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Definitely the worst DreamWorks movie!
5 March 2024
And this is coming from someone who really likes the original Megamind movie. It's in my top 5 DreamWorks movie list! While I do understand that this movie was only intended to advertise the new series called Megamind rules! For Peacock streaming service, I still feel like there was no effort put into this.

The story starts off just a couple of days after the events of 2010 movie. Where Megamind (Keith Ferguson replacing Will Ferrell) tries to fit in his new role of becoming a new hero of Metro City. However, it turns out that he had a group of villains in the past called Doom Syndicate, and they still believe that Megamind is a villain. As a result, he's dealing with a difficult task of pretending to be a villain, while still trying to save the day, otherwise, the syndicate will execute their evil plan. On paper, it's not bad of a plot, however the execution of it is just awful. First of all, the plot recycles some elements from the first movie, with Minion (who is renamed into Old Chum) separating from Megamind because of conflict, and the heroes teaming up to stop the bad guys. Second of all, it doesn't even add any interesting details to spice up the story. Even the humor is mostly dull, where almost all of it, except for 2, were an embarrassingly huge miss. The action scenes were unengaging, as if they came straight out of a bad video game. However, despite it being a direct follow up, it actually misses a lot of elements. Like the whole doom syndicate existence. It was established in the prequel, that the protagonist only had minion by his side, yet in here, he has a whole team. I could go on and on, but I'm afraid this might fall into spoiler territory. Also the time is inconsistent. For example, in the first movie, characters still had flip Nokia phones, yet in here, they have smartphones, even though only a couple of days passed between the movies.

As for characters, they all sucked. The old ones are just plain imitations of their past selves. And the new ones are barely interesting to begin with. The voice acting can range from okay to annoying. But you can tell none of them sound like the old actors. I noticed how this movie also forgot about the existence of other characters like Metro Man, Hal Stewart, Bernard and even the Warden. Which gave the movie more sour notes. Also the conflicts between villains and heroes are annoying. They act like high school students. Especially when the Syndicate can't even decide on who the new leader is.

Finally, the animation is the definition of salt to an open wound. Usually, even in weaker DreamWorks movies, the animation would be the best aspect of them. However, in here, the graphics could actually comparable to the infamous 2012 movie Foodfight! Which is very frustrating for a huge animation studio.

I can say with confidence, that this is the true worst DreamWorks movie of all time. Even if they had other bad films in the past like Shrek the third, Trolls, Boss baby, Spirit untamed and Joseph King of dreams, I doubt anything of them can be as bad as this. It's a huge disgrace for Megamind fans like myself and just movie goers in general. Skip this one at all cost. It's not worth your time. If you want to watch a better movie about a villain saving the day, you can watch Sponge out of water, Despicable me or even the first Megamind. But, unless you want to suffer for 85 minutes, I recommend to avoid this movie like the plague.
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Don't set your hopes high!
11 April 2023
I expected this film to be like a comedy like Monster in law, where 2 female protagonists fight at first because of their different views, but as the time progresses, these two make up. But instead, it's a really strange movie, where Andy (Anne Hathaway) wanted to be a journalist, to achieve her dreams and succeed, she decided to work for a very strict boss Miranda Priestley (Meryl Streep). Yes! It was hard for her, especially due to the fact that Andy wasn't a huge fan of the Runway fashion magazine. But she found a way to impress her boss, by dressing up the way Miranda wanted. She gets higher salary and even a fashion trip to Paris. But loses her boyfriend. Thus making her life sad. I can see how this movie challenges Andy by making her choose between close people and career and she decides to persue her dreams.

I must say the acting is great! It makes all characters feel real, like it's something that is down to Earth. No over acting or under acting, just calm expressions. I also liked the conflicts, for example Emily being in a car accident or Jacqueline being the new boss instead of Miranda because of her divorce and soon retirement. Sadly, despite that, it's a forgettable experience. Because, it's not a comedy, I didn't laugh once. As for drama, it's a bit complicated, but it wasn't too thought provoking, at least for me. Pretty hard to think of anything good or bad about it! Just something I'd watch once and forget about it several days later. Still liked the acting and the conflicts, but overall, not spectacular or awful!
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Let's have a battle of the bands!
14 February 2023
I enjoyed the first movie, sure it was a bit cliche, but still thanks to it's fantasy-high school mix, it became more than that and managed to entertain me and other fans around the globe. So obviously, Hasbro would make not 1, but 3 sequels, each having a different theme. This one is about music and battles!

Some time after the first movie, the group of 3 sirens notice that there's Equestria magic, since it's exactly what they wanted, the trio decided to step in and try to get it. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer from the last movie tries to redeem herself, but outside of the mane 5, nobody would want to hang out. Later, when Sunset wanted to introduce Canterlot high to the Dazzlings (sirens), she noticed that they were after the magic and to get, they have to make everyone go against each other. So, Twilight Sparkle has to go back to the human world, create a song spell and banish the sirens. The plot is a big improvement over the first movie, since it has 2 things, that make the experience worthwhile. First the songs, they were upbeat and fun! Each one has a memorable melody and lyrics, except the spell song, but that one was intended to be bad! I especially love Shake your tail from Rainbooms and Under your spell from Dazzlings. They are different, since the latter one comes from the villains, and it sounds more evil in general, but I like how distinctive they are. Even Trixie got a song, but sadly, we barely heard it, because of Rainbooms arguing scene. But luckily, it's available online separately. And I especially loved the Welcome to the show song, which is a final battle scene between Rainbooms and Dazzlings. And the first time both would be face to face with each other. Speaking of the sirens, they are actually my favorite villains of the whole MLP Franchise. It consists of Adagio Dazzle, the leader who wants the power so bad, Aria Blaze, the more sarcastic type, and Sonata Dusk that is barely evil and rather eat tacos and have fun than taking goals seriously. All of them are surprisingly interesting, and I especially love their singing skills. The mane 7 characters still remain the same, except for Sunset. She used to be the meanest student, but now changed a lot, and wants everyone to see the good side of hers. I like how she progressed, thus making her seem real and relatable to some people. Yes, she did a lot of mistakes in the past, but we see that everyone can learn from their mistakes and start a new life. She's extremely different from her past self, and I'm proud of this decision of both the character and the writers.

The story is mostly focused on the battle of the bands and trying to stop the villains from making everyone angry! Sure, still cliche, but even if that, it's at least more creative with the new music theming and even more mythology. The jokes aren't the strongest part of it, but it has moments, like Sonata just wanting to celebrate Taco Tuesday or when Maud pie (Pinkie's sister) would feed her pet rock. Lastly, the animation got better as well. I love the new costumes, since they are neon rainbow themed, and I noticed that the animation is more fluid since last time. Not to mention, they even added more background characters, like Photo Finish, Lyra and Bon bon, Derpy, Bulk Biceps, Octavia and even Cloud Kicker. This proves that Hasbro also cares about the fans who watch both the show and the movies, so they would add some fan favorites!

This is honestly a great follow up to the first film, thanks to it's improved animation, more great friends and foes, amazing songs and a more entertaining plot. Definitely a must watch for Equestria girls and My little pony fans. Even if you never watched the first movie, you'd still like this one, but only of you either liked MLP or at least fine with it. Haters wouldn't like much though, maybe for the exception of the Dazzlings, cause I believe they can make anyone fall in love with them. Still, I'm very impressed by it, especially the soundtrack!
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For a fan project, it succeeded!
30 January 2023
Just a reminder, that this webtoon series wasn't created by Lauren Faust, even if the idea is hers. It was rather created by Corey Barber! So, you have to keep that in mind, that this project is strictly fanmade!

Milky way and the galaxy girls series itself is very similar to My little pony and Spongebob, with it's simple plot where characters find themselves in a sticky or funny situation, they try to solve and learn a lesson along the way! Although It's not too original, it's still has it's own charm. Like with it's concept of personifications of space objects like stars, planets and others. Not to mention, that it does have funny moments, like where Moon gets Booby traps home alone style in the "Andromeda's babysitter" episode. Or when Mars gets found under her bed, after she tried to leave her galaxy.

Each character is memorable! From the main ones to the background ones. My favorite ones are Moon, Mars, Milky way, Pluto and Venus. I can especially relate to Mars, the artistic one, since I love drawing in my spare time from college! And yes, I like how despite the girls differences in appearance, hobbies and personalities, they can all still be friends. I even like the new additions such as the Zodiac villains. Probably the most memorable one is Cancer, who constantly wants Venus to fail in the second episode, where she wanted to write a play for a contest. And Virgo, the some what leader of the Zodiacs, who is a bratty princess type. I really like how everyone was developed throughout the 4 episodes. All of them are likeable and relatable! Some of them are similar to the ponies, like Venus being more sophisticated like Rarity, Moon being introverted like Fluttershy, Mercury being loyal and strong like Rainbow Dash, Milky being the leader like Twilight and Mars being joyful like Pinkie.

