Halloween Night (2006 Video)
A film that sharing a similar title to John Carpenter's Halloween and almost clear cut story can scare you yet.
20 July 2013
Today I was scrolling through Netflix and just simply just strolling through the categories when I finally came across this movie. I had read the description and though to myself "this is very similar to Halloween", but due to my curiosity I watched it and my prediction was right. The film takes a small kid who had watched his family be killed right in front of him and is later framed for doing so. Then years later we see Chris Vane (the kid) grown up in an insane asylum, and for some reason burnt up to a crisp looking like Sam Raimi's Darkman, he soon escapes and heads back to his home to kid a series of kids who are trying to throw a party. The film on its own is okay, it takes a story that has been done a thousand times (I have been guilty of doing so myself) and just puts in a new killer. Basically it Friday the 13th but you put Michael Myers in that series. The film has some creative kills and some scenes that could be stuck in your head for a while, but I feel that it just does a few scenes to clique and some shots that aren't exactly... Necessary (you know what I mean) and puts them into I have to say alright film. In my opinion its not bad and you should check it out.
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