Extracurricular (2018) Poster

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Why is this emperor wearing 6.3 stars?!
samberdina20 February 2020
I don't lean on reviews when choosing a movie, but I use IMDB as a gauge for what to expect. Interpreting 6 stars for good quality, I rented Extracurricular. How in the world did this movie get over 6 stars?! If I had received a heads-up as to what I was in for, I wouldn't have paid to rent it. The movie is ok. There are plenty of holes, acting is not too bad and writing is below average, but it's the kind of film I'd watch on Netflix or Prime. The characters remain as unfamiliar at the end as they are in the beginning. There's a clusterfumble of twists and sort of suspenseful moments. There are plenty of unanswered questions. But the movie is forgettable, so I actually don't want answers.
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Not bad
willcline-9104323 October 2019
I hate seeing false reviews on here and you can always tell when they give 9s n 10s but i gotta say the movie did remind me of the purge the kill game is on point i do believe with a better budget this coulda went far.
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Nothing new, but really not bad
jcslawyer23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Once I read the synopsis, I had an inkling we were in for another The Strangers or other home invasion movie. I wasn't wrong. I don't think this movie brought anything new, but it was still fun to watch anyway.

Starts out almost textbook, couple drives to the woods for some occasion. Perhaps at one point you might think they're part of the "group" but that fades in favor of the knowledge of their fate....to be the teaser victims before we're introduced to the main antagonists. Other than the dancer, I couldn't stand them and was really hoping for their come-uppance.

I actually hated how unsatisfying the movie leaves you. You're hoping the couple they plan to kill has something up their sleeves (think You're Next) or a better defense for themselves that we don't see coming. Nope, instead we get bumbling idiots, including the guy who can chop wood with an axe (only in his 50's) but can't overpower a puny teen with a knife. Then i was rooting for the wife, but her bumbling was worse. How long does it take to sift through a box? Seemed as if she was folding her nice dinner napkins while trying to locate the one weapon that could save her.

The more I write about this, the more I'm rethinking my rating. Then dancer decides all of a sudden she's grown a conscience because she receives a text from her new love interest as she's trying to kill the woman. And she was able to get up pretty well after being whacked with a tiny sledgehammer.

But then it moves to that girl's house where, after she's been shot, the others decide to stage a robbery that led to her getting shot. But, earlier on you were briefly introduced to her parents and they seemed a bit off. Given that this detail appeared relevant at the time (even the other girl mentions the parents being weird), I was thinking this was going to be the twist. Nope, bumbling idiots.

The movie ends with no satisfaction and the worst of the bunch getting away with it. There's not even a kicker where some small piece of evidence was last minute discovered....pissed me off.

However, I was glued to the movie from start to finish and I didn't get bored and I did fully enjoy it in spite of the flaws.

I know I just spent time saying how frustrating it is, but that's ok. It made me feel the way the filmmakers intended.... sometimes they get away with it....and that's it.

If you like home invasion movies or movies where the main characters are the villains, then you'll enjoy it. It's not a bad movie. Give it a whirl.
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themoriartymethod15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this film at TADFF. Thankfully I didn't technically lose any money on it, because if I'd spent a penny to see this I think I'd feel mildly violated.

Make no mistake, this isn't the worst film I've ever seen. In fact, it's so brutally cliche and average that I would almost prefer it had been terrible. Instead it was just a horribly drawn out experience in the finer aspects of boredom. With no reason to like the main characters save a very shallow girl/girl romantic arc with a student outside the murder club, one has no reason to enjoy their psychopathic behaviour. These aren't characters you love and they sure aren't fleshed out enough to be characters you love to hate. They're just generic high school brats arbitrarily turned into serial killers.

The film earns it's two stars for the aforementioned "romance" (which, like every other plot point in the film, serves no actual discernable purpose) - at least an attempt was made to give one of the characters a story. It just wasn't actually a story at all, because it had no beginning or end. It was just there, and ultimately added nothing to the film.

The second star comes from some decent cinematography, and the third from some fun (but again, largely unsatisfying and empty) kills and a few chuckle worthy lines of dialogue.

The director is heralded because of his young age, and I can't speak to how well this lines up with his other works. I can say, however, that this movie has put me off any desire to see anything by him. He has created something utterly forgettable and filled with tropes masquerading perhaps as tributes - with empty characters and ultimately uninspired locations and scenes, and a plot with so many holes and inconsistencies that if it had been filmed on cheese, it would be swiss.

It won't kill you to watch this movie, which manages to get your hopes up just enough every few scenes before abandoning whatever potential they had, but it will make you wish you'd watch videos of toddlers sucking on lemons instead - they offer the same amount of intellectual stimulation, and honestly, they probably tell a better story.

