Cyborg X (2016) Poster


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Absolute CRAP
carlodegraaff18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Premise of the movie is good, the execution/making of the movies was CRAP. It was way to predictable and full of bullshit. The idea of machines taking over the world has been done, the way people hesitate in doing the obvious is very irritating. Any intelligent person would realize that by shooting the cyborgs in the head would finish them off, but NOOOO the actors have to continuously shoot them in the torso even DANNY TREJO who mentioned to shoot the HEAD. The end is even worse when the SO called hero is STUPID enough to STOP and listen to the President even though the view knows that he is the bad guy. SO in conclusion the writers should use their brains a bit more.
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But why?...
paul_haakonsen2 May 2017
Let's just be honest with one another, we all know that with a movie such as this, then we all know that it is going to be one of those movies. You know, the low budget movies of the questionable kind. But still, we keep returning to movies such as this out of some morbid fascination with the cheesiness of them or the hopes that they might actually turn out to be watchable and entertaining.

"Cyborg X", however, didn't prove to be much of either...

Set in a dystopian future where a radical weapons manufacturer is overthrown by a virus, the movie pits man against machine. It does sound interesting enough, right? Indeed. But then you start watching the movie and it quickly turns to something quite different.

The first indicator of this being one of those infamous low budget and cheesy movies is that it has Danny Trejo as one of the leads. Sure, the man has some good enough movies to his name, but he is not really known for making impressive movies most of the time. And "Cyborg X" is just another one of those questionable movies notched to his belt.

"Cyborg X" is filled with characters that you care very little about, if you actually care at all, and that transcends into a pointlessness to the movie. And that pointlessness is further cemented as the concept idea for the storyline is just one that is not particularly believable.

Furthermore, it seems that the writer and director K. King has been watching a bit too many sci-fi movies such as "Terminator" around the time of writing the storyline for this movie, because there are so many similarities to that movie. Similarities or possibly just a matter of lack of originality and just settling on something that has been shown in countless other movies already.

For a Sci-Fi movie, then the effects in "Cyborg X" were mediocre, and here I am talking about the practical and special effects. And a Sci-Fi movie should have proper effects in order to be more convincing and believable. But while we are on the topic of effects, then the green screen effects in "Cyborg X" were so lousy and poor that they were just laughable to look at.

I was very amused with the approach the special effects team had opted to go with the look on the cyborgs in the movie. They looked like blatant knock-offs of Bane from "The Dark Knight Rises", and to make matters worse then they were growling like hunting lions. Seriously, this was the best they could muster?

The most enjoyable thing about "Cyborg X" was a scene where one of the surviving humans who were fighting against the weaponized cyborgs got his legs blown off. Now, that was not the funny part, not cool to laugh at horrific injuries. But the funny part was the scene where he was dragging/lifting himself along on the ground to battle the cyborgs; here you could clearly see the sand shift underneath him as his legs, that were obviously just dug into the sand, clearly indicating that this was a very cheap and poorly executed trick of hiding the actors legs.

I must admit that my focus often drifted away from the screen, and even so you never missed out on anything, and you were right up to speed with the movie once you returned, because nothing much of any greater significance or importance happened throughout the course of the movie.

If you enjoy Sci-Fi action movies, then do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Cyborg X".
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So bad I couldn't stop watching!
alan-hatzenbuehler6 May 2019
I will stop a movie in a heartbeat if it looks bad but this one somehow captivated me. The acting is atrocious, the storyline is terrible, and the effects are so low budget they look like they were done by a first grader. I feel like the movie could have been decent. If everything was done better. I wasted an hour and a half but I'll recommend this movie to anyone willing to watch a movie just to see if any of it might turn decent. Spoiler alert: It only gets worse.
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It's up there with the worst
meyuk26 April 2017
There is not one good thing to say about this film.

Storyline is non existent - Location is the cheapest set imaginable - Dialogue is rubbish - Acting is strained, can only shout - Choreography is unbelievably bad. Could go on but I think you get the idea.

Don't waste 90 minutes of your life watching this. Go for a walk instead.
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Working Title: The Worst Soldiers Ever!
keridan4217 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK you go into a movie like this thinking low budget action, and hoping for some mindless violent fun. You get the mindless part as for fun? good luck.

