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A Slyvester Stallone film that continues his emotional hit-man path, which makes you question if this is connected to the Expendables.
13 October 2013
A RedBox rental that I found very enjoyable. It's about a hit-man who after losing his partner goes after the origination that set the men up, but Stallone isn't alone. He is joined by a cop who is put on probation (for no reason) but not wanting to stop his investigation he joins Stallone but they are not on the same path (one is with the law, and one isn't). In my opinion this is an okay film that if you are an action fan to go and pick up for a rental. As a Stallone fan though, you need to get this film and keep it next to Rambo and The Expendables. My issues with the film are some weird camera angles/ movements and some flashback sequences. In conclusion watch the film and then question if you wanna keep it or not.
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Dead Silence (2007)
A new type of ghost story that can scare you even if you think you've seen it all before.
13 October 2013
Truly the only horror film that has scared me in a while. I watched this film years ago and once I did I had gained pupaphobia (fear of puppets). From the director of Saw, Insidious, and the Conjuring, James Wan creates another horrifying tale using the elements of a ghost story and ventriloquism. The film is a great example of suspense and will play with both your eyes and ears, once the villain Mary Shaw is around all the noise around the characters goes silent. Then when you think something is going to happen... It does, but will still shiver in your seat begging that when you turn on the lights you won't be scared anymore. Bad news though it won't. Now for the bad... Some of the characters are just plan stupid, (no spoiler) for example when they see a doll move they treat it as if nothing happened. The detective of the movie is annoying as heck. The main character is usually acting over dramatic (for a horror movie) and most of the digital effects are obviously fake. In conclusion the film is a good horror film, that personally still scares that living s*** out of me. To finish... Beware the stare of Mary Shaw. She had no children only dolls. If you see her in your dreams. Make sure you never ever scream... Or she'll rip your tongue out at the seam.
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Chapter 6 in the Child's Play series which takes Chucky back to his horror routes, which the movie does well in.
13 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I first saw the Bride of Chucky when I was very young but never understood it until I was older. That was my first Child's Play movie. Now going into the movie. C.O.C. is a straight to DVD movie that didn't make it to theaters due to the reception of Seed of Chucky. But does this mean that its not a movie worth watching? No. This movie is a great horror and Child's Play movie. Chucky is treated with dignity and functions as both a (semi) comedic and scary killer. Opposite to the Nightmare on Elm Street remake where they relied more on jump scares, C.O.C. realizes more on suspense which gets you to the edge of your seat constantly. And I know I'll probably get criticized for not saying this: yes, Brad Dourif's (voice of Chucky) daughter (Fiona Dourif) plays the main character in this movie. Now for the bad... The stage 2 Chucky doll of course looks weird (the doll in the trailer that everyone had questionable about), and its also your indicator that Chucky is about to do something. Another gripe of the film is the continuity connection. *** SPOILERS: Jennifer Tilly is back, but as Tiff not as herself; this questionable because Chucky lists the families he's messed with and he says "... the Tillys." And Chucky isn't killed by his head being knocked off, but functions like if you knock a regular doll's head off. *** So on conclusion, C.O.C. is a good horror film and Chucky film but needs work on its continuity.

P.S.: Buy the Blu-Ray, you'll see an old familiar face that you haven't see in years.
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Methodic (2007)
The world's first basher movie that takes the concept of Halloween and is given a shot of steroids and let loose. (Abridged words of Chris Notarile).
13 October 2013
Ever sense I watched the trailers of this film on YouTube years ago I've been hooked. The film takes the famous John Carpenter classic Halloween, but instead of having bad stereotypes (dumb blonde, the "happen to be there" people, stupid know it all etc.) and gives off a new set of people (with characters who actually have a brain, deaths with blunt objects (although the film only uses its target weapon (a sludge hammer) once \=( , and a killer who will run if he needed). In my opinion its a film that gives low budget filmmakers the idea that they can make more then just a standard YouTube quality video and not have to go to Hollywood to make a film. My only problems with the film are; some over- used F-Bombs (not as bad as Rob Zombie's Halloween)(Yea I know its a non-rated, rated R film but it could be turned down a slight bit) (personal preference) and a specific transition that could be changed in the film. In conclusion the film is a great film to check out and if you can't be Michael Myers this year for Halloween, go as his adopted brother Dollman.
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The Timetraveler's Wife: A film about a time traveler that travels without any control, but he constantly has one thing on his mind to see the love of his life.
13 October 2013
Now you might be questioning, Hunter why did you watch this movie? Well it was on and it became a movie you want to change but can't. I was thinking to myself that it was going to be stupid movie, but once I saw the relationship between Eric Banna (from HULK (2003)) and Rachel McAdams (from Sherlock Holmes) I couldn't turn away. As I watched it, besides the creepiness of the first time you see a grown man talking to a little girl in the middle of a field alone and how they will be together one day, the movie tells a good romance tale. When it ended it took my breath away, yes, Marley and Me made me cry and TTTW took my breath away. As a whole its a decent movie, but guys if your in a relationship take your girlfriend to see it.
