
41 Reviews
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Sling Blade (1996)
7 July 2000
"Sling Blade" is the touching story of a mildly retarded man's freindship with a fatherless boy. All is well until his mother's abusve boyfreind, played by Dwight Yokam, comes into the picture. The film is beautifly photographed, acted, and written. I strongly recommend it.
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Leviathan (1989)
Great sci-fi.
12 June 2000
Although this movie has a similar plot to the horrible "Deepstar Six", "Leviathan" is a much better film. They have great sets, but "Leviathan" is better acted, written, photographed, and the monster in "Leviathan" is 50 times scarrier than "Deepstar Six". Sure, the plot is a ripoff of "Alien", but works.
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Well done.
9 June 2000
Distant Thunder is an overlooked but impressive film. John Lithgow gives an oscar worthy performance and the cinematographty gives the film a haunting atmosphere. This film, along with John Frakenhimer's Black Sunday, is an excellent look at Vietnam vets that has, unfourtaneatley, been overlooked.
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It doesn't get much worse than this.
3 October 1999
I'll give it to you straight: This movie is a stupid, boring waste of time. the acting is some of the worst i've ever seen, the charachters are faceless sterotypes, the plot (if you can call it that) is absurd, the soundtrack is a loud, annoying rip off of halloween, and to add to all that, it just doesn't make any sense. Unless you enjoy painful experiences, skip it.
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Law & Order (1990– )
The best drama on t.v
6 June 1999
"Law & Order" is the only show besides "South Park" that I watch on a regular basis. The best thing about it is its ability to show the downside of our justice system, how sleazy defense attornies get clearly gulity defendants off. The actors are all great,even Angie Harmon. I really don't see why everyone hates her.
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The last great "F13" film.
11 March 1999
After this movie, the series started to go downhill, constantly repeating itself sequel after sequel. This movie does have its share of shocks, like poor Rick's eyeball being squeezed out of his head. The ending is great, and the acting is actually not bad. Part 6 was decent, but this is the best "F13" sequel
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The Outsiders (1983)
A disappointment.
10 March 1999
I had high expectations for this film before I saw it on tv, and during the opening credits, when I saw the all-star cast, they grew even higher. But, of course I was disappointed. It's underwritten and overacted, and the "rumble" scene is the biggest disappointment of the film. The only thing that showed me that these kids were "troubled" was the fact that they were always dirty. Maybe if they took a bath every once in a while they might actully be accepted.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Pretty Cool.
9 March 1999
At first I expected this movie to be an "Alien" ripoff, but it actually much different and has some great special effects. If you're tired of all the "Alien" ripoffs out there, than this is your movie.
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Red Dawn (1984)
Pretty good.
5 March 1999
Even though the plot is hard to believe, it's still better than "Invasion U.S.A", where one man rides to the resuce of a whole country while fighting a bunch of Soviet renegades. This movie tells the story of 2 whole armies invading the U.S, and the brave teenagers who fight back while all the time making it look believable. In real life however, if the Russians did try to invade, they would not overpower us that easily, and even if they did, they wouldn't last long.
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Fireball Forward (1972 TV Movie)
A waste of time.
5 March 1999
I have to admit I was deceived by the title and the summary on the back of the box. So I popped it in the vcr and kept waiting... and waiting... and waiting for something good to happen. But of course, it never does. The makers of this film should be tied to a chair and made to watch "Saving Private Ryan". Maybe they would learn something.
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Can't be taken seriously.
3 March 1999
The special effects are so bad in this film that it ruins the rest of the film. It looks like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" gone horribly wrong.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
Big hype = little movie.
26 February 1999
It's not exactly BAD, but it just doesn't have much to it. The monster is obviously a special effect. We have stupid characters and a bunch of submarines and helicopters blowing up and to top it all off an "Alien" rip-off at the end. For once why can't a movie live up to its hype? Hmmmmmmmm....maybe it's not supposed to...
