The Young Offenders (2016) Poster

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Genuinely Irish humour
Reviewer123 January 2017
Really enjoyed this film. It's always good to see an Irish film that is not directly targeting an overseas audience. it's been made with genuine Irish actors, with accents from the counties where the film is made, adding to the feeling that this really is true to the story. The two main actors are brilliant and very believable. The viewer is not bogged down by morality even though there is a darker subtext it is shown in a light hearted way, and to add context to the story rather than just elicit sympathy. Having some insight into the background of the boys does give a good insight into why the boy would want to steal the drugs and their naïve plan is charming in its own way. Give this film a go.
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Not as good as the TV Series
matt_sole-372-2082035 September 2020
Having watched the TV Series first and fallen in love with Conor and Jock's escapades, I finally got around to watching the film. While it is still still fun, outrageous and cringeworthy (in a good way), the film isn't as good as the series. The characters feel slightly more 2 dimensional . If I had seen the film first, I doubt I would have wanted to watch the TV series. It's still an OK film and a good length, at less than 90 minutes and you can see the green shoots of what the TV show was to become.
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This is Ireland
Ruskington13 April 2020
Why can't there be more films like this? The Young Offenders has everything I would look for in a breakout piece: a unique storyline, a brilliant cast of unknown actors, a beautiful setting and effortlessly hilarious writing. There are definite elements of Guy Richie and Shane Meadows in this production and anyone who is tired of formulaic Hollywood bilge should appreciate it's originality.

Alex Murphy and Chris Walley lead the way with excellent debut performances. They can be a tad wooden at times, but this is overridden by their natural comic timing and ability to produce genuinely heart-warming moments. Hilary Rose bounces off them perfectly and deserves to go on to bigger and better things on the back of this.

The finale is possibly a bit overcooked but that would be my only real criticism of this film. One of the better low-profile movies I have seen in recent years, highly recommended.
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It's funny and likable
Gordon-1117 February 2017
This film tells the story of two teenage boys, who do not see much of their futures in their respective single parent families. One day, they hear about a big shipment of cocaine being washed ashore about 160km from where they live, they set off to find a bag of cocaine that will change their lives forever.

"The Young Offenders" is a surprisingly sweet film despite their teenage delinquencies. It tells Jock's dream of having a different life, and he acts upon it and pursue his chance of getting a new life. It is the American dream but located in Ireland. The other boy is very good natured deep in his heart, as we can see in more than one occasion in the film. The story is inspiring as well as funny, and there is quite a bit of thrill at the end too. I enjoyed it a lot.
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Top_Dawg_Critic12 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I did have some trouble understanding the Irish lingo but I have to say, I really enjoyed this movie!

Going into this, I didn't have high expectations, but the Irish countryside and coastal scenic journey (on bicycles) was amazing.

The actors all played their parts really well. The comedy was spot on.

I can't believe this actually happened (based on true events) and this is what made the movie even funnier, that a couple of pals going on this journey with the end result being... - I don't want to spoil it any more! You have to see this one, it's surprisingly enjoyable and hilarious!
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Series vs Film
ethangoodwin-0008821 July 2020
I absolutely love the series and hoping for a season 4. If anyone's thinking about this you should watch the film before the series. The opening scenes, some are the same as series one. It's definitely a funny film but I'd of loved them to get up to more than a drug haul. But the series is a must watch because it's absolutely hilarious!
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All Round Well Done Comedy
emryse6 September 2022
Alex Murphy and Chris Walley play two of the most endearing characters I've ever seen, sure they are misguided but they are also incredibly sweet. The film shows what life is like for single parents, people who are living in difficult circumstances, abusive parents. Quite dark subject matter, but the film had me laughing consistently throughout.

I loved Dominic MacHale as the pseudo villain, and without giving any spoilers his "redemption" is lovely. The story is silly, but reportedly based on real events which is interesting. Hilary Rose as Conor's mother is fantastic. For what was, I'm assuming a very low budget, it is technically well made and nicely shot.

Just an all round well done comedy.
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Funniest Irish Film in Years.
learyjennifer20 March 2017
This film is true to the essence of Cork and depicts its salt of the earth characters. Being from the city there was an extra layer of appreciation as a viewer: when the shipment was cast into the ocean a bale did go missing. I'm sure there were individuals who sought a fortune like the protagonists do in this film.

