"Star Trek: Discovery" Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Perfect Ending For a Poor Show
cbatukilic10 October 2020
Finally it felt like Star Trek. But only last 5 minutes in Enterprise. A perfect cool Captain: Christopher Pike, Number One and Mr. Spock. That means hell of a crew! I wish this trio were the leading roles. But what did we get in Discovery? Over acting, over drama. Burnham cries in every goddamn episode eeeeyk. Someone gets hurt and everybody acts like worlds end, IN A GODDAMN BATTLEFIELD. They stop fighting and do emotional talks. Everybody dead and return from dead several times, oh gosh! This makes me sick every time. And I will not talk about relationship between doctor and chief engineer... Am I watching a drama soup? NO, SCI-FI. And this episode is the perfect example this show how must be.

Every Spock, Number One, and Christopher Pike scene gived me goosebumps. I think Anson Mount is the best thing about this show.
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A number of new Star Trek records!
isabellacheng19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
  • The longest Federation starships' shields have ever held. 2 starships against 27+ Section 31 ships with top secret advanced weaponry!
  • The most shuttles ever carried by Federation starships.
  • The strongest blast door made by mankind.
  • The longest a human (terran) stood her ground in hand-to-hand combat against a powerful AI made of nanites that I'd quote S02E12 "If you touch that phaser, I'll cross the room in 0.8 seconds and break the metacarpals in your hands". Yeah, let's punch Leland who can easily regenerate from even phaser blasts.

But hey, let's rejoice that canon is restored! And the CGI is great! And the ending is EPIC, full of nostalgia!

Wait... why does Discovery have to jump to the future when Georgiou already eliminated Control with... magnets? Control literally has a hive mind that the drones are "dead in the water" after he's defeated, making the Ender's Game parallel even more obvious. Oh and about not using the transporter on the torpedo...
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t-mccheyne19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved this Star Trek Discovery....so well made, story spell binding and more mature than original. Always been a Trekkie fan and this series has been my favourite. Hope they have a further series, but I shall miss the characters we have come to love. Captain Pike is gorgeous though and def would be worth seeing again although we always know how he ends up. Spock is always great, and it would be any harm to see more of him.
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jenabraham-4331219 April 2019
This episode was absolutely brilliant!! The scenes were just beyond spectacular The storyline's tied up Explanations given why Discovery isn't mentioned in The original series Visually stunning and I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire episode Discovery is just amazing People who score this low really need to either watch something else or get another hobby This show is just on another level of brilliance I swear I haven't seen a better Star Trek episode or Series like this The attention to detail is flawless I'm going back to rewatch it ... so so good
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No Rating, Just An Observation Of Past, Present and Future
PurpleCrayon201419 April 2019
While Season 1 tried to get its footing, Season 2 of ST:D felt bold enough to make statements that are reflective of 21st century 2019. As we venture into the future, CBS:All Access will be fragmenting the Star Trek Universe into at least 3 separate directions and time spans. I am not looking forward to being preached to about current status quo, or to try and shoehorn humor into scenarios that don't require it, or to receive speech after speech after speech of how dubious and thou art.

What I want for the existing and new paths that the Star Trek Universe shall traverse are tales of science fiction and mystery and suspense and action and drama that have to do with ventures unfathomed with subjects and decisions that have to do with the future and not based upon 21st century 2019. Give me some Ray Bradbury, some Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke-and stay away from the tabloid stories that Star Trek:Discovery was so fond of in Season 2.
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leighmas19 April 2019
When an episode feels like a film is when you know they have done it right. It's when it's over quickly with little to remember is when you should be worrying. Distinctive this is, distinctive graphics, (best I've seen) and a distinctive episode. Some critics mention cameras being shaky, however after watching it again, it's visionary almost, I noticed cameras shaking around during memories and flashbacks, obviously intentional, giving it a different feel to the memory. Shaky cameras during battle scenes? Well battle scenes are mostly chaotic.

This Lord Of The Rings comparitive.. one of the best Trilogies of all time. So only a good thing.

Again for me, a futuristic show should look futuristic and not dated, which this does and then some more. If you want to watch a sci-fi that looks like they are hanging spaceships on bits of string then that's great.

I saw bad CGI mentioned somewhere... really? The graphics are absolutely immense and so detailed. When Michael goes through space and time and the radiation of colours that emits from her iron man like suit, (again not a bad thing) even Ash's hair part-in was gelled nicely.