A bunch of supposed soldiers, while supposedly trying to avoid a cyborg army with a vast number of drones, make camp and stand in the open, randomly fire off their limited ammo, light up the camp at night,

Even after telling another character 'If you want to kill them, aim for the head' Danny and the rest of the 'soldiers' unload thousands of rounds into the bodies of the cyborgs (note these are not terminator-like metal bodies with a flesh shell but human bodies that are supposed to be holding up to all of that lead in them) Repeatedly during crucial moments when they could be escaping, fighting or heck even winning the battle they pause to stare around at each other so that the cyborgs can kill them.

The best soldier of the bunch isn't even one of the soldiers its a freaking tech wizard, who just happened to be super buff, able to fight, and a great shot.

I can't think of a movie of a similar style to this one that I liked less.
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bad terminator clone
quasar-089092 November 2016
right from the start, you know this is going to be a terminator ripoff, and not a good one either.all the machines facilities resemble disused warehouses, and their so called sophisticated network is stored on computers that make the zx spectrum look high tech

as usual, you have the barechested guy with pecs and abs for the ladies and big breasted women who can't act for the guys, plus Danny Trejo thrown in for good measure, although he gets about 20 lines tops in the entire movie

the cyborgs look just like generic body builders, but with Bane type masks and Borg like weapons on their arms

not a bad movie overall, but not an especially good one either
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If you like girls with big bazookas this will be right up your street!
omendata17 May 2016
A nice Resident Evil'esque beginning with an equally Mila Jovovich sounding female started well but soon fell into pregnant pauses and arty slow-mo pouting Angelina Jolie style with Lips quivering from the off did not bode well for this Scifi flick!

Some eye candy for the guys in the form of two ladies with zero acting ability but made up for it in ample proportions with some extra large bazookas and the usual bare chested six packed hunk who to be honest wasn't that bad an actor and of course Danny Trejo thrown in for good measure and box office poster cudos!

The script - oh boy its bad, real corny bad , there are just some lines that made me shake my head; "Men drinking their own p**s , do you want to drink your own p**s and eat your own s**t" - those lines have to be heard to be believed. I hid under the couch it was that bad!

The story , well its a bit of a Terminator clone (Its a case of spot the similarities) but of the Scifi channel level of movie making and instead of steel robots you get Golds Gym muscle guys with a cape and Bane mask to hide their ugly fizzogs and a nice BFG melded onto their arm where the hand should be and the cheap (Mad Max Style) dune buggies as used in many a low budgeter to transport the cast around the desert!

There are some real technical howlers; like the "Oblivion'esque" flying drones who can identify human DNA from 1000 metres with an optical sensor - cmon guys , if you are going to make a scifi movie then at least use a little common sense and the computer screens and displays look like they were either done on the directors ZX-Spectrum or BBC Micro.The one thing the movie does exceptionally well are the gore effects - i wont spoil it but there are some really rather innovative and disgusting moments (you have been warned!).

All in all if you like low budget Scifi channel straight to video malarky (or big bazookas and six packs) this might pass the evening but don't expect Terminator style effects or a great script but it has its funny moments and of course the big bazookas, lots of grunts , screams and unnecessary swearing as usual, some old style space effects that don't look CGI but the old way of doing effects with models (which i like) and Danny Trejo really needs to invest in a new pair of false teeth or at least a smokers toothbrush!

I would have given it 4 but I am giving it 5 for the big bazookas, Danny Trejo, some really rather excellent gore effects and the computer geek who was not bad!
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Rubbish in everything
marsoo5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If there is rating below than 1 I will give it .. really the whole movie doesn't make any sense, scenario, cinematographic, graphics and sound effects all u feel like made by child or at 80s.

how can u imagine that u can stop a big war by pressing simple button?! not even protected with 1 guard nearby while there is millions of them! or u shot a machine (semi human) with flesh with hundreds of bullets and no 1 scratch?

don't waste your time & money
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allapolonais6 April 2019
Only two good things there is in this outburst: secondary sex characteristics of female lead and athletic shirtless figure of male lead. But even this frivolous, yet evanescent values gets annulled by everyone's, including hers, constant wailings and his unbelievably stupid behavior. Trashy trash, don't waste your time.
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Saw Danny Trejo thought worth a look
djg3251419 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK some OK cgi but some of the worst acting and casting I have seen in a while. Especially all the females. Absolutely terrible. Sadly Mr. Trejo had a fairly minor role.

