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NBA 2k15 (2014 Video Game)
4 August 2022
Alright let's take a deep breath. Now taking a look at all the other 2ks. Most of the 2ks improved more than the previous one but comparing 15 to the last 2k which in this case it's 2k14, it just went down on the graphics and it was disappointing. I'll never forget opening 2k15 for the first time and expecting an entire new world and for my mind to be blown but I was the total opposite. I felt like I was playing a little smoother version of 2k14. However this game is no scrub. It introduced a feature we are all thankful for, affiliations. Which is kinda of funny because everyone including me liked this feature but yet they took it out after 17 and then they brought it back. No surprise 2k is known for that and it's important on how we think about my career and park.
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NBA 2K17 (2016 Video Game)
The last best 2k
4 August 2022
People underrated 2k17 a lot. I really enjoyed it. Especially the park. My career was legendary as well. It's not the best 2k and not as good as 16 which is arguably the best 2k of all time, but 17 was great just because of park. If your playing 17 all you really is the park and maybe mycareer and you have yourself a really good 2k.
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NBA 2K12 (2011 Video Game)
Honestly just as great as 2k11
2 August 2022
Now not saying 12 is better than 11 but it's up there. Im giving it a 9. I believe that is was a very underrated installment. It came out during the NBA lockout so it was kinda a screwy release. There was no rookies at the beginning. But people have to look back and realize that they took upon NBA 2k11 and they added to it. More features, more teams and I'm curious what the idea actually was and did we know that 12 was better than 11 before the nostalgic hit. But 12 is still useable. I can't even imagine how lucky y'all were to have a had PC back then to enhance on what was already a great consul release.
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Cooley High (1975)
I really enjoy 70s film
2 August 2022
First watched this movie in 2020 when we was all in the house and I really liked it. It not only tells a story between two friends that are from Chicago but also tells the story of the city of Chicago in the 60s. The graphics are great too. That's a random opinion but they really are especially with this movie being released in 1975. Only wrong with the film and why it doesn't get a perfect 10 for me, the acting was cheesy but that can be the case for any movie especially for a movie that's almost 50 years old. So yeah other than that, 9/10. No pun intended.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
20 years ahead of its time
4 June 2022
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I don't have that much to say about the wire, not in a bad way though. I really enjoyed this show from the first to last episode. The casting, the production, the problems they solved and the shooting scenes were always intense. Is it me or did every get a head shot in that show? Most of the things here are still relevant to this day and every season they talk about a different problem that relates to the world.

For example season 1 talks about the war on drugs, season 2 is about the economics, season 3 the politics, season 4 the education and season 5 mainly talks about the media. Each season matters when talking about this show.. Its the way everything worked together and concerns to illustrate the city of Baltimore and it's different institution. The show illustrates how complexed the problems it talks about are and how difficult it is to find the solutions for those problems. The Wire is an amazing show for you but only if you really pay attention to what's it's talking about in each episode/season and you can understand the struggle people had to go through everyday that's only if you understand.

Now I know I said I didn't have that much to say and I ended writing two damn paragraphs, but I couldn't help it. There's just a lot to say about for this show that hasn't been said already.
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How High (2001)
Got Blunt? Got Weed?
23 May 2022
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This for real the funniest movie I've ever seen in my life. It's not stupid at all like how other wannabe non funny movies be. It hasn't aged very well but it got there moments. This is one of those comedy whiplash movies that I be talking about where one scene will be funny ash and the next scene unbearably not funny. It's got some crazy racial stereotypes but it's 2001 though. A 20 comedy film was all they had. The smoking the dead body scenes was funny overall as far as stoner comedies go, this is definitely high up on the list. No pun intended.
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A classic Pixar film right here
5 March 2022
Couldn't have expected anything better than this. Another one of my childhood films. The animation with colorful and engaging backgrounds were excellent and a fun storyline. The script was super funny and the voice talents are in its own category. I don't think Monster's Inc is as quite as good as Toys Story but it's definitely up there as one of the greatest Pixar movies of all time and it's an enormously entertaining film.

Solid 9.5/10.
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Joker (I) (2019)
The Hype is Real
30 January 2022
A better movie than expected. Not the masterpiece that some would have you believe but still a good movie. There's no denying the fact that Joaquin Phoenix stoled the show by delivering an excellent performance in the movie. This film I can tell was inspired by movies like The Mechanic, The King of Comedy and the Taxi Driver and whatever movie has someone crying laughing.

