
148 Reviews
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Smashing World Building
2 June 2024
Did Dracula just peak ? Dracula isn't the greatest franchise, but this movie just maxes out every aspect about Dracula that could possibly get interesting. The tale of seafaring Odysseus who strands on a mysterious island, fights a one-eyed giant, and withstands the singing sirens tied to a mast, has been out for 2000 years. And someone goes: we need another movie about an Undead Bloodsucker. And absolutely smashes it. I love the theme of self-sacrifice (only second to Star Wars: Rogue One), the main actor, the stunning visuals with swarms of bats. When I watched the movie for the first time, I wasn't actually surprised how good it was. I was more surprised that I seemed to have missed a whole franchise. The producers made this movie like naturals. 'Of course, this would be a Dracula. Of course, this is what his existence would feel like. It just hasn't been shown, yet.' So that's the REAL Dracula. Awesome.
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Great plot, one piece is missing
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The world around you has gotten crazy. Everyone took four vaccine jabs. Into healthy bodies. That's roughly this episode's synopsis. Riker's never-before-seen son turns out to be an alien who created a fantasy world where Riker has become his dad. It's not a 10 star rating, because Riker's reaction makes no sense, in my opinion. He calls his imposter son out. 'It's not real.' And the alien shuts the simulation down. The end. That's not how it would play out in real life. (I insist this is real-life inspired.) Riker would keep everything to himself, until he undeniably solved the very last piece of this puzzle. 'I see, my son. Up for a hike in the Risa mountains ? Chat a little ?' Would feel more real to me.
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Origin of the movie's premise
22 May 2024
Can you arrest someone for a crime he hasn't committed yet ? Absolutely. Else, people are going to die. I could end here. Great movie. Love it. What's the problem with my resounding 'yes' ? A handful of people worldwide can, in fact, act out of character. They may, in fact, not kill the victims, after all. Besides, the real premise here is not about seeing the future. It's about seeing what people ARE. As opposed to what they DO. Under that slightly different premise, the question becomes: Can you arrest people for what they ARE, instead of for what they DO ? The answer to that question is a 'yes' that is backed by a lot more intuition. Arrest all nazis. They are nazis. Doesn't matter how many crimes they already committed. They are nazis. The original question, in this fantastic movie, is slightly tilted towards SciFi, so it slightly changes. Love it.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Endgame (2001)
Season 7, Episode 24
My favourite TV show. Can I have more ?
20 May 2024
My favourite TV show. Not my favourite episode. But I loved how they kept things open regarding the crew's future. Easy 10 stars. Here is how I would want VOY to continue from here: The exact same crew explores Romulan space. In a cloaked ship that looks Federation, except it's all Borg-like square shapes, instead of round circles. 'We look like Federation, but we're not. Hence, we're allowed to cloak.' Tuvok turns out to be a Romulan, really. The adventures of the new VOY crew resemble Indiana Jones from here. The crew constantly has Romulans in their backs. Romulan space is vast. And why are Romulans so secretive, anyway ? Let's have that kind of show, shall we ? Star Trek Voyager was the slickest, shiniest, smartest show I ever was so privileged to witness. Thank You.
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Governments HAVE to be bad
18 May 2024
You were shocked that everyone took the covid vaccine ? Wait until you see good governments. People desperately want bad governments, and can't help themselves to overthrow good governments. 'I'm not real, so my government must not be real. Else, it has to go.' Ancient Rome's Senate was good. And people wanted to overthrow it. The Caesar narrative. That's what Revolutionary Road is about: A couple trying to overthrow a good government. By threatening to leave for France, a bad government. 'It HAS to be bad, because I'm not a good person.' My theory sounds only funny, until the world sees its second good government after Rome's Senate, and will try to kill it. 'Where is my mandatory covid shot ?'