Typical apocalypse story with a few misfit soldiers lead by a really bizarre colonel portrayed by another terrible actor. Mankind destroyed by an AI gone amok - people really wearing out this storyline. The AI uses cyborg technology to convert some humans to slave soldiers, think Star Trek Borg. Answer to destroy controlling AI- think Terminator. Result not so good.

Female soldiers wearing pushup bras and tight tee shirts with the acting skills of a rock really helps. Sarcasm there folks. Don't waste your time. I can appreciate Trejo collecting a paycheck but that is all I think this movie was for him.
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I believe this is the worst movie I have ever seen
walleye-425375 March 2018
Worst acting, storyline, writing, dialogue I have seen in years. They drag things out to make it thrilling. All they succeeded in doing is making it annoying. Don't waste your time. Whoever was involved with this movie should quit the business and start practicing saying, "Would you like Fries with that?"

This movie is really that bad.
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Geeez, ENOUGH ya Couch Critics!
HarrySmooth20 June 2022
Man I absolutely LOATHE people that can't enjoy a decent movie, for fear of actually LIKING IT!

This is a "B" Movie Morons!!!

No Money, no Deep Pockets, but at least they're getting out there and TRYING! This was a really Decent Flick that I thoroughly Enjoyed! WHY you ask?

Because I ALLOWED myself to enjoy it, instead of sitting thru the entire movie TRYING to find Fault and pick it to Pieces, then come here and ATTEMPT to "Impress" us all with their MORONIC HYPERBOLE!!!

Really guys, get OVER yourselves! And everyone else, please, give this flick a chance! Im SURE you'll like it if you just LET yourself!

It's GOOD! Actors did a Great job, cool looking Borgs! Neat movie!

Later on Couch Critics! You KNOW who you are! And I'm actually embarrassed FOR you! LOL....
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came inspecting Nothing, left kinda impressed
vaelyn-222 May 2016
i came in expecting an atrociously bad movie .. not sure why but i have been burned before.. but hey, its got Danny Trejo in it so i took a leap of faith.

Very limited CGI, which i could expect for movie with this budget, but the costume/prosthetics were not bad, sound was decent, and it was pretty well shot.

Limited story, Danny said his usual 20 words, and some wooden acting hurt it of course, but as far as by-the-books Cyborg Action movies go i found it entertaining. Don't know if i would watch it twice, but i would like to see the director get a bigger budget. Lead male actor was pretty decent too .. Lead female actor was OK but nothing to write home about.

Good use of scenery too for the limited locations they used.

All in all worth a watch, at least once.
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The lucky ones were already dead
nogodnomasters11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Cyborgs and drones take over planet. One year later small group of humans confront small group of Cyborgs. A full explanation minus the silly plot twist comes about 13 minutes into the film.

How much you like the film depends on how you view it. As a serious sci-fi action film it left much to be desired. As a million dollar campy production, it fairs better non-sober.

The production has a lot of shooting and blood splatter, including one of the best head blown off brain splatter scenes I have seen. The film includes some silly swagger. Generic plot spoilers: Cyborgs have lots of skin showing and can die if shot, but seldom due until the director is ready for them to die. Two people (one Cyborg) shooting at each other with machine guns twenty feet apart and no one gets hit. If you tell someone to take head shots, I would expect that person to do so also. If your body is severed at the torso, you don't have conscienceless, let alone the strength to pull yourself across the ground. The blood has drained out. Guns, swords, and electric circular saws for arms.

Danny Trejo plays "Captain Machine Gun" a cartoonish character who has brightly bleached straight teeth so he can spout off tough guy lines: "If we die we die as one." The women with the best cleavage die first, leaving us with miss "Perky..." (Eve Mauro) Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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Excellent if 1992 is your thing.
amesmonde24 February 2021
In a post-apocalyptic future humanity war against an army of cyber virus infected hybrid man-machines created by X-Corp.

Director Kevin King offers a low-budget exploitation flick which appeals especially those who enjoy women wielding weapons and ripped men without tops.

To King's credit many of the gore and special effects are pretty good. Rocky Myers and Eve Mauro are notable. Danny Trejo is his usually staple self in the short amount of screen time.

