18 Reviews
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It may be a 6 or 7, but I'm giving it an 8
24 November 2022
This movie is genuinely absurd, and genuinely enjoyable at the same time. It's so random and quirky, and as a huge Nick Cage fan, I totally loved it. To me it's brainless, it's entertaining, it's funny, it's dumb, and all in all, it's a damn good watch.

"You tell em nick cage smooches good".

That's all the review I was going to leave, but I'm like 300 characters short, so much like this movie, I'll just keep adding things in. This is an escape movie, feel free to game or whatever in the background and just have this on, but it's definitely worth watching. Don't take it to seriously, and probably skip it if you aren't a Nick Cage fan, as you princely won't like it. Pedro Pascal is also great in it, the two play off each other terrificly.
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Benedetta (2021)
Here's a short spoiler free review, not an essay about the movie
15 October 2022
I put this at a 7/10 because I couldn't stop watching it. It's definitely not for everyone, it's "sacrilegious" in probably every single faith, but it's really a movie worth watching. The sex and nudity is there, but not at an insane clip that takes away from the movie, from some of the reviews I actually expected more. The acting is great, especially in Benedetta, and by the end you still aren't sure which side of the tracks the nun falls under: deceiver, bat s**t crazy or truly chosen by the Almighty. It's a bit stigmata, a bit The Devil's, and a bit of something else but I really can't say. I don't know if this review will help you, but I think it's worth watching, even if it's hard to watch at times, because it actually is a very well told, beautifully shot, incredibly well acted movie.
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Girl Next (2021)
Absolutely not an 8/10 movie. WTF
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, let's start with a few things here: I've seen just about every weird a**, banned in evry country movie you can see. A clockwork orange, this movie is not. The mere fact that darpa is mentioned in half the reviews make me think they were written by the same person. This isn't martyrs, this isn't Texas chainsaw massacre, this isn't any of those. At all. Is the main star attractive? She sure is. Does the evil wife's tyranny reveal add anything to the movie? Absolutely not. Does this movie have anything to do with trafficking? No. Is there some grandiose deeper meaning buried in this film? No. Was the plot twist so unbelievable!? No. It was literally discussed earlier in the movie. Was this movie trash? Yes. This movie isn't good. This movie isn't exciting. If a gun is shot in this movie, it's pointed at the sky, despite shooting at someone, say, in a vehicle, or in a barn. Is anything in this movie realistic? No. This movie is absurd and pointless. Is this movie scary? Not at all, in way shape or form. The "body-horror" aspect is laughable, much like the stupid plot, terrible writing, awful music and more. This movie was trash.
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Maybe 6/10, maybe
13 March 2022
This movie isn't great. Talk about a huge letdown. Man, the first one was outstanding! Suspenseful, violent, brutal, and pretty believable and great. This one on the other hand was completely outrageous, unbelievable, utterly impossible, implausible, eventually violent, and honestly just WTF. Fine, get past the glaring plot holes, ridiculous premise and an impossible plot and there is some cool s**t, but it's so absurd it's hard to like. I actually lowered my score to 5/10 while typing this because it just isn't that good of a movie. I was so hyped, couldn't wait to see it and I'm super bummed that this was the movie they made. Oh well. He eventually gets to brutally kill some other bad guys.
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Old Henry (2021)
Tim Blake Nelson is a gun wizard
13 March 2022
He was a showboat in Buster Scruggs, but he's deliberate, methodical and terrific in Old Henry. He worked hard on his gun handling craft and it just shows.

A neat twist to the plot of a man just trying to live a simple life with his full of teenage angst son, and we eventually see why. It's a bit of a slow burn but it never feels long. I've seen it twice and I love this movie.
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Honestly, it's a 10 (maybe because I knew nothing about it)
23 October 2021
Only came across these because of Netflix, and know nothing of the manga/anime series or previous movies, that being said, I love Kung fu movies...and this movie is terrific! Even dubbed, the audio and score is great. Honestly the dubbing may be the best I've heard. Enough about that though, this movie and The Final, are 10/10 on the action scale with the best sword fighting, kung fu mixed in thru the fight choreography. It's something to behold. If I knew anything about this series I might have a differing opinion but Kenshin is played by an incredibly athletic lead who's real life kung fu is on full display. Only downside is I did have to Google who some of the characters were because us new to this have missed out on the battles and already developed characters.
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I'll give a 7 just for the kills and the legend of Michael Meyers
22 October 2021
Light years better than the reboot from a couple years ago, but far from the true "scary" movies the first 2 Halloween's delivered. Much more gore-horror than spooky/scary. I particularly found it good to see Michael Meyers raise the kill count, but it was definitely short on the scares. That being said, I do think it one of the better Halloween movies.