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It takes our hero Barney Ross and his mercenary team to a foreign country to get revenge on Villain due to the fall of one of his teammate.
20 July 2013
In my opinion, E2 is one of the best actions movies to come. It has all your favorite action stars: Sylvester Stallone (who step down from Directing but still continued to write it), Arnold Swart. (don't worry "he's back"), Bruce Willis and even Chuck Norris (the walking punch line). The story is basic but you don't go for story you go for action, and your wishes are granted. There is amazing top-notch action that overlap the original 2x and obviously the stars bring their awesomeness to the action as well. Now for the actors, of course everyone brings their A game into it and when you see the three top action stars (Sylvester, Arnold and Bruce) on screen- in one frame you see that they weren't acting but playing themselves. And finally I have to talk about the Villain, who is called Villain. Now for antagonist that Sylvester writes, their name describes it all they are not the good guys and want to nothing but defeat the hero. I mean Drago from Rocky 4, just one letter off from DRAGON, now we have Villain who is just one letter off from VILLAIN (note the actor who played Drago is in this movie as Gunnar). So if you wanna see an amazing action movie check it out.
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Hatchet II (2010)
A horror film that has three legendary actors in it, but turns out to be a stereotypical movie.
20 July 2013
Hatchet 2 is a newer edition of Jason Voorhees, which is funny because Jason Voorhees star Kane Hodder is in playing the father of the deformed monster Victor Crowly (I think that's how you spell the last name). The film has Halloween star Danielle Harris returning to a swamp where Victor still alive (once again like Jason). Danielle Harris returns to recover her father's body (played by Robert England aka Freddy Krueger). So yea this movie is popular only b/c of the stars in the movie. In my opinion if you are a horror movie fan go watch it, but if you wanna see something different you may wanna still see it. Hatchet II a sequel that you won't believe.
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Beware the Batman (2013–2014)
A cartoon series that was heavily hated upon sense the cancellation of Batman: Brave and the Bold is actually good.
20 July 2013
I woke up on July 13 at 9 o'clock and waited an hour to watch this cartoon to try and give the show that I previously loathed and saw that it wasn't all that bad. Now before you watched this show you have to read the new 2010 Batman: Earth One book because quite frankly this is what that is. It a series that takes a young Bruce Wayne (people stop saying this in every reintroduction of Batman) and putting him in a city run by Batman's forgetful villains Dr. Pig and Mr. Toad. The CGI in this is a show is not that impressive to me as some people might say, the Batman portrayal looks too skinny. And as for the voice actors, some are okay and some are not. Bruce Wayne/ Batman is okay, Alfred is not. Now to answer people's questions, yes Alfred is a ex CIA agent that wants to protect Bruce (once again an Earth One story point) but after being injured he brings in Katana who is not a silent girl to help both Bruce Wayne and Batman. As a beginner episode, its okay but no something I'm going to get up every Saturday morning to see without a happy coincidence that its on.
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A direct to DVD sequel to Darkman II, that takes my favorite anti-hero against a new villain that he hasn't faced before.
20 July 2013
As I have said before I love Darkman, he's who I feel like becoming without wanting to go through the trama (fun fact, my original birth names were to be either Peyton and/or Wesley and Darkman's name is Peyton Westlake). But the problem with this movie is of its reuse of stock footage from both the 1990 and 1995 films and the over lapping continuity errors. The reason for Darkman's strength is because his nerves were cut so his muscles would have to become stronger to protect the body, but in here they say its about his DNA. The film has Peyton struggle with his emotions about weather to live his life as crime-boss Peter Rooker so that he can take of the family Rooker doesn't care anything about, or retrieving his skin and research. In the film, there are a series of plot points that lead nowhere in the story (like a nerve reconnecter (which is heavily advertised in the trailer) and the love interest with Rooker and Dr. Thorne. But in the end Darkman III is a good movie with a stupid subtitle and some weak points, but because I like Darkman I like it.
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Halloween Night (2006 Video)
A film that sharing a similar title to John Carpenter's Halloween and almost clear cut story can scare you yet.
20 July 2013
Today I was scrolling through Netflix and just simply just strolling through the categories when I finally came across this movie. I had read the description and though to myself "this is very similar to Halloween", but due to my curiosity I watched it and my prediction was right. The film takes a small kid who had watched his family be killed right in front of him and is later framed for doing so. Then years later we see Chris Vane (the kid) grown up in an insane asylum, and for some reason burnt up to a crisp looking like Sam Raimi's Darkman, he soon escapes and heads back to his home to kid a series of kids who are trying to throw a party. The film on its own is okay, it takes a story that has been done a thousand times (I have been guilty of doing so myself) and just puts in a new killer. Basically it Friday the 13th but you put Michael Myers in that series. The film has some creative kills and some scenes that could be stuck in your head for a while, but I feel that it just does a few scenes to clique and some shots that aren't exactly... Necessary (you know what I mean) and puts them into I have to say alright film. In my opinion its not bad and you should check it out.
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