It's a beautiful piece of storytelling, admittedly their are a few narrative leaps, but in the grand scheme of things doesn't take much away from the show for me. This episode has left it open for plenty to happen and is memorable for the right reasons. You can see how much hard work has gone into this episode and the acting... which I also have to take into consideration. Brilliant.
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tomjohnfletcher19 April 2019
This episode explains the canon issues for all of the haters. I would fully recommend this show to those who have a full appreciation of the essence of Star Trek. If you truly do, you will see the beauty in it.
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Visually and emotionally epic!
francesmarrero19 April 2019
In 30+ years of being a hardcore Trekkie, this is by far, hands down the most stunningly put together episode of Star Trek I have ever seen. I'll be the first to admit that Discovery took a while to find its foothold, but I'll be darned if it hasn't done that and more! Every loose end is tied up regarding difference from the canon. I wish people who called themselves fans would stop being so critical and enjoy what the writers and shoemakers have put in front of us. Shear Trek Magic!
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This is Star Trek!
suanniiq19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't give out very many 10's, this Eps deserves it!


Discovery, the crew and Michael must jump 900 years into the future to stop Control from taking and distorting most life in the universe. So the Enterprise and Discovery must make time for Michael to jump through time and space while being attack by Control with section 31 specialized ships.


Next season will be 900 years into the future! Why Michael was never explained in the current timeline.

Action, this Eps was jam packed with space action on a cinematic level, I hope to see it on the big screen...it was that epic.

Spock, Spock, Spock and Spock!!! That ending, the closing words, the bridge of the Enterprises and the next adventure the crew will be going on! Also, his last moments with Michael was pretty emotional too!

Pick and the admiral final moments, before sacrificing herself to save the crew and the ship (Enterprise)

The battle with Control on Disco, and it's Ultimate distraction in the spore drive!!!

Michaels Space jump, I wish it lasted longer-hope there will be an extended cut of this episode. To capture its epicness!

Best Surprise

The Klingons come to save the day!! I sort of like how Michael was responsible to start the Klingon Wars at the start of season 1 and also the reason to unite the Klingon and the Federation for a moment at the end of Season 2.

Was the end a teaser for the Star Trek Adventure with Pike, Spock and Number 1-and continue with the Enterprise!! GOD I HOPE SO!!!!!

Michaels And Discovery last moments while heading into the future.....that was beautifully shot!!!


For 1h&5m, I wanted more damn it MORE!!!

Light rehashing of season 2, with Michaels jump through space in time!! The visuals were great, but I guess the part was still needed.

God I cannot wait for more Star Trek Content, and for Season 3!!!!!!
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The Battle of Minas Tirith
XweAponX19 April 2019
So these last 2 episodes were supposed to be like "Return of the King"? As if that were a bad thing. Guess what? It's not.

Ptui on using the Lord of the Rings as some kind of negative example for this particular story of Star Trek, because Return of the King is a totally appropriate reference.

In this episode we had the equivalent of the battle of Minas Tirith, including Mumakil and Nazgul. We even had an equivalent of the distruction of the ring and the disintegration of Barad-Dur. And so this part of the story ends, we don't know if The Enterprise and Spock and Pike will be part of that story for season three, but we know that Discovery will embark on a new journey, across time and halfway across the galaxy.

Michael Burnham as Frodo though? Sorry, don't see that. But we do know that it is her turn to wear the red angel suit, what she does with it was wholly unexpected. But we had forewarning of some of this.

The Queen, "Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po", reminded me of Sofia Boutella's "Jaylah" from Star Trek Beyond, in spirit at least. She was willing to put herself at risk to do her little part.

As a matter of fact, the entire crews of Discovery, Enterprise, and some surprise guests were all willing to go above and beyond what was required of them, which is what Starfleet is all about, and what Star Trek is all about. Star Trek has never been about catering to our comfort zones. Star Trek has always been about pushing the boundaries of our imaginations beyond what we have been comfortable with- whether we like it as fans, or not. And that is what the writers of this Red Angel Arc have gotten so right. This whole season has been what Star Trek is all about, my only sadness is that these "seasons" are way too short- 14 episodes is not enough to tell the epic scale of this tale, but they managed to get every element referenced and every loose end tied up, even the slight loose end about the spore woman that lived inside of Tilly.

Now from day one that this series started, I've seen nothing but complaints about the lead character "Michael Burnham". I am wondering if the same people are complaining that Kirk was the lead character in the original series, or that Picard was the Captain in Next Generation, or The Sisko, or Janeway, or Archer? Also: "Bulleted lists" of complaints. Ptui on "Bulleted Lists" of Complaints about this series and it's episodes- I mean really, if you hated it so much, why did you JUMP onto your computer or hand device to deliver your same bulleted list of minor irritations week after week - instead of not watching the show, like you promised to do after the first list of bulleted complaints (after "The Vulcan Hello")?

