44 Reviews
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The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix Review
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Matrix

I have only seen The Matrix once and that was when i was about 10 or 11 and i had seen Matrix 2 first. I found Matrix 1 to be boring and drone on. But now i am 16 and with much more useful knowledge i am going to review it properly.

So if you haven't worked out the plot by now here it is in all its glory. Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives. By day he is an average computer programmer and by night a malevolent hacker known as Neo. Neo has always questioned his reality but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of humanity have been captured by a race of machines which live off of their body heat and imprison their minds within an artificial reality known as the Matrix. As a rebel against the machines, Neo must return to the Matrix and confront the agents, super powerful computer programs devoted to snuffing out Neo and the entire human rebellion.

So as story and plot goes it is really cyberpunky and futuristic like. When i was watching it i felt like The Matrix was a Cyberpunk film with everyone wearing shades and leather jackets. It felt really futuristic. Nevertheless the plot was really good and kept me really on the edge of my seat. The Characters each had a different personality and fit into the story well.

Acting. Really well done. Keanu Reeves does his "Hi I'm Keanu Reeves" acting by standing,staring and blinking and people just go up and admire him like artwork. Lawrence Fishburne is ace as Morpheus and one of the best bad asses i have seen on the screen in a while. The others are mediocre but the star of the show goes to Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith. I love Smith as a baddie. Just his personality and presence on screen was a complete stand out from the crowd.

The action sequences were also original and impressive to watch,especially the final scene between Agent Smith and Neo. If you haven't seen the sequels then they have more in the future. The slow motion stuff is also well shot and well documented into the film. The Special Effects gave the film a personality in my eyes like no other film did before.

Overall what can i say. I enjoyed The Matrix now and i will certainly get my teeth into Matrix 2 and Matrix 3 (Which i haven't seen yet...except the ending)

Overall Rating - 67% - B - *** Stars
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The Matrix Reloaded Review
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Matrix Reloaded

If you thought that The Matrix was good than The Matrix Reloaded was maybe twice as better. Better action,story and felt better to watch as a fan.

The good things about this film are firstly the action sequences.Now that Neo is "The One" and has adjusted to his new abilities,his fighting is a lot more exciting to watch.This film contains possibly the best fight scene in cinematic history.Neo Vs The Smiths.Sure some of it is special effects and CGI but still it is a kick ass fight from start to finish.Also the story is a lot more exciting than One.The first film was more of setting the world up and exploring Neo's destiny to become "The One".The second film focuses more on the surrounding characters and introduces new characters.

The bad things.Keanu Reeve's acting still is quite wooden and i thought his performance in One had more emotion than this one.

However star of the film once again goes to Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith.I just love his character.So menacing and yet so amusing at times when he creates a new "Me".

So IN MY OPINION i think Matrix 2 is better than Matrix 1 because of story,action sequences and character development.Haven't seen Matrix 3 so i will get that up tomorrow.

Overall Rating - 73% - B+ - ***.5 Stars
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The Matrix Revolutions Review
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Matrix Revolutions

So as I wrap up my shocking and controversial review of The Matrix Trilogy,i would just like to say i have no regrets over my last review and no regrets over this review.

So after just finishing the film off i can say that i enjoyed this as equally as Matrix 1. I say that because The story was wonderful.It wrapped up the story it introduced in 1 and 2 with a somewhat satisfying conclusion.Some may say the ending was anti-climatic.OK it was rushed but not anti-climatic.We understood what happened and what apparently was going to happen next.They could make a Matrix 4 but why bother.I think it ended pretty well off and needs not to continue.

The battle between The Machines And The Humans needs mentioning because i did enjoy the fight until maybe the bit when Commander Lock bit the bullet.That was when i got bored and wanted back to Neo/Trinity.Never the less it was great to see Zion again and see that long awaited fight we had been waiting for.

Speaking of long awaited fights,I was let down by Smith & Neo's final battle.I wish they would quit with the effects (Which now look like a PS3 Cut Scene) and do more action hand to hand combat.That was a weakness of the film.Barely any Fighting besides the Last Fight at the end which was as I said a let down.

Star of the film i am once again throwing to Hugo Weaving.His screen time i must think was decreased in this film and yet he still is the shiny coin in the bag.

