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This hidden masterpiece seems contemporary
30 September 2009
This seems like a documentary film and is so powerful and persuasive that all the viewers would be forced to concentrate on it. Susan Hayward, a Hollywood actor out of Hollywood actors, is never trying to act well, but only "exists" in the film. She really deserved an Oscar of this year. All the other supporting actors are so real that they do not look like actors. Thus this film looks so contemporary that we cannot believe it was shot 50 years ago. Whether the ending is happy or not, such method of filming gives us a strong impression which lasts for a long time. I adore this film, which must be one of the best Robert Wise films, and it is a pity that relatively few people have seen it. I would be most delighted to advise all my friends and acquaintances to see it.
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This film should be reevaluated!
29 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Martin Scorsese presented to us that he can make real masterpieces other than gangster films. This film is artistic, romantic, sophisticated but also gives us the deep understanding on life and love. Anybody who has experienced a feeling of love which seems to be "immoral" could understand the behaviors of Ellen Olenska (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Newland Archer (Daniel Day-Lewis). The lovers can never achieve their desires and such a love might be old-fashioned. The couple is always prevented by such obstacles as society, class, fame, family, etc. Although the story written by Edith Wharton is set in an early 20th Century New York City upper class, we, living in the present days, are also surrounded by the same or the other obstacles in some situations.

Some scenes are picturesque; when Newland Archer watches Ellen on the back on the seashore, she does not notice him and watches a beautiful barque passing by and she does not turn her head though he wants her to do so; after Ellen was informed that Archer's wife, May (Winona Ryder) was pregnant, she pretends to be calm, says good-bye to Newland, supported by their acquaintances who know everything about their hidden feeling, and departs by a carriage with the pale face; in the last scene, old Newland is dazzled by the sun light reflected on a window of Ellen's apartment her maid tries to close, and is reminded of the seashore scene where, however, Ellen notices him and turns her head in his imagination.

In this film, we often see people eat at beautifully decorated tables and with refined tableware, and Scorsese seems to highlight those meal scenes.

Daniel Day-Lewis well performs the elegance and intelligence of Newland Archer, and Michelle Pfeiffer skilfully expresses Ellen's state of mind. Winona Ryder is young, pure and innocently pretty. Furthermore, Joanne Woodward's narration and Elmer Bernstein's music are also keys to add more taste to the film.

I would like to recommend you to see Scorsese's another world!
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Beautiful and peaceful
27 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had repeatedly seen this film more than 30 times, but not recently. Still, this is one of the most unforgettable films to me. Every main personality is handsome and pretty, wealthy but never deteriorated, and loves and respects each other. Yes, people may say it is unrealistic, but I wish such people actually exist, or I say we can enjoy such unrealistic things only in movies.

Brad Pitt is a good actor, moreover a big star. He has challenged many characters in a variety of films; he had already shown us his acting talent in his early days, such as in "Se7en"(1995) and "Twelve Monkeys"(1995), he was even violent and brutal in "Fight Club"(1999) and "Snatch" (2000), and he was a star out of stars in "Ocean's Eleven"(2001), "Ocean's Twelve"(2004), and "Ocean's Thirteen"(2007). But I believe he is the most powerful when he acts such a perfectly handsome man as in this "Joe Black" or "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"(2008). Whether Brad Pitt himself likes this role of Joe Black or not, I think only Brad Pitt could perform it.

There was also one of the most beautiful scenes in the film history. After Susan Parrish (Claire Forlani) says good-bye to a young man (Brad Pitt) she got acquainted with and enjoyably chatted with in the coffee shop, they care about each other; when Susan watches the man on his back walking away, he does not turn his face; and when the man watches Susan on her back walking away, she does not turn her face; they repeatedly do so until Susan hesitantly turns left and disappears. They are rather reserved and hesitant, though they like each other. This scene is really excellent and unforgettable with the beautiful sound track music.

William Parrish (Anthony Hopkins) is a successful media tycoon, but sensible and even brave to face to his destiny to die, above all, a loving person. He even tells his daughter, Susan, the importance of falling in love with somebody. Anthony Hopkins sufficiently and attractively performs this man who well understands what the life is.

Allison (Marcia Gay Harden) is the William Parrish's first daughter (Susan's elder sister). She always feels her father loves Susan more than herself, still she accepts it and loves her father and her sister Susan, supported by her innocently nice husband, Quince (Jeffrey Tambor). This couple lends spice to this film.