The animation is mixed. On one hand, it's generic, the movements can be rather choppy and the backgrounds look decent at best and messy at worst. On the other hand, it does capture the style of early 2010s YouTube flash animations. And luckily, it does stay true to Faust's concepts, so it's nice to see that none of the designs were ruined! The soundtrack is fair too!

I actually think that for an independent YouTube project that was inspired by some famous animator's scrapped idea, it's great! It does show us of what the show could've been if it was executed and made into reality. Definitely give it a watch, especially if you like My little pony and other cartoons!
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Not your typical high school girl movie!
23 January 2023
I must tell you, this movie is anything but ordinary! It's one of those rare movies, that wasn't quite successful when it came out, but gradually got a bigger fanbase over time. Why though? It's exactly what are we doing today.

The movie is a mix of a horror and a high school, it's already a pretty good start, since this doesn't happen often. The story itself does remind me of Final destination and Venom, but with female protagonists. It starts with 2 complete opposites, the hot popular cheerleader Jennifer and a quiet nerd Anita "Needy ". Despite that, they are best friends, that is, until they went to a concert of their favorite indie band Low Shoulder in a local bar. And after the fire incident, their life changed completely. Needy noticed that Jennifer started to act weird, by puking out black slime, and all the boys started to disappear. And now Anita's goal is to find out why is this happening, and who Jennifer really is.

I feel like this is one of those unique movies, that does something special with it's possession idea. It also shows us, that pretty doesn't mean good, and not all friendships last long. Sure, since it's R rated, it does have some inappropriate scenes, like where Jennifer seduces her male friends and afterwards killing them. That's why it's memorable! It scares it's audience in a way, that actually drags it's audience, like your wondering what happens next! And also the fact that it tackles some topics about demons and succubus (a female looking creature that capture and seduce males) and even rituals, that often grab horror fans' attention. Another topic that it tackles is the unusual friendship, that sadly went downhill, it proves that not even longest friendships can last forever.

The acting is great too. Jennifer by Megan Fox is the arrogant popular girl, that loves attention and dating, but once she became a succubus, she received new abilities, like feeling no pain and killing male preys. On the contrast, there's Needy, usually the quiet one and probably one of the few people who notices suspicious things. She may not be the most original protagonist, since we've seen the trope of the character being the only one that notices something weird, but in here, she's not just worrying about herself and her friends, but even the predator herself - Jennifer! As for other characters, there's Chip, the main boy character, who thinks Needy is going insane and doesn't believe her, yet still wants to be by her side. There's also Colin, the emo, yet nice guy and others who serve to progress the plot.

The extra elements I liked is the soundtrack, that can actually surprise the audience with it's rock tracks and even chilling tunes. And decent effects, that look realistic. Especially the famous fire tongue scene.

This is a great movie, that has deaths like in final destination, possessions like in Venom, and yet still manages to be it's own thing! Must watch for horror fans and those who want to see some female centred movies. Not to mention, it can be relatable for some high schoolers. Because it tackles some daily issues too. I personally can say that this is a movie, that will probably age like fine wine, not perfect, since it has some sloppy moments, but definitely doesn't deserve hate!
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If I only had some kind of party cannon that could decorate everything super fast!
16 January 2023
Surprisingly, My little pony Friendship is magic became the phenomenon of the 2010s decade, despite the show only created just to sell toys, it was very successful thanks to it's morals, exciting plots and colorful and vivid animation. A movie was only a matter of time and in 2013, it came out for a limited time in cinemas and not everyone was fond of it. But let's take a look at it's first installment, to see whether the alternate world is worth exploring or is it best to stay in Equestria?

The plot is very similar to a typical high school girl movie, there's a new student, which in this case is Twilight Sparkle, that has to get her crown back from the different universe, so she has to participate in a fall formal princess contest against the most popular girl Sunset Shimmer, and at the same time reuniting 5 familiar girls with each other. Sure, some fans may get turned off by the synopsis due to it's basic plot which is no different from High school musical, but luckily, it added some spice to the mix. Like the whole alternate universe element, where the protagonist deals with new unknown things like computers, walking on 2 legs, dealing without magic or flying. I like how it's all balanced between the magical fantasy world of Equestria and more down to Earth environment in Canterlot high, despite that, both worlds have one thing in common, the magic of Friendship. Another thing I liked are the references to the show. For example, Trixie saying her catch phrase when she wanted to get peanut butter crackers from the vending machine or when Cutie mark crusaders would listen to their songs on the school Computer. It's actually good for the fans, since that's one of the reasons why they love the show.

As for the characters, they are mostly the same as the ponies in the show. With Twilight being the smart and responsible one, Rainbow dash being the loyal athlete, Applejack being the country girl, Pinkie pie being the party positive one, Fluttershy being the kind introvert who likes animals and Rarity being the fashionista. All of the girls are likeable and even relatable to everyone, not just the target audience, that is young girls. And not to mention they deal with actual issues, like betrayal and later reunion. It proves to us that everyone can have bumps in the road, but if you have friends by your side, you can go through it. Sunset Shimmer on the other hand or hoof, is a bully who is actually envy of Twilight Sparkle because she is Celestia's best student and Sunset feels under appreciated, so revenge was her only solution to her problem. I'm not gonna mention any spoilers, but there's also another reason why she was mean, which is surprisingly sad, but not too depressing. Other characters are just here to progress the plot like Snips and Snails being Sunset's henchmen who will do anything to stop our heroine, Flash Centry being the love interest, and Spike being the lovely sidekick. The rest are background characters. For some it can be a disappointment, since they wanted to see more of characters like Cutie mark crusaders, principals Celestia and Luna, Trixie and Cheerilee. Luckily, it's still managed to do a great job with the mane 6.

The last thing is the animation and the songs. Most of the songs are catchy and nice to listen to. I especially enjoyed the cafeteria song, where it's basically a campaign for everyone to vote for Twilight Sparkle, and trust me, it will probably stick to your brain for a very long time. Others are good too. But one is actually weaker that is Time for us to come together. It's not bad and can be a decent country styled song. But sadly, it's more like a shadow compared to other songs. The animation is similar to the series, but the new world is well designed and it expands the universe. Sure, it's a high school, but it gives us something different from the usual fantasy world. The human designs are debatable. Sure, they look accurate to the pony versions, but what bothers me is the skin color. Instead of making it natural, it has an entire spectrum of pastel colors, which makes it similar to another girl toy brand - Monster high. It's not a big deal, but it can be an issue for some fans. Still, the character animation is fluid, despite the fact that it was made in flash. And I like the clothes too. They depict the personalities very well, although the boots feel a bit unnecessary, and I'd prefer simple sandals or sneakers.

Overall. Equestria girls has great morals, cute simple story with some fantasy elements, relatable characters, fun songs and good flash animation. I'd rather recommend it to the fans of My little pony, since it's mostly made for them. Or people looking for a good animated movie for a girl audience. But even older audience may appreciate it. I had a good time with it, and I keep listening to the songs whenever I feel like it. It also has 3 sequels, which I'm gonna tackle soon.
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Basically, the first movie without it's charm.
4 January 2023
I adore the original movie! It has a wonderful story, that is also deep and even thought provoking. It maybe dark and thrilling, but it's a still a movie worth watching. Because it was successful with young adult audience, New line cinema decided to create a sequel to it's hit. And since they already proved they can do sequels well with Final destination 2, doing one for Butterfly effect wouldn't be a big of a deal. Unfortunately, this is something that most fans wished would happen. Since it's not one of those cases.

Sadly, the plot is a rehash of the first movie, it also features the new main character, in that case Nick Larson (Eric Lively), saving his girlfriend Julie (Erica Durance) from a car crash. And later he tries to fix his timeline again several times, including his attempt to try to get a better position at work. What's upsetting, is that, despite being a rehash of the first movie, it doesn't have the same charm as before. The characters have no backstory outside of the birthday in the nature scene, thus making the movie shallow. Not to mention, there's no good explanation on why Nick has the powers to time travel. Not to mention, that the office environment is very boring and unfitting for a sci-fi kind of film. And how the protagonist tries to use his powers just to get a promotion.

But that's only the tip of the iceberg. It also has underdeveloped characters. Nick is just a terrible protagonist. Because he's very egotistical, and mostly cares about his career instead of friends and family. Sure, in the beginning it feels like he cares about Julie, but as the plot moves on, it feels less and less genuine. He does some stupid mistakes, which I won't spoil, but his actions were inexcusable! Unlike Evan in the original, who truly tried to help his friends and fix mistakes for a good reason. Other characters were just generic. Julie is the love interest who is also a photographer, Amanda and Trevor are just friends who aren't memorable at all, and Dave Bristol the boss, who wants his company to succeed. None of the characters are good. Maybe the best character is Nick's mom, who is the only one who cares about her son's mental health after the car crash accident. At least she felt like Andrea Treborn in the 2004 movie.