So overall a good conclusion to a great Science Fiction Trilogy.I ain't going to say which is my favourite because of ....you know.But i enjoyed watching this trilogy and if i ever want to i will happily watch it again.

Overall Rating - 72% = B+ - ***.5 Stars
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Clash Of The Titans (2010) Review
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...Clash Of The Titans

Right OK so i really wasn't thrilled to see this because i just wasn't bothered really,i had other things to occupy myself with.But i eventually got bored and decided to go see Clash Of The Titans and well...it was better than i had expected.

Now the opening was one of the worst ever.I was bored as much as when i went to see "Disaster Movie". Only the film managed to pick up paste and get into a comfortable swing.The plot moved in a steady paste and it got somewhat exciting although not too exciting.Some of the acting was wooden including Sam Worthington.He just didn't try hard.He just threw on a skirt and kept saying "I'm A MAN".The other characters were just extra parts to keep the flow going i guess.

The CGI effects weren't that brilliant.We had seen it all before and this film just had CGI sequence after CGI sequence after CGI sequence.It got old although i will say that the final scene with the Kraken was quite cool.Also i couldn't help but crack up whenever "Argos" was mentioned.If you don't like in The United Kingdom then you might not get it,but i couldn't keep a straight face when "Argos" was mentioned.

Overall this film was littered with CGI sequences but was somewhat enjoyable in cases.Star of the film would have to be the person playing the skull creature thing riding the scorpions,he was cool.

Rating - 46% - C+ - ** stars
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Planet Of The Apes Review
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...Planet Of The Apes (1968 Version)

I remember seeing the 2001 remake and don't remember much of it...but i decided to check out the 1968 original to see how good this film really is.And boy i wasn't disappointed.

Now this film is DARK...VERY DARK...WELL QUITE DARK.The story is very good and is very enjoyable.The characters are splendid in this even Nova who never speaks in the film (don't tell me if she does in the next one...and yes i know what happens in 2). Charlton Heston is great as Taylor as he is thrown into this unknown world in which he knows nothing about.He is separated from his two other friends and he is left to fight on his own.

I won't spoil the ending for it is simply so surprising...i knew the ending but watching the film for the first time gave me more of a shock than i thought i would know.It leaves open some sort of a story for the sequel...which i will review tomorrow or watch tomorrow and post it later.

Overall i enjoyed the first film.Dark story,great characters,incredible action sequences and a surprising climax.

Rating - 81% - A- - **** Stars
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Casablanca (1942)
Casablanca Review
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...Casablanca

I have just finished watching Casablanca which has now become in my eyes, a true cinematic classic. The wonderful acting,story and location work really gave the film something magical that puts it in the group of Gone With The Wind and The Godfather

In the early years of World War II, the Moroccan city of Casablanca attracts people from all over. Many are transients trying to get out of Europe; a few are just trying to make a buck. Most of them -- gamblers and refugees, Nazis, resistance fighters, and plain old crooks -- find their way to Rick's Café Américain, a swank nightclub owned by American expatriate Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart). Though we learn later that Rick once harboured enough idealism to put himself at risk to fight fascism, he's now embittered and cynical, professing to be neutral and detached: "I stick my neck out for nobody."

What i love about this film is Humphrey Bogart. His ability to put himself firmly in a role and believe in it is extraordinary. I think Rick Blaine is one of the most cool and charming characters on the screen. Ilsa is also a true beauty on the screen. You can really feel for the love between Rick & Ilsa and how they will die for each other if it became possible. But in the end, their love can conquer all only not together and that is one of the most touching scenes in cinema when they have their final conversation.

The ending stands out as one of the best in Cinema. That infamous final quote "Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" summed up my love for this film and what it achieved now and then.

Casablanca is a true cinematic classic and must be watched by all people.

Rating - 100% - A+ - ***** Stars
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The Taking Of Pelham 123 Review
7 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Taking Of Pelham 123

Travolta Vs Washington...At first i didn't fancy seeing this film because it would be the same old action film where one film star is a hero and the other is a villain so i put it off.But seeing that it was a Friday and I didn't have anything else to do i decided to see it.And boy was i wrong about this film.

