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The Music Box (1932)
You want to laugh, cry...but mostly strangle the pair of them!!!!
11 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Laurel & Hardy Transfer Company Foundered 1931 are to deliver a piano which has been bought as a birthday gift by a wife for her husband. All is going fine for the to until helpful postman Charlie Hall (for once not in a role with a grudge against the boys) tell them, that the house they are looking for is at the top of the stoop - in other words on a big hill with lots of stairs between them and it! After practically flattening Ollie taking the piano of their cart, they proceed to take the piano up the stairs. Lots of straining later, half-way up they encounter a nanny with a pram trying to pass. Being the typical gentlemen, Ollie try's to assist the lady - leaving Stan holding onto the piano. Stan (being Stan) joins to help - leaving the piano to it's own devices which decides it would like to go down all the stairs to the bottom. Stan being fed up with the nanny being in hysterics at the pairs misfortune, he promptly kicks her "right in the middle of her daily duties" as she later explains to a policemen. The policemen encounters the two when they are back again half-way up the stairs with the piano. Stan goes down (at Ollie's insistence) to see what he wants - only to be told it's Ollie he wants to talk to (as he believes Ollie kicked the nanny). After letting go of the piano it once again finds it's way at the bottom - only this time with Ollie in tow. Back to square one. Up they go again this time to meet a grand gentlemen who wishes to pass. Ollie (very wisely) suggests he should walk around. The man explodes and we learn that he is a Professor and is too important to walk around. Anyone wearing a hat as large as his had better say farewell to it as courtesy of the boys, it rolls all the way down the stairs and under the wheels of a vehicle below. Stan & Ollie finally get to the top but Ollie mistakes the steps to the pond as the last few stairs to go. Splash! Ringing the doorbell Stan, guarding the piano wanders away leaving it to trundle it's merry way down all the stairs! When the boys finally get back up again the same helpful postman informs them that they should have driven up a road that would have led them to the top - instead of using the stairs. This being Stan & Ollie they proceed to take the piano back down the stairs again so they can come back up the "corret" way!

When they once again reach the top, and finding no-body home, Ollie suggest taking the piano through an open window on the top floor - not even checking to see if the front door is open. When they eventually get the piano into the house after a series of mishaps including Ollie and the piano falling into the pond, as well as confusion over who owns which hat - the when comes to open the case, which due to the fact it went for a paddle in the pond is full of water. Not a problem, as Stan very thoughtfully sponges the water with his handkerchief and wrings it out in Ollies hat. Some more mishaps follow in which the room is wrecked. To the music of the piano the duo have a little dance whilst clearing up the mess. The Professor, finds his home destroyed, a piano (a thing he loathes) and the same two who caused him grief previously in his house. In a rage he sets about destroying the piano - only for his wife to walk in who bought it as a birthday gift for him. The husband and wife make up and the Professor wishes to make amends with Stan & Ollie. All they want is for him to sign their delivery paper, but as they pass him a pen the ink squirts in the professor's face and the two scurry away with him in hot pursuit.

Very predictable. Very Laurel & Hardy. Very funny!!

The plot is so simple yet it is probably Laurel & Hardy's most memorable film. This shows their genius and their appeal more so than any other. It also shows them at the height of their wonderful career. It is a real mixture of laughing out loud, holding your hands over your eyes, sighing in exasperation or feeling you would like to knock their heads together. No matter how many time you see it you always feel the same. Their films give so much pleasure and you always walk away smiling.
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Utterly awful
17 November 2004
Although I have never read the original Oscar Wilde play I can only hope it is much better than this. As a huge fan of the original screen version of The Importance Of Being Earnest I was hoping for something good of the 2002 version. What I got was a load of rubbish. The costumes and the sets were in keeping with the period (unlike parts of the film) but apart from that it was awful. How respected British actors ever got tangled up with this farce I'll never know. The acting was very bad and the story in parts silly. Although generally, the story may have been keeping closer to Wilde's play rather than the 1952 film, what parts were added to this classic are, in my opinion, unforgivable (e.g the tattoo scene). If you hold classic British plays and films close to your heart I would suggest you do not watch this mauling of them.
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Babe (1995)
How an adapation should be done
30 October 2004
This is one of the most heart-warming films you are ever likely to see. Taken from the book by Dick King-Smith, it follows the adventures of a little piglet called Babe. It is beautifully shot, Australia substituted for England, and has a cast of human actors who feel like they have just popped out of the book itself. The animals are a clever mixture of real live dogs, pigs, sheep etc. and puppet performers. With some characters that you will just fall in love with, Babe is a true family film and will entertain you again and again. Nominated for Best Picture and unfortunately losing to Braveheart, this small film in comparison to all others nominated that year, is tale that will have you smiling (and perhaps a little bit of crying now and then) from start to finish. It has been kept close to the award-winning book and is how a film based on a book should be.
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