8 Reviews
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Deadly Movie...
11 November 2023
First off, why is this so overrated on Netflix?? It was a frustrating experience. While the idea could've been unique had it been executed properly, it was more disappointing and confusing than anything. Also, let's put things in perspective, how is she the number 1, best selling novelist?? Wouldn't everyone know about her if she was? Including the nanny that came over who had no idea who she was (mind you, the young nanny reads novels for fun and they bonded over that) it's a bit of a stretch to make her that successful and renowned, and then we never get to see her write until halfway through the movie. I'm surprised this film has Dermot Mulroney!

The villain's goals are unclear and unmotivated and nonsensical. This couldve been a good psychological thriller but it was just lost about what story it was trying to tell. Also, the bits that were used as foreshadowing pieces we see in the beginning of the movie don't pay off or work later. The fantasy wasnt really fantasy like since it just made no sense (even for fantasy) and in the end, everything is blamed on mental illnesses, of course. But that also means both of them were crazy? The ending was one of those confusing endings were nothing is explained merely because the writer/director doesn't have a clear vision either and just wants you to wonder what the answer could be. I don't recommend this.
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Landfill (2021)
Had potential, I was entertained
21 October 2023
This movie had the right pieces including a likeable protagonist (yes, you actually care about your lead), cool plot with a degree of originality, decent practical effects, and a brisk pace- for the most part (it does slow down a bit in the middle). The script seems to be based on a pretty good idea, I would venture to say that the writer started with a concept that was unique, then there were too many ideas and subplots to maneuver. But too many ideas is better than no ideas. I'll take creativity any day over the lack of it.

I liked the metaphors and mirroring images and how a lot of the things and little signs tied back to the plot and foreshadowed, when paying a closer attention.

The acting was a mixed bag , some scenes felt good and above average, and others felt kind of forced. Main kid's acting ranges, she's pretty good at times, but when it's just fine she does enough to avoid you disbelieving the character. Which is a lot better than what I see in recent indie movies. The rough around the edges, tomboy friend was pretty decent, though it was overplayed and kind of much at times. Maybe she was having too much fun playing the character? Dad's the most solid actor in the movie. He's pretty believable and likable. Mom, again average to not so much. But that maybe made her more likable when she became more motherly as the story progressed?

The music was really good and unsetting when it needed to be, and in the right places; giving the overall atmosphere a creepy, ominous vibe. Which worked perfectly, since it lacked actual effective scares, but it was effectively unsettling and unnerving in some areas.

Great production values. The trash heap and garbage cave looks really cool, and for that I wish they utilized them even more and shot more scenes in said environments. And while it was great to see Linda Blair in something recent again (for all the Exorcist fans and fanatics out there and if you're a Blair fan like I am- first the Exorcist Believer and now this! Woot whoot!!) I just wish she had more screen time and her character added more to the story. But then again, it was still one of the bigger cameos she's done in recent movies so there's that.

It was beautifully shot. The cinematography and lighting were really good, and I can say that because I've seen a ton of indie films and there's nothing worse than bad cinematography and badly lit scenes. It just cheapens the whole thing and hurts your eye. So budget well spent and they hired the right people.

With that said, sound was rough in some scenes however, and you could almost tell they tried to cover it with some background noise and foley and what not. I enjoyed the dialog between the characters and I thought some of the stuff was funny, I actually laughed out loud at some of the lines.