Lastly, this movie had terrible camera work and weird soundtrack. For example, it would zoom into Nick's face during the car crash scene, instead of focusing on different angles. Sure, I never filmed a movie in my life, but still, it's very noticeable, it sticks out like a sore thumb. As for the soundtrack, it's the same as before, except, it's placed in random scenes, that just don't get along. For Example, after Julie is saved from the accident, she and Nick decided to, say in an appropriate way, make out and kiss in the bed. They played Kayleigh's funeral song, which is obviously a very sad one, that definitely doesn't fit the scene. Again, I'm not a director, but even I can point it out.

Overall, I feel like in the right hands, Butterfly effect could have been the next Final destination for New line cinema, since the original was great. However, I feel like the movie, both with it's writing and technical stand point, was done by amateurs. It had none of the original's charm or creativity while making this. They didn't even mention diaries, black outs, emotional traumas or anything like that even once. My best recommendation is to skip this sequel at all cost, no matter if you seen the first movie or not. In fact, I'd rather advise you to either watch other time travelling films like Back to the future or Groundhog day, another Ashton Kutcher movie like What happens in Vegas or Open season (despite the movies being comedies) or even trying to write one yourself. No matter what you choose, any of the options is better than wasting time on this cheap sequel. I really got bored when watching this film, and I feel terrible that the franchise went this bad route.
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Definitely a worthy successor!
2 January 2023
I'm no stranger to Spongebob, neither are you. Of course, everyone loves and knows this character. And no wonder it has not just 1, but 3 films. And now I'll focus on the second installment released back in 2015, that was also directed by its creator Stephen Hillenburg. Does it hold the same charm as the first movie, or did it sink low like the third movie? Lets see for ourselves!

The plot is similar to the 2004 prequel, where Plankton tries to steal the formula again, but it has a twist, it suddenly disappears. And of course he's getting blamed for it, despite it not being his fault. However, the further we progress into the story, the more unpredictable it gets. Spongebob teaming up with Plankton, them trying to fix the timeline, and even meeting a dolphin god named Bubbles. It has a lot of crazy and even insane things! It combines so many ideas, which not a lot of people even thought of making about it, yet talented animators and artists putted off in a such fun way.

Examples being altering a timeline like in Butterfly effect and Back to the future movies, post apocalyptic world, where everything goes haywire, exploring the land and even becoming Marvel styled Superheroes. Not to mention, I love how just one Pirate is responsible for it.

Since it's a comedy, it has a huge suply of jokes, that will definitely make you laugh, giggle or just smile, so it will definitely cheer you up. Every Joke is clever with it's concept and well executed. I especially enjoyed when Plankton couldn't say Teamwork, or when Gary becomes the self proclaimed king of snails. I also enjoyed the final battle scenes, where the heroes got super power marvel style, and all have to fight against Burger beard pirate, and each scene is effective.

I also love how it shows Plankton from a nicer side. Speaking of the Spongebob, he is no different than in the first movie and series, by being a kind hearted and funny boy. I especially love to see their interaction between the characters, and how their friendship progressed. As for the secondary characters, they are still the same, that is until the timeline is changed. Most of them got more insane and worried, especially Patrick who only wants a krabby patty. As for new characters, Bubbles is the god like dolphin that has to control and keep an eye on the universe, Burger Beard the pirate, who is responsible for the sudden disappearance of the formula, and funny pelicans, that would annoy the pirate sometimes. I especially liked Bubbles, who chirps a lot, which can also be interpreted as swearing, that adds spice into his personality. I noticed that it mostly spends time with Plankton and Spongebob underwater until the last 30 minutes, where all maim characters go to land, and get the ability to breath air. As for animation, it has the exact same quality as it was 11 years prior, which is impressive, since it already upgraded the series' style. The backgrounds feel vibrant and lively, the characters still look recognizable, and any new ideas look great and impressive, especially how it executes them. In the last 30 minutes, it transitions from 2d to CGI animation, and it actually blends well with live action. I especially liked the new designs, who mix the classic superhero styles commonly seen in marvel and DC content and the underwater characters, that everyone loves.

It's still had problems, first of all, it's marketing. The trailers and posters mostly tell you that it will have superhero stuff, but in reality, it's only in the third act, which is very misleading.

Another thing that I personally dislike, is it's message of teamwork. Not really because of it's message itself, but because it keeps hammering itself every next scene, which at first doesn't seem bad, but it just keeps annoying you. Luckily, I could pass through it, and still enjoy this movie.

If you are a person who loved either the series or the first movie, then this is a must see! It definitely has one of the best elements of both, and yet, still manages to add new elements. Despite the bad marketing and a hammered in message, it's still memorable due to it's lovable characters, great animation and a very unpredictable story. I love how Hillenburg returned for his characters and gave them another fun story. I certainly enjoyed this movie, and had a good laugh.
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Not scary, but hilarious for a Halloween night!
24 November 2022
Halloween is definitely a spooky time for everyone, but also the one made for various tricks. And a lot of cartoons wanted to jump on a band wagon with one of the most celebrated holidays in America. Ren and Stimpy is no exception. And today's review is all about going to a haunted house and finding a ghost.

The premise is generic, like, the titular characters decided to get rest in one house, that is abandoned. But they are certainly not alone, there's also a ghost, who wants to scare the unwanted visitors. But then again, since we are dealing with a Nickelodeon 90s show, and these shows are known for spicing things up with some jokes and wacky moments. Probably the best scene has to be a reference to a horror classic "Psycho", where Stimpy was taking a bath and the ghost tried to scare the cat, but he actually uses the ghost as a towel. I love the fact that the show doesn't shy away from mentioning more adult films, and turns it into funny situations.

The gross-out and spooky scenes were well done as well. I laughed so hard when the characters didn't even notice the ghost or treated him as a trick-or-treater. The animation was spot-on. It captures the atmosphere well. And without any spoilers, the ending is surprising! Because it had an interesting twist with afterlife.

Definitely a funny and creative episode. Worth a watch, especially on a Halloween night and for Nicktoons fans. Not to mention that as a fan of the show, it had a lot of good elements that cheered me up.
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I tried my best to understand this film, but couldn't
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This review will be more sloppy than usual, because I tried to concentrate on the film, I really did. I understood what it's trying to tell, but I couldn't pass the basics. I watched it because I just wanted to know what it's about and why is it considered a classic. But I don't like reading books at all, so I decided to watch an adaptation based on it. I picked the 2005 version, because I thought that this version will be interesting and easy to get to. It wasn't. But I'll try my best to explain my thoughts about it.

In 18th century, in England there was a Bennett Family, and it had 5 daughters.

And their parents wanted to make sure that their children had successful marriages. Luckilly, one day, the rich man moved in Longbourn named Mister Bingsley and his best friend Darcy. At first, the second eldest sister Elizabeth didn't really like Darcy, because he was too prideful and even arrogant. They met each other at the ball, and Elizabeth was certainly not into him. Meanwhile Jane certainly liked being with Bingsley, unfortunately she got sick a couple of days later. And also Lydia ran off with Wickham, thus leaving Elizabeth to loneliness. So our heroine tries to deal with her sisters getting married to wealthy people and also Darcy being to arrogant.

I actually don't get what that movie tried to explain. I get that it's a very dramatic film, where some characters like Lithuania Wickham could portrayed in a Much different light, and Darcy's father was a jerk, that actually left him with nothing at all. But barely anything interesting happens in it. However, I still remember 2 scenes that made an impact on me. The dream sequence where Lizzy was standing on the edge of the cliff, and there's beautiful piano music in the background. Although it was short, it still felt somewhat relaxing, like a breath of fresh air. Another scene was when the female leas entered the museum, that belong to mister Darcy, because it showed beautiful statues, including a bust of the owner. I know these scenes were mostly made for aesthetic purposes, but still thanks to it's soundtrack, they were at least more memorable than the rest. I must say, that the soundtrack captures the emotions of the characters well. There was some classical music with violins during the ball scenes and piano during emotional ones.

Unfortunately, this is the kind of the movie where you can easily lose yourself if you unprepared. It has so many elements, like breakups, betrayals, escapes, marriages, and most importantly, pride and prejudice. I do like the symbolism of the characters where mister Darcy being cold hearted pride and Lizzy being the easy judgemental prejudice. However, the ending is unpredictable, that's for sure. I also liked who it represents the past, where younger generations couldn't decide who will be their spouse of their life, and instead their parents looked for a rich person, to make sure they would have money to take care of themselves. Yet, there's no guarantee that they will be good people. So, here, love is above any status.

Okay, I tried my best to explain all that I liked about this film, and what confused me. Maybe it would've been better if I watched another adaptation or read the original Jane Austen book. At this point I don't know. However, maybe it's for the best that you stick to the source material, or at the very least do both, like, read and after that watch the movie. That's the best advice I could say so far.
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Imagine if your spouse was a killer!
18 November 2022
Movie industry loves creative ideas, or at least it used to. And on some point, the director Doug Liman wanted to make a movie about a perfect couple who are both secretly killers. But, what can be better than an interesting and weird idea. An all star casting! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were at their prime. Even if at some point other actors were planned like Gwen Stefani, Liman still picked Pitt and Jolie. What's weird is that afterwards they started to date, had kids and even got divorced after this film. So it's an important milestone in both of their lives. But is this film memorable for the general audience? I'm here to say, that yes, no matter if you are a critic or just an average viewer like me, you'll find at least one great moment in it.