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Eternals (2021)
Chinese Communist Party
18 May 2024
This looks like the kind of crap the Chinese Communist Party would produce. Watch abomination 'The Wandering Earth' to see the parallels. US Navy funded 'Captain Marvel' aired in China - two weeks earlier - than in the rest of the world. I take it that Marvel said "We're done. All stories are told. Let's sell the franchise to China now." Well done. I'm jealous. Big monsters that appear on the horizon, it is. There is loads of Chinese fantasy-monster movies, and all are terrible. What I don't get is: Why Marvel ? Why superheroes ? What does a superhero add to a fantasy monster flic ? Nothing. That explains the cast. If I was a Chinese movie maker, I would 100% focus on the giant-monster-on-the-horizon scene. Aim for perfection right here. I've seen Chinese movies nail that. But absolutely import the scripts. Buy them on ebay. Anywhere but in China. And don't trust this franchise. Eternals is a disaster. Movie.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Tedious. Well done.
8 May 2024
Extreme slow burns. In the American Arizona (?) desert. Featuring a lawyer. Who vies old people. For their lawyer fee money. I stopped watching the show after season 2 or so. Because the scenes are really too streched and tedious. I loved the concept of the show, the main actor is great, the side cast is fantastic. And I wasn't even the slightest fan of Breaking Bad, where this spin-off originated. The extremely long scenes weren't even so bad. But after 2 seasons, I felt I saw it all. I do like the tragic development of Saul Goodman. This tragedy bit could have been managed really wrong by the producers of the show. *LOGANcough ... But the producers nailed that.
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Viewer discretion. Don't know why.
7 May 2024
I was trying to watch that on the big screen when it premiered in 2016. I literally got sick and had to leave the cinema. Because of that movie. I don't even know what element of the movie repulsed me. Maybe the premise. A couple of secret agents. Was it ? I remember the main actor, Zach Something, as very funny. He was the reason why I went to see that flic. The main actress is forgettable, certainly not bad enough to turn me sick. (Instantly!) I recall this movie to revolve around ordinary cars, to appear very grey, and the jokes ... i don't recall any of the jokes, but they might have been to blame that I had to leave that cinema.
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The Boys (2019– )
4 May 2024
I didn't watch Amazon founder Bezoz' favourite project: The Boys. Because of all imaginable name picks I can think of 'The Boys' is the absolute most abhorrent. 'The rape squad,' 'midnight watchers' ... even those titles would have worked for me. A fat soccer coach who doesn't care anymore, that every last of his players are notorious child malesters. That coach calls his squad 'The Boys.' I understand this show is a spoof of superhero movies. I don't even need to know what parts of superhero movies they are criticising. The movie 'Watchmen' is a fantastic superhero spoof. It even PREdates the 2010s Marvel dacade. Watch 'Watchmen' instead. Is my suggestion.
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Taking things to the extreme ? No. It's nonsense.
2 May 2024
The movie is stupid. Because Tarantino is a confused person. There are many different scenes with different premises. And that's only movie part 1: A wedding that ends in violence. A ninja sword fight in Japan. The killing of a mother in front of her child. I'm not against showing violence. Even unnecessary violence happens. The problem with this movie is that every scene STARTS with violence and CONTINUES with more violence. You can't start with violence. Violence IS the extreme. In real life: You want something, and you're not getting it, so a scene ENDS in violence. I absolutely love taking things to the extreme. Watch cartoon show family guy. They take things to the extreme. And it often ends in (funny) violence. Why would you START scenes in splatter ? I suspect many fans of Kill Bill believe that this is what sex is. Well' it's not. If you can't laugh about certain jokes, it's not you who's wrong. The joke is bad. If you don't like this movie, while low existences around you do, don't blame yourself. It's them who is wrong. The movie is garbage.
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Flawless. And SciFi, please.
2 May 2024
I don't understand the <7× rating, this is my absolute favourite Asterix film. The plot device to visit Rome is flawless, the drawn characters feel more real than life action, and all slapstick (!) lands! If anyone asked me what an "Asterix" is, I would show them this exact movie. Perfection. Going forward, I would want Asterix and Obelix to visit space. Let's fast forward, it's no more 50BC but AD50 and the two mount a spaceship. After all, an alien did visit them in one of the most recent comic books. The Asterix spirit won't disapappear: The original Star Trek show and the show Stargate, both, have plenty of references to ancient Greek gods. Let Asterix find a few tribes that left earth long ago.