I hope that your benefit of his age (and by the size of his entourage and pocketbooks at the premiere) Ray learns that there's more to movies than setting barns on fire and moderately aesthetically pleasing special effects. If he doesn't figure that out, well, the next best thing would be that he find another career.
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copeland_223 October 2019
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I have to ask along with another reviewer. Was no point at all for this movie, I've never seen a movie where at the end you have absolutely no idea why or explanation for any of the actions that took place. I have to assume it's about 4 teens who kill for fun, and one who wants out so she kills the other 3? Whatever don't waste your time, not worth it!
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Why are cops in horror movies so useless?
mrgoth-27 May 2020
Useless cops, stupid adults, treacherous teens, only reason I watched to the end was to see who gets caught and how. Pretty shabby. Not recommended for horror or thriller fans, or fans of good movies.
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Why all of the low ratings? It was a hidden gem.
gyounce16 April 2021
The premise of the movie was not convoluted, it was pretty straight forward. A group of teens who like to kill. There was no hidden agenda, no revenge killings, no sad backstory. I appreciate that is was just some friends who liked to kill (because some sick people do irl).

I thought the movie was smart and reminded me of Murder by Numbers. They didn't care much for human life, but for the most part, cared for eachother. The relationship between the two sons and their father showed that even well loved children go astray in the most macabre ways.

Spencer MacPherson, as younger brother Ian, stole the show. I wanted so badly for him to be the last man standing. Even though I wasn't thrilled with the who, I was ok with the ending. I enjoyed the movie and felt it was a fresh slasher film, especially of late. Sometimes blood and gore doesn't make the movie, and while this one does have its moments, it also has a pretty good storyline.
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Prismark107 March 2020
This is a low budget film horror thriller about a group of clever but bored students who get a taste for killing.

Miriam, Derek, Jenny and Ian are the clever kids who meticulous plan their murders. They even have a backup plan in case things go wrong.

Luke Goss plays the local cop and the father of two of the kids who is investigating the latest deaths.

The film is derivative of better films such as American Psycho, Scream and Compulsion even though this has a cynical twist in its ending.

By the end you think, why are some of the victims talking to their would be murderers and trying to get through to them. Just run.
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low budget done right
natcalgary30 October 2020
Not great but not horrible.

I expect a lot of bad reviews because snowflakes don't like ending where the bad guy or guys does not get their comeupance

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Waste of time and money
WVfilmfem21 October 2019
....and a blueprint for impressionable youth who have a penchant for the macabre. No likable characters, just following a group of sociopaths planning murder. The resolution, ending, is totally unsatisfactory, leaving the viewer sorry they wasted the time to watch.
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The kids are not alright.
ntj-film26 October 2019
Four highly intelligent, kill happy high-schoolers are getting ready for a spectacular Halloween bloodbath. unforseen circumstances however, throws their matriculas laid plan right out the window and turns the night of Samhain into a living hell for the murderers quartet.

This movie turned out to be a absolut blast. Excellent writing, topnotch directing and acted, I throughly enjoy this nasty little indie-horror.

Hope you enjoy it too.
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"Assassination Club"
Kamurai2524 February 2021
Really good watch, could watch again, and can recommend.

There really aren't enough movies where the villains are the protagonist.

These are all awful characters that are also killers so it's hard to root for them. I can't tell if it is poor performance from the actors or badly written characters, but this is clearly written by someone with a love of true crimes and tactical assessment.

It is really impressive with the work put in to make the planned executions believable and how twisted the events get.
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Could have but absolutely wasnt.....
screaminghavok28 May 2020
Last half of the movie is so dark you can barely see. It's not ominous when filmed that way. Just really irritating. The movie had zero point. And the ending is so unrealistic it's a joke.
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Misses the mark
Leofwine_draca21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another high school horror flick, this time about an unlikeable group of teenagers who appear to be perfect students - except that in their spare time they enjoy planning murder. A slow and elaborate set-up feels like nothing more than padding before the main event, which in the second half turns out to be a routine "home invasion" thriller with the expected violence but zilch in the way of character-building, suspense or any kind of plot depth. The cover features Luke Goss predominantly but he's in a tiny role, so if there are any fans of his out there - don't bother!
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Is there anyone in the shower?
picassovegas-912-72415012 November 2019
I need to know if there is any one using the shower because I need one after this film. Let me first say, I am a huge horror movie fan and have watched some pretty gross stuff. In other horror movies you get to suspend reality for an hour and half and take a joyride into horror. This film do not let you suspend those thoughts but drags me deeper in. Maybe this film was successful making it seem to be a plausible reality. Extracurricular made me question kids under 18 and how they view human life. I watched this movie to the end and thought. I wasn't ready for this. Maybe this would be rewarding to other horror fans but left me emotionally wrecked .
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Perfect Plan to murder your MONEY
anwarshaikhkaiser23 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was so boring for first hour that I thought to change the movie. but, then i have none so i have to waste my another half an hour watching how those freaks execute their not so perfect plan. Its dangerous for teenagers giving them wrong message. I know many will try to do such insane stuff coz it looks cool yo
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japegwyn18 January 2021
Just like the know-nothing self-righteous who do nothing useful, merely complain about things, the 4 main characters are a perfect example of the self-entitlement those who decry such films as this.

