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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Best war film ever made
22 July 2017
I have to say this is the best war film ever made, and in my top 10 list of all films. A big part of this is the movie has somewhat of a unique approach to the standard war film fare. In that the main character is a pacifist, who still wants to serve in his own way. And the main character's religious conviction is something you don't see in nearly every war movie, and even then it's usually an afterthought or just there to provide dialogue. I felt a huge emotional investment towards the main character. Going in, I didn't know it was based off a true story, so I didn't know the ending. I'd say this helps, but isn't necessary to enjoy the movie. You can't help but have tremendous respect for the main character. The emotional angle is why I feel it's the best war movie. I actually cared about these characters. More so than films like Saving Private Ryan (though I do tear up at the end) or Platoon.

The action scenes are well choreographed, and I could actually understand what was happening at various points of the battle, even despite the smoke. Many war movies, especially modern ones, make the action so muddled you can't understand what's going on. They want to show war as chaotic, and they succeed in this, but sometimes you can't tell who's winning or losing (or who's advancing or who's retreating). Another excellent war movie We Were Soldiers is a bit like this. Still an excellent film though. It's just the war scenes in that movie can't compare to this movie. Only drawback is a little lack of realism in that nobody ever reloads. Small quibble, but should be mentioned. Especially that grease gun, it looked impressive, but no way he had that much ammo on him.

The movie hit on all cylinders. The boot camp scenes aren't as good as Full Metal Jacket, but the rest of the movie makes up for it. And I appreciated the humor in the boot camp scenes. Even the love story was tender, and you really felt a bond to the lead female character as well, especially in the prison scene. Everything worked.

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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
It gets better as it goes along
23 May 2017
It really does get better as it goes along. The first few episodes are the worst and border on boring and annoying. The writing all together can be annoying at times. The worst part is when one character in particular imagines scenes happening that aren't actually happening. This is just a cheap ploy to fake out the viewer. Real people don't imagine things that aren't there (except perhaps delusional paranoid schizophrenics). The humor gets better as it goes along as well, although the presence of humor in a series like this is jarring to say the least. But a few lines caused me to laugh out loud.

I also found myself getting annoyed at the plot "teasing" us and then flashing forward in time to cover other events. And you'd have to wait a while to see what happens when they left you hanging. This is really unnecessary, especially on a series without commercial breaks. Stop teasing us writers. The series was a bit bloated and should have been around 8 or 9 episodes as well. I found myself yelling at Clay to just listen to the tapes already like Tony was doing.

The last few episodes were the best from a dramatic and emotional point of view, I use the term best loosely considering the dark subject matter.

*minor spoiler ahead* I would have liked to have seen a certain character get the justice he deserved at the end, it would have been one bright spot on this dreary series. I'll just have to imagine it. Overall my feeling is moderately positive on the series.
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A Must See for any True Star Wars fan
18 December 2004
What's the definition of a fan? One who stays with a franchise through both it's good and bad times. And this my friend, is as bad as it gets. But in my opinion, this is bad in a good way. I found it hilarious. And it gives a glimpse into the world of 70's television. It made me realize a lot more people took drugs back then, than I originally thought.

Yes the opening scenes with the wookies growling at each other is pretty long. These scenes do show how the ewoks came about though. You can't help but notice the similarities. Especially with regards to Lumpy.

Some scenes are truly whacked out. The cooking scene in particular. I have trouble believing they wrote this as a serious scene. I don't think you should take this entire production (and I use that term loosely) too seriously. I do believe they tried to put some humour in here on purpose. Of course it doesn't fit in with the Star Wars universe. But oh well. Hilarious scene indeed. I can't believe a scene like this has ever been shown to millions of people.

Jefferson Starship was a pretty cool appearance. Again it doesn't really fit in with the movies. But the song wasn't half bad.

The high point is definitely the cartoon. The plot of that one more closely resembles something you'd see in a star wars movie. But the animation is pretty crappy. But I enjoyed it.

