
39 Reviews
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15 May 2002
A good little film that I saw years and years ago about a silver ball from outer space with special powers. It would probably appeal more to kids, but adults may like it too. There's one howlingly hilarius line in it "hey those crisps cost me 5p" suggesting that was a lot of money, which had me on the floor with laughter. Average price in 2002 £32p. Anyway 7 out of 10. Fun
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Very Good Indeed
15 May 2002
Stir of echoes is a really frightening film. Kevin Bacon is hypnotized and comes around with some real problems, suffering flashbacks that he can't explain. The film is well made if sometimes a bit unbelievable. However I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.
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Notting Hill (1999)
Good Film
15 May 2002
This is a real feel good film. Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts are great together and the supporting cast is brilliant. The ending is superb and could only happen in a film like this. 10 out of 10. I think it might even be slightly better than "four weddings and a funeral" and "mickey blue eyes"
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The Craft (1996)
'Teen'horror with more scares
15 May 2002
I really do love this film. It's just fantastic. There's everything you want from this sort of genre. It's scary, suspenseful and fun. Definately my favorite 1990's horror film. All the girls are fantastic, especially Robin Tunney, who I hope follows this up one day with something even better. Anyway I totally recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. 10/10.
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Not great
15 May 2002
I must admit I really liked the first 3, but this one just doesn't seem to work. It's missing the enjoyment of the others. The characters were not that good and the script could have been better. I can only give it 3 out of 10 for special effects.
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Someone's Watching Me! (1978 TV Movie)
15 May 2002
An early TV movie by director John Carpenter about Lauren Hutton who's being stalked in her apartment, you know the sort of thing. This is pretty good actually and it still plays well today. Definately one of my favorites, Halloween was made shortly after, I think.
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15 May 2002
This is one of the worse films ever, after Grease 2. The music stinks, yes the original album did too. Then they had to go and make a damn pathetic movie of it too. There is no acting at all it's just singing all the way through. This was the Bee Gees all time low, even they said it was the worse thing they ever did in their career! They actually perform the songs quite well and are probably the best beatles sound alikes I've heard. There's no reason to watch this film at all. It's not even available in the UK. It might have been banned-and rightly so! Oh, one more thing don't think that Aerosmith's perfomance is good, as the average Aerosmith fan will lead you to believe, believe me it's equally as trashy as everyone else involved. Loads of cameos, Tina Turner, Robert Palmer, Frankie Valli, loads and loads of others. If anyone's to blame for this disaster it's producer Robert Stigwood.
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Heartbreakers (2001)
12 May 2002
Heartbreakers was really good, about a mother and daughter who are con artists. It was hilarious in parts and the timing was spot on. Watch it, you will like it if you like a good comedy, and Jennifer Love Hewitt is Soooooooo sexy, believe me.
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Gremlins (1984)
Really good
12 May 2002
Quite original comedy horror film that is just as much fun no matter how many times you watch it. I really think the special effects were good and there were a lot of really funny scenes, especially the one in the movie theater!
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Dead & Buried (1981)
12 May 2002
This horror/thriller about strange murders in an American town, but everything is not what it seems. Wow! This movie was original when it came out and it has a surprisingly high number of scares in it, some of which are still effective today. Dead And Buried should have been given much more exposure than it got. It was banned in England for years and years, luckily I had a Thorn/Emi rental copy in my collection!
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Are You in the House Alone? (1978 TV Movie)
A Good Film
12 May 2002
This TV movie is surprisingly good about a girl being stalked at school. I used to watch a lot of these movies as a kid and this one stands out as one of the best. It has an unpredictable ending and holds your attention throughout. Highly recommended if you get the chance to see it!