It all starts with Mister (Brad Pitt) and Mrs Smith (Angelina Jolie) meeting in an aeroport, even if they were strangers at first, but they lied that they were together, and afterwards, they loved each other and got engaged. But both had a skeleton in a closet, not literally though, but you get the idea. Both John and Jane are actually killers for hire, and they keep this a secret from each other. But on one day, they got the strangest mission, where John had to kill Jane for a huge amount of money and vice versa. The plot sounds weird, luckily, it does more than enough material to make the experience worth it. Mainly to all the fighting and explosion scenes, and all the weapons being used. I liked the scene where Jane tried to explode an elevator where John was in. And I also liked another scene with the car chase. Honestly I'm a huge fan of such scenes, because they feel fast and fun. Similar to the ones in Madagascar 3, Cruella and even a similar movie Killers. And it's all done on the spot. However, at the same time, John and Jane seem to be the perfect couple, that neighbours look up to.

The acting is top notch. It feels like Pitt and Jolie really got invested in this crazy and wacked up idea. The characters feel fleshed out (no pun intended). At first they seem like a happy couple, with Jane being a surprisingly good cook, and John being the loving husband. I also liked the twist in the ending, where the couple had to team up for a very surprising, even somewhat shocking reason. I won't mention it due to spoilers, but trust me, it's unpredictable.

Overall, this one is probably a must watch for fans of the main 2 actors or just want to watch some fun action flick. It's a pretty fun movie, not for everyone, cause some will be turned off by it's weird concept and sometimes confusing moments, however, it's definitely a creative flick. I liked it, not my most favorite movie of all time, it was still worth it, and definitely memorable for it's audience.
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And Death strikes again!
14 November 2022
You're gonna die after me, right?

The first movie had an engaging and original concept, which had death itself as the antagonistic force that would kill the survivors of the infamous flight 180. It was a huge hit amongst young adults, so New Line Cinema decided to make a sequel to it. But since most characters died, the writers decided to create new characters and make the plot centre around them.

The protagonist of the second movie is Kimberly, at first average girl who likes to hang out with friends, but has an ability to see into the future. She saw that an accident happened on the road, where logs fell on vehicles, and killed people. And afterwards the death decided to chase the survivors once again! The plot is pretty much similar to the first one, which may turn some people off, since it feels like the creators just wanted to capitalize on the success of the original. However, it's one of the rare cases where it actually did a good job. Mainly because of it's thrilling concept of sudden deaths, which makes the audience both scared and intrigued, like it's so brutal with it's killing scenes, that you just can't get your eyes off and want to see what's going to happen next. Although, some characters may act stupid, like one of the characters chasing pigeons or another one inserting his hand into a sink hole. But despite that, it's still interesting.

One of the best things of the film is the return of 2 characters from before - Clear Rivers, the last survivor of the flight 180 and Tony Todd's character who knows all the secrets about death, and even how to stop it. It's to let a new life being born. As for Clear, she actually got herself into a mental hospital due to her fear of the past events that occurred to her classmates. But at some point, she joined the group of new friends and now their goal is to keep each other safe and find the pregnant mother Isabella. As for the new characters, Kimberly is similar to both Alex from the prequel and Evan from Butterfly effect, since she also has an ability to predict the future, and her memories sometimes overflow, which causes her to lose breath. She was actually better developed then the previous protagonist, because her actress expresses her emotions more realistically and she's also curious about her mother's past in one scene. Other characters include Rory the confused guy, Eugene the skeptical motorcyclist, Nora the worrying mother and Kat the buisnesswoman. Each character surprisingly had a connection with the first movie events in some way. I'm actually glad that this plot isn't a standalone kind of a sequel and it has elements that made the first movie scary, yet creative. And especially their goal of getting to Isabella, a pregnant woman to let her have a baby in order to stay safe from death adds more spice to an already spicy feature.

As for gory scenes, they are even scarier than before. Since the deaths are more brutal. Especially during the route 23 premonition scene, where the logs fall, causing the cars to crush and lot's of blood being splatted. Not to mention, it came up with new ideas of murdering the characters, like stabbing an eye with a ladder, smashing with a huge block, or with a huge explosion in a hospital. This makes the viewers worry about each character, and really wanting them to go through, unfortunately, only two survive. I must say the scariest scene was the one with the elevator, where one of the characters' head got stuck between the doors, and it started to go up, because it got malfunctioned. I'll say, that although it's not possible, since usually blocking the doors will result in then opening, however, it was still scary due to it's realistic tone and the fact that the character got suffocated. I'll be careful with the doors next time after watching this scene.

If you ever looked for a sequel that captures the same shock and suspense from the first movie, then this one is certainly one of the best examples. Final destination 2 is a scary and thrilling ride for both newcomers and fans of the original. It's worth your watch. However, if your sensitive, then it's best to look away, cause some scenes are too intense to handle, which may even cause nightmares. Regardless, it's a good horror flick!

Only new life can defeat Death.
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Gacha Club (2020 Video Game)
A huge improvement over gacha life!
9 November 2022
The Gacha life game was very good, in it you can make your own original characters and stories. Lunime decided to make an improved version of both the life game and Gachaverse, add more content, and name it gacha club.

I saw a lot of new elements featured in the game. First of all, you can now change icons, and you are not limited to male/female gender choices. Meaning that you can also make transgender and nonbinary characters, which is diversive, especially to queer players. Not to mention that it has more cloth and accessory choices, like animal ears/tails, t-shirt icons, flower headbands, capes, mermaid tails, kneecaps and many more. This allows the player to make their dream character to be more interesting and have a unique look. As for other new features, now you can adjust the position and size, which can help a lot. Like you can make the head smaller or move items around. Some more advanced players make characters as accurate as possible. And the game also has some poses that eventually returned like the ones on all fours or some dance moves, that were gone in the life version.

It sounds like a perfect game and it improved a lot of elements. But there are still some disadvantages! Including the fact that you can't apply skin colors on shirts and pants. I get that it mostly happened because of 18+ videos called Gacha heat, and Lunime wants to make their games as PG rated as possible, however, it could a disadvantage for some, who want to make characters wearing summer clothes like swimsuits and trunks or just underwear, even if they make PG rated content. It also doesn't have animated poses from Life. It's mostly because of the new adjustment feature, which makes things harder for animated poses, but then again, some people can use software, that can animate the avatars, so, I can see why it was deleted.

It's a great game for a those, who want to make stories and characters, no matter whether they played the previous installments or not. I really enjoyed playing it, and experimenting with it. It's worth a try, if you feel bored or just want to relax. I recommend it!
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If you thought Cars 2 was bad, then this one will prove you wrong.
8 November 2022
As much as I enjoy the main Cars trilogy, the spin-off called Planes was a very weak attempt at cashing on a popular name. I have no idea why out of all the movies in the world, Planes would be the one that would get a sequel. I don't think it was that popular to begin with. Even Turbo, a similar animated film, that got more money at the box office, didn't get one. I feel like the only reason why it got one, it's to just sell more merchandise. But if we ignore all that and move on to the film itself, it wasn't that good.

Surprisingly, it's more dramatic then it's prequel! Dusty, an already famous racer, sadly has issues with his gearbox that causes him to nearly crash. Realizing that he couldn't do much about it, he decides to become a firefighter. Dusty later on arrives to the national park, and gets trained. He also meets new characters, and also has to take care of the forest to make sure it doesn't burn. It does copy the first movie and for some reason the then upcoming cars 3, where the protagonist retires from racing because of the outdated technology, and later meet a joyful female character that would help him along the way with a new direction in life. Unfortunately, this feels like a weaker version of Cars 3. Sure, it tries to be emotional and dramatic in scenes, like when there's a huge fire in the end, or when Dusty is stuck in the waterfall, because he couldn't do much with his broken gearbox. But because of how forgettable both the plot and the characters are, you mostly feel bored and want to switch this movie with something more entertaining. And you consider it's meant to be a kids film, it's too serious for it's 7-10 year old demographic. Sure, telling the audience about the dangers of fire and how forests suffer from it is a good idea. However, the story itself feels like it's dry.

The characters aren't anything special. They are all just dull. But I liked one named Dipper, who is a fangirl of Dusty, that knows a lot of things about him, and even likes watching when he's asleep. She's funny, and reminds me of Dory a bit. I'm also a fan of the fangirl trope. Dusty is just the kind hearted one who ditched racing because of issues in life. And one character who used to be a show star, and later became a real firefighter. I forgot his name actually, but that's because the movie is forgettable. The only ones that I still remember are the RV couple, who used to hang out in the woods before. They are just an old loving couple, and they were pretty likeable. And their first appearance was actually cute. Especially their backstory.

