the main message of the show, or reveal important aspects of Debs character as she inhabits Jane's body. We really find ourselves rooting for her. The actress who plays her best friend, Stacey, is also great. So I found myself completely able to forgive and forget any 'flaws', as the writing, acting and quirkiness is so enjoyable to watch. I think Brooke Elliot is the main draw and a real star. I look forward to each episode to see what she gets up to (and just to enjoy her acting). I look forward to learning more about what Jane was actually like, other than the fact she was/is overweight. I would like to ad, I am NOT a fan of glossy American dramas and I think that is actually why I liked this so much - although it LOOKS glossy, it really does break the mould with it's fresh twist.
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