Only thing about this movie is that it should be described as a stand-alone psychological portrait of mental breakdown. It doesn't have to be tied up with the whole superhero genre.
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Fences (2016)
Swinging for the Fences
30 January 2022
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Fences is a heavy drama film that takes place in Pittsburgh in the late 50s in a black community with a black family. The main character Troy Maxson played by Denzel Washington actually isn't a bad man. You might think watching the movie that Troy was a menace towards his family and he needed help but that wasn't the case. However, he is an illiterate man that treated his son the way he was treated in the past so I guess you can make that argument. He tries to protect his son from the disappointments he had with sports and is unable to see that times are changing. But his attitudes builds a fence (no pun intended) between his family and how Troy ends the story alone.

This movie does have some top notch acting. Every character is lively and natural. The performances have so much emotion invested in them. Yet the film feels a little slow most of the time. It doesn't really pick up the pace and lingers on lengthy monologues.

This is a 7 for me.
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An inspiring story
26 January 2022
Also an emotional story as well especially that Kobe is no longer here with us. Been a huge basketball fan my whole life and it's safe to safe that this is one of fewest short sport stories that got me a little emotional not gonna lie. Can't believe it's been 2 years since Kobe left us. Kobe will forever will leave an impact not just to the sport of basketball but to the world.

Well deserved for an Oscar award.
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Oh lord!! What did Drake say in Back to Back? "Oh man not again
26 January 2022
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If you know me and my big impression on TheGodfathers series, I am a big fan of the first two movies. They were great story telling and most importantly watchable. I cannot say the same about TheGodfather 3. Not a fan of this movie at all and really a disgrace to the first 2 movies. Was it necessary or did anyone really care about the new faces. IDK if it's me but I know for a damn fact Al Pacino was bored as hell doing this movie just by some of the face expressions. It's like you enter a new school or a new class for a new semester and don't know anyone in that class. But let's get to point.

First of all, Sofia Coppola is mostly to blame for this movie. It's not all her fault but one of the reasons why the movie didn't live up to its expectations. The emotionless delivery of her illness is painful to endure. Andy Garcias smug face, Diane Keaton questionable hairstyle and the dreary script that forces viewers like me to sit through boring business deals, an unconvincing romance of Vincent and Mary with only the faintest hit to still qualify it as a Godfather film. I can keep going on but just to say, this movie isn't it. I'm sorry. They should've just left it after Godfather 2. Why ruined masterpieces with hot garbage like this. WHY?!!! Smh.
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New Jack City (1991)
New Crack City
26 January 2022
New Jack City is a good watch. It's a nice throwback to the black exploitation era. You can definitely feel the cheesy 80s pimp daddy type vibe and it also has that 90s gritty crime type vibe and they blend together well enough. The acting kind of suffers because of this style and it's wacky all over the place. I do get what the movie was trying to do but nobody felt like a real person. Also a lot of the messages and the social commentary is super on the nose but it's a black exploitation thing so that's how it's supposed to be. New Jack City was one of the first movies to really talk about the crack epidemic. Now we know about it and heard about it. But during this time in 1991, I'm it was prolific. I really enjoyed this nonetheless and it's a movie you can watch on repeat.
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Hoop Dreams (1994)
Hoop Dreams
23 January 2022
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This is probably one of the longest movies/documentary I actually didn't get tired of watching. With basketball being my favorite sport, I wasn't disappointed at all. Hoop Dreams suns up two inner city youths hoping to make it to the league one day and make their dreams come true. It never ceases to amaze me to see Arthur and Williams's story. It sucks that basketball didn't work out for them. Like a said, a long ass movie that's about 3 hours that I never wanted to end. A 10/10 for me.
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"You'll shoot your eye out laughing at it"
5 January 2022
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A Christmas Story gained classic status almost instantly when it was first released. I remember first watching A Christmas Story in 2018 on Christmas and my opinion 4 years ago to right now won't change. This story takes you back to a simple time and brings back memories for the young and old generation.

My favorite scenes are when Ralphie ask for a BB gun for Christmas. Just the way he says it makes it funny. Or when Ralphie says the F word and gets his mouth washed with soap. Also when the neighborhood dogs destroying the cooked turkey by running through the house.

A Christmas Story is a story you have to see it to believe it. Kinda reminds me of me being 5 years old asking for whatever on Christmas. A fantastic holiday movie.
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Got to learn a little Spanish.
29 December 2021
Really enjoyed this movie. Off the bat this movie brings us with old fashioned music and big dance numbers. The cast is great and the songs are a little classy not gonna lie and there's a wonderful sense of the place.