The story is Denzil Washington playing a MTA Dispatcher who is ongoing investigation on taking a bribe.He then is thrown in a scenario when a bunch of Crooks take control of a subway train and ask for 10 million dollars for the lives of the passengers.It then turns into one thrilling ride of chasing,shooting and suspense which leaves Denzil Washington and John Travolta fighting for their lives.

My thoughts on the film were as follows.I haven't seen the original Taking Of Pelham 123 and I don't plan to.After walking out of the cinema i was satisfied with the end result.It wasn't that noisy as I thought it would be,but still loud.They do take it too far with the stunts a bit but it is pretty hardcore with what they do.Acting is also pretty decent to watch as well.

Directing was a bit dodgy in it.There was a lot of circles in the film where it feels like Denzil Washington is going round in circles.Tony Scott is a decent director and i think he did a pretty OK job with this film but there were some flaws with it.It was a bit shaky as predicted because a lot of directors like to use shaky shots these days.However Overall Tony Scott did do a good job directing this film.

Writing and story was OK but i felt that they could have improved a lot.You had a character that could have been developed way into the film,but really they cast him to the side.I am talking about the guy with the computer with the sexy girlfriend on it.As well as that the girlfriend could have also had more screen time.So that was disappointing.It was also focused on Denzil & John,they didn't go into the other characters and tell a bit about their stories.

Star Of The Film has to go to John Travolta.I felt his performance was dead serious but i wish he would stop saying swear words because he kept saying that word ON AND ON AND ON AND ON..Denzil is also good in this and the guy from The Sopranos and the guy from Transformers(who plays the same role he played in Transformers although it is less comedic).

In conclusion its a good film so go see it if you like good action.

Grade 66% - B - A Good Film. - *** Stars
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Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park Review
7 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Connor Macgregor Reviews...Jurassic Park

Before I go ahead and watch The Lost World (and review it),I want to give my thoughts out to quite simply one of the most gifted and spectacular films ever to be thrown onto the screen...Jurassic Park.

Based on The Michael Crichton novel (god rest his soul) Jurassic Park is about A very old but wealthy entrepreneur who leases an island from the government and sets about a top secret project for years.As it nears completion,he invites a bunch of experts who some are Scientists , Kids and a lawyer who plans to threaten to shut the island down.They are blown away by the mere sight of dinosaurs...yes real life dinosaurs.But then as expected trouble starts to brew and soon it is a fight for survival.

I don't know why I loved this movie so much. Maybe it was the utter amazement when I first saw the Brachiosaurus eat from a tree. Or maybe it was my adrenaline rushing when two 12 year old were attacked by Raptors. It might possibly be the chills that went down my spine when the T-Rex first made his terrifying roar. Whatever it was, it made me write this review.

Directed by Steven Spielberg quite possibly the greatest film director alive today , Jurassic Park was a film worth sitting down and watching right through to the end.There is nothing bad to say about this film apart from asking to see "More Dinosaurs".But i guess from beginning to end it gave us many dinosaurs to shout,scream and cry throughout.The acting was also remarkable and you can tell that some actors may have got their big break with this film.

The plot is very original and with special effects as great as this , it is clear that this film will always and i mean always have a close place in my love for films.As i said before the acting is tremendous and the star of the show has to go to someone who out their heart and soul into the entire picture,in fact i would go as far to say that this person carried the entire picture...The T Rex.I mean come on didn't it deliver.Oh and Sam Neil also did impressive in the film too.

In Conclusion if anyone hasn't seen Jurassic Park...you are a fool for not seeing it.Simply one of the greatest films out there.I highly and I mean highly recommend it.

Grades 100 % = A+ - *****
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The Lost World Review
7 November 2010
Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Lost World:Jurassic Park After just watching The Lost World,i felt that i enjoyed this a lot more.Jurassic Park was a good memorable film.I am also wishing that The Lost World shares in that success.

After a small girl is attacked by a small group of dinosaurs, Ian Malcolm discovers that there is a second island full of a variety of dinosaurs. Dr. John Hammond decides to send four adventure to monitor the dinosaur's lifestyle before INGEN move forward in controlling the island. Ian Malcolm doesn't like the idea and wants to contact the other three members, but before he can contact them, he finds out that his girlfriend, Sarah Harding is already on the island. Now, what was supposed to be a natural viewing of the incredible creatures in their habitats, has turned into a rescue mission with everyones life at danger.