This series is about a ship called Discovery, and the main character, a "sister" of Mr. Spock that we had never heard about before (and after this episode there is a reason for this), it's also about a guy who started off as a Pale Klingon "Voq" The torch bearer, or Kuva'magh (refer to Star Trek Voyager season 7 episode 14 "Prophecy") and then was ground up into meat and sewn into a Captive Starfleet Officer named Ash Tyler, who has ended up being an important character and bridge between the Klingon empire and Discovery- and we even have a doctor that came back from the dead, who is the lover of the creator of the spore drive, not to mention Mr Saru, whose character and race has evolved significantly, and... well? we have a complicated arrangement of characters, major and minor, but it all starts off with Burnham.

But the fact is: this show is not "political" or "PC" or anything, (I think I saw some reference, in several verbatim duplicate "reviews" last week about "PO", or a "PO Character", whatever the blazes that means) - it's basically simply Star Trek, based on a show which made social statements in the 60s, which was also unprecidented, so go steal a red angel suit of your own and go back in time and complain about the original series if you want, because those kinds of complaints are irrelevant and inappropriate for this show, which is basically the same kind of show that the original series was.

In fact all through the last 54 years of Star Trek's existence, including an animated series, several feature films, four major television series, two of which were syndicated, three alternate timeline feature films, and now this show: The premise has never changed. It's not just about the future, it's about a particular KIND of future, a future where we have a united earth and people have set aside ridiculous bigotries. Where people are not motivated by money but by making themselves better and doing better things, where people can choose to follow or not follow religions without being persecuted for doing either, and where Space is being explored and we are part of a larger community that includes people from other planets, and even conflicts between those peoples have all been solved to some extent. I think that's what the "PC-ers" would call "globalism", except in Star Trek language this is called "The United Federation of Planets".

But the point being is that in 54 years the premise of Star Trek has never changed from that original premise, despite changes in production value and creature and a spaceship designs, it is still Star Trek and it still holds true to its original Mission:

"To explore Strange, New, worlds To seek out new life and new civilizations And to boldly go where no man has gone before."

And I can't wait to see where Discovery and The Red Angel bring us next year. Can we have more than 14 episodes, please?
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Simply stunning!
leewooll19 April 2019
Now that's how you finish a season properly! What a finale! From start to finish this episode had it all, and left me on the edge of my seat. After watching this I still cannot believe there's people hating on it, if you don't like it, why the hell are you still watching it after 2 bloody seasons!
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That's what I was waiting for!!!!
bulge4024-70-12457419 April 2019
Despite the many holes in the plot, this was by far one of the best episodes of any Star Trek ever. One to watch again
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For Expediency Purposes...
CzyboutFlix1 December 2021
The show-down didn't have to happen if they used the damn Spore-Drive to take the ship to the Gama Quadrant "temporarily" until the suit was ready. Jump back when ready and then exit the timeline. Sorry but having a massive battle for a TV show isn't sexy or interesting. Star Trek isn't Star Wars. ALSO, the fact that Sarek came to say good bye without informing Star Fleet to send more ships is STUPID! Why does Section 31 have some many ships in it's inventory? Discovery's computer system is more capable than a dedicated Science Vessel or a planetary based system? They had plenty of time to negotiate with the AI for a proper purge for a safer location.

I'm just venting because just like JJ, this series has shattered the original timeline and the Prime Directive and it hurts.

I wish they would have created this universe as close to canon as possible with only few tweaks.

6 because I will continue to watch because it's watchable, like watching a train accident, plus the visuals are solid. Hopefully, future episodes will give other crew time in the spot light.
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Again overly dramatic, especially at inappropriate times.
DavePotter21 April 2019
Yes let us have long drawn-out conversations while ships are blowing up and people are dying. And everybody can have these conversations before they get to action and try to stop the death and destruction of everything.🙄😒

I feel sorry for the actors, to which Pike and Philipa particularly do an excellent job. Poor scripting, directing and CBS oversight, has turned what could have been an outstanding series. Into something one struggles to watch.

For those who think this is excellent, please just go back to watching your drama shows. Instead of ruining a franchise that isn't what you want by making it what you want.