Moving to the best parts of the movie, the soundtrack and the animation are actually well done. No deny, cause it's Disney. The flight scenes are still somewhat interesting to watch, thanks to it's scenery and it's soundtrack, which makes them feel like a music video. And the designs stay true to the cars universe, despite not being Pixar. It's still has issues like with the eyes, but that's not a big deal. The soundtrack definitely tried to capture the emotion of the scenes, however, despite all the composers' effort, it didn't do much with the movie itself, since it's mostly the weak writing that sucked.

I'd only recommend this to mega fans of the Cars trilogy and those who even liked Planes. And also those who are interested in the firefighting experience. Otherwise, it's a very forgettable film that you should definitely skip. Not for the kids either, cause it may bore them. Even with a great soundtrack and nice animation, it's not a lot to save such weak script and characters.
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On the Edge (2020)
Decent sports drama, inspiring women around the globe
31 October 2022
Another recommendation from my mom. She actually enjoyed this one. And of course, I decided to check it out. And, although it's not a masterpiece, I can still say that it's worth my time.

The plot focuses on two fence fighters that are different and same at the same time. The wise professional Alexandra Pokrovskaya and the energetic and hot headed Kira Egorova. Both have different ways of winning, and the two at first were rivals at the audition, especially when Kira won it and became famous very quick, being later nicknamed as the Russian panther, due to her speed abilities. But unfortunately, one training day, Kira accidentally pulled her leg, and she had to stop training. But she decided to keep going. However, she had to continue with Alexandra, to teach her paying attention and not thinking too fast. And at the end, there will be an Olympic competition, that will determine whether the women are good at fencing or not. It is a great plot, especially with it's message without giving up, but also needing to balance speed and carefulness.

I also like the fact that the character are opposites. Kira is fast, hot headed and free spirited newbie, that got successful very quickly. But after a sudden failure, where she pulled her leg, she had to try again and be more skillful. She is actually a relatable character to most teens and young adults, cause she has wishes and motivation, that could lead her to lot's of wins in competitions. But does have flaws, like in one scene, where her dad came to visit her, she was angry at him, and asked him to get out. I think that was rude, but does make her more realistic, cause lot's of young people are prone to strong emotions, thus making her a well developed character. Alexandra Pokrovskaya is also an important character in this story. She has won a lot of Olympics and is about to retire, and she at first she sees Kira as a rival, but later, she trains her and later both team up for the new olympics.

Since the film focuses a lot on fence fighting, there's no doubt that these scenes look great. They are very intense, and it feels so alive, like your actually watching it on the stadium. However, it does have cons. Like, the romance subplot feels out of place between Kira and Constantine, and I dislike the rap song that sometimes plays during training scenes, it's just that I'm not a fan of modern russian songs.

I believe this movie is very motivating. Not a must watch, but still a good drama sports film with inspiring and relatable female protagonists. Not a must watch, but if your into a mood for something, that connects the two generations or for something relating to fencing, then this one is a good pick.
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Killers (2010)
Something's missing...
31 October 2022
If you've read my reviews for a while, then you may know, that I'm an avid fan of Ashton Kutcher. It seems like I enjoy a lot of his films, both dramatic ones like Butterfly effect, and more comedic ones like Open season and What happens in Vegas. The movie that I'm focusing on is a comedy action flick, featuring secret killers. That premise does sound familiar to Knight and day, released the same year. But this review will not be comparing the two. I'll try to rate it by itself.

I feel like the plot has 2 things done right. It's concept sounds great, with a killer character (Kutcher) quiting his old job to enjoy a normal life, but as time passed, everyone hunts him and the only options are either to run away, or fight back. The execution does a good job, thus making this feature decent enough to watch. And the first 20 minutes seem to have lot's of energy with it's Nice setting, which is a french town near the sea. It does balance the romance and action, and I thought that it was going into right direction. However, it feels rather raw afterwards, as it misses something that makes a movie worth it. First, it kinda lacks humor. Which is upsetting, cause Ashton Kutcher never seemed to fail on the comedy aspect. I know it tries to focus more on the action and the romance parts of it, but why does the humor seem hit or miss? The funniest scene has to be when one of the neighbors fell asleep on the couch and snores, that made laugh out loud. But I have to mention one joke that was absolutely terrible, it almost ruined the experience for me. So, one of the workers bought a deer antler chandelier to update the office, and Spencer replies that it made their room look like Bambi's worst nightmare. At first it makes sense, since Bambi is a popular deer character, but when you realise that Kutcher already portrayed Elliot in Open season, which was released 4 years prior, and the fact that the buck had issues with antlers in the movie, it seems like a wasted joke. I guess the company couldn't afford extra money just to use the name in the film and make the joke actually funny. But let's not focus on just one scene, and see whether the other aspects were done well. The car chase and shooting may look exciting at first, but they are not too different from other action flicks. The dialogue was mixed, sometimes it was interesting, and sometimes boring. But I do wish that there were less dialogue and more action scenes. Sadly, in the first half it's mostly romantic stuff and the backstory on how Spencer and Jen met. Kinda wish they would shorten these scenes and cut into action. But I must say, I like the fact that the plot is very unpredictable. Which is good, since it hooks the audience attention to the screen. Sadly, in some films it was done better. And sometimes the soundtrack feels so unfitting, like, in one car chase, there's piano music, that just is so out of place for a moment like this.

The cast is actually alright! Spencer Aimes seems to have most development, since he used to be a dangerous threat, but wanted to have a normal life, and he makes his desires real by meeting a girl named Jennifer or just Jen. Now, I have problems with the female lead. She doesn't have much personality, other than being the dumb blonde, that would scream or try to shoot enemies. Why didn't the writers gave her an interesting trait or a secret talent? It seems like the writers were on a rush, when creating the story. And it feels so first draft. However, the acting itself was done well. Not fantastic, but for a fun flick, it's nice. I liked the parents portrayed by Catherine O'Hara (who was also in Home alone duology) and Tom Selleck. They are overprotective, yet supportive of their daughter. What's funny is that her mom drinks a lot, and her dad tries to be closer to his son-in-law. Other characters are forgettable. But I must say, that Usher makes a cameo appearance as the cashier in one scene.

Killers is sadly Kutcher's worst movie, but by no means terrible. It was alright! It had a few jokes that were good, nice scenery, action and shooting scenes, a decent male protagonist and unpredictable plot, it still has issues like one joke that almost ruined an entire feature, a poor female character, and some lame dialogue. As for my recommendation, it's mostly a pass, however, if you enjoy rom coms, mindless action flicks or Ashton Kutcher, then this may entertain you. However, don't get your hopes too high!

I was very excited to watch this, but I got a bitter taste afterwards, so, don't do the same mistake as I did.
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Planes (2013)
It's plain, no pun intended!
17 October 2022
Not a lot of people know this, but the Cars franchise actually has 5 movies instead of 3. 2 of them are spinoffs about planes. So in 2013, John Lasseter wanted to expand his own world of Cars with more types of transport, so he decided to do one with planes. However, instead of Pixar creating this film, the now defunt studio Disneytoon got their rights on it and released it in August. Could the movie soar high in the sky or fall down and crash like a real plane?

The story is very simplistic. It's about Dusty wanting to be a racer, despite him being a regular crop duster. He decided to follow his dreams, meets a mentor named Skipper (Don't confuse him with a penguin from Madagascar), learns skills and joins the race. If you've seen other movies like this before, then you know exactly what will happen. Sadly, unlike other creations like Surf's up and Turbo, this one doesn't add anything new or unique to make itself stand out from the crowd. It believes that all you have to do is to make it all about planes and that's all you need! However, there were a couple of moments where I chuckled a bit, so it did something right. However, any emotional scenes just don't feel anything special. Even though the soundtrack is on top and sounds great on it's own, when you realise that the characters aren't anything special, you see no point to feel for them. Also, it mostly focused on either the worldwide race or Skipper's backstory.

Speaking of the characters, it's mostly generic. Dusty is the dreamer character who wants to be a somebody. He doesn't have any unique traits, other than being helpful and kind, yet quirky. What's weird is that everyone bullies him, including the other contestants and even the hosts of the race. This seems to be unrealistic, even for an animated movie about living planes. Aren't the hosts supposed to be more supportive towards the newcomer? Anyways, Skipper is just a copy of Doc Hudson by being the wise mentor, who had a tragic past. He seems to have the most development out of all the characters. As for other planes, there's the typical bully Ripslinger, the macho best friend El Chubacabra, his love interest Rochelle (or Tanya in the Russian version), Ishani the fan favorite, and Bulldog the typical cold hearted british who prefers to hide feelings. There are also 2 cars named Chug and Dottie are somewhat his parental figures (or at least, how it seems like). Unfortunately, they are very forgettable. Sadly, some even copied already existing ones in previous movies, like Dusty being exactly like Theo from Dreamworks' Turbo or Ripslinger being just a avian version of Chick hicks from Cars. But at least the voice acting is great. You can tell that the actors had a good time voicing each role, thus making them more believable. I really wish that the writers putted the same amount of effort as thr actors.