Not really a scary movie, but it's definitely got some good gore/body horror, and kills, but that's about where the good stuff ends. The writing, and acting, isn't that good. The dialog is rough to say the least and the plot isn't all that great, but still clearly sets up yet another Halloween movie.

It's a good watch, not great. The true Halloween fans will probably hate it because it fails to deliver the atmosphere and scares of the OG films, but fans of gore will praise it for that. Watch it for yourself and hopefully you'll enjoy it, like we did.
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Loved it more than I thought
11 June 2021
I really had no idea what to expect when watching this movie, but it shattered those expectations! I don't really recall ever seeing a movie like this, it's very different, and much more than a possession horror film.

Great symbolism. Rockin soundtrack. Truly great acting. Believable characters and story arc. Pruitt Taylor Vincent was out-effin-standing as Ray. Ethan was terrific, Kiara was very believable and likeable as the rock star daughter.

Don't read anything about this movie, don't watch any trailers, just watch it. It's worth it.
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Boss Level (2020)
This movie is pure gold!
27 March 2021
First off, this is the perfect killing time movie. It's not the best movie ever made by any means, but it's a perfect late night, can't figure out what to watch movie. It never tries to be too serious, it never tries to be anything other than a good time. It's a lot of action, it's a lot of gun (and sword) fights, it's also a bit of feel good redemption story, but it's 100% a great movie. Just watch and it and you'll see!
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Oh my God this movie is awful and boring
23 March 2021
First off, I watch all sorts of movies that most normies would consider "dark, disturbing, banned in most of the world" kind of movies, along with your everyday run of the mill family feel goods. This movie gets 1* because there are zero redeeming qualities in it. It's not just bad, it's dreadful to watch...Not because the movie is so dark and emotionally messed up, it's absolutely none of those things. It's boring, it's horribly acted, you'll not care for a single person in this movie, and you'll literally have no idea what is even going on until somewhere between 45-50 minutes into the movie.

Allow me to set the scene of every actor/actress in the movie: Director: Please read EVERY SINGLE WORD with ZERO emotion, the cadence of a voice automated answering machine telling you "the number you called has a voicemail that has not been set up", and absolutely do not ever think of going outside of monotone." EVERY SINGLE WORD is executed perfectly under those directions, with the exception of 1 short kitchen scene.

There is nothing dark or menacing, no looming creatures or mystic forces shown at work, no fights between the husband and wife about the fates of their suddenly ill children, nothing to build tension. Nothing at all. Even the ending is stupid and boring.

Save your time, please, and watch anything other than this boring and monotonous piece of trash.
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Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007 Video)
Stupid is as stupid does I guess
11 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the very first wrong turn, but this one is just absurd, from the characters, their choices, how they're written and the endless plot holes...

So, first off, we're supposed to believe that a combat veteran is going to have no idea what to do when people start dying but some college football player is going to? She was so incompetent it was maddening. First, her salutes were awful, second her weapon of choice would prove to be completely useless, much like her. Glad they killed her.

The skater guy was a completely worthless piece of duechebag as well. Like, these were supposed to be candidates for a survival show? The only likeable character in the movie they kill early on, disappointingly so.

No idea why the technical crew wasn't killed, they had to spend ample time in those woods setting up the traps and tree cameras, but they just walked right out, skippedy do da.

Rollins was ok, but after finally being all tactical he just throws it all away for no reason at all. I dunno, this movie was trash. The cut scenes and camera zooms are out of whack, imagine zoolander doing his head twist to the camera every time. All the characters are completely unlikable, except for the girlfriend, but they take care of that pretty early unfortunately and we're left a final girl that was worthless the whole movie and the guerrilla warfare tactician football player.

3/10 because the deaths were mostly decent but the rest of the actual movie sucked.
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You should've watched something else
15 December 2020
Wow, I hated this movie. It was slow and really boring. The acting was awful. The plot was one those you just lift your eyebrows at and ask "really?". There's really no point or plot to the movie, there is no character development or even introductions to them either. We get a singular backstory with no additional context and had no reason to like a single character in the movie, except for maybe the kid, but that's arguable because she wasn't really all that likeable either. I just found this movie to dumb. I have kids and couldn't imagine doing the dumb stuff Kevin Bacon does in this movie. If this movie was an emoji it would be the eyeroll one, followed by a sighing emoji.
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There are flaws, but a 6/10 is fair
23 November 2020
So, first off, I've seen this movie twice now. Took my youngest daughter to see it in the theaters, and she says it's her favorite movie. Watched it again with the wife and both my daughters and they all really liked it. I didn't have any problems watching it again because Magik is legit. Now the accent from the actress that plays her is not so great, neither is smug look she tried to wear constantly. Sam's accent isn't that great either, but you can't help but like him a bit.