I recommend everyone see this film at least once. Though I don't recommend paying for it, you'll feel like you've been ripped off. Admit it; If you don't waste 2 hours of your life watching this, you'll waste them doing something else nearly as bad. So go ahead and watch this. It makes you appreciate episodes 4, 5, and 6 even more.
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Great modern epic
9 December 2003
This movie is fantastic. I really am surprised there are so many complaints about it. I suspect they are stereotyping Tom Cruise from the many bad movies he's done. Don't give this movie a negative review just because Cruise is in it! I changed my opinion of Cruise after Born on the Fourth of July; I suggest watching that movie.

Granted, he's not a great actor. His performance in this movie isn't oscar-worthy. But he holds his own and moves the story along believably. I'd say he's done his job. But I liked him a little better in Born on the Fourth of July.

But what makes this film really shine is the lack of annoying american actors. Ken Watanabe is unbelievably amazing! I found myself so drawn to his character at the end of the movie. It is impossible not to be moved during the gatling gun scene and when Katsumoto meets his destiny. It takes good acting for me to care about a character, and a whole culture even, like that. There have been complaints about the acting of the widowed wife. You have to understand Japanese culture to understand why the women act like that. It was intended she act that way.

As for the story, it is fantastic. Maybe you could say it was scewed a certain direction. I wouldn't call it PC nonsense though. Perhaps I am biased though. I love the Samurai culture and everything about it. So I couldn't find any problems with the story.

Cinematography, costumes, and sets were excellent. My only complaint might be one shot in a battle scene that looked like CGI graphics. It looked out of place in this film. But it was only a 1 second shot.

And then we come to the ending. While the ending is a bit "hollywoodish", it wasn't as bad as I feared from a hollywood movie. I would say that is a good thing. Though perhaps they could have ended the movie after Katsumoto met his fate. That might have worked a little better.

Often when I watch a movie and like it I go to IMDB and see negative comments and find myself agreeing with them and myself liking the movie less because of it. But that is not the case with this movie. I have read the negative comments, and could not agree with any of them. Though I can sort of understand complaints about the ending, but at least it wasn't as bad as hollywood normally makes endings- think about it.

In summary this is one of the best modern epics I have seen. Many of the complaints from the so called "purists" will cite better movies made in Japan, or the old epic movies. I cannot comment on those, I haven't seen enough of those for comparison. But for a modern hollywood movie, this is one of the best.
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Good acting, but the best thing about this film is the Simpsons
13 October 2002
It seems people are all amazed by Robin Williams performance. And I agree it is good. But he has done serious movies before, we know he is capable of this. And there are another dozen actors who could have had equal if not superior performances. So the acting is good, I'll give you that. But good acting does not make a movie alone.

The characters are average. Si being the most interesting of those. The family was kind of weak if you ask me. They aren't interesting enough for me to take an interest to. I can't see what Si sees in them. The little boy is the only redeeming thing about them. I certainly wouldn't stalk that family.

The writing was horrible. I won't say the plot is horrible, as it was interesting enough to get me into the movie. And the plot is good enough to build suspense near the end. But some of the dialogue and the entire ending is horrible. Also I don't agree with the opening scene of having Robin Williams sit down in the interrogation room. The plot was already pretty obvious, but this made it even worse. And the dream sequences seemed to be put there to add more suspense for a film that really isn't about suspense. Although I will add I liked the scenes where Si follows the family in his car.

But upon seeing the Simpsons in this film, I seriously wanted to see the rest of that great Simpsons episode. That is sad commentary on how good the film was.

In summary I feel this was a great idea for a film. Better writing, directing, and better actors for the family would have made this a great film. As is, I feel it is an above average film lacking good writing.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Slow paced but intense dark sci-fi flick
27 August 2002
There are of course two kinds of people in the world- generally speaking. There is one group of people who aren't going to like this film no matter what. So I'm warning you now. If you consider Armageddon one of the best sci-fi flicks of all time then you won't like this movie. Don't say I didn't warn you. Of course I like action flicks like Total Recall as much as the next guy. But I also like thinking films. This is a thinking film.