But as for the positives, the animation looks beautiful. Especially the flight scenes, obviously. I love the backgrounds, they may look simplistic, but still fitting for the Cars world. And I like each destination like India, Mexico and Iceland. They look pretty lively in my opinion. I know that this movie was made by a smaller company and not Pixar, and some may notice flaws like the characters' eyes being way too close to each other and sometimes looking derpy, however, it still is decent. The designs of planes look good too, each having a unique color palette and shape, to make each one distinguish from one another. Another good quality this film has is the soundtrack. Especially the rock songs which emphasise the energy of that film and make it less boring.

Planes is such a meh film. I'm sure little kids will enjoy it, specifically boys around the age of 6-10, however, anyone older will find it's story and characters basic, even if the soundtrack, animation and voice acting are done on a high level (no pun intended). If you are a Cars fan, then it's best to skip it, unless you're very curious. Surprisingly, it received a sequel a year later, which I'll review soon too (seriously, was Planes that popular to get itself a sequel as fast as possible?) I even remember seeing it in theatres back when it came out, and I kinda liked it when I was younger, though I still prefered Turbo. But now, I see nothing special in it.
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Fun spin-off on it's own, still the weakest one.
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of Madagascar, and of course I love the penguins! And I'm not the only one who thinks so. They even got their own tv show on Nickelodeon back in 2008. And a movie was only a matter of time. Originally intended for a March 2015 release for the franchise's tenth anniversary, was pushed back to November 2014, meanwhile, another Dreamworks movie Home switched dates and got delayed til 2015. Sadly, due to it's unexpected release, it became a box office bomb. As for me, I remember seeing it in cinemas when it came out, and I've recently rewatched it, just to refresh my memories about it.

So, like I said, the main characters of this film are the titular penguins. In the beginning, we see their origins and how they became the famous quartet that we all know and love today. At first I thought that this was a prequel movie, but it's actually a follow up to the third movie. The real main plot is about the antarctican birds being stolen by an octopus mad scientist named Dave, and since the quartet know what his plans are, they will try anything to stop the villain. However, there's also a super agent team called the north wind, who are advanced with futuristic technology. At first, it may seem like they are rivals, but they had to combine their strengths and to save Private.

What's weird is that the story itself is similar to the second despicable me movie, which was released a year prior. Sure, it's not a complete rip off and it does have some original elements, but there are still alike. Because both have an antagonist that wants to steal some cute creatures, use a serum that turns them into crazy mutants, and a super agent team, who have a plan to stop the villain. Speaking of which, it has more elements from that franchise with technology and serums, rather than Madagascar. Which seems to be weird, since the trilogy was more down to Earth, and this one was more sci-fi like.

The humour was okay, not laugh out loud, but there were some moments where I laughed or chuckled. But the action scenes were the best out of all of the films. Thanks to it's great animation, it's entertaining and lively, especially if you watch that film in 3D and during flying scenes. I also liked how the characters went to some new locations, like Shanghai, Venice and a desert.

Lastly, there is a subplot about Private, who wants to find purpose in his life, he wants to be useful for his teammates. I actually felt bad for Private in the beginning, however, after what he did in the end, made me cheer for the youngest member. Honestly, he had the best character development out of all of them. The other members barely changed, with Skipper still being the leader, Kowalski being the brains, and Rico being the crazy one, who can swallow anything. They were okay, although, could've been so much better. As for the new cast, they aren't exactly anything special. Classified is the sophisticated leader, who cares about the mission a lot, and outsmarts Skipper, I actually think he has a lot of potential, and his voice actor Benedict Cumberbatch does provide a great performance. But since he's still a little bit generic. Other members include Eva, the smart owl, Short Fuse, the weapon expert seal and Corporal, the kind hearted polar bear, who adores penguins. I do kinda wish that they had some prequel mini series, that would explain more about them, other than just that they save poor animals from Dave. Speaking of which, the octopus is actually the most memorable character in this movie because of 2 reasons. First of all, the backstory of why Dave became evil, is actually touching. He was sadly ignored when penguins stole the attention away, and because of that, he created a special medusa serum, that turns anyone into a mindless mutant, similar to purple minions in despicable me 2. Another reason to why he's interesting, it's because he's a shapeshifter. He can transform into a human alter ego named Dr Octavius Brine, which is actually unique and different, but sadly, there's no explanation on why he can transform, leading to the fans to come up with theories. I like how this character was brought to life and definitely the reason why I still remember this film.

Not a must watch, since the main trilogy was better and more enjoyable, I would still prefer Penguins of Madagascar any day over Minions, thanks to it's decent plot, great action scenes, characters that have potential to be awesome and colorful animation. Still, it doesn't feel like Madagascar anymore with it's futuristic tone and weird ideas, which could be a turn off for some fans. I can still recommend this film to kids and fans of the penguins, I'm pretty sure they'll have a great time with it. Others can skip the film, since it's not really a follow up to Madagascar, and rather wants to be it's own thing. Even though I think it's the weakest film of the 4, I had a decent time with it.
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Surf's Up (2007)
Underrated gem of the 2000s decade!
10 October 2022
After the success of Open season, Sony quickly moved on their next big feature! Featuring surfing penguins! That also features a mockumentary style. Can Sony execute this idea in the best way possible?

The plot may seem generic, it's a typical story about a loser, that dreams of doing something he loves, later meeting a mentor, that trains the character for the big race, and meeting lot's of new friends and foes. However, what makes this story stand out, is the whole mockukentary style. It felt like it was recorded on an actual camera, with all the shaking and water drops. Not only that, the characters would also interact with the directors of the film Ash Brannon and Chris Buck! It may look like I'm exaggerating, but they are actually real characters. There were also interview scenes, not only with the main cast, but minor ones too. Seriously? Have you ever wanted to hear a sea urchin giving an interview? No matter the answer, it's a scene worth a watch. Moving to it's surfing aspect, all scenes were exciting to watch, because of its amazing animation. The waves look beautiful and realistic. Although it was a pretty hard task to make waves move in different directions, the animators managed to do a great job. It's especially noticable, when the characters were surfing. It gives the audience the adrenaline, thus the excitement, especially from the first point of view. You may also notice how it deals with the scenery around. All the locations, including beaches, caves, jungles and even arctic look immersive, almost life like. As for the characters' design, it's not really special, but I noticed that some have small tatoo like drawings on the back, like flowers on Tank and Geek. Moving back to the story and what it's trying to tell it's audience, there were lot's of funny and emotional moments. I especially liked when Chicken Joe met a tribe of native penguins, and he's just chill with them, even when they try to boil him, Joe thinks that the tribe treats him like a king. It also has great characters. Like Cody Maverick, the dreamer that wants to prove everyone that he's can be a great surfer, and is a huge fan of Big Z. He may seem generic, but thanks to his relationship with other characters, he learns that winning isn't important, thus leading to great character development. Geek is the mentor, that teaches the protagonist about surfing and enjoying life. Compared to Cody, who is more quirky, Geek is the more chill and wise, so he knows the true meaning of sports. Without spoilers, his backstory is very sad. Lani is the typical love interest, although she doesn't appear often, she's still tries her best to be an emotional supporter to Cody. Joe has to be the best character, because of his attitude. He's mostly chill and relaxed, that's his entire personality. He doesn't pay attention to a lot of things, and enjoys having a good time. Yet, Joe is a loyal friend to Cody, and even searches for him through the jungle. Lastly, the antagonist Tank, he's a jerk, that has a huge ego, and despite being one of Big Z's rivals, he refuses to teach younger surfers any tricks. There's also an adult joke with him, where he treats his trophies like actual girlfriends, which was a pretty risky one, especially for a family feature, yet, they pulled that off well.

Even if it's Sony's second film, it was still a delight for surfing and animation fans of all ages. And a perfect distraction in case if you are in a terrible mood. Thanks to it's original ideas, likeable characters and beautiful animation, this film feels like a relaxing sunset. I'm sure you'll have a good time with this movie, no doubts.
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Dune (2021)
Lot's of creative ideas, yet confusing.
9 October 2022
I watched that movie, because everyone was praising it for a billion reasons. And it was the "it" kind of one, you know, the one that everyone will discuss and make reviews and articles about it. It even got nominated for several awards. Now it's time for me to tackle this film and see what it's true potential is.