They didn't like it because it held a mirror up to their mewling and puking, and they didn't like it.

A different take, both nothing new and refreshing. Ignore all other reviews, this one counts: see it. If you don't like it... Well, your tastes and mine are different.
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dana-kellish7 July 2020
Utterly pointless dreck. Four "brilliant" students go on a serial killing spree with no explanation, leading us to conclude that they're just a**holes. And for supposedly smart kids, they act pretty dumb, leaving obvious clues for the police and acting so silly during one of their crimes that there's no way they could pull it off. The idea was good, as are the performances, but the result is just, well, terrible.
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An excellent little thriller.
Gothamite128 February 2020
It's a simple and straightforward script with some decent acting and enough red herrings to keep the story flowing to its inevitable conclusion with enough twists and turns to keep it interesting. Trims the fat nicely by keeping away too many B plots and all strings tie up nicely towards the end. An enjoyable thriller that, whilst not being an amazing game changer, is still an enjoyable watch.
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larryleigh15 March 2020
Waste of time,the acting is sterile,the direction is gross uggggg
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Not quite Heathers
kosmasp27 October 2019
There can only be one (Heathers), now can there? Rhetorical question of course, but that does not make this a bad movie. Unless your expectations are differently to a degree where you might find things annoying that go on here. It's a straightforward movie that is quite predictable with characters you are not supposed to like.

Having said, it is quite nicely written and takes you on a weird ride with crude individuals. This could have gone wrong on many levels, but I think it succeeds in holding up your attention enough til the end ... there again you may feel that the movie has issues ... that will depend on your taste
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Wow, an unexpectedly good.
kwihui25 December 2021
It was moving well, the film, so it kept my attention to the end.

I don't agree with the ending but it was different from the norm.

Is it worth watching? - I'd say yes. The thing is it could happen. However, I don't believe our society can have likeminded high schoolers who can stick to these kinds of murderous team work. Thankful for that. Even amongst the most monstrous humans without the team / the gang pressure humanity's right and wrong conscientious minds would eventually trump over the evil.

In final, I think you will find it interesting, and something to chew over.
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Apart from the finale, uninteresting and too predictable.
johannes2000-19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what to think of this movie, or even how to label it. For a horror it's not scary enough, for a straightforward thriller there's too little action or suspense. Maybe the makers aimed at some sort of psychological thriller, in the vein of Hitckcock's "Rope" or of Tom Kalin's "Swoon" (both based by the way on the same true story). Here likewise some highly intelligent students commit murders for the of sport of it, or as a mind-challenge, to see if they can do it and if they can get away with it. That could have made for an interesting movie, but unfortunately it didn't match the named predecessors, simply because story and writing are way too one-dimensional.

Biggest problem is the lack of any decent motivation for the extraordinary actions of the kids. There are vague innuendo's of Nietzsche as inspiration for one of the four, but that's about it. Another one seems to be doubtful about the murders from the very start, but there's no explanation for that either. The uninteresting characters and mediocre acting didn't really help.

What remains is a movie with some harsh, almost mechanically committed violence, and only in the finale there is at last a decent, interesting twist and some surprising actions. But why the biggest culprit is allowed to get away?! It's as if the makers deliberately wanted to send the viewers home as frustrated as possible.
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It was ok I just dislike films that goes in this direction
dewilliams3022 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of psychological horror. I prefer a gratifying experience with an ending that leaves me satisfied that I sat through 1hr 29 min with no regrets. Movies that imitates what could actually happen in real life or hell what's actually happening in real life, whereas we have killers who have good lives, potential to have rewarding futures but with nothing else better to do than take lives from strangers. Not ppl that even deserve it. Yeah not a fan of the ending therefore not satisfying.
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Showed promise
kathmummybear1 March 2020
The acting was good the idea was ok there was just no surprises and the ending was blah
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