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Unfairly panned.
26 February 1999
After hearing all the awful reviews for this movie, and actually seeing it for myself, I decided that like "Alien3", this movie was unfairly treated by audiences and citics alike. Of course, it won't be on the same level as the others, perhaps no sci-fi movie will. But it's a prime example of how critics can't always be trusted.
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We need a remake.
26 February 1999
Why not? "Saving Private Ryan" and "The Thin Red Line" have proved that we haven't lost interest in World War 2, so why not make another about one of the biggest battles of the war? And while they're at it, they can make it better than this movie was! They can even make it historically accurate!
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Absolutely Fabulous (1992–2012)
I'm glad I don't live in England.
24 February 1999
This show makes me glad we won our independence. Why? Because if we didn't we'd have to watch this 7 days a week. And it's bad enough on Comedy Central 1 day a week.
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The Fly II (1989)
I wish I had a really big fly swatter for this one.
24 February 1999
This is bad. Instead of a tragic, scary film like the first we have a gross, stupid film with an unclear and stupid ending. I wish I'd been afraid to see it. Instead I wasted 90 minutes of my life that I could have spent curing cancer.
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DeepStar Six (1989)
It's scary that they make films this bad.
24 February 1999
After seeing and liking "Leviathan", I hoped that I would enjoy this similar movie. But what do you think happened? A boring and stupid movie with too much talk, no scares and the worst monster I've seen in the last 10 years? You got it.
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It's not that bad.
24 February 1999
Though I wouldn't recommend Stephen King to quit his day job, this is a fun movie with some actual scares. If you want a fun, campy movie that doesn't take itself too seriously, then rent it.
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Major League (1989)
No surprises but lots of laughs.
22 February 1999
So you can see every joke coming a mile down the road. So what. It's a hilarious movie and my favorite baseball movie of all time. Number 2 is good but nowhere near this and even though I haven't seen 3 i'm sure it isn't either. It's not a landmark film but it made me laugh.
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Predator (1987)
Arnold's best movie.
22 February 1999
Its nice to see an Arnold movie where he isn't the hunter but the hunted. And its also interesting to see the governor of Minnesota get a big hole blown in his chest. It's a great sci-fi flick and very much worth seeing.
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The Fly (1986)
Sci-fi Shakespeare.
22 February 1999
This is a great movie with great performances and a great ending and great Oscar winning makeup. It can be gross sometimes but it's all worth it in the end. See this movie but... Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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The Omen (1976)
THE satanic child movie.
20 February 1999
The best movie ever made about a satanic child isnt "The Exorcist". It isn't "Rosemary's Baby". It's "The Omen". That one is the only truly scary one. From start to finish it haunts you, not with gore but with shocks. See this film and you will be scared.
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The Exorcist (1973)
20 February 1999
I have been reading the user comments and i have seen how easily all of you have accepted this film. And that brings me back to the question at the top of my summary: why? Many movies become less scarier as they get older, and this is no exception.When i first saw this film on TNT I expected a scare that i would never forget. But alas, I fell prey to the hype. All i got was a bunch of gory scenes and Linda Blair raping herself with a cross, and when it was all over, a very bad taste in my mouth. And so, in closing, i beg of you dear reader, don't give into the hype or you will be disappointed. If you want a good satanic kid movie, rent "The Omen".
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This is how Shakespeare is done on film.
20 February 1999
Leonardo Dicaprio and everyone involved with the 1996 desecration of the Shakespeare classic should be made to watch this film. I am not normally a romance fan (actually i'm never a romance fan except for this) but this film broke my heart. Oliva Hussey looks beautiful and Leonard Whiting plays Romeo to perfection, not to mention a musical score that is instantly recognizable to anyone. This is how Shakespeare is done in the movies.
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Not that great.
10 February 1999
It starts with a long, boring build-up to some lame battle scenes and then come the "emotional" scenes where the troops constantley repeat the trem" Don't mean nothin". Skip It.
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