
20 Reviews
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Truly Disappointed ...
24 December 2006
It just seemed to me that M. Night Shyamalan, who wrote this movie, should have had someone proofread the script before turning this into a movie. There are parts of the story which just do not make any sense. I know he meant well when writing this, but the story is so lacking in so many places. I really wanted this film to work. I waited in anticipation for the DVD release, having missed my chance to see this in the theater. I fell for what hype there was in the trailers I saw. It seemed like it was going to be a very good experience. Unfortuneatly, the movie just fell flat for me. I can not recommend this movie at all.
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The Dick Cavett Show: Alfred Hitchcock (1972)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
An amazing interview with a true Hollywood Film Icon ...
18 December 2006
Dick Cavett does a wonderful job of allowing Alfred Hitchcock plenty of time during the hour long Interview to be Alfred. Dick sits back and lets Alfred reveal all kinds of the wonderful directorial direction Alfred used in some of his famous movies.

The beginning of the show is classic, with Dick coming from the side in shadow as Alfred did so many times on his own show, then the master himself shows the skinny Dick Cavett how it is really done, coming from the other side to meet Dick belly to belly, both in shadow.

The interview lags just a few times, mostly allowing Alfred time to catch his thoughts and spew forth more intelligent banter. You get a rare opportunity to witness and hear some of the great Brilliance this amazing director possessed. I was truly amazed at how simple some of the Techniques he used in making film magic was. I guess having that great mind behind the technique helps tremendously.

I gave it an 8 out of 10, but highly recommend this interview with out any problems whatsoever.
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King Kong (2005)
"Twas Beauty that killed the Beast "
19 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, I loved it. It has some amazing acting, including a 40' tall gorilla. You just gotta love the big brute. Granted, there are some plot twists that you can drive a truck through, but all in all its a mighty fine piece of film work. Some very interesting special effects for sure.

Spoiler: Uhm, if your queasy about Movies like Aracnophobia, or felt sickened by Indiana Jones and the buggy sections in those movies, you might want to wait for the DVD before watching this flick. We are talking about bugs on a huge, and I do mean, huge scale. Bugs that you hit with a sub machine gun and they splatter all over the screen. Bugs that you hit with a tree limb and they just keep on coming at you. Yes, they tend to have a fondness for human flesh. Not your basic backyard type of insects.
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Troy (2004)
Distractions ...
6 June 2004
I have to comment on the distractions I found in this movie.

The main one being Brad Pitt.

Ok, the dude is at battle, been so for days. Knives, swords flying, shields pounding, blood, gore, and there is Brad clean shaven as all get out. Not even the beginnings of a five o clock shadow.

Then his hair. Part of it neatly combed straight back and the remainder frumpled and wind blown. Distracting? At least for me, you better believe it. Granted, at times he does get dirty and bloody, but through it all clean shaven at the very least.

Oh, did I happen to mention that there is blood and gore in this movie?

I gave it a 7 out of 10.
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The Tin Drum (1979)
A haunting movie ...
22 February 2004
I saw this flick many years ago, and there are images from this movie I shall probably take with me to the grave.

Things I saw in this movie that vividly stuck in my brain are such things as a huge eel being pulled out of a severed horses head that was just dragged from the sea on a rope, a soldier having carnal knowledge with a lady in the middle of a field while being hunted by another soldier, a young boy spitting into a hand of a young girl ...

And I could go on. This movie I found to be extremely unique and varied in many ways. I don't know that I can really recommend this movie all in all, but if you do watch it, be prepared for a very unique experience film wise.

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The Ring (2002)
Strong visual images ...
25 March 2003
The visual strength of this movie is its strong point. What I mean by that is the images portrayed are strong, striking and ones that will easily be remembered. Its a good thing.

Why, you might ask?

Well, the plot tends to revolve around these images. The images come from a VHS tape that one youngster described as someone's nightmare. Perhaps. Strange nightmare. But then again, nightmares are supposed to be strange.

Was the movie scary?

I found it rather disturbing in a very strange sort of way. My 14 year old son and my wife did not. I found it just disturbing enough to watch it again.

All in all, I really don't know weather I would recommend this movie or not. There are some plot holes, the pacing is off, the writing is not bad. I did like the lighting and the direction. Approach it with an open mind. You'll need it to soak up the images.