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The real Iron Man. 3.
2 May 2024
I was never attracted to the Superman and Batman movies prior. They left me cold. Iron Man was not just my first encounter with Marvel but my first real enjoyment of any Superhero movie. I missed watching the first Avengers movie that predates Iron Man 3, admittedly, because I don't get the concept of teams. Yup, so Iron Man 3 was my first love. Having said that, this is not the real Iron Man. Iron Man has armour. That armour has a purpose. The real Iron Man would be A LOT nosier. He would like to know who he is working for, for a starter ? Who is the Pentagon ? Don't just listen to their marketing. You have an armour, Iron Man! Find out who they are! Sneak in! Like those ancient animals called 'Trilobites'! In all fossils, you can see them stretch their necks. They died stretching their necks because they were SO curious. That's who the real Iron Man would be, because that's the real reason why he has that armour. Had he done that, he would have found out that California was trying to cut social benefits, in spite of taxing the mick out of Californians for decades. And in spite of 1600s' Francis Drake offloading tons of Peruvian gold there. These days better known as CalPers (still loaded, more loaded than ever). And Cal's police just watch those benefits disappear. After all, they are on the public payroll. What could possibly go wrong in that system ? That would upset the real Iron Man, after he found out about that. Seriously, imprison all of California's oblivious cops. You can't always quite tell whether cops are dead inside. In general. That has to do with the Saxon spirit. Cops often have that originally British spirit. Sometimes that spirit plays dead, and comes back. The real Iron Man would have figured all that out. Because he has armour. Imprison all those people, seriously.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Not the real Iron Man, dear Marvel. And here is a practical test
29 April 2024
Iron Man going all in on the U. S. A. Military. Oh boy. And his buddy War Machine, under a new actor, gets an iron suit, too. None of them are the real Iron Man, though. Military staff are dead inside. If you are Iron Man, and if you are alive inside, you absolutely want to test this. ARE U. S. A. MILITARY DEAD INSIDE ? And this is what the real Iron Man would do: He would causally walk past a barracks. If he bumps into just one person in a military uniform, he would provoke it: 'You threarening me ?' Along those lines. If that piece of a person is dead inside, it can't respond in kind. If it does respond, do immediatelly give in. The military don't want that incident to make it to the newspapers. And all you needed to know is whether those people are dead inside. The government is threatening you with force. You have every right to test whether they mean it.
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Superman (1978)
Superman vs Captain America. Who would win ?
28 April 2024
I was never a Superman fan. That's instinctively not how my world would function. In fact, the first superhero movie I ever liked was 2015's Captain America Civil War. 40 years after this first DC's Superman instalment. And yet, Superman got a particular thing right that even Civil War screwed up: Secrecy. Captain America always suits up. Even if Iron Man is after him. That's not normal. Superman, in the 1970s, lived a double life: Daily Mail reporter by day, Superman by other day. Secret agent thinking is completely missing in the Marvel universe. My instinct tells me, Disney/Marvel were about to make do with this world. Criticise it a little bit here and there. 'The weapons are too big.' At times. Move the focus to Africa (Wakanda). But cooperate with authorities even when they imprison all your mates. Which is what happens in CA: Civil War. Was that for millennials ? Because Superman is clearly designed for: opposing. If authorities turn sour, they can't find Superman. Even if he didn't have superpowers. Superman never became a terrorist. But all the necessary ingredients were there. It was Superman's active choice to keep siding with authorities. He didn't have to. I suspect the fact that Superman never went there, makes him forgettable, as far as I'm concerned. Superman's kick-off spirit was great, though.
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Mock the Week (2005–2022)
W t h ...
26 April 2024
What. The hell. Is this. I've lived in Britain for 8 years. Most things I saw were more than impressive. I absolutely don't understand why anyone would watch this show. 1) why would you invent a show around news 2) why would you hire cast this boring. Invite people off the street, instead 3) did every last joke writer die. I swear I overheard people in the enlightened city of Edinburgh (in the north) talk eagerly about this show. Other people invited me into their homes to watch this show, in particular. My blunt theory is: people who died inside watch this abomination. A wooden spoon with mold on it is as good as any.