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12 May 2002
The original and the best! I find it a bit pointless to review films like this, because I really have never met anyone who hasn't seen it, however, considering I've seen it over 57 times, it's worth a mention, yes I know that's not much compared to some people(someone I know saw it 377 times!!! This film hasn't aged at all and is still so much fun. It has everything a fantasy/sci-fi/ adventure should have, and if you haven't seen it yet, then where have you been!! The sequels The empire strikes back, and return of the jedi are almost as good. But not the phantom menace!
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Something Evil (1972 TV Movie)
Steven Spielberg Movie
12 May 2002
An early TV movie by Steven Spielberg, is pretty well made for this type of film. Family move into a house possessed by the devil, but the husband's wife can't see anything wrong with the place. Worth watching but not as good as some of the stuff he went on to direct in the next few years.
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Scary Movie (2000)
Very Funny
8 May 2002
I saw this recently and thought it was hilarious. I like it because the humor is so similar to Airplane and Naked Gun, and there's send ups galore of the original "Scream". And Anna Faris is cute! I give it 5 out of 5!
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Jaws 2 (1978)
Not as good as the first
8 May 2002
I don't mind this movie to be honest, even though it's not as good as the original film. I think what most critics didn't like about it was that it misses the adventure side that the original had and just goes for the shark scenes and gore. But if that's what you're interested in, and (I'm sure many were) then this movie is definately for you!
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Jaws 2 (1978)
Pretty Good
22 February 1999
Not a hideous sequel and definitely better than the last two. It involves another shark this time attacking teenagers on sail boats. The suspense works well.
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Hook (1991)
Interesting retelling
13 February 1999
Updated version of Peter Pan with big stars (Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, Dustin Hoffman, etc) in the lead parts. The outstanding sets, music and other special effects are used to good effect. A lot of major film critics hated this version of Peter Pan, But I thought that it was one of Steven Spielberg's best movies for a long time.
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Home Alone (1990)
Alone at Christmas
13 February 1999
A young boy is left at home alone during the Christmas holidays when his parents leave for their vacation in a hurry. Burglars threaten his house which he must defend. Totally unbelievable but has all the usual amount of fun that you'd expect to see in one of John Hugh's movies. It also has a good music score, and is fun to watch at any time of year and not just during the Christmas period.
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13 February 1999
Three women conjure up their ideal man who just happens to be the devil. Things get out of hand and all hell breaks loose. This comedy/ horror film has everything that you could wish for, with some hilarious scenes. I'm still not too sure that I would recommend it to people who like eating cherries though.
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Flashdance (1983)
An exciting movie
13 February 1999
Story of a girl who dreams of becoming a professional dancer seems to have been inspired by Saturday Night Fever. It is enjoyable as these kind of movies go and it has a great pop/ rock syle soundtrack which includes the hit Irene Cara song What A Feeling.
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A true classic
13 February 1999
The classic of all classics! This film is as visually stunning now as when it was first released in the thirties. The story is heartwarming and it has some truly charming songs in it. The dwarfs are good and it does have the most wonderful Disney ending.
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Titanic (1997)
A moving film!
6 February 1999
Big budget version of the famous story has become the most successful film of all time, and jointly the biggest Accademy Award winner, 11 in total. Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet are excellent in their roles. It is long but beautifully filmed and will probably leave most of the audience quite red eyed. This movie is a classic!
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A Fun Movie
6 February 1999
"Nightmare before Christmas" style movie from the story by Roald Dahl. It is nicely filmed with great characters, plus many big names doing the voices. It also has some really good songs. It should appeal to all ages.
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Showgirls (1995)
Oh dear
6 February 1999
Story of a girl who goes to Las Vegas and becomes a lap dancer. That's the premise of this big budget mess of a movie. How lucky Charlize Theron was to lose out on starring in this movie. The rape scene was cut for its U.K video release.
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Still as much fun as the other two!
6 February 1999
This movie has a western setting. Marty has to get a train up to 88 miles per hour after the time machine runs out of petrol. Many people I have spoken to thought that this was the best in the series. I however think it is just as good as the other two. It is the concluding part of the trilogy.
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