I gave it a good solid 7 out of 10.
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Sexy Beast (2000)
Learn to cuss in 3 easy lessons ...
7 February 2003
This movie taught me a few things about cussing ...

Wow ... I will never think of Ben Kingsley the same way again. He takes cussing to a whole new level. The script writer must have had a thing for swearing.

There is also some very original camera work going on here, an interesting plot, quite a bit of action, but also some slow moments that I thought worked quite well. The pace is good, it moves you along nicely, but also gives you time to drink in the scenery and what is going on inside the character's head,

The ending is sort of surprising, although I figured it out ahead of time.

A rather rough film violence wise at times. Kind of mixed feelings about recommending this film.

I gave it a 7 - 10.
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Bad, very bad. Oh, so bad ...
7 February 2003
Ok, those that voted a 10 - 10 here, really ought to seek therapy. You guys need help.

Even Fans of KISS can't really say this is anywhere near good. It's lame. So Lame.

I'd go on, but this thing dosen't even deserve this much thought put towards it.

No way possible could I recommend this.

No wait, I take that back. I can recommending burning this film.

2 - 10
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Can't even recommend this, this, piece of film.
4 February 2003
As I write this, apparently 491 people found this hunk of junk to be an excellent movie.

To that, all I can say is, you have got to be kidding!

This is a farce, both the movie and that kind of voting. Ok, maybe the camera work is pretty good, and the locations are well picked, but...

The plot is dismal. The acting is, uhm, what's the word ... oh yeah, terrible. The direction is so so at best. But then again, maybe your into crude lame jokes that don't work at all. Maybe you like references of young people smoking pot as they try to drive on our nations highway. Maybe you like seeing the hard working policeman of this country (USA) made fun of and shown to be almost complete buffons. Just maybe, then you might get a glimmer of hope out of this , ahem, movie. (I use the term lightly)

Just didn't do it for me.

I couldn't recommend this movie at all.

Still I gave it a very generous 5 / 10. I guess I liked the locations.
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Happy, Texas (1999)
I can recommend this movie.
27 January 2003
This movie had for me some very good, laugh out loud sections. The interaction between a tough (supposedly) Escaped prison inmate as he tries to teach dancing to a bunch of little girls is classic. The inmate can't dance to save his soul, but it works out ok.

I enjoyed this movie. I can recommend this movie, but I did give it a 7 / 10.
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Highly recommend this movie .. its great.
26 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A great movie!

Terrifying, suspenseful, exciting, adventurous, rooting for the good guys to win.

It would be so so easy to put a spoiler in here.

I just love the ending.

If you get the chance, see the wide screen version. That really made the difference for me in this movie. Can't say enough.

8 out of 10. Highly recommend this movie.
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Oh my God, this is Bad. (This is a comedy, Right?)
20 January 2003
I have discovered that there are basically two reasons for me to do a review at IMDb. The first and most obvious, I loved the movie and want all to know what a great film it is. The second much more obscure reason is that there are numerous votes of 10 or 9 at IMDb and I am thinking the film was trash.

This film fits in the second category.

Oh my God, this is bad. I couldn't even finish the movie on DVD (I was amazed I watched 2/3 before shutting it down.) and found the special features on the DVD much more interesting.

Why is this a bad movie? The acting for the most part seemed wooden and forced to me. The interaction between the actors seems very rehearsed, very unnatural, and not even funny. (This is a comedy, Right?)

This seems more like a boring factual, matter of fact movie about a family. A family which I would try desperately to stay away from after seeing this movie about them. Just very, very, strange and I don't mean in a good way.

About I really can recommend of the DVD is the extra goodies on the DVD. Stay away from the movie itself. I warned you.

Barely 5 / 10
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Beetlejuice (1988)
There are scenes you will take with you ...
16 January 2003
Yes, its campy. Yes, its bizzare and strange and deviated way from the norm. Yes yes yes ...

Over the years, I have had a love / hate relationship with this movie. Right now, I be in a rather forgiving mood.

Michael Keaton is amazingly weird. The special effects are quite the trip and the sound was awesome. The editing is first rate, but the plot ... Sorry.

What is strange about it is I sort of like the writing, the script at times very original and very funny. But that plot ... that basic story line ... I don't know. Maybe that is why I have teeter tottered about this film: So much good, yet an underlying strange badness to it.