I was skeptical of watching the film as I was expecting it to be drawn out, filled with obvious one liners. I was happily surprised to discover I was wrong, the film creates two lovable rogue characters who are aware at times of their failings. No cheap jokes here, the dialogue was to the point without being obvious. I didn't expect the direction the film took, and am happy to see that the film is internationally well received, winning awards in LA, Texas and London.

If you are unsure, watch the movie trailer. Comedy gold with a tongue in cheek view, beautifully shot along West Cork. Don't take the characters as true representations of Corkonians, as this is a comedy. All aspects of this film are seamless: editing, dialogue, location, casting and soundtrack. Fantastic film, refreshingly not the typical Irish cinema most would expect from Ireland.
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Young, dumb and full of ... offending?
kosmasp14 November 2017
Coming of age and crime combined in this one. If you're not familiar with the accent, you will get used to it pretty quick by watching and listening. Some may need subtitles though, just a fair warning. Performances are really good, though you may not know the actors in this, which shouldn't matter anyway.

Like any at least decent drama, this has also humor, tension and a lot of other things going for it. The ending may be a bit too smooth for some (how it all gets woven into putting a cap on it), but I think it works for this movie. It's fun, it's light and the running time is more than fair, so you won't feel bored during it.
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Fantastic Little Gem of a Movie
somersetboy13 January 2017
I expected some comedy, but this was hilarious fun. There is pace and action not dissimilar from Guy Ritchie movies. It reminded me of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels on a much lighter tone and probably twice as funny.

I absolutely loved the stylised but down to earth storytelling, and the narrative. I hope the director/writer come up with more stylised comedy like this. It is not filled with gratuitous violence. It is definitely recommended viewing.

I have given it an enthusiastic 9 because I have not laughed so much in a while. It would have still been a 7 if I laughed 50% less!!
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A Film That Oozes with Irish Charm
yourfavoritecritic9 January 2021
The Young Offenders is directed by Peter Foott and stars Alex Murphy and Chris Walley as two mischievous boys from Ireland who have aspirations for something bigger than themselves and escaping their current circumstances. When bales of cocaine wash ashore 160km away, the boys hatch a plan to make the trip in hopes of striking it rich. With limited releases throughout 2016, this Irish coming of age comedy received very positive feedback and had enough of a fanbase to continue the series in the form of a television show two years later.

Going into The Young Offenders I had not known what to expect as I knew nothing about its story/premise but after watching it I can gladly say that The Young Offenders is a wonderfully charming film, sure to please anyone. Right from the start, the movie is quite funny and with the added narration by the character Conor MacSweeney it offers funny bits and an avenue to give exposition while showing the audience through action on screen. Largely everything introduced in the film comes up somehow throughout its run time and nothing feels wasted, it's a very tightly packaged film with little to no fat. Every joke mostly hits, the situations the writer put the pair in is clever and offer some great laughs.

The look of the film and acting is also pretty good, nothing amazing but good. That leads me to my next point, is despite all this the movie fails to try anything unique. The story-beats for this type of coming of age film is all very conventional that even through its tight presentation and funny comedy, I don't know if I see myself remembering this film down the line. Nothing about this film is particularly memorable which is a shame, as I wanted to like this movie more than I did, it's still quite good and oozes with charisma however much of it is held back.

In closing, while I did enjoy The Young Offenders quite a bit, its conventional framework and some silly story moments really hold this film back from what could have easily been one of my favourite movies of 2016. Do check out this film though, with a runtime of 83 minutes, The Young Offenders flies by, and with its loveable, dumb characters and humorous plot segments, this film will offer some great laughs. It's a film I did enjoy while watching, however, in retrospect, I just don't see myself remembering it all too well and for that reason, I am giving The Young Offenders a strong 6/10.
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An absolutely hilarious film.
djseancronin10 October 2016
Being from Cork myself, this film ticks all the boxes. There was a lot of talk about it, so going into see it I was feeling it might fall short, as normally films this hyped turn out shite. From the moment this film starts it is just so funny right till the end.

I'm not sure will many people outside of Ireland get the humor, but this is one of the funniest films I've seen in a very long time, as I can relate the two lads to so many people I grew up with and PJ Gallagher was brilliant as the crippled dealer. Some brilliant characters in it and every joke was right on the money. I really do hope we get a sequel!
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Lovely Irish Friendship Story
jstandhaven2523 January 2018
I don't normally watch UK or Irish films, not sure why, but I found this a great entertaining watch. Hidden in amongst the backdrop of Cork, is two friends who go on a great adventure together, but this is not your conventional Disney tale.