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It's a SciFi movie! Not a Romance!
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A very lovely lady joined me to the pictures to watch this gem. And we both sincerely hated it. I gave it a second watch by myself - and loved it. What's wrong with it ? To figure that out you need to start what's so deeply moving about it. By the end of the movie, they travel back in time twice, 1900s, then 1800s. It's very beautiful. By the last third of the film, you see early 1800s wooden characters dressed like champs. You couldn't even breath in that era, if you had to live there. As a time traveller, however, this really is the peak of romantic feelings. People barely alive are the best you can experience, then. Especially if you love SciFi, like myself. And even I hated this film on my first watch. Why ? I think there is a subconscious repelling going on: If the past is so great, then why don't you live in the past ? You shouldn't like that romantic scenery that much. Your subconscious tells you that. And Rachel McAdams playing a miststück girlfriend spells it out. She dumps the main protagonist for his nostalgia. That's not great to watch, but she is the real adult here. Also, McAdams' acting range is just incredible. In many movies, she plays the girl that you want to marry, adopt and hug all the same time. In this movie, she plays an absolute miststück. Absolutely has to.
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Knight Rider (1982–1986)
It's a trap!
26 April 2024
This show is a bit of a trap. I could watch this show for the rest of my life on a loop, be constantly entertained, and in hell really: Need a ride ? Yes. Because imbecils refused to build infrastructure. It's the wrong kinds of people who take advantage of that. Car owners. People who don't take 'no' for an answer. People who live in office jobs. Where they commute 100 miles to and from each day. Because they need to escape their family that popped out of nowhere. That's the real "car owner" world. The show doesn't show that. That's why it works. I need a number plate. I am a car. Hence my passport. Tatoo my numbers on my forehead. I am a car. Except don't show it in this series. In reality, cars have everything to do with number-tagging governments. But the series doesn't show it. Has KITT even got a number plate ? Where are the number plate episodes ? Avoid all that, the producers concluded. Good for them. Bad for the good people who got confused and bought KITTs. I almost bought a car in my 20s. Avoid all the heavy messages, and suddenly a show that should show national socialists looks like a western. That's not what cars are about.
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Rocky (1976)
25 April 2024
For me, the Rocky franchise falls under the "Sheep" movies. It's obviously bad. There is nothing you ever want to remember from this mess. And yet, many people go "this movie is baaahhh-great." I don't know why. I know they don't actually like that movie, Rocky. I suspect they like nothing in this world. Every now and then, they go "this movie is baaahh-great." It's not just Rocky. All 'Men in Black' movies are obviously bad. The editing team did not call it a night until every last scene was repelling. And viewer sheep go "bahhh." Avengers Endgame is in that same shelf. Only that the Avengers franchise hadn't always been bad. Why.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Just pain
24 April 2024
I've rated over a hundred movies and this rating is the hardest choice. I could side with any fellow critic between 2 and 8 stars. On the downside, why would you even make that kind of movie ? DiCaprio gets eaten by a wild bear, shot at by native Americans, and almost buried alive. Shortly after he got eaten by a bear. I mean, that's taking the mick as to how bad the old west could have been. And for those exact same bonkers scenes, the movie feels real. Pain is real. And Tom Hardy plays a great scoundrel who credibly inflicts that pain. And I do have those moments where I want to see a painful movie. Well, this is the one then.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
23 April 2024
There was a time in the early 2000s where you could squeeze in a poo-doesn't-matter medieval show. I did enjoy the original Lord of the Rings trilogy then. I could never watch LoR now. That slit in time is gone. There was never a time for this literal sh-show. GoT. I watched a few scenes. I let it sink in. No idea why people watch that. Emilia Clarke is an awful actress. As far as I'm concerned, she bullies children in her private life. I can't watch her. Same applies to the show's other actors. I had this theory once that audience try to get used to death. By watching this mess. All the main protagonists keep dying in this show, I was told. My theory is also nonsense. No one cares about deaths. They get buried and people can't even be bothered to put pictures on the graves. (In China they do. I know. But China wasn't responsible for this verbal sh-show.)
