Overfed & Undernourished (2014) Poster

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Important but a bit extreme
blumdeluxe2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Overfed & Undernourished" is an Australian documentary about the negative impact of bad eating habits on our lives and our health. It centers around Liam, a young obese boy, who tries to lose weight and become healthier by changing his diet and his lifestyle in general. On his way, he is supported by his aunt and uncke and several people who try to make people more sensitive for this topic.

I absolutely believe that there's a lot of truth in this film. A lot of the things we wat today is crap and with some easy changes we could all make a step towards a more healthy and appropriate life. Unlike some of he other reviewers, I do believe that Liam needed help on his way and it is naive to think that such a change of habits could take place without any conflicts. However, at several points people in this documentary exeggerate their quest to a point that is simply no longer based on scientific facts. Not every health issue is linked to nutrition, that's just nonsense and you really don't have to be perfect to lead a more or less healthy life. If you eat a burger or drink a can of soda it won't kill you, if you regularly base your diet on those things is where the problem starts. At the end of the day a part of health is also satisfaction and while some people find it in a very healthy lifestyle that doesn't include any processed food, others might not and as long as they take care of themselves that should be their choice as well.

All in all the documentary raises some very important questions and reflects on how careless we risk our health through obesity and bad food. Unfortunately, many people included seem to be more on a mission than interested in a neutral look on the topic and at some points that can be quite disturbing.
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good luck liam
jinxechomagik29 March 2021
Well i agree that the world has way too much processed garbage food i dont agree with doing this to an 11yr old let the kid go through puberty an hit his growth spurt most kids grow out of their chubbiness then liam is only 80kg not 180kg let this kid be a kid a little longer before you traumatize him with body issues an lack of self esteem for all you know he coulda grow out of it.i know his family cares alot an is scared losing the mother so young but wait to do something like this when the child is 16 or older.at this age just try an expose them to as many healthy eating options as you can without the your fat an gonna die lecture an get out an do more family activities.
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Good and important message lost in preaching
moniperuffo21 April 2021
Liam is a child with weight problems coupled by the sudden loss of his mom. The movie only superficially explores Liam's feelings and personality, his reasons for overeating, while goes over and over on preaching the evil of modern alimentation, the benefits of eating natural and the righteousness of the couple of uncles pushing Liam to get fit. While Liam's father several times bring up the problem of the convenience of price and time in the "wrong food", specially as a single dad with 4 kids, the movie never explores his needs, trying to find a solution and a balance between the needs to eat and live healthy and the actual life. While the message is good and important, it get somehow lost in the preaching smug righteousness of the messenger. Such a pity!
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You can change your life by changing your own habits... priceless
101-John21 November 2022
Congratulations Liam!

I've read some of the reviews here and disagree. This is an important message for a lost society. The rate of obesity is climbing as more and more families don't have the time for family sit-down dinners.

First, there is no denying that what you bring into your house is what your children will eat. In Liam's case it's not necessarily his choice what his father brings into the house. This film is obviously directed at parents.

Second, a low-income single parent CAN find it extremely difficult to find time and money to manage healthy meals. In this case packaged foods loaded with preservatives are the solution (no market is neglected these days regardless of the health outcome for the consumer). It's up to us to choose wisely. Good or bad, it is what it is.

Third, changing poor habits can be extremely difficult and requires will power and potentially some discomfort. If this is what other's are balking at, well, we just have different world views. Good habits are built by repetition, practice and conviction. Believing in the long term benefits of your transformation is paramount

Fourth, medical doctor or not there is no doubt that a healthy diet is better than an unhealthy one. It's fairly easy to find information on what a healthy diet is, and this movie doesn't mislead in that regard.

The case is made for prioritizing healthy foods.

The case is made for prioritizing exercise over a sedentary lifestyle.

The case is made for physical and emotional well being at a healthy weight.

Liam should be proud of what he accomplished while recognizing that his family did their level best to help him get there. They showed him the path but he had to go down it.

Understanding that there can be challenges and discomfort in life at 11... no big deal. Learning that you can change your life by changing your own habits... priceless.
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Good intention, bad execution
elvegaa27 February 2019
While there's a good intention of awareness behind this documentary, there's a tremendous lack of rigour and scientific facts. It's like to hear someone talking about the topic from someone who only has been informed by internet blogs, facebook facts, and a little of self-thinking nonsense.

In no more than 10 minutes a guy called "Don Tolman" credited as a "Wholefood Expert" (yeah...) says some invent nonsense like "The prefix 'nut-' in 'nutrition' comes from the Latin 'nux' (?) which means 'light' (??). 'Nutrition' means 'process of light' (??!!)" You don't need to study latin to know that light in latin is Lux. Ok. But also how the hell do you correlate light with nutrition? What kind of idiot is the target of this sentence?

Also many facts in this documentary are based on poor statements like "Would you feed your kids with Propylene glycol, which is used as antifreeze? No, of course not! However, well, big surprise! is used in most ice creams!! Yeah!! Ice cream is very bad!!" (while propylene glycol, which is used as an edible antifreeze for food not for engines, is considered safe to ingest.. Way more than the sugar in the same icecream.)