I don't understand all the horrible reviews for this film.Sure not a classic film but a great film none of the less.It contains the same stuff JP did and it was still enjoyable viewing.It contained a new fresh cast which was good to see because i didn't want to see the same surviving cast battle more dinosaurs it would feel like Part 2 but no with this new cast i felt that this was a proper well done sequel.

Spielberg directs another good hit once again but i feel he did some of the same that he did last time.The directing didn't ruin it but i feel he just rationed some proposed shots of JP and threw them into Lost World.

The story was of course well done.Instead of them going back there is Site B where the dinosaurs roam free and stuff.Got to give credit to Michael Crichton & David Koepp because without these two Lost World would just be another cheap lame sequel along with the rest of the crap we see.

Star of the film...Despite going through San Deigo and having that great Trailer scene,I am NOT giving it to the T-Rex this time.This time i am throwing a bone to Jeff Goldblum who was the star of the show as he was suppose to be.However credit must be given to Pete Postlethwaite & Vince Vaughn.Those two shone as much did Goldblum.

In Conclusion LW may not be better than JP but it is still a very good film to watch.I also recommend this too.Oh and one more thing i have to credit to the score for The Lost World.I really enjoyed it more than Jurassic Park.Well just as Jurassic Park.

Grade 87% - A- - ****
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30 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sherlock Holmes is a remake or reinventing of the classic, rich detective that was made famous in the 1900s (first book published in 1888) by Arthur Conan Doyle. Now a motion picture of the feisty English detective is made but alas no an Englishmen does not play the role… an American known as Robert Downey Jr. Jude Law stars as his trusty side kick Dr Watson who is the dependable doctor who is ready to stick his nose out in any situation Holmes lures himself in. Playing the evil Lord Blackwood is Mark Strong who is a mysterious and disagreeable fellow to witness on screen. It is of course being a Sherlock Holmes film it is set in Victorian London and the genre would be a mystery action some people would call it although a lot of people would think differently.

I am unsure whether the film is a fresh story or inspired by a novel but it doesn't really matter because I think it is a story that the writers dropped the ball on. I had this feeling that the writing team weren't trying too hard and that they could have thought of something a lot more exciting or thrilling but the plot felt very dry and eventually quite boring. I wasn't exactly lured into the plot. I was sort of hanging on an edge and rotating whether to go in or to back away , but eventually I backed away like a bomb was slowly about to blow up My general thoughts were this. I wasn't as enjoyed as I thought I was going to be. My expectations were high for this film and I came out thoroughly disappointed at my viewing experience. I felt that again the writing was very shallow and not deep enough to explore. It then became very quirky as though they were writing for a specific audience and I guess for this film it would be Sherlock Holmes fans and I felt sidelined as Holmes fans were enjoying the experience…or not. Was it completely bad? No it wasn't some parts of the film were very enjoyable but most of the film was a bore.

For the positive side we had the remarkable talent of Jude Law who I thought did a marvellous job as Dr Watson. As a proper Englishmen he managed to pull off a very charming and wonderful version of Dr Watson. I enjoyed Jude's slick charm and charisma in the role and his ability to exercise the role instead of it being a supporting character. Guy Ritchie has directed this film and he did a pretty respectable job with this film unlike some of his previous films.

Then we come to the negative side of things. Sadly I must go to Robert Downey Jr. His performance as Sherlock Holmes sadly didn't deliver. I felt it was too quirky and too in your face and I didn't like it especially at the end. Robert's English accent however is almost spotless or as a matter of fact it is spotless. Despite his quirky performance his accent was so spotless you couldn't find a hint of American. However that doesn't change my thoughts of his performance.

For the characters of the film there were some good and some not so good. Start with the good Jude Law's attempt at Dr Watson was well done indeed and really should have had more screen time. Rachel McAdams as Irene Alder was reasonably regular and got the amount of screen time she needed. No more or less. Then there is again Downey Jr's quirky and quite slightly over the top performance as Sherlock Holmes. Then Mark Strong as a very tedious and not so menacing Lord Blackwood. I didn't feel a sort of menacing feeling around him and just thought of him as a crook or that cartoon villain with the twirling moustache.

In conclusion I thought Sherlock Holmes as a decent film with some well done settings and costumes but overdone acting by the main star and better acting by the sidekick. Plot was steady and characters were flat but overall it is pretty enjoyable for you and your family to get cracking on.