They end up in a few scrapes and this all comes together at then end, I would have rated higher, but the story was too obvious and you could see what was coming, but this didn't get away from the fact you still want to watch while the end, just to see what happens.

Highly recommended, but don't watch when the kids are around.
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Silly dumb stupid
tilak5 November 2019
Do not fall for the rating, the movie is not only silly characters speaks so fast you cant even understand even with subtitles. its like blalalalallallalalalaaajdjsdklfasfasfjasdjfasjf in 10 seconds. entire line of dialog just get finished in only a second, everything happens too fast. senseless
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An unoffensive comedy with a good heart
rick-morgan906323 April 2017
A gentle, rolling comedy about two harmless numbskulls who hatch a plan to liberate some treasure - cocaine in this case - that they assume has washed ashore in Ireland. I've just finished watching it, and it made me smile all the way, which I assume was the general idea. I warmed to the two main characters, best friends and thick as planks to be sure, and the supporting cast were first rate too. I've known lads like this at school many years ago, and their characters in this movie were very real, rather than a lampoon. Worth a watch.
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got to love some cork banter
davidmurphy-8206317 January 2017
really good laugh it's a must watch for anyone that has enjoyed the old country, nice to see the beautiful side of cork city without fearing for your life and to escape to a ridiculous adventure.

Exceedingly silly at times but also endearing. Based on the true story of two teenagers who go off in search of a capsized boat containing 61 bales of cocaine. Heartwarming too in how it shows the boys dealing with single-parent life and how strong their friendship is in the face of disadvantaged life.

i'd say good for date date if she's funny not a movie to show to the parents ? this is now tenth line to be able to give my brother's Alex movie a good review.
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Best Irish comedy, possibly ever...
mark-179-36074312 January 2017
Great original Irish comedy, sharp witty script and funny as fekk. There really isn't much more to say, its great all the way through - there's not a single bit I can fault. Acting, soundtrack, script, characters, story - completely great. The DVD case has got all these stars and accolades, and for the most part I view that kind of stuff with skepticism - but there's not a thing in the whole film that isn't hilarious, there's not a single wasted moment. Best comedy I've seen for years, look forward to more from the director and cast! It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, my Mum wouldn't like it - but if you're in the market for a bit of crude, rude, Irish slapstick toilet humour this will literally make your year, and we're only 2 weeks in to 2017!
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Dumb and Dumber meets Snatch
gemstones15 March 2017
That's not meant to be derogatory. I loved Dumb and Dumber. They were both silly and funny and had as the basis a true friendship in times of adversity. However, this film had a bit more edge and showed a bit more real life. Acting was uniformly good and the scenery was just gorgeous. I'd love to see a follow up in a few years time and hope that the two lad have not lost their zest for life, cheek or too much of their innocence. Effortlessly watchable
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A film not sure what it wants to be...
Chiefbukowski19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this is a 4/10, maybe a 5/10 film at best. I'm giving it a 2 to start to normalise the rating and to offset the traditional soft reviews from Irish critics.

If you want any semblance of realism in a film look elsewhere. This is a collection of sketches strung together in the 'paint-by-numbers-road-movie' formula. There's nothing new here at all. If anything it's a little muddled.

The acting wasn't the worst but there's nobody in the film going to be threatening the Oscars anytime soon. As I said, the script was fairly formulaic and hackneyed, as if the writer just followed a 'How-to' manual and did the bare minimum to flesh out a story. Unfortunately that story is following two clowns doing unbelievable (in the proper meaning of the word) things, and this is fine if it's just a straight up cheap spoof movie, but we're asked to care about the characters near the end, supposedly excusing their behaviour because 'they had a bad upbringing'. Nope. I couldn't give a monkey's about the characters, they're overblown caricatures. One out-of-place scene of domestic violence is not enough to justify anything. Leave it out and concentrate on the comedy, thin as it is. There are some vaguely funny jokes in there but they are thoroughly diluted with the hackneyed toilet humour.

I've seen this being compared to Adam & Paul by some lazy bloggers and journalists. It's light years away from that film in tone, story, acting, cinematography, everything really.