In all don't really gotta say much of people is already saying. It's a movie that you should watch.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Creed did not disappoint!
24 October 2021
With the "Rocky" franchise being one of the greatest and one of the most famous franchises ever, here comes Creed nearly 40 years later and man did it not disappoint. I present to you the protagonist from the previous movies passing the torch to the next generation (In the case here, the son of his fathers formal rival). Just like all the rocky films or at least half of them, they all stand out just like Creed. It's a movie you have to see. Sylvester Stallone and Michael B Jordan put on a hell of a performance.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Emotional Film. And stop with the "Jenny was a bad character towards Forrest"
24 October 2021
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I kinda felt bad for Forrest all movie long especially with the death of Jenny. The whole film was basically Forrest thinking about Jenny. Speaking of Jenny, I always hear that in Forrest Gump she was a bad human being towards Forrest. Which that statement being painfully wrong. The story was not that Jenny makes bad decisions and was an awful person, it's that she was recovering from childhood trauma. Evidence shows that people can not simply recover from childhood trauma because they want to. There's a reason they showed that she was abused as a child and this is why she didn't want to marry Forrest. But ultimately that helps Forrest create and find his own path otherwise, he would always be living a simple life with Jenny.

20 years later, this movie still stands out. 1994 was really a great year with legendary films. Arguably the best year of movies in the 90s. Movies such as Pulp Fiction, ShawnShank Redemption, Crooklyn, Fresh, Above The Rim and plenty more, Forrest Gump like I said stands out within its own style.
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Jaws (1975)
The first ever movie that made me cried
13 October 2021
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I remember watching Jaws as a little kid about 6 or 7 years old. I literally cried seeing those poor human beings get bit by the shark. Especially in the beginning where the woman was in the water and the shark killing her. I get scared to go deep in the water when I'm at the beach. This movie makes you feel like you're one of those people getting bitten by a shark. Crazy times.
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Better than what I expected
8 October 2021
Not Ice Cube. Not bad. Especially being his debut directing film. The message of this movie kinda gets far viewed but I do think Ice Cube's goal was to create a sort of internal conflict with in the viewer. There is also some realism in some of the scenes that I really respect. I'm sure Ice Cube did some extensive research for this movie. But I like I said it's better than what I expected now a days it will be kinda hard to turn on the TV and not fine some dirty ass strippers from Atlanta fighting each other. Y'all can thank Ice Cube for that.
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Legendary Film
26 September 2021
It makes me a little disappointed that they decided to do a sequel to Coming to America. The 2nd movie doesn't come close to the original version. Arguably Eddies Murphy best movie of all time. It's hilarious as well. A legendary classic here.
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Just waisted 2 hours of my life for this movie and I want it back!!
3 September 2021
I can't believe they made this movie so cruddy. The guy that played Tupac was god awful. He's never getting another acting gig like this ever again. I can tell they just did this for the money and I understand but this movie is an injustice to everybody played in this movie, I'm not even joking. Tupac, his mom, Shock G etc. This is easily one of the worse movies I've ever seen in my life. Lazy writing, atrocious acting and the events in this movie was just falso. Don't be fooled some of the events they showed in the movie didn't even happen in real. This is a disgrace and the opposite of what the Real Tupac stood for. He probably rolling in his mansion in Cuba right now and looking down on this movie in disgust. I would too.
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Life (I) (1999)
Life never gets old
29 August 2021
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This movie never gets old. It's sad but funny with Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy doing a movie together just tells you everything. It's well executed and I really recommend this movie. It hurts and it's very ironic that all of this happened in real life. Yes for the ones who don't know, this movie is based on a true story. Two people just leaving a restaurant in the south and the police give them life in prison for a crime they didn't even commit. Those are one of those moments where you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's even more sad that people are still going through this to this day and nothing has change. Great movie nonetheless.
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Denzel at his Best
29 August 2021
The movie got off to a slow start in like the first 25-30 minutes. At first I was like, oh man another hood movie I watch that I thought would be entertaining, ended off with a shit fest and just full of disappointment. But not this movie. Once it got to the middle of the movie, that's where I enjoyed it. With this being one of Denzels best performances, he didn't disappoint. Him playing Frank Lucas was fully authentic and fantastic as I would imagine.
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Clockers (1995)
An Underrated Spike Lee Joint
25 August 2021
This does a great job with its story telling talking about the dark side of the drug life in the projects of New York. Movie is on the spot and compelling.
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Jason's Lyric (1994)
25 August 2021
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An Urban love story with a young man and a young woman who falls in love with each. Until Bookem Woodbine who plays Allen Payne's brother, gets out of jail and makes things chaotic and tries to ruin their relationship. I was kinda heated when Bookem Woodbine shot Jada Pinkett Smith in the end and then ends up shooting himself. What I'm saying is that they could've changed things up a little bit but the movie was still great.
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