The story seems to be more world driven. There's a planet that has a valuable spice, that lot's of nations are battling for. The main character Paul Atreides (Timothy Chalamet) deals with some weird prediction-related dreams about a beautiful blue eyed girl from the enemy nation (Zendaya) and is also the chosen one, who actually passed a test. And after Paul travelled to Arakis, he realised that the war is coming, and he might be responsible for it. Honestly, this plot is very confusing, cause it's the type that shows lot's ideas, which sound great. The concept of one place, that despite having valuable source, is very dangerous with huge worms, and vengeful people, that would kill each other. Not to mention, it's a very serious feature. It focuses on the war aspect, especially in the middle. It also treats that dreams could be a prediction to some future events, which indeed is a good concept. But despite myself seeing more deep films before, it was pretty heavy to go through during it's second half. Sure, the first half was interesting because it could explain the world pretty well. It explains what's going on, what are the characters going to do, what's their purpose, and how the clans are dealing with each other. But, I was starting to lose focus, when all elements were messed up, and I was trying to catch up during the movie.

As for how it looks, it definitely looks fantastic! It has great buildings and deserts which emphasise the fantasy-futuristic look. The costumes look decent enough. There's also technology like helicopters and temperature adjusting suits being used to help the characters to explore the Arakis. I also liked how the characters would use sign language to communicate with each other, when not using english or fremen languages.

I must say that the acting is decent, all of them tried to express their feelings well during sad or intense moments. It was especially noticeable, when the main characters Paul and Jessica were captured by the Fremen or when a giant worm tried to attack. However, sadly the characters were very forgettable. I only remembered Paul, but it's because he was significant in the story, Chani, the girl from the visions that would warn Paul, and Duncan, the mentor figure that would also train him for the fight. I didn't hate anyone in the film at all, it's just that it's not necessary character drivin, or at least, I couldn't see the potential that the cast had to offer.

I actually didn't get the movie. In general, the first half was interesting, but the second was confusing. It's one of those films that everyone needs to watch to at least know what it's about. But I had problems with this film. At least I could appreciate it's ideas and visuals!
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I'm genuinely surprised it didn't fail!
7 October 2022
I like the despicable me duology, fine with the third movie, and absolutely hate the minions spinoff. This sequel could go in either direction, by being as good as the first two or being as boring as the last two. But that one surprised me! Probably in a good way.

The film starts with young Gru, who is excited to become a super villain and commit crimes. Not to mention, that he already has minions since he adopted them last time. Anyways, in this installment, the hunt is on this enchanted green zodiac stone, and everyone wants to get hands on it. Not only that, minions learn how to master kung fu, and Gru becomes closer to the ex leader of the vicious 6, in order to get revenge on the team, that once betrayed them. Honestly, it feels like the writers took notes and decided to fix all the mistakes they've made In the prequel. They added some sweet moments, especially between Gru and White Knuckles, some fun action packed scenes and even an interesting concept of the ancient chinese stone! I'll admit, it feels more like a genuine prequel to the despicable me franchise. You would probably expect me to praise this movie and say all the great things about it. Well, why not start with all the pros? Certainly, I smiled and even laughed during this film, my favorite scene has to be the one with the plane, where minions have to arrive to San Francisco in order to save their mini boss. Not only it was a reference to Madagascar 2, with all the shenanigans happening in it, like all the passengers floating in it, but it was like a short musical, where the minions would sing (trust me, it's funny). I also like how the kung fu sub plot reminded me of the kung fu panda franchise and another one about the bond between Gru and White Knuckles, it's like they actually care about each other, despite the fact that they didn't like each other before. I also liked how young Gru met his future assistant Nefario in the records store, which I wish the movie spend more time about it. Lastly, the animation is as good as always, it's pretty vibrant! Especially in the ending, which, without spoilers, is a blast to watch. However, it's far from perfect. Sure, it's an improvement from last time and in general, a decent film to watch, especially with kids. But it has cons too. First of all, the whole magic aspect, feels out of place for a film like this, since it was always more like a sci-fi film, yet this one feels more like fantasy, and there's zero explanation about it. Also, the new villains feel pretty lame compared to Scarlet Overkill. The only memorable ones was Belle Bottom, which just felt like a human version of Zeta from Angry birds movie 2, just a vengeful leader and Nun-Chuck, who was a nun that threw nunchucks and could actually float in the air. Other than that, they were just forgettable. Speaking of Scarlet, she wasn't even mentioned in the slightest, except for the cameo on a lunch box. I mean, she could at least get a minor sub plot, where she got unfrozen and changed her identity, but no, she was completely forgotten, which is upsetting. And the plot itself was pretty sloppy. It was cute, but it couldn't just focus on one plot, and kept switching around. And some characters like Otto and the kung fu trainer needed more screen time in my opinion. Cause they have so much potential! Lastly, it was pretty short, I wish they could add some more scenes, just to make the plot more engaging and add more details on it. Like expanding the characters that I've mentioned, or a surprising comeback of Scarlet. Too bad, it only lasted for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

I'm actually surprised that Illumination could make a sequel to a not so good first movie. What's weirder is that, it wasn't that bad. By comparison, this movie was fun and emotional, and it definitely is a good kids movie. But in general, they are better films out there, and it still was weak. Not a must watch, in fact, it's best that you stick with the first 2 despicable me films. But, if you actually liked the Minions spinoff, then this one will surely entertain you. However, if you hate minions at all cost, then just avoid it. For others, it depends, whether you want to see Gru's past or not. But kids will certainly have fun with it.
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Zookeeper (2011)
It's like a cartoon in real life!
25 September 2022
I don't have much to say at the start of this review, so let's move on to the story.

It's a romantic comedy, combined with some animated elements with talking animals. It deals with the theme of rejection and love, but tries it's best to keep things in a fun way! The protagonist Griffin (Kevin James) was working as an average zookeeper and was in love with Stephanie, a typical blonde girl. Sadly, he got rejected. 5 years later, when he sees his ex during a party, he decided to win her heart again. He also discovers that he can talk to animals in the zoo, and they would give out advices, which are pretty silly. There's also a side plot that I liked about Bernie the Gorilla, the depressed monkey, who used to live in a different location filled with sunlight, but now feels lonely. Luckily, there's a scene where Bernie and Griffin have fun in the bar and both realise that they are best friends, and the gorilla feels so much happier. Also, I love the moral that the movie delievers to it's audience, that you shouldn't change yourself, your hobbies and interests just to impress a girl/guy. It combines the elements of both genres of a rom com and an animal cartoon well.

Bernie was my favorite character, because he was relatable. He was happy until he was moved away, so he believes that all humans lie and very untrustworthy. He was only close to Griffin. Speaking of the latter, he's seems to be the generic protagonist with special powers, in this case, understanding animals, and his conflict about his girlfriend Stephanie. But he was a pretty likeable character. Not to mention, there's also Kate, another worker, who isn't really the prettiest girl, yet, she's fun and optimistic. Not to mention, is that they became close to each other because of the animals' plan of making Stephanie envy. As for Steph, she was the typical blonde girl, who is cute and pretty, but just shallow, who would only date a guy, if he's successful. Sadly, lot's of women are like this. Other characters weren't really developed, but were at least okay.

While I like the moral of Zookeeper, the humour is a mixed bag, it has your typical toilet jokes, that were in lot's of films before and after. But I did laugh at some scenes. Not only that, the animation of the animals is great, they used real versions and only used cgi for mouth movement and some scenes which couldn't be done in real life.

I actually liked Zookeeper, for it's great idea, message about being yourself, main likeable and relatable characters and good animation. I wish the humour was better though and more characters had development, but it was still a decent movie. I'll recommend this to comedy fans, who also enjoy simple morals and talking animals. Have fun!
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Underrated spy flick!
19 September 2022
Sadly, it's the last full length movie done by Blue Sky Studios, that gave us lot's of interesting movies like Ice age, Rio, Epic, Robots, Peanuts movie, Horton hears a who and Ferdinand. It was delayed several times due to production problems, acquisition by Disney, and as a result, became a box office bomb, despite it's all star cast featuring Will Smith and Tom Holland. So, is this animated movie the forgotten gem or total disaster?

The plot is a pretty simple one, Lance Sterling (Will Smith) is a pro spy, who takes all criminals down with a large set of weapons. But after his latest mission, a rival named Marcy (Rashida Jones) framed and blamed Lance for stealing drones from the case, so he has to hide in some way. So, Lance asks help from Walter Beckett (Tom Holland), a scientist who wants peace and a huge pacifist that loves cute stuff and pigeons. Anyways, after the protagonist drinks a serum and turns into a bird, both have to stop the antagonist Killian (Ben Mendelsohn) and find a way to turn back to human. Some would say that the plot is pretty stupid, however, this movie is one of those "Never judge a book by it's cover" types. Meaning that it has more than just a silly premise. Of course, since it's a spy animated comedy, it would have lot's of action and humour. Honestly, I love all the gadgets being used in each fight! Especially the kitty glitter that distracts everyone away, and a unicorn plush, that also inflates for safety purposes. And the villain on the other hand has some scary and deadly ones, like a robo hand and a huge army of drones. Not only that, It has some awesome scenes, that give the audience some adrenaline, like the car chase, which are very entertaining to watch. And I also love the idea of a potion, that helps with the disguise, I'm pretty sure some people would love to drink it for some advanced animal features. Moving to the humour aspect, I can say it has multiple types of it. Yes, some were pretty stupid like toilet related jokes, but it has some funny moments too. Probably, the 3 pigeons that don't speak deliver the best moments with Lovey being the "lovey-dovey" type and one of them being like Rico from Madagascar that can swallow anything. But it's not just that, it has some heart too. Especially with Walter's past, where he doesn't get taken seriously and also his very lonely life after his loved one past away. It does a great job with more sad scenes, but they are not the main focus, so it's not a tear jerking kind, but rather these scenes were added to spice the plot and make it more than just a silly comedy.