B+ - An above Average Film with so good solid performances and some over the top. An easy plot to follow with some well done set designs but flat action sequences.
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What A Bore
29 December 2009
Boy i was excited for this film especially that Quentin Tarentino was going to bed involved...2 hours 32 minutes later...i was very VERY disappointed.

The Story...dull as it could ever be.A bunch of soldiers who are angry at the Nazis and decide to become "Nazi Hunters" and do it as a sport.Sorry did not buy it at all.As for Mr Pitt himself his performance sucked...SUCKED BIG TIME.I could not buy him as an army general and his moustache really really involved.Everyone else was bad or maybe worse than Brad Pitt.Waltz's performance...now everyone is saying that its amazing and "oscar worthy".Not really.I mean its good maybe the best in the film but not "Oscar Worthy".

This has to be Tarentino's worst film yet.Nothing in this film was as enjoyable or good as his previous classics like Reservoir Dogs,Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.Hell it is even better than Grindhouse a film that was cheesy as love itself.

Don't waste your time seeing alternative war films that make absolute no sense whatsoever.I wanted to stop...but couldn't.
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Great...but not the best
29 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ah yes Harry Potter is always a treat to watch because you know by now it is going to be entertaining.With this one i had that "WOW" factor but a few problems along with it.

Lets start with the basic plot which everyone should know right now. Harry is still sad over Sirius's death in the last film/book/audio whatever you call it and is trying to get on with his life in peace.But now Dumbledore has an important mission for him that could help destroy Voldermort for good.

So acting? its great as always.Radcliffe is still awesome as Harry.Rubert Grint is still amazing as Ron and dear sweet Emma Watson continues to play Hermione Granger so well.Michael Gambon is even better as Dumbledore in this film.Felton has improved from annoying to amazing Draco Malfoy and so has Alan Rickman who was sidelined in the past few films as Snape.Evanna Lynch i always enjoy as Luna Lovegood.Her performance is like "Yeah we live in a bad place but still i feel happy".Bonnie Wright's screen time increases and that's great too.

One problem i have is the ending.In the book there was a massive fight but in the film there isn't much.Now i know the films cant always be accurate and that is fine but i just felt disappointed at the end that is all.

So this film is just as good as the others and builds up the tension for the upcoming finale.
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Avatar (2009)
What a Way to end A Great Decade in Cinema
20 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As i sat in the theatre i was not as excited as i wished i could have been. 3 Hours Later and the credits rolled i walked out with nothing but pride knowing that James Cameron who has been on hiatus for 12 years making crappy documentaries still has the magic to make great entertaining films.

Avatar is about Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) who is called to Pendorra to take his twin brother's place in a program where he turns into a creature called a Na'vi which are savage creatures which live on the planet.As Jake bonds with the creatures in his new form,he soon realises what the human's intentions are and decides to help this race in defending their planet.

To start off.This film is spectacular viewing.The effects are wonderful and do not really need 3-D to make the viewing amazing although i hear 3-D is wonderful.I thought the creatures were wonderful creations which makes you wonder how did James Cameron make these fascinating creatures.Acting is also brilliant.Sam Worthington does a great performance as both a human and a Na'vi.Sigorney Weaver is also very good as the scientist.

There are not really any bad things that i notices but apparently the plot is similar to Dances with Wolves.Well i don't think there were major or eye spotting problems.I thought the story was wonderful and there were no slip ups.

So Avatar is maybe Cameron's finest work in my opinion.If a sequel is made then i will welcome it with open arms.
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Very Good...But Over-hyped
6 December 2009
I heard about this film everywhere. On the street , in my school and even my uncle was talking about it. I was planning on never seeing this because yes you guessed it... i was scared. However i went to see it only just a few hours ago at my local cinema with my dad... 90 minutes later i stepped out thoroughly pleased about the film.

Lets start with the good points. The plot is original and very well done. This is not some daft old horror remake or rip off. Its original and chilling in the same way. Second is the acting. Not the best and not perfect but solid enough for the film. Third and finally is the special effects. I was amazed that this film was made for only 15,000 dollars because some of it is worth more than that. Especially one sequence at the end.WOW My only problem which is minor was the hype. its not that scary as many people are saying it is. I only jumped 1.5 times and i covered my eyes 2.5 times. its not enough to make me go crawling at the back of my chair.