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Logan (2017)
For real ?
22 April 2024
I love dystopian movies. I absolutely love Alita: Battle Angel. A cyborg girl gets picked up on a trash pile, and revived. As it turns out, this world had fallen ages ago. Alita wakes up in the world after that fall. She slowly remembers that she must have been part of bringing the old world down. Fantastic fight scenery on the moon, on tubes leading up to a sky city, and "The United Republics of Mars/URM." What exactly was this Logan movie ? Apart from depression to depression how depressing this world this ? I can't watch it. Staring at a wall makes me happier. Insane how everyone didn't throw up 5 minutes into production of this mess and leave.
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Danny DeVito ? Ok ... actually not ok ...
21 April 2024
I seem to be the only one with the following opinion. And no big deal. But: Why Danny DeVito ? He joins 'the Gang' only in season 2. I don't mind him solo. Very watchable, funny. However, I literally stopped watching this TV show when he joined in. In the TV show's story ark, he is THE investor that the run-down bar in Philadelphia needs. Is that what really happened ? Did Danny DeVito invest for real ? Or was he personally invested all along, and then couldn't bear the passivity in the director's chair ? 'Oh please, it's so funny, let me join!' I wonder if that's the real misguided story here. All the other cast are hilarous. That Danny DeVito move happened decades ago. It was so irritating.
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Family Guy (1999– )
20 April 2024
Would be 10 stars, had this magnificent TV show not gotten a bit repetitive after season 15 or so. Still, 100s of 10-star episodes. And incredibly ballsy. Almost all the gags punch far below the waistline. The first time you watch every episode, your jaw drops to the floor. Insane the writers go there. Then you watch it a second time. Then you recall the jokes, they cross your mind, and you can't stop laughing. Also because, why would you even say all those things that this show's characters say. "I have Stratego in my mouth." "My happy place, in case I get malested." "Punch ... the baby ... in ... the face."
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19 April 2024
GoG 2 later was good. This instalment wasn't. I was so looking forward in 2014 to this movie. I remember watching the movie trailers in fascination. A space team with a talking badger. All the CGI did turn out great. No disappointment there. Apart from the talking badger, the crew seemed a bit bland. I didn't care for them. And I blame that movie. Because I did like the green-skinned lady, when she played Lt. Uhura in the new Star Trek movies. And I also like her under the makeup in GoG 2. The crew meet in space prison. Yawn. That plot vehicle is so old that my brain squeaks. It's 80s style. 80s music. At this point, I can't tell: Do Americans or Chinese like American 80s music ? Again, as a European, the music sounds extremely bland to me. David Bowie ? Depeche Mode ? UK ? Isn't that an obvious 80s choice ? Would that feel like robbing the UK ? Go to space prison for that ? This whole movie felt like nothing to me. People who recommended this movie to me were the ones I later avoided. The next instalment GoG 2 is fantastic, though.
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Was bad then. Unwatchable now.
15 April 2024
Another millennial thing I don't get. What is this ? The pictures with the moving faces inside them are very cool. The myths around the author are very cool. The main actor is very cool, I think. I used to understand why you would want to be an apprentice at an English university. That's history now and has spun. (Avoid English unis.) But that used to be very cool in the early 2000s. What I absolutely never understood: Why sourcery ? Why would you make wizards the main protagonists ? Why go so medieval to begin with ? I hate Game of Thrones, too, by the way. If you actually live in Britain, you avoid everything medieval. British computer stores would love to go all Japanese. They can't. Glazing must be single, not double. Per regulation. The walls need to look abhorrent. Per regulation. Do movies need to look medieval, too, now ? It's not regulation. And still, people watch this wizard abomination. On their own free will. And why a child main protagonist ? It's not meant to be a pet, like Alf, for example. Good. That child clearly is powerful. A wizard. That's good. Is it FOR children, then ? In that case, it's severly misleading. Avoid English trains. The movie really sends the wrong message if it's for kids. And on such a massive level. How did they smuggle that massive heap of waste past common sense ?
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