The characters are certainly memorable and one of Blue Sky's best examples. Lance Sterling is the cocky and tough spy who relies on himself and only himself. However, after he transformed into a pigeon, he learns that teamwork is important in some missions. His personality is well contrasted with Walter's, that is kind hearted and optimistic. Beckett believes that the world can be a better place if everyone stopped fighting. Although there were plenty of movies before with 2 main characters having opposite personalities that would argue at the start, but later develop a friendship, but in here, it takes a more central role with it's anti-violence message. It's a great thing to teach kids and adults, especially during not so good times. And yes, you can solve problems without fights or arguments. The villain Killian is honestly creative with his design. He also has an ability to disguise himself as anyone, that leads into the main conflict of the movie. He's actually a really menacing threat to our cast with the already mentioned weapons. The last characters are Marcy with her assistants Eyes and Ears. They all believe that they are doing good things for the government, without realising that not all information could be true. Can't call them villains, but more like anti heroes, that are still an obstacle of the Sterling-Beckett duet, but later they have to team up for a very important mission.

Lastly, the animation is a blessing! The human designs look something that would come out from a Dreamworks movie like Megamind, Madagascar or the Croods. All of them have a more cartoon like look with bigger eyes and more stylised bodies. Same applies to the animals, specifically pigeons. The backgrounds look great too, and although they aren't the most beautiful ones, they still feel nice and simple.

When I first saw it 2 years ago, I enjoyed, but still felt like it was missing something, and that was the fact that there was no reference to a previous Will Smith animated movie "Shark tale", which made me upset. But when I watched recently for the second time, I had a very good time. It definitely deserves your time and attention. Not a masterpiece, but for Blue Sky and Dreamworks fans like myself, it's a blast. It shouldn't have bombed at the box office and I regret not seeing it in cinemas. However, I'm still glad I finally watched not once, but twice. I appreciate all the effort that was into this feature, that was like a sunset to the studio that it create it. At the end of the day, it was fun, but also with a great cast and message!
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Aquaman (2018)
Beautiful to look at, but with a generic plot
18 September 2022
Let me be honest, I didn't expect much from Aquaman, however, it was a bland movie to sit through.

It starts with his parents' meeting, a regular lighthouse keeper and a queen of Atlantis, and how their son Arthur is destined to be the next king in line. Sadly, his mom Atlanta had to leave for safety purposes. Years later, Arthur uses his powers like talking to sea creatures and breathing underwater for good. Meanwhile, in Atlantis, King Orm wants to start a war between his own kingdom and land. And now Arthur, known as Aquaman has to time up with Mera, find an old artificat and prevent this conflict. The first half reminded me of Jupiter ascending, due to the fact that the protagonist who seems to be a regular person turns out to be royalty, and they also meet their siblings, that are actually the antagonist of the film. However, this one was way too unoriginal. It also reminds me of the Legend of king Arthur, where he's the chosen one to find and use the artifact, in this case, it's a trident. However, I can't say it's boring all the time. I liked the fighting scenes a lot, especially with all the atlantic technologies, which combines the underwater and outer space styles. And you can feel for the characters during these scenes. Not to mention, that the movie itself is a delight to look at, both underwater and on land. Despite mostly being done with CGI, Atlantis looks believable as a lost civilization set in a hidden place, where no one could reach. As for the land, I liked the desert, and a small Italian town. Both are really immersive and creative in their own way. Not to mention, all the animals and creatures look awesome!

The cast isn't really terrible, in fact, it's okay. However, they aren't special. Aquaman is a brave protagonist, who isn't like everyone else, by being half blood. He actually got bullied by Atlantians there for not being pure. However, that only makes him stronger, as he serves as a bridge between two worlds. Mera is a love interest, who is actually the one, that warns Arthur about the danger. Despite her actress Amber Heard dealing with controversies, which I prefer not to mention, her acting was pretty solid. Orm was a villain, who is related to our hero, and despises humans for polluting oceans. His motivation is pretty unique, since it does address some modern issues of the real world. There was also another character whose name I don't remember, but he was also against Aquaman, and even teamed up with Orm, just to find him. However, he wasn't so important, as the plot progresses. Lastly, Vulko was the mentor, that taught our hero lot's of spells and tricks. He is against the war, and believes that only peace can resolve everything. He's a wise man, that honestly reminded of Shi-Fu from Kung Fu Panda, and his acting by William Defoe was great. Still, none of the characters were hateable, but none of them were stand out.

My favorite scene was the backstory of Atlantis. It showed us that before, they were an advanced civilization, and how it was sunken. I loved how it explained everything in many details and how it executes the ideas of Atlantis and the lost trident.

I actually thought that this movie isn't really the best, in fact, it was boring, however, I still could appreciate it. It has great graphics and world building, solid acting and even decent backstory. Not exactly my cup of tea, because the plot was generic, however, you can watch it in case you need a movie to turn off your brain and enjoy nice views of both worlds. But at least, I can appreciate effort that was made, and the creators tried their best with a simple material as a comic.
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The Bad Guys (2022)
Now this is the DreamWorks that everyone knows and loves!
12 September 2022
Once the greatest rivals of Disney has been experiencing a huge downhill for the last 8 years. There have been lot's of box office bombs and failed ideas, not to mention, the company was bought out by Universal pictures. Moving forward to 2022, they decided to release an animated movie based on a kids' book simply called "The Bad Guys". It seems to stand out from the usual later films like "Trolls" and "Boss baby", not only because of it's unique animation style, but also because the story is made for more mature audience and it feels like it was created during the mid 2000s instead of now. Now that's already off to a great start. What's the end result of this ambitious feature?

In a modern city, there's a heist group that consists of 5 anthropomorphic animals: Mr Wolf, Mr Snake, Mr Shark, Mrs Tarantula and Mr Piranha. All of them love stealing various valuable objects for fun. Unfortunately, most citizens disapprove them for their mischievous behavior. And after their failed mission, they were supposed to go to jail, a guinea pig named professor Marmalade gave them a second chance to redeem themselves. But it was only a pretend thing, to get the golden dolphin statue by stealing it. However, Wolf feels like he's actually enjoying being a good boy (a granny called him like that, after he saved her on the ladders by an accident), and everyone became confused by his decisions, especially his long term friend Mr Snake, who even disapproved such choice, leading then to the argument. I love how the plot has lot's of twists and turns in the second half of the film. The movie itself deals with themes such as betrayal, love and knowing the difference between good or bad. Not to mention, that like the older DreamWorks films, it's somewhat a parody, in this case, it's Ocean's 11, but more family friendly and with animals.

There were lot's of references, I especially liked when Wolf dressed up as a grandma and a sheep. As for the humour, it was well done. Probably Mr Shark was the funniest character, he really reminded me of Lenny from Shark tale because of his kind hearted and dim witted attitude. He's also great at disguising himself as random people. I also liked Snake's obsession with eating guinea pigs, and his hatred for birthdays. But it also dealt with serious topics, like Wolf's decision of either joining the good side or staying with his friends. Because he enjoyed doing nice things to others, which gave him unexpected joy. Moving to the rest of the cast, there are Tarantula "Webbs", who is a pro hacker, Piranha, who farts pretty often, and Diane Foxington, the governor who has a rather mysterious past, that only a few know about. As for Professor Marmalade, he seemed to be the literal definition of an angel, that would be the perfect citizen right next to mother Teresa, but he also hides something, that he doesn't want anyone to know about. Overall, the cast was very creative and even unique. Each one has a weird quirk, that makes each one stand out.

Lastly, the animation was a huge milestone for DreamWorks. It really reminded of Turning red with more comic like expressions and movements, it was especially well made during action and chase scenes. The designs look similar to what the company created before with a modern touch. I love the animal designs, since they look cute and creative, but the humans kinda needed more work, since they looked like they had peanut heads, however, they still looked fine. What's weird is that the world is filled with humans, anthropomorphic and regular animals, which on one hand seems like a really imaginative idea, but on the other hand, seems weird and out of place, since there's no explanation of possibility of such world.

I actually didn't expect to love this film, it felt exactly like what DreamWorks animation used to create and share. It had an engaging plot with likeable characters, unique animation style, lot's of clever references and a plot with unexpected twists and turns! It's not necessary a must watch, since it has a couple of flaws along the way, but I'm sure fans of heist and animated films will eat this up! It's worth your time.
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