Don't waste your time watching this.
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Great documentary creating awareness
reneab321 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the 2 low rated reviews here. This is a great little documentary giving us a peek into the lives of one family trying to support a young man suffering from obesity. Liam weighs 80kg and he himself is aware that if he doesn't make changes he will die at a young age. His uncle - a health professional, and his aunt, agree to take Liam into their home and guide him through a very tough period. Educating him on healthy eating and regular exercise. The movie also shows that your emotional wellbeing very much plays a part in your overall health. Liam works his arse off.... there are hiccups along the way which anyone trying to change their way of life can relate to. The review claiming his Uncle and Aunt are cruel must have been watching a different movie! They told him he IS awesome and that he just needed to believe in himself... this was at a time when he was tired and hating himself, his Aunt knew he had more to give. Hello?? Anyone done a PT session? Some people need a push! I think they are amazing people to care so much about him that they turned their own lives upside down to help Liam. I can't imagine how incredibly grateful Liam must be. I think he's incredibly brave and should be so proud of himself. Eye opening and moving.
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This film shows how not to do it.
rebecca-woods877 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with many of the reviews already. This documentary has good intentions but fails when it comes to science. Child obesity is a very important issue, but unfortunately, it's clear that the child in this documentary will receive no benefit from the experience. His aunt and uncle who try to help, though clearly nice people, are at the same time self righteous zealots. They personally follow a plant based diet, and what they don't seem to understand is that that is an emotional choice for them, not the only way to eat for optimum health. Liam, who clearly doesn't have the same values as them, is forced to go along with it, constantly being told that it's the only way he can be healthy. I'll never forget the scene when Liam goes to a school picnic and has a few treats, then is sat down by his aunt who acts like he's the most disappointing kid on the planet! His exercise sessions too are more suited to adults in training than to a 12 year old. We see clips of him being drilled like he's in the army and you wonder why 1) they think that would help a child of that age and 2) why didn't they get a group together for a football game? Tennis? Cricket? Nope. Throughout the whole 3 months he is with them, every waking moment he has is about his weight. HE'S A KID! And after all that, the transformation isn't really that impressive. He's a bit slimmer and a bit fitter, but my opinion is that he won't see it as worth it and will go straight back to his old ways as soon as he can.
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I cannot believe these people...
wvmafia1 March 2017
...under the guise of making Liam "healthy" were absolutely brutal to this kid.

The "Aunt & Uncle" in this documentary are absolutely horrible human beings. They told him if he ran fast he could be "awesome". What does that tell him? You aren't awesome.

I CANNOT BELIEVE these self-righteous people would treat ANYONE that way, let alone treating a family member that way. I'm absolutely speechless the mental/emotional damage that Liam's family did during this documentary. I'm sure that we didn't see the worst of it.

Why don't these people tell stories about people like Bob Harper. Bob is/was the "trainer" on the NBC show The Biggest Loser who recently had a heart attack. Stop telling these kids that without eating "perfectly" and without "working out/exercising" you are worthless. When asked if he wanted to adhere to the rules on what he called "Veggie Island" that he could go home. His Aunt and Uncle want him to be what he isn't or they don't want him.

Pieces of s* * t!!! You should be ashamed of yourself. You aren't "role models", you are self righteous tyrants.

Good luck Liam. I'm afraid these "adults" in your life, who are supposed to be doing good things for you have done irreversible damage to you. I hope you don't end up in prison or a mental institution, but I'm afraid the die has been cast for your life. When you are old enough to decide where you go or who you associate with, realize that the two adults that were in this documentary DO NOT have your best interest in mind. They have a ridiculous mental image of the perfect little robot and you don't want that and don't deserve that.

Again Liam, best of luck!
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Appalling content from start to finish - avoid at all costs
natbesh2 June 2020
This delightful comedy... oh wait...

When the main person calls themselves a doctor, but has no formal medical training or qualifications (PhD) - you know you're not in for much quality in the content. (In Australia 'Doctor' is not a protected term, so anyone can call themselves a doctor). The actual documentary composition & execution was well done, lots of emotion, a well constructed story etc, however the content made it unbearable from start to finish. As others have noted, the child isnt the focus of the film, its about promoting quackery & outdated ideas from centuries ago that pre-date germ theory. There's no science or information in here at all that is helpful. The child is basically used (exploited?) as a way for people to get their heads on camera to push their ideals, and promote themselves & their way of life. Its sad to see vulnerable people sitting in some sort of class/lecture being preyed upon by these people taking their money & offering nothing in return.

I could sit here and tear apart all the non-sense that's stated, other reviews have some lovely snippets, but its not worth any time.

If you actually want information on health & obesity - Satchin Panda & Michael Mosely would be 2 of the best sources on the planet.
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Promising but sadly unrealistic.
lillightjc-8550014 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful to see the love and effort put in by Liam's Aunty and Uncle and fantastic to see the great improvement in Liam's health and terrific weight loss. However, how many obese kids can be given all that assistance, emotionally and financially? Will Liam really be able to maintain his weight loss and that level of health once back home? He has an extremely caring and loving dad, who's trying the best he can without the support of a wife, especially a stay-at-home wife who would have the time to prepare all that healthy food. He would also need a much higher income to be able to provide all those expensive healthy activities and that highly nutritious food. Now we need a follow up documentary of how to accomplish and MAINTAIN that weight and standard of health in the more realistic world! Really this movie will only depress all those who do not have those rare advantages.
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generally gross
stadelmaaxi25 October 2021
As someone who struggles with their eating habits and body image, this film is downright disgusting. Media like this is what gives people eating disorders. They mention that the kid stopped eating at one point, throwing out all of his food; this isn't about a health journey, it's about becoming skinny. I could go on and on, i am appalled.
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