Sadly I do not see me watching the next season.
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boggie475819 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have liked this Star Trek season one and season two. I never was disappointed in this series like some were..I refused to nit-pick this series like so many have but, instead I sit back and enjoyed it. Yes it had some plot holes but I over looked them and know this show was not perfect none of them are. That said, this season final was epic and was on a grand scale. It was as if I was watching a high production movie instead of a television show. Every thing about it was awesome from the battle to Discovery going into the future. It was a upper scale production and it showed. This has to be one of the best Star Trek season finals or episode I have ever seen and, I have seen them all..This made it to the top of my list of favorite Star Trek episodes and season finals. I can't wait until season 3 and see how the Discovery is going to be now it is 900 years in the future.
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mhdreiling19 April 2019
I loved it. Outstanding season ender. I can't wait for season 3.
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10 is not high enough
paulthomas-9944320 April 2019
Blockbuster movie level production, action, editing and execution... if not better..

I loved discovery from the off, the whole thing is superbly cast and wonderfully diverse in its characters, lesbians, gays, inter species relationships... kudos to the creators.... I've loved every episode, but this episode blew my mind, I kept checking how long was left and grew more and more upset that it was coming to an end... I almost saved the last 15 min for the next day just to drag it out...

To those complaining... critique is fine, but if you've nothing at all good to say about the level of craftsmanship that's gone into all episodes and ESPECIALLY this one, perhaps you should start to be aware of why some people end up making visual epics like this, and others, like yourselves, take up a career as keyboard warriors trying to spread hate due to the realisation that negativity is your only skill set.
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I still have questions...but Holey Carp!
garabedian12319 April 2019
Fantastic episode...No it did not answer all my questions and still seems to have some minor plot holes..Or maybe they will answer these in season 3 although i doubt it. But wow this is the best episode...or maybe best thing I have ever seen...
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bgbrunocom20 April 2019
Most EPIC BATTLE I've ever seen - huge amount of activity and I didn't know what to focus on first - that was AWESOME! This episode was far more better then some top movies today. And even end song surprised. Thx everyone create such a marvelous spectacle.
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Pike spin-off.
wodell31 May 2019
Now don't get me wrong I have enjoyed Discovery and I will continue to enjoy Discovery especially after Season 2 but with that being said I believe if there is not a Pike spin-off you have wasted a golden opportunity.
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Fantastic finale
darrylinnes-3054119 April 2019
I have been a Star Trek fan since I was a child. My dad used to watch the re runs if the original series on BBC 2, then the Next Generation came along and I loved it. I followed all the new series through and then, after over a decade, discovery came along. Now I was disappointed at first. I felt it showed a complete lack of respect for what had gone before. Trying to rewrite history, but I stuck with it. I'm so glad I did. This episode is the one that finally made me realise how great this show is. The piece de resistance was the enterprise bridge and final scene. The show has done a fantastic job of modernising a half century old legend. I hope discovery ends up in the next gen era.
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What a turnaround!
pali-282-3870722 June 2020
Even I had forgotten that TNG was terrible for the first two seasons.

Season two of Discovery built up well and you could feel the tension slowly building and then boy did it reach a hugely entertaining climax.

I am lost for words on the visuals in this episode, the best i've witnessed for a TV show.

Story comes together brilliantly and for the first time you feel emotionally connected to not just the lead, but all the other characters too.

Well done to the writers for fixing all that was wrong in season one and the first half of season two, it looks like we are in for a treat from here on.
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All the time in the world.
Scott6997 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this season, I love the connection to the original the cage/the menagerie of the original Star Trek, and I did love the way they finished it with the original crew of the enterprise, before Kirks time that is. But what really annoys me is at the end when Michael was rushing to get the portal/wormhole open so she could jump in time and save the day and they had seconds to spare, people were dying all around, she has time to have a heart to heart talk with spark, as if they have all the time in the world. They do this on so many movies, TV shows and I hate that. I wish once they would make a show where somebody has seconds to spare, and make the right decision and they stopped to take an emotional moment and time runs out, and they screw the whole thing up because they had to have an emotional last dialog.
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noise and flashes,
Rob-O-Cop10 May 2019
Nothing. this was an endurance test to sit through. Groan worthy, unsustainable sentimental silliness delivered with a self unaware straight face. An insult the the Star Trek Legacy, just no.
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So many angry people in the world.
solaariow17 May 2019
There's an awful lot of bad words about the series in general here on this last episode review, yet all those people who dislike the show watched two whole seasons just to get to this point to vent their displeasure. That seems like an awful lot of time and effort wasted on something you don't like. Me? I've thoroughly enjoyed the whole show. I'm 43 and have grown up with Trek and I'm just glad it's back on our screens. I think the cast have grown and Pike is a magnificent addition, and the story between the doctor and the engineer is fantastic and not forced. And find me a show on TV that looks better than this series. The visuals are stunning!

If you disliked it then that's your prerogative. Go and find something better rather than spending hours of your life hating something! It will make you feel better as a person. And to those who enjoy/love ST: Disco...

Live long and prosper, and see you in season three!
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