It's not Avengers, it's not xmen, it's more of a teens end up in this place because their powers are dangerous and things may not be what they seem with the "doctor" and the company behind her. Let any expectations go, it's not a horror movie, it's not a scary movie, but as my 10 year old said "that movie makes me anxious", but it is still a mutant, coming of age, superhero genre film. It's not the best, but it's worth a watch in my opinion.
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Patchwork (2015)
Dumb but somewhat entertaining and amusing.
6 November 2020
It's dumb and it starts slow...but if you stick with it you'll probably be somewhere between mildly entertained and generally entertained.

Can't see anyone honestly saying this is the greatest thing they've ever seen, but I can honestly say that it's a decent time killer. You'll cringe at the stupidity. You'll roll your eyes at some of the scenes (ahem frat boys). You'll also laugh along the way, especially at the proposterousness and absurdities. And if you make it to the end, you'll probably kinda like it in an odd kind of way.

It's a strange, cheesy, corny kind of movie that never takes itself to seriously and neither should you. Watch it, enjoy it, and just let it be a dumb movie that you may in fact like.
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None of these are scary, and frankly they aren't very good
5 November 2020
I mean, I'll give it 3*s for the fact there are 3 short "movies" in 1 feature film, each with a different director.

Dumplings - uses sounds to emit a sense of horror, but it's really just cringe worthy, but it's not scary. It's mostly just gross, and there's a birth scene, so enjoy that too.

Cut - man, I saw such promise when they unveil the wife, but there is literally no explanation, exploration or reasoning for her staging? positioning? Not really sure the word to use here, so for her being "strung up". The elaboration didn't really make sense. Again, this one isn't really "scary" there's a bit of spooky early and a bit of gore later on, but it's an extremely mild version of torture porn in a sense of much of the gore is off camera. I found myself just shaking my head saying "what the eff am I watching?", this one was strange.

Box - well, if you figure out this one early, good for you. I will say this: the ending was clever, but what in this is/was real is the real question. The rest of it was a bit all over the place. It's timelines are mostly clear and it's got good couple twists but they never really develop into much. This one could've easily been the best visually to watch, but this one would've been much better as a standalone, 90 minute film. It could've been haunting and horrifying, as it's premise lends itself directly into that space, they could've elaborated and expounded on the "relationship" at the center of it, and they could've wrapped it much better.

So that's my opinion for what it's worth.
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The best line in this "show" can be used to sum it all up **mild spoilers**
30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The captain, who's utterly misogynistic, asks "what the f##k is that?". And sums up the whole show. What the actual eff was this nonsense? Turns out the women robots hate men apparently too, because they just sit back and watch while the captain's co-pilot and ship mechanic dies, even though he could've been saved, and was shown to be compassionate to the woman and kind to the ship. I dunno. It was stupid. And there's more credits than actual show, so there's that.
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Very middle of the road movie
9 September 2020
I only watched this remembering a headline I saw that said "new horror movie from netflix is making people throw up in the theater and walk out." Well, as a military vet, I am in no way squeamish, and I tend to lean into the violent/repulsive/eccentric/bloody/gore fest style of movies, so I was highly interested in watching this movie. So, knowing what I know about the movie having finally watched it, and reading the reviews on here, I thought I'd lay out my review like this: this movie is not a horror movie. This falls in with the likes of Tusk, but better acted like Get Out. The acting was actually pretty good, that I can say. The plot was awful, the movie really was dumb, and after the first say half hour, it was pretty easy to see what was going on, but a plot "twist" if you will need the end will clear things up nicely. That being said, it is beyond illogical, and it is not very good. This movie is not a 10/10, but at the same time, it isn't a 1/10 either. It in no way is a violent gore fest, nor will it make you throw up (unless you throw up when you see others do it) because there a few scenes of that. But the violence is limited to literally 2 scenes. There was no real logic to the plot as the actions of all involved are irrational and illogical to say the least. It's a run of the mill movie that tries to be a horror, but it isn't scary or chilling or eerie, tries to be emotionally compelling but there is no character development to care about, tries to be catchingly gory but it isn't violent or bloody enough for that, tries to be thought provoking but the more you think about it the dumber it is...it tries to be a lot of things, but it's really just another average movie.
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Good gawd this movie was awful
28 August 2020
I love Alexandria Daddario, I'll watch absolutely anything with her in it, including this train wreck. There isn't a single thing in this movie to qualify it as a horror, or slasher movie, and there is nothing in it that makes it good. This is one terrible movie.
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