I really enjoy and love this film, even though people say it is too long. I have never felt this is too long. This drama/fantasy/mystery/romance gave me the joy, consolation and tranquil state of mind as well as the optimism to the profound meaning of life.
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I (Japanese) love this film, though some scenes seem strange.
5 August 2009
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I, as a Japanese born and raised in Japan, and living in Tokyo, have seen on TV and at theaters countless period dramas of samurais for more than fifty years. They all were written and made by Japanese, and their historical descriptions were more precise, real and convincing. Some of them were impressive and unforgettable. The film "Shichinin no samurai (Seven Samurais)" (1954) was a typical and the most eminent example.

However, I love this film, really enjoyed it and have repeatedly viewed it. The biggest reason must be: This is a story of Japanese, who tried to keep Japanese own spirits and philosophy at the time of the Meiji Restoration in the mid 19th Century (dynasty change from the Shogun Government back to the Emperor), and a story of an American who tried to understand them. The last speech made by the Emperor in the film represents the thoughts and feelings which must have been unchanged during these 150 years for Japanese, who have lived, traveled or worked in other countries than Japan.

Tom Cruise was great. His acting in this film was one of his best performances. He well expresses the agony at the beginning, the gradual changes into being healed in a beautiful Japanese village and the resolution to take sides with samurais. The last scene where he pleads with the Emperor to understand the spirit of samurais is really impressive and touching.

Another important factor of the great success is Hans Zimmer's music. He has been one of my most favorite composers, but this sound track is "music in the heaven" for me. I have listened to it every day, at the time of commuting, more than a hundred times, but never been tired of it.

You must see this!
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Really fun!
29 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the "show business and me" type of films, which include "Notting Hill"(1999) as a famous and successful one. Any movie geek must dream of making friends with, or even having romance with his/her favorite movie star at least once or twice. "Notting Hill" was successful because it could make viewers believe that unrealistic things might come true depending on situations.

This "Mes Stars st Moi" is very real, therefore, convincing. The main character, a fan of three French actresses is a bald-headed, potbellied man on the fifties, but fully devotes himself to them, and sometimes works for them without being recognized. But those star actresses find him a simple stalker fan and make fun of him, but later recognize he is sincere and genuine.

The script is well formulated. Catherine Deneuve and Emmanuelle Béart are showing a professionalism and full attraction. Above all, it is funny and will make you satisfied.
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Tuco (Eli Wallack) gives the biggest impact
28 July 2009
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This film seems to get the higher evaluation than the previous film "For a Few Dollars More"(1965), but honestly, I prefer the latter to the former because the latter is simpler. This film is actually presenting to us dynamism by involving the Civil War, but I felt a kind of incoherence, because the bounty hunters, who tried to snatch big money, are mismatched with the Civil War soldiers, who fought for their victory of their own country.

The story proceeds by three main characters in the balance, the Good (Clint Eastwood), the Bad (Lee Van Cleef) and the Ugly (Eli Wallack), but the personality of Tuco, the Ugly, is too strong and seems to upstage the other two. In particular, Lee Van Cleef, who had presented a big presence in the previous "For a Few Dollars More," is diminished here. Tuco's exposure also seems biggest among three. But, in other words, Eli Wallack is really one of the finest character actors.

In spite of the above, in general, this film is dynamic, shooting again the great scenery, this time big battles of the Civil War, under the relatively lower budget we have heard. It is thrilling till the end even if we know that Clint Eastwood wins in the end.

Those who have not viewed this film, please compare the Sergio Leone's trio, "A Fistful of Dollars"(1964), "For a Few Dollars More"(1965), and this "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"(1966).
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City of God (2002)
Astonished to see the highest level of performance
26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Gee! A great masterpiece! As soon as the film started, I instantly thought it was a violence film I am not very fond of, but soon I was fastened on the screen. I viewed the film twice in a row.

The story is based on the real situation 30-40 years ago on the slum named "City of God" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and children or teenage gangsters. It must be seriously miserable and gruesome, but, needless to say we are interested in sensational unknown world, the story-telling, camera work, and editing are exquisite. Because all the shots are composed just as if a storyteller verbally tells us, I could easily understand the complicated relationship of people and their background. In that sense, the narration by a hero boy is effective.

This film may give many hints to people who want to produce movies, write scripts or even write fictions / non-fictions. It is full of effective methods for telling stories.