Overall however this was a great experience to watch and leaves you with a sort of chill and mystery at the end. Am i going to fall asleep tonight. Of course because in the end... its only a movie.
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2012 (I) (2009)
2012 Review
29 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
2012 Review

When they announced that they were going to make a film called 2012, i was a little bit annoyed because ever since this theory about the world going to end in 2012 went worldwide it just left my mind racing with all these ideas and theories and so i said to myself that i would boycott the film and not turn back.However i decided that i would see the film and hopefully it would be enjoyable.

If you don't know what happens here is the story, It is centred about "The Mayan Prediction Theory" that on December 21st 2012 the world as we know it will come to a erupt end. The film stars John Cusack as a failed author who takes his kids out on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. And then on that day the end of the world begins and it is a race for survival from there on end.

So lets start with the good stuff. The Special Effects are very well done as always in Disaster Movies. However i felt that i had seen them all before. The Earthquakes from Deep Impact and the falling buildings like Independence Day (except without slow motion dogs)and the tidal waves from yes you guessed it The Day After Tomorrow.

Now the bad stuff. There wasn't a single character in this film that i could root for...not one.John Cusack's character was OK but in a film like 2012 that is not enough. The Ex Wife annoyed me so much and The Step Dad who you are meant to hate at the beginning becomes the hero because he knows how to fly. The Kids were just luggage one going through Teenage homos and one who wears baby underwear still. As well as one family they throw another that again you don't care about but are important to the plot.

As for the plot. It was slow paced and the pay off did not go as well as people expected it too. With Disaster Films you have to have a well balanced plot for the effects to work and it didn't in 2012.

To do a successful Disaster Movie you have to have successful characters,an exciting plot and excellent top notch special effects.2012 got one out of three.

6/10 - Good Effects/Poor Characterisation and Plot.
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Film Of The Year
1 July 2009
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I was very excited to see this film and 140 minutes later i credit this as film of the Year by a mile.It tells a remarkable true story of what happens when one of the most notorious criminals ever in America finally falls to his knees.Deep's performance completely throws Jack Sparrow hurling towards the bin as he portrays a new fresh dangerous character that has a chill running down your spine.Bale is also very good in this film and is more of a machine than man.The story is amazing and shootouts keep you on the edge of your seat at every heart pounding minute.Overall i say film of the year and also maybe bag a couple of Oscars including Best Picture.
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Good Action Film.Recommned It
6 June 2009
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Always been a fan of Terminator and this film delivered...brilliantly.This was twice as better than the 3rd one ever was and we finally got to saw a dark and evil looking world that we now know is called "Hell".Christian Bale's performance was by far amazing and Sam Worthington takes up the role as The Terminator (I did like that Hybrid Storyline) and Kate Connor i believe is a lot younger than the last actress that played her.Oh and HOW I LOVED THE CAMEO FROM YOU KNOW WHO.It was a nice Wink to the audience and so were all the quotes like "I'll Be Back" and "No Fate" that was awesome.As for story i thought it was new and interesting to watch and really got hooked into it.Overall Good film and recommend it to people who love action and sci fi.
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Twice as thrilling than the first
17 May 2009
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I knew somehow that Angels and Demons would be maybe as good even better than the first.I was correct.

This film was a roller-coaster ride from start to finish with excellent performances from Tom and Ewan.The story was very well plotted and anyone who said it was dull and boring is a damn lier or better still not a proper film critic at all.

The effects were also highlights of the film with that spectacular explosion near the end.I won't spoil too much but its a film with more twists than the first.

A must see for all people.
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17 Again (2009)
A Decent Film,Now people will recognise Efron as a good actor
10 April 2009
When i was going to see this film,i thought to myself that Zac Efrom was going to be all over this film showing off and all the girls in the cinema(which were about 95% of)would jump onto the screen and try and lick it.That wasn't the case at all.

This film had been really funny and the star was of course Mr Efron himself.Efron's jokes were very well done and the way he handled himself around his family was fantastic.I would be the same thing if i went back to 17...although i am 15 right now.