Some scenes may be a littler longer than they should've been, but overall I think it's a decent indie film with a unique premise. Sure, it could've been executed better, that's not to say there isn't potential though. I give it a 7/10.
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The Good Mother (2013 TV Movie)
The Not So Good Mother
17 February 2023
Why? Because Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. As far as motive is concerned. It's not a bad film, I would've rated it higher, only thing is at this point it's been done so many times (The Glass House, The Harvest, one of the subplots in the Sixth Sense) to name a few, so it's lacking in the originality department. However, it's a serious subject to shed light on that apparently affects thousands of people every year (case in point, Gypsy Rose and her awful mother). The acting was fine, for the most part (Patrick Fabian was solid, Helen Slater-rip earphone users from her screaming every so often) I thought Camille playing Jillian was fine too. I give it a 5 just because the plot is kind of old and predictable.
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Stalked by My Doctor (2015 TV Movie)
Well done and entertaining
7 February 2023
It's a cool concept about a successful doctor who obsesses about his teenage patient. Eric Roberts is right for the role and does a pretty good job as the crazy obsessive psycho Dr. I'm glad to see him getting more roles as hes a decent actor. The teenage daughter (Brianna Joy) acts well too and is believable. If you think about it, it's not too far from really happening in real life which makes this that much more creepy. I like how despite his skills and successes as one of the best doctors in town, he's terrible at relationships and finding love, he also doesn't take rejection well at all and lashes out. Which is a deadly combination when you're a doctor and someone's life and fate is in your hands. I thought the tension builds up nicely too. At first I was a bit skeptical as I thought it might be one of those lifetime movies, but I'm glad I was wrong. I recommend it.
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Horrendous, God awful movie that spits on the original.
7 February 2023
It's so hard to believe that the same writer and director of the original came up with this? Has it really been so long since he ever made anything that he forgot how anymore? And why does it look like I shot this? The overall quality is just really bad, too much sitting and talking, terrible acting and reacting to things, like both mother and daughter are kidnapped and taken in the van yet don't say a word when they take off their duct tape off their mouths? They literally just sit there and listen to that rambling woman for like 10 minutes without saying a word?? This isn't a normal human being reaction so the poor actors were made to look bad by not saying anything. Not really on them. Also, the daughter is the most famous highest paid model in the world?? She could lose an inch or two, and get her nose fixed, and she's got a square jaw. Just doesn't make sense. Like downplay it a little bit so it's a little more believable at least. I kinda ignored the negative reviews and thought bringing Camille Keaton back from the original movie would be a saving grace, but boy was I wrong! The material wasn't helping her. Also it really does drag, I'm only 27 minutes into it and bored to death and there's still 2 hours to go! Don't think I'll be finishing it. Really wanted to like it, as I like all other films in the franchise including the 2010 remake which I thought was great, but this was a huge let down.
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I really like this!!
5 February 2023
I don't get tired of watching this film, the suspense is great so it keeps you on your toes and on the edge of your seat. The acting is pretty good too with some great performances especially from Sara Paxton and Garret Dillahunt as the villain. It's one of those movies where you really root for the survivor and want the bad guy to die. I also liked the relationship between the parents and their daughter (Sara Paxton) and the nerdy afraid bullied boy nailed his role too and gave some believable performances. My only thing is, without spoiling it, would be the microwave scene in the end. Just didn't make a lot of sense but over all it's a pretty solid movie! I give it 7.5.
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Kill Game (2016)
Illogical and kinda stupid
5 February 2023
The movie doesn't really stand out since the idea itself has been done before like a hundred times. I know what you did last summer meet scream kind of thing. The acting was mediocre at best (some parts were really awful, with a few good moments here and there) also, did they say a group of good looking friends? Because even that is questionable (there was like maybe 2 eye candies) it had the potential to be good, but it just fell flat and character development was almost non existent that I didn't feel sorry for anyone that died, they're not likeable people, but maybe that's the point? Also, the cops are really dumb and a lot of the decisions made by the characters were just stupid. Was it the worst hour and a half I spent? Definitely not.. While I did enjoy some moments (and the design of the mask was cool I thought) overall I don't necessarily recommend. Also, it wanted you to wonder who the killer might be, but to me it was kinda obvious from the beginning who it was...
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Broken Vows (2014)
Who doesn't care to ask for their phone back?!
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Plot is kinda interesting, although it's been done before. Wes Bentley is perfect as a psycho obsessed stalker type of guy, he plays this role so well. Can't say much about the rest of the cast, Cam Gigandet's acting is usually better when offered more to work with, so he can't really be blamed. Jamie Alexander's character was forgettable, yet more frustratingly dumb than anything. Like who wakes up at a stranger's house suspecting they're a weirdo and creepy yet leaves without making sure they have their phone?! It's the one thing you check when you get up in the morning. Not just that, but she doesn't even ask for it back when he shows up at her place and they have a little confrontation!! She claims to her friend that her entire life is in that phone but she sure as hell doesn't act like it. How did you find me? Oh, you left your phone, OK. That's how the conversation went, she doesn't ask him to give it back?? And there are many idiotic moments like that too that make no sense. She learns later that he's dangerous and has killed before, but warns no one close to her. There are different occasions when she and her soon to be husband wanna talk about him, but then just change their mind.. So stupid. A lot of the problems would've been solved in this if there was some communication, yet they always decide not to talk. There was some suspense but sometimes it went nowhere after building it (like when he goes to visit her sister at the horse stable, he kind of said hi and left.. No real danger there.) The overall acting was above average, with the exception of Wes who was suberp. I think it's a good effort given that it's the director's first movie though. I give it a 5.5.
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