If your into bizarre horror flicks, then you might want to give it a try. There are positively some very bizarre scenes from this movie that you are going to take with you. Right now I gave this a barely 8 / 10. A couple of years ago, maybe a solid 6. Who knows next year or the year after.
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Not just a kids movie.
13 January 2003
Granted, this is supposed to be a kids movie, but I had been wanting to rent this for quite some time. I finally got the chance last night and was not disappointed.

The scenery, the animation, is rich in detail and color. The movie is definitely not boring and even though you figure the ending way before it gets there, you have to wonder how Jimmy Neutron is gonna pull it off.

I can heartily recommend this movie. 7/10
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Loved this movie.
13 January 2003
Don't watch this movie ...

That is unless you are up to having your ribs hurt from all the laughing you'll be doing. Granted, this ain't high brow. It isn't refined, or a high class film. It dosen't promote peace in the world and try to solve world hunger, but it does so very much more.

There are some things I am thankful for in this movie, one of which was that I am so glad that all those guys by the campfire weren't sitting any closer to the flame than they were. I am thankful that they went to certain barriers in this film and stomped all over them, especially the racial ones. I am glad they made fun of rednecks, nazis, japanese, blacks, whites, Hells Angels, women, men, gays and just about every other group which thinks it is too high and mighty to be made fun of.

I loved the part of the horse getting punched out. I loved the idiots paying a toll out in the middle of the open plains. I loved many aspects of this movie. So why did I only give it a 8 out of 10?

It could have been better. Mel Brooks could have tightened up a bit on the editing, cut back a little on all the bashing, could have bettered the timing on some of the jokes.

But all in all, I can highly recommend this movie, unless you don't like your ribs to hurt.
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Signs (2002)
I can safely recommend this movie.
12 January 2003
Tight, suspenseful, a bit scary ... I thought it was great.

A man who has lost his faith must rely on his choice of "not wasting another minute on prayer" to get him through a very tense and nerve wracking situation. His little brother must try to keep faith alive for his two children.

The adversaries are of a very unusual persuasion, kinda out of this world.

I can highly recommend this movie.
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A very funny flick.
12 January 2003
This is a very cool, funny movie. Nicholas Cage's wild hair dos are quite a trip in themselves. That baby, just sitting in his baby seat, so calm and collected while astride the center yellow line in the road ... too funny.

John Goodman is excellent as well as the escaped convict that tries to help. I think. His ulterior motives may be overriding his sense of Humanity though.

I thought this movie to be very funny the first time I saw it and now for the 4th or 5th time, still very, laugh out loud, funny. I would highly recommend this flick.
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A very sorry ending.
12 January 2003
I was really disappointed in this movie. Those that voted this thing a 10 have a screw lose. The acting was ok, kinda wooden and cardboard. The ending was sorry. I just didn't care for this at all.

No way could I recommend this mess.
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Bullitt (1968)
It was unbelievable in the theater ...
8 January 2003
I'll never forget the first time I saw this great car chase sequence in the theater. You felt the seat go away from you as you rode with Steve McQueen in that awesome sounding Mustang. The Plymouth don't sound too bad either. Very memorable.

When that bad guy puts on his seat belt, You just know Sh** is about to hit the fan. I just love the way the music cuts a way and all you hear for the next few minutes are engines roaring, tires squealing, and metal being customized by close calls that missed. I just saw this again yesterday. The film in DVD with the wide screen ... well worth the rental, IMHO.

Ok granted, the blood is a little lame, and the editing could have been a bit tighter, but that chase scene ... gave me goose bumps all over again.
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When am I supposed to go get popcorn?
7 January 2003
Pretty fast paced adventure. I managed to find a spot about 1/2 way through the movie where there was some kissing and hugging when I finally thought I could go get some refreshments and not miss anything. Good luck trying to keep up with all the changes, all the backstabbing, and all the fighting. Some rather amazing special effects.

One thing that amazed me though was the way that the theater delivered the sound. It all came from the front of the theater, even though there were speakers all around the audience. I felt cheated in this regard. I haven't read weather others had this same poor sound experience or not. Hopefully. it was just this screwy place and that isn't how the movie is being shipped out. Then, 20 minutes into the movie, the sound level dropped and your hearing people crunching popcorn and slurping drinks instead of the movie. Grrrr ....

Luckily, that just lasted another 15 minutes.

All in all, a very good movie that I would highly recommend, but only if you saw the first movie. Otherwise, I am sure you shall be lost.
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