All in all, it's not the worst film. You'll get a couple of laughs and then forget about it fairly quickly after. On the scale of Irish comedy films going from Adam & Paul or Garage (great) to The Guard or Calvary (awful rubbish) this is somewhere near the lower end of the spectrum.
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eduderocks1823 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Young Offenders is a brilliant Irish film set in Cork. Its set in 2007 based on Irelands largest cocaine seizure. Its very funny and has a great story. Friendship is strong in this movie. It was well directed. The characters were very good. I really liked the acting. It had loads of Irish actors that I never heard of but they were really good. I hope to see some of them in other stuff. PJ Gallagher was hilarious as the drug dealer. Its also quite sad at some parts, for example the main characters background stories. The scene where Conor puts the ice pop down his pants is hilarious and the cafe scene as well. I would definitely and would recommend it for most Irish people
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southdavid4 August 2020
Having recently been turned on to the BBC3 series, I noticed that the original film version is on Netflix at the moment, so decided to go back and watch that before digging further into the show.

Two teenage friends from Cork, Conor (Alex Murphy) and Jock (Chris Walley) head to the coast on stolen bikes, following a news report about a cocaine haul that was lost at sea and is washing up on a secluded beach. Despite being more adept at petty crimes, Conor and Jock see the cocaine as a way of making their fortunes. However, their repeated bike thefts have drawn the ire of Sergeant Healy (Dominic MacHale) who tracks the boys and follows them across the country.

"The Young Offenders" is a likable and funny movie. Though always willing to make a low brow joke about bodily functions or whatever, there's a depth and a wit - particularly to this movie version, that you might not anticipate. The boys are clearly slightly older than the characters that they are portraying, but their mannerisms, and the makeup and clothing choices, do help to sell the idea. They are also pretty fearless about what they are prepared to do for a laugh.

It's a road trip movie for the most part, and the film takes full advantage of its location to make the Irish coast look lovely. I saw one of the other reviewers use Guy Ritchie's films as a guidepost for this one, and that does make sense particularly at the ending. On the face of it, the conclusion is much more extreme than anything we've seen in the relatively gentle, relatively realistic preceding moments of the film. But in order to wrap up the various strands of the story, I'm willing to forgive it for the contrivance required.

Heart, laughs and scenery - it's a wonderful film.
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Ridiculously funny
zkbnqhegc4 February 2022
The accents were difficult to follow at first, but what followed was one of the funniest films I've seen in a long time. Dark humour if that's your kind of thing.
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michal-levandowski10 February 2017
All what is the worst in Irish people was shown here. That wasn't funny at all. Young idiots who are a poor example of people with no future, no personality and no education. Great! Waste of time. Nothing is funny here, but pathetic and sad. No story line, bad screenplay, bad idea, bad example to all Irish people who will watch it and will copy this behaviour, attitude. 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West). 2/10 because they show beautiful Ireland (South/South West).
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Thoroughly Enjoyable Irish Road Trip Comedy
t-dooley-69-38691629 March 2017
Conor and Jock are best mates living in the rougher end of Cork; they dress alike, act alike and do everything together, much to the distress of Conors's mum who had him at sixteen which is a bit late in life according to the area where they live. Then a ship capsizes off the coast of Ireland and bales of cocaine worth over 440 million Euros are washing up all along the coast.

Jock decided they have to grab one of these bales and save themselves from the crushing mundanity and poverty of where they have grown up. So they nick some bikes and head off for a massive road trip, hotly followed by a bike theft obsessed Gard.

This film is based on the real life events of 2007 with Ireland's biggest ever drugs bust, but the rest is pure invention and it has to be said border line genius. The two lads are perfect foils for each other and the dialogue is gratifyingly stupid and inventive in equal abundance.

The casting is all perfect too and it is just one of those films that make films seem like a cake walk to make. It is the sort of film that you will probably need to watch more than once simply because you will miss so much from laughing – and it is great fun to boot. The visual gas are as brilliant as the spoken ones and there are enough moments of real life humanity to make the whole thing just that bit more realistic and thereby endearing – completely recommended.
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Conor and Jock's excellent adventure
Laakbaar7 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a light, fun, often satirical film that shows the idiocy of two young, lovable, semi-criminal, lower-class Cork losers as they bumble from one misadventure to the other.

The familiar tropes are the inseparable mates, the inept suffering mam, the obsessed bumbling cop, the alcoholic dad, and so on.

This well-made movie falls into the genre that includes "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", "Dumb and Dumber", "New Kids Turbo", etc. What would you call this genre though? Pretty well every Australian movie is like this. Ken Loach's movies show this kind of people as well, but his movies are much more serious.

For me, part of the attraction of the movie is the snappy Irish dialogue and way of speaking. I watched it with subtitles to catch it all. I also enjoyed seeing once again the gorgeous West Cork scenery.

Eye candy Alex Murphy is someone to keep an eye on.
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