For what it is this movie is simply amazing. Sure it isn't realistic. But I haven't found a sci-fi movie which has ever seemed plausible. Who designs buildings so darkly? Nobody would want to work or live in that. There is a reason why they try to use light colours in office buildings today. But I digress.

The first 45 minutes is quite slow. But pay attention to the dialogue- its important. There isn't a lot of dialogue unfortunately. I would have liked to heard more from Edward James Olmos. But listen to the dialogue! Especially if you are watching the directors cut. You will have to figure things out for yourself. This film will not be liked by lazy thinkers. Did I mention pay attention to the dialogue? I thought so.

If you expend the energy to think about the words and the images the film will simply be amazing. The suspense will be lost if you aren't following the story though. And of course the best scene in the movie is where creation meets his creator. The scene is gripping to say the least.

I'm not big on Rutger's speech at the end. It's an average speech at best. But the mood was still there, and it was still an excellent scene. And the ending which I will not spoil is not to be missed. It leaves questions unanswered. I'm sure I mentioned this was a thinking movie. It's up to you to come up with the answers. If you are unwilling to do that then don't watch this movie. You will hate it. But if you are willing to think during and after a movie you will find this one of the best sci-fi movies ever.

P.S. I have only seen the director's cut. So this review is based on that.
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Unbreakable (2000)
How I miss these type of movies
13 December 2001
This movie is not perfect. And it has an ending which could have been better. But I've thought about it a lot, and I am satisfied with the ending. Apparently, many were not. How one could enjoy The Sixth Sense and not enjoy this movie is beyond me. I really enjoy a movie that doesn't rely on a lot of pointless violence, or pointless dialogue to tell a story. This movie is so refreshing to see after the onslaught of "action packed" movies I have seen the last 5 or 10 years.

But perhaps the lack of good movies from hollywood recently has caused me to like this film more than I should. This may be the case. The movie is great, but falls short of a masterpiece. But it is still easily one of the top 5 films of 2000. If there were more good movies out of hollywood in the year 2000, I probably wouldn't think as much of this film. So I may be partially biased from watching too many bad movies.

The Acting was superb. His use of child actors in 2 movies (and it looks like more) is interesting and refreshing. They are used in a meaningful way, not just as plot devices. Willis paints a good picture of an every day guy. And Jackson portrayed his character perfectly- almost too perfectly. The camera work and editing was superb, no complaints at all. The scene with the swimming pool being the best example of this.

The climax is perhaps one of the best sequences I've seen in a few years. No dialogue was necessary. The action was minimal yet effective and intense. While I suspect more people wanted more of this type of action, it doesn't belong in this movie.

And then we come to the ending which I of course will not reveal. I am satisfied with it. Perhaps I, and many were disappointed that the ending is too perfect. We may have wanted something less clear. And the text at the end of the movie was unnecessary. This seems thrown in to appease people who like a movie "wrapped up"

As usual, I do not recommend this movie to people who only like movies with lots of action. But if you "get" movies like The Sixth Sense and Psycho, then you will "get" and enjoy this movie.
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Traffic (2000)
great representation of the drug war on all fronts
13 December 2001
This movie clearly defines the drug war from several points of view. It has a message, but it isn't preachy about it thankfully. And much of that message is open to viewer intrepretation; to the director's credit. There was a spot in the movie where there could have been a preachy message in Michael Douglas' speech, but they realistically avoided that. It is such a relief to see a movie use subtlety. The movie ranks as one of the top 5 films of 2000, if not the best. But it isn't a masterpiece, just a fine work of directing and acting.

In fact, this movie shows what it means to direct and act in a film. I would hope more directors and actors take note of how it is done right. So many do it wrong...

The only bad thing I can think of in this movie is the strong use of tinting. While I do like the concept of tinting, I think it is slightly overdone. But it doesn't detract from the film itself which is a good thing. Mainly because the storyline blends several complex stories seamlessly. I don't know of many directors that can accomplish this.