Cyborg X combines existing themes and tropes from sci-fi film history and pop culture. If it was 1992 this would have been a sure fire straight to video hit, the problem is that the Cyborg, Terminator and Mad Max cash-in has been worn tire thin.

King 's creative eye is evident and he manages to pull together a consistent film for the budget with the help of Myers performance.

Overall, don't expect Terminator or even Cyborg, think slicker Nemesis or APEX or more recently Battle of the Damned and you won't be disappointed.
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Killing off good character made me like the movie even less
jordondave-280858 April 2023

Written and directed by K. King that has Eve Mauro as Lieutenant Spears, along with a small group of survivors of a small colony, surviving a deserted apocalypse attempting to defeat cyborgs who succeeded in wiping out much of humanity. They attempt in doing this is by finding and then locating one of the cyborgs original creators by the name of Jack Kilmore played by Rocky Myers. Danny Trejo also stars as Captain Machine Gun.

As soon as the movie continue to kills off characters I care about, then I'll perhaps begin to like the movie even much mess. It's one predictable mess.
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Surprisingly enjoyable low budget sci-fi action.
paulclaassen4 June 2018
I was pleasantly surprised (and impressed) with what they've accomplished on such a low budget. This Terminator vs Resident Evil-ish sci-fi action adventure is quite exciting. The visual effects were remarkably good and the music was really awesome. The characters and dialogue is very cliched and stereotypical, though. Also, why do they act all military style if they're only 11 survivors having to stand together? This is survival, right, and not a military operation? Given their situation, why should there be someone giving orders, and why would they even follow orders? Its fine to appoint a leader, but this goes beyond that. Even their speech is military, which is taking it a bit too far. I found Danny Trejo's character under developed. He was good in his role and I would have preferred to see more from this character. It was nice to see Jake Stormoen and Adam Johnson from 'Mythica' fame together in a film again. (In fact, four actors from the Mythica films reunite for this film). Rocky Myers makes a very likable hero.

If you're just looking for a fast-paced film with some really good action scenes, this is the perfect choice. The sound effects are very good. The muscle studs were a wonderful sight. The action was bad-ass entertainment, and the film even had some suspense thrown in the mix, as well. I actually really enjoyed this.
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Pretty rubbish!!! I only watched it for the Awesome Danny Trejo anyway
lukem-5276025 June 2021
Cyborg X is a silly & extremely cheap flick & that doesn't make it a bad film because i love lots of these types of low-budget B-movies but the cast is absolutely horrendous lol like a cast for a porno flick!!!

The leads here are ripped-up guys who have zero personality & can't act at all.

The cheap fx are as expected & the Cyborg killer thing is fine for this type of movie but it's ruined by that stupid cast of wooden muscled men.

I only checked this out for the Awesome DANNY TREJO anyway.

Danny Trejo is a character actor that i always enjoy seeing pop up in movies but even if he is good, as he is here, he usually is in only a small role & gets killed off quickly. I've been tricked many times by getting films because Danny Trejo is featured on the front cover like he's the main star & to find he's only a bit-part & them I'm gutted. Trejo is Cool here in "Cyborg X" but he's not around long enough to make much of an impact.

Just a poor flick.
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I usually like Arrowstorm movies, but this was just bad.
siderite4 July 2020
Arrowstorm movies feel fun most of the time. People seem to enjoy doing them or at least care how they turn out. This one is not like that. They used Danny Trejo as cast-bait, with a character that does nothing and says random stuff, the story was written by a 5 year old with developmental problems, the acting was phoned in, even by cast members from Mythica and Outpost who I know can do better and the script... oh, the script. I can't imagine the person who would write that and feel they have a reason to live. It was so bad that it was almost funny, but took itself too seriously even for that. So no drunken fun material either.

For some reason, it seems that the sci-fi Arrowstorm productions are an order of magnitude worse than the fantasy ones. I have no idea why and it shouldn't be like this. And films like Cyborg X should never even see the light of day.
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Good and normal
M4ketech15 February 2017
Some scenes are little B-movie styled. Movie is good way to get rid of time. Cyborg = bodybuilder covered with blood. And blood everywhere. Dark places to film, and i waited some high tech center, but no, just old warehouses.

Yeah, Water, Blood, half naked ladies, bouncing breasts and big weapons (sometimes).

If you have time and nothing to do, why not.
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