Personally, I prefer this to "Godfather." I strongly recommend it to everybody, even to people who dislike violence in the movies, like me.
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WALL·E (2008)
All adults must see this!
25 July 2009
This film is not an animation targeting at children, nor teenagers, but a great film all generations all over the world should see. It is not simply funny but fascinating, impressive, moving, and also instructive. Each character has its personality, and each scene is well considered and finely structured. Wall-E is not only cute but also full of spirit of love and dedication. Captain McCrea has not lost the human spirit in spite of his lazy days and his degenerated fat body.

The film also presents environmental issue the human being is facing much ahead of the US Government, still it has a great optimism on future human nature.

I watched this film with my teenage kids, and we laughed, commented with each other and were moved together. Everybody can view it alone, with your friends, colleagues, and family like us!
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The International (I) (2009)
Actually thrilling
23 July 2009
The film is basically well structured and makes audience concentrate on it. The level of tense is highly sustained throughout the film. In particular, the location at the Guggenheim Museum, New York is a must-see, and we must wonder how it was shot by making best use of its spiral passage. The ending was a little bit hollow, though.

Clive Owen is cool and courageous as always (Yes, the next challenge of his should be a part of persons who are neither cool nor courageous), but compared with all the past heroic parts, this part, Louis Salinger, becomes him. He well expresses the zeal to defeat the evil trading by an international bank. There must be a lot of people who are really working against the international organization crime like him.

Armin Mueller-Stahl again shows us the tasteful presence.
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Young people must have a hard time recently
23 July 2009
Having a partner/sweetheart and getting married seem very difficult recently. All people in this film are occupied by the thought from morning to night every day. I was wondering if there is any other interests for them: job? school? hobbies? money? faith? dedications to others? dream other than opposite sex? Yes! They must have one(s). But due to the poor description of each personality in the script, all of them look rather foolish and shallow. Everybody may not live alone, so the theme in this film must be important. Only if the script had given other deep and various factors to each personality, this comedy would have been really funny and interesting. Though the cast is gorgeous, it is a pity that those actors cannot fully present their charms and acting skills.

A friend of mine on the thirties (single) told me that he loved this film because the tactics and bargaining between men and women really hit close to him. Young people on the ground might find this film interesting and useful. Older generation like me tend to think love affairs should be more direct and frank, spoiled by the old movies where men and women get into romance so easily. Well-mannered and more refined, nowadays young people must have a harder time.

By the way, the Japanese title of this film is funny: "Why Don't You Throw Him Away If He Is Such A Guy."
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The Reader (2008)
Kate Winslet looks too intelligent and noble to play a part of an illiterate woman
22 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Kate Winslet has been said her acting is excellent since her early days. She must have already deserved an Oscar in "Sense and Sensibility (1995), and she was really conspicuous in that film. So it is now quite natural to get an Oscar this time, even seems too late. But a part of an illiterate woman who has the ominous past, is this the most suitable to her? Again she showed us a best acting, but they should have offered to her further good role where she could exhaust her talent for delicate and fine acting, shouldn't they?

Still in this film, David Cross playing the part of young Michael Berg is eminent and gives us his big presence. He well presented an agony when he sees again the past sweetheart in a court.

The film is dignified and elegant but tragic.
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I understand this was a big hit in China
22 July 2009
The script is great, and well structured. You Ge's buoyant character is an essence to this film's success. The serious activities of a man who is successful in business and seeks for a good marriage are funny, but convincing, still we can understand he has fallen into romance with a girl played by Qi Shu. It is also funny and interesting to see a variety of girls as his opponents from the match-making website.

I heard many Chinese tourists are now visiting Hokkaido, the north most part of Japan, as the location site of the film. Actually this location is well used and effectively involved.

The opening scene might look a little bit strange, and I hope the future viewers do not turn it off because of this opening. After 15 minutes, the film starts rolling and the substance is funny, light but later warm and mild.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Great film describing teamwork was made by teamwork
22 July 2009
I had not seen this film for long because of the ridiculous prejudice that it must be a Japanese samurai's battle film appealing to non-Japanese viewers. As a matter of fact, it was not that at all, but a great human drama. Although it was made more than 50 years ago, each character is lively described, and the camera firmly seizes the expressions finely made by each actor. The film is full of all the basics of entertainment.

Later, Toshiro Mifune usually played a handsome and cool middle-aged gentleman in Japanese cinema and TV dramas, but this very beginning of his as an actor was rather great, and his comical, vigorous but sometimes delicate acting is terribly attractive.