And I certainly had no complaints about the use of Spanish. To do anything different would make a terrible film. They were trying to paint a realistic picture after all. If you don't want to read anything in a film don't watch this movie.

It's unfortunate people don't realize how difficult it is to blend several stories together effectively. I have seen so many movies that can't accomplish this. If you have a short attention span, and like short action movies, do not watch this. There are some obvious complaints from these people. Aside from an early intense gunfight in the movie, there is not much else in the movie in terms of action. Watch this movie not for some special effects, action bonanza, but for a film flawlessly directed, with fabulous acting on top of a good storyline.

summary: definately watch this movie if you like "real" movies.
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great party movie
13 December 2001
Hey, I grew up on Cheech and Chong films. Yet amazingly I'm not a potsmoker today. This is probably the second best of the lot, closely following "up in smoke".

If you don't like Cheech Marin or Tommy Chong, this movie probably isn't for you. Although Cheech's recent work doesn't resemble his work with Chong. If you like Tommy Chong in that 70's show, you will most likely like this movie. And if you have any interest in Paul Reubins in his pre-pee wee herman years, this is the movie for you.

The story isn't much, but it has a semblance of a story to keep things moving fairly smoothly- unlike some other Cheech and Chong films. The gags and jokes work very well for the times, and hold up fairly well over time. This movie is less a variety show than later Cheech and Chong films. Although there are a couple sequences that don't seem to fit very well with the movie.

This movie is a must see for any fan of the drug culture. And most fans of that 70's show will probably like this movie.

Go watch this movie and Up in Smoke now!!. You can skip other Cheech and Chong titles
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Poltergeist (1982)
Scary for children- uneven production,effects, acting for adult viewers
25 July 2001
Yes I'm another person who has seen this movie at a real young age. I had to ride my bike home in the dark from the neighbor's house after watching it. Nevertheless, I rode real fast. As a kid, this movie scared the hell out of me. Being afraid of lightening as a kid, that one particular scene was terrifying for me. As a 7 year old I would rate this movie as a 10. Much more terrifying than friday the 13th movies.

Now from an adult standpoint. I can get over the cheesy special effects. I still watch other older movies with outdated special effects and still like them. The acting is absolutely horrible. Many say it is good, but I cannot find any good acting anywhere. I'm still looking for it. The story is uneven, and the characters actions are very dumb- even compared to other horror movies. Production quality while better than most horror films, is still lacking. Perhaps I am biased knowing that this is a Spielberg film.

The only thing this film has going for it as an adult, is the memories I had of how scary it was when I was a kid. I can still feel that fear. So the movie's only purpose today is as a nostalgia piece. The rest of the movie is not good enough for an adult to enjoy.

Summary: This film does not stand the test of time. Watch the original Shining instead
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Unforgiven (1992)
character study based in a western setting
17 July 2001
First of all this isn't a classic western. I'm sure many of you know this is no fistful of dollars. In fact, aside from the setting, it may not even be a western movie. Some people cannot like a movie with a despicable main character. But this is what is presented throughout the movie. As with real life though, each character has more than one side. Munny is evil yes, but is able to show compassion, and even fear (unheard of in action movies). So to really enjoy the movie, you must look at the main character from the outside. Not like an action movie where you are basically rooting for the protaganist like a ball game.

This movie truelly is a masterpiece. Violent yes, but much more tame than any action movie made in the last 10 to 15 years. And yes it is dark. Many will not like it for that reason. If you don't like movies that show the human mind and spirit for what it is, then this movie isn't for you. This is no mindless action flick. It delves deep into many issues that are still applicable today. The sheriff being the prime example of this.

But there are scenes with humour to break away from the tension. And while the pacing is slow and deliberate, it is for good reason. Not once did I ever look at my watch. The suspense easily carries you through the slow scenes. And very important character development occurs in these scenes.

On first viewing the ending never seemed right with me. But on subsequent viewings, I realize this is the only possible ending, although it might have been a little better. I am not sure I like the dark humour at the very end, but it fits with the rest of the movie, so I have no objections.

summary: one of the top 10 films of the 1990's.
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