Matthew Perry was easily the lead in to efron,and he played it very well.Leslie's performance was a decent one.Michelle's was great at playing the horny,attitude,whatever teenage daughter.As for the loser son he was good as well as he turned from zero to hero.

Overall this film had a cleaver story and quality acting that will make this film stand out as a comedy hit.
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Knowing (2009)
28 March 2009
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OK when i went to see this i knew what i was expecting.Some guy and his snotty kid trying to save the world from some goofy theory of evolution.I expected a lot more violence and lot less thriller in this film.Nicolas Cage is a pretty decent actor and his performance in this film was...decent.It was good.Not award winning but decent.The kid was OK in it and the other kid was OK.The aliens didn't give me the shivers at all they were just like people who dug out of there own grave and looked like they pooped themselves.And the ending was like...OK.Very like unneeded.Now i am a lot more scared for 21/12/2012 (Apparatnly something BIG is going to happen like a meteor or something and the movie industry are making all these disaster movies out of it,they are basically making a huge profit over this theory that may never happen)Overall Knowing was decent but i would have liked something better.My honest opinion.
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The Reaping (2007)
A Very Creppy Film
14 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When i bought this i was only buying it because of Hilary Swank and Anna Sophia Robb who are 2 very talented actresses.I didn't even know David Morrissey was in it and the black guy was British.God bless IMDb.Anyway the film itself was generally impressive.The CGI was very very good and Hilary's acting was the best of the film.Anna was 2nd ahead with her facial expression's were outstanding.Story was Omen Style story and the ending was very spooky.It captured this whole spooky sort of Omen feel to it that gave me the chills at the end.Overall i thought it was a great film with a lot of expecting twists and turns.
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The Sentinel (2006)
A good action film...with thriller bits inside
8 February 2009
The Sentinel i was hoping would be a good film and boy i was right.A great story first of all from a novel and i thought this was an original story but i guess it wasn't and it was a very smart story. Michael Douglas in this film is very good and Keither Sutherland is too,but however it is very hard to shrug him off his role as Jack Bauer in 24 but eventually you do and he is very different in The Sentinel than he is in 24.also another person trying to shrug off their TV role but failed.Eva Longeria.She wasn't that good in the film and had a back seat in the entire thing.After i saw the film i had constant dreams about The Sentinel and couldn't sleep.Overall Sentinel is a good film and i would recommend it.
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Very Funny
8 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Anchorman is one funny film and there were some surprises in the film i did not expect but hey its what makes these films great.First of all Will Ferrell is very funny in the film and deserves some sort of award for this role.Christine Applegate is also good.Her performance was good and also rivalled Ferrell in some way.Also got to give Kudos to Steve Carell.Just as funny as Ferell and Applegate in the film.And not forgetting the infamous News Fight featuring almost everyone in The Frat Pack(Excluding Owen Wilson and Jack Black(although Black does make an appearance in the film)).As for the story it is just as good as the performances.Overall Anchorman is one of those rare funny films which i enjoyed.
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Office Space (1999)
Great Plot and Funny Story
25 January 2009
Office Space was worth watching. I really enjoyed the plot and acting in this and was a very clever story.Jenifer's performance was very very good and it was something to get her out of Friends.The Story again was very funny.Some parts were so good and some not so good,but Office Space delivered.The writing was also very clever and i have to give credit.The cast overall were very very funny and showed signs of talent.Directing was also very very good and the scene with the traffic at the beginning of the film gave us a taste of what was to come towards the film.Overall Office Space was a really film and will be remembered as a great giggle.
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Valkyrie (2008)
Very Good Film
24 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Valkyrie was everything i expected and more.I was so excited when i walk into the cinema and prepared myself for a real treat of a film. Could this be the next best war film and be better than Defiance. Well first of all,a good shaky start and then we got in depth into the story.Cruise's performance was really impressive and cool to see him with the eye patch and David Bamber as Hitler was quite a disturbing performance but i couldn't get Robert Carlyle out of my head as Hitler.The Meeting Sequence was incredibly brilliant.I was a little shaky and it was a fantastic scene.After that it was better seeing The Nazi's being twisted into good and shaking off the bad,but the fact that Hitler was alive was a kick in the nuts for Tom Cruise's character.The Executuion Scene was fantastic and chilling at the same time.Overall Valkyrie was a fantastic film and one of my favourites.
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