It was a long film, but I viewed it twice in a row. You must see it, or even buy it!
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Valkyrie (2008)
Excellent except for casting Tom Cruise
21 July 2009
First of all, I have to confess I highly evaluate Tom Cruise's talent as an actor. In many films of his, I thought that he is not only a superstar but a good actor, ex. in Rain Man (1988), Eyes Wide Shut (1999), The Last Samurai (2003), Collateral (2004), in all of which he was not a hero but an ordinary man who is worried, hurt but finds a way to go. Above all, it is a miracle to continue to be in great hits for more than 20 years! Nevertheless, why does this part (Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg) not suit him?

That may be because the English language is not suitable for the German historical events. The sound and intonation of the German language is essential for those (please do not think that I urge the German language has a bad image, I found it one of the most beautiful languages when I repeatedly watched "Das leben der anderen"(2006)). And the English spoken by Tom Cruise is too American. At the very beginning, Tom Cruise narrates the diary of Colonel Stauffenberg in German for a while, but it does not sound genuine German. (Tom, you have deserved an Oscar since a long time ago! Why don't you speak any European language with the perfect accent and intonation like Meryl Streep? Then that would definitely give you one.)

On the other hand, the English language also brought us many other advantages, in particular, the many attractive supporting actors, such as Bill Nighty (superb in the last scene!), Terence Stamp (great throughout the film!), David Schofield (speaking most impressively the historically famous statements in the court). Only Kenneth Branagh should have appeared more, it is really a shame that such a talented actor is not made best use of.

In addition, it is really good for Hollywood, instead of the German cinema, to declare that there were many Germans against the Nazi even during the war period.

Other actors, who could even have corresponded to the German language, are also very attractive. Carice van Houten is just a fine wife of a German colonel. Thomas Kretschmann is always a beautiful German officer who makes us believe he must be a good and thoughtful man (but he must be tired of playing such a role so many times).

I really love the last scene followed by the beautiful ending music, and want to see it repeatedly to memorize human being's dignified spirit to try to correct the wrong way to go.
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Real best "spaghetti western" film!
21 July 2009
A perfect good vs evil western. Clint Eastwood is cool and strong, and never gives up. Lee Van Cleef is mature and sensible, but sturdy. Gian Maria Volontè is thoroughly brutal and cruel. All three show us a perfect professionalism and are equally attractive, and the equilibrium of these three actors keep us thrilled and excited to the end. The land is vast, the sky is blue and the mountains are steep. Ennio Morricone's music is a perfect match to this film, and the opening whistle melody echoes in the head even after finishing the film.

Clint Eastwood is now a giant actor, producer and director in front of us, but we should never forget his starting point as an actor such as in this film, which impresses us for good.
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This must be a masterpiece, but...
20 July 2009
What is the definition of 'masterpiece' films? "There Will Be Blood" is definitely a serious saga story based on the real history of the oil digging in the States. If I am asked if this film is thrilling or enjoyable, the answer is no. However, if asked if it is impressive or unforgettable, the answer is yes. Daniel Day-Lewis, who is famous for exhaustive preparations for roles, deserves the Academy Award, but his role this time is full of aggressive acting like shouting, exploding rages or revealing emotions, so it is a little tiring. In addition, some shots are meaninglessly too long and irritating.

