Landfill (2021)
Had potential, I was entertained
21 October 2023
This movie had the right pieces including a likeable protagonist (yes, you actually care about your lead), cool plot with a degree of originality, decent practical effects, and a brisk pace- for the most part (it does slow down a bit in the middle). The script seems to be based on a pretty good idea, I would venture to say that the writer started with a concept that was unique, then there were too many ideas and subplots to maneuver. But too many ideas is better than no ideas. I'll take creativity any day over the lack of it.

I liked the metaphors and mirroring images and how a lot of the things and little signs tied back to the plot and foreshadowed, when paying a closer attention.

The acting was a mixed bag , some scenes felt good and above average, and others felt kind of forced. Main kid's acting ranges, she's pretty good at times, but when it's just fine she does enough to avoid you disbelieving the character. Which is a lot better than what I see in recent indie movies. The rough around the edges, tomboy friend was pretty decent, though it was overplayed and kind of much at times. Maybe she was having too much fun playing the character? Dad's the most solid actor in the movie. He's pretty believable and likable. Mom, again average to not so much. But that maybe made her more likable when she became more motherly as the story progressed?

The music was really good and unsetting when it needed to be, and in the right places; giving the overall atmosphere a creepy, ominous vibe. Which worked perfectly, since it lacked actual effective scares, but it was effectively unsettling and unnerving in some areas.

Great production values. The trash heap and garbage cave looks really cool, and for that I wish they utilized them even more and shot more scenes in said environments. And while it was great to see Linda Blair in something recent again (for all the Exorcist fans and fanatics out there and if you're a Blair fan like I am- first the Exorcist Believer and now this! Woot whoot!!) I just wish she had more screen time and her character added more to the story. But then again, it was still one of the bigger cameos she's done in recent movies so there's that.

It was beautifully shot. The cinematography and lighting were really good, and I can say that because I've seen a ton of indie films and there's nothing worse than bad cinematography and badly lit scenes. It just cheapens the whole thing and hurts your eye. So budget well spent and they hired the right people.

With that said, sound was rough in some scenes however, and you could almost tell they tried to cover it with some background noise and foley and what not. I enjoyed the dialog between the characters and I thought some of the stuff was funny, I actually laughed out loud at some of the lines.

Some scenes may be a littler longer than they should've been, but overall I think it's a decent indie film with a unique premise. Sure, it could've been executed better, that's not to say there isn't potential though. I give it a 7/10.
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