This should be a story of a lonesome successful entrepreneur, who had never been able to love somebody or trusted others, rather than a story of human's lust. If you are interested in the history of oil excavation in the States, or if you want to see a heavily serious movie somehow, I would recommend this film, location shooting of which is something (vast desert sceneries). I want to applaud Dillon Freasier who played the part of young H.W. Plainview (a son of the main character), showing us a big presence even at the age of 10 or so.
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Unique, excellent piece made 50 years ago
17 July 2009
A unique theme, the brainwashing during the cold war period, makes this film exceptionally attractive and interesting, and also advanced as a film made in 1962. Realistic shots of nightmares two soldiers have are unprecedented and mysterious. The ending is unexpected, but beautiful. Laurence Harvey, who regretfully passed away only at 45, shows us an outstanding acting with his "eye powers," and Frank Sinatra proves that he is an eminent actor by his delicate performance. I also want to applaud Angela Lansbury. This film should be highlighted more in the world, and I myself will recommend it to all my friends who even do not see many movies.
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Sin City (2005)
Encyclopedia of violence
16 July 2009
I have never read the comic "Sin City." I watched this film simply because the film is ranked as #98 of IMDb Top250, but I didn't like it very much. Somehow I don't care for violence movies. There must be the overwhelming number of fans for the comic "Sin City," who have supported this film. However, I have to confess that I concentrated on the film from the beginning to the end. It was really thrilling. The cast was gorgeous; Bruce Wills, Mickey Rourke (he had already come back to the stardom here before "The Wrestler"(2008)!), Clive Owen, Josh Hartnett, and personally, I was most impressed with the existence of Benicio Del Toro. But why does the evil Senator Roark survive? Will there be a sequel to this?
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The Departed (2006)
3 Big Stars and Scorsese explode.
15 July 2009
This seems one of the best films to see the DiCaprio's acting talent, where he expresses all worries, irritations, fears as a double agent but still high spirits as a policeman. Jack Nicholson gives us, as always, the existence only by being seated or walking. Matt Damon is unchanged, but does not remind us of Jason Bourne. Scorsese never gives us a moment to be bored or to go to restroom. I only felt that the ending is a little bit rough, and but even people who usually dislike violence in films like me could concentrate on this film till the end. This is one of the "better to see" films. I personally look forward to the future of Vera Farmiga, who seems to show us completely different faces and personalities in other films from now on. She was also good in "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)."
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Mogambo (1953)
Gee! How cool Clerk Gable is!
13 July 2009
"Mogambo," meaning "the greatest" in the African local language, is actually Clark Gable himself. It is surprising that Gable performed the same role in both "Red Dust" (1932) and its remake "Mogambo" (1953) with the 21 year old difference, but I can understand only Gable can play such a part. The story is about an entrepreneur hunter (Gable) and his romance with two beautiful women (Ava Gardner and Grace Kelly), but the director, John Ford never forgot to tactfully incorporate great sceneries and wild animals in Africa. You will watch the film without being bored till the end. Ava Gardner, the IMDb commenting "many fans still consider her the most beautiful actress in Hollywood history" in her mini-biography, is attractive, playing a part most suitable to her, and Grace Kelly is performing well the emotion uncomfortable in the wild life and snubbing her rival woman. Never miss this!
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Syriana (2005)
Too complicated to understand
12 July 2009
The theme is interesting, and, even if this is not a completely true story, the things of this sort might have often happened at the oil-producing countries.

But, because I saw this film at home by DVD, doing the chores at the same time, I was lost at following the story and had to see it twice. I concentrated on it for the second time, but the structure is a little bit complicated to understand.

George Clooney deserves the Academy Award, and Matt Damon acts well enough to make us forget his image of Bourne. Jeffrey Wright looks like a real lawyer to achieve his duties and be concerned about whether he is doing right or not.

I recommend this film to those who are interested in political/economic conspiracy and, more importantly, who can concentrate on it at home.
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No.1 film since I began to see films!
3 July 2009
I loved this film a lot and want to rank it as No.1 since I began to see films 40 years ago. All the actors are good, and they must be happy to act in such a movie as the script is well composed. This film indicates we can be changed, that we can influence the others, and that the others might watch over us and might sometimes help us without informing us.

The history of "Stasi" in the old East Germany is terrible and tragic, and many people must have become their victims. Still, this film gives us the courage and hope to believe in human being.

I will definitely recommend this film to all my friends in the world.
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Above all, Javier Bardem performs greatly.
16 November 2001
Bardem's acting is great! It is not too exaggerated, nor too light. I felt he must be one of the native talented actors. It displayed well the frustration and agony of the minority under the social structure which did not allow them to exist. More hours it passes, more impressive the film becomes. Except for Bardem, Johnny Depp showed his existence as Hollywood Star by two parts, even though he only appeared in several scenes.
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Nixon (1995)
Great, powerful, impressive biography
24 September 2001
Sometimes, I could not well understand the story and the relationship between persons, because of the lack of knowledge on the Watergate Case. However, I was never tired of watching this film during more than three hours. I am sure Mr. Stone showed us all of his skills and talent. There are many memory scenes and the time changes a lot, but the film is never disrupted and those explain the background of Nixon's personality. Even if Nixon is one of the infamous Presidents in the history, Mr. Stone described Nixon with an affectionate eye. (I got to know Nixon is recently being reviewed as an excellent leader especially in the diplomacy.) It is needless to say Anthony Hopkins is excellent, but other actors, Joan Allen, James Woods, etc. are great. Unless the film is three hour long, I would immediately watch it again...
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Pat and Mike (1952)
Tracy and Hepburn make everything gold!
16 September 2001
Hepburn and Tracy are so attractive I could not stop watching. And I was so surprised to see young Charles Bronson playing a small part. He did a feat to climb up to the stardom after performing with such big stars. In any case, it was a light and good comedy. I enjoyed it!
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