Alaskan Bush People (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

(2014– )

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One Stupid Disaster After Another
marldurn15 February 2017
It's hard to enjoy the sensible, good things the Browns accomplish because they are constantly doing so much more destructive, stupid, ignorant stuff that people just don't normally do while living/surviving in the wild with the bare necessities. For me, all the ignorance overrides the good stuff. I can't begin to express the letdown, so I usually just shake my head & change the channel to get my head back together. This makes their show just a big joke most of the time. The show raises the question of how much is real & how much is played up due to all the misfortune that occurs, especially since they are supposed to be living in an environment that is so harsh & has so many obstacles on a constant basis. This repetitive break & fix lifestyle just doesn't fit any way of life & especially the Alaskan way of life. If it does, then these people need to find another way more suitable for their mentality. I watch all the other Alaskan shows & this show looks like a "Three Stooges" version as compared to others! Maybe that's what they strive for, who knows! I am an older person that grew up on a farm doing farm work by hand & with horses so I am quite familiar with basic means of survival & I am quite proud of it. Success was based on doing things correctly the first time for numerous reasons & we did not constantly fix stupid/drastic mistakes or take so lightly of them if something did go wrong. Granted, this was West Virginia & not in Alaska, but it was still rugged & offered a lot of lessons to be learned about life. I've probably seen every episode of the Browns so I'm not just basing my statements on lack of info. Enough said I guess. I felt as if I had to vent.
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Biggest train wreck on tv/Schadenfreude
ingridg-221491 August 2021
This show, while it may be staged, is uber cringey and horrifyingly entertaining; much like a train wreck.

They leave all of their idiotic, uninformed, asinign decisions/choices up to "The Good Lord" and take absolutely no personal responsibility (because the "Good Lord will take care of us") Then they make up ridiculous excuses for every single thing that fails (ie: everything.) They seem to be immune to learning from their mistakes which they make over and over again, often in the exact same way) yet they have gigantic egos and would die before they'd admit they were wrong.

At every opportunity the parents proclaim that they live this way in order to be free yet they've created an unhealthy codependent demi-cult out of their kids who have absolutely zero freedom. Can you say Stockholm Syndrome?

None of them have the ability to survive in the real world or to live independently- isn't that the antithesis of freedom?

Adults playing with dolls? A grown man acting like a hyperactive four-year-old? Declaring that you are the modern-day Leonardo Da Vinci?

Billy and Ami are so excited to finally have grandchildren. They must have forgotten that they already had two grand daughters from Twila, the daughter Billy abandoned before marrying Ami. Billy was supremely selfish in all that he did while consistently claiming it was all for the family. He groomed under-aged Ami for brainwashing and raised their children the same way.

To be fair, never once do they claim to be year-round "bush people" so I don't have a problem with that as some do. Another plus is they produced some of the best quotes I've heard on any tv show: Mr. Cupcake, get out of my teepee! (But don't even get me started on how horribly trained that dog is.) And: (Bear) I don't mind leaving all my weapons because I AM a weapon! (Gabe responds) No, you're more of a tool.

Yeah, Gabe. Astute as always. (Look it up.) Oh, and great drinking game potential: drink every time Bear days Extreme, or every time Billy says I really am, or every time Bam is negative or every time someone says the good lord or every time their hair-brained psudo-plans go off the rails or every time they mispronounce a basic word or use a long, drawn out nasal Uhhhh as a sentence filler. (Warning: the above suggestions will definitely result in alcohol poisoning.) PLEASE BIRD- GET THEE TO A DENTIST! If Gabe deserves braces, so do you. Your parents both have full dentures but there's still hope for you.

After seeing how socially incompetent they are, I also understand if some of it was staged with the "townies." Normal people would need to be forewarned about these people so they wouldn't just run away upon meeting those boys.

Ugh, the wives. They are just overbearing enough to make the boys feel like they're marrying their mother (or their sister,) but whatever. You do you.

I've wondered how they'd do on an actual survival show such as Alone (Jordan rules.) I doubt any of them would make it a single day. It would be more interesting, maybe, to see them try to live in the real world but without the "wolfpack." I think the youngest daughter, Rain, is the only one with any potential.

If any of them escape to live a truly free life it's going to require years of therapy. Shame on Billy and Ami and shame on Discovery. Exploit idiots much?
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Like watching a train wreck
bbbaldie17 February 2015
ROTFLMAO! This show is actually campily entertaining. Yeah, probably the fakest thing in reality TV, even nudging aside Hardcore Pawn and Amish Mafia, but the fact that the old man is currently staring at some serious hard time along with the adult sons makes this must-see TV! I can't wait to see how the fraud charges are portrayed, probably a plot by some neighbors who resent the helicopters.

Only thing is that Discovery was once known for quality. Sad. TLC was once known as The Learning Channel, too.

Here's hoping that Nat Geo doesn't turn into trash-TV too. We need some of these networks to keep churning out actual quality, no matter how much fun these fake-fests are.
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Feeling used sort of
cannonm-875959 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Watched quite a few episodes and half enjoyed them and quickly thereafter too many things made no sense at all. Main thing was that with a seemingly successful show and the big checks that come quickly why are they having to do so many ignorant things to survive. The clothes all the sudden looked wrong for the part and always some disaster every show. It became fast obvious it is like so many other contrived TV or Hollywood nonsense shows. Reality right..more like unreality and silly crap. I quit watching it none too soon. I refuse to even watch one more episode. It is just another I have added to my list of do not watch the horrible mess shows.
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Reality TV for saps
ginalock5 September 2018
Phony show written about ficticious family living off the land in Alaska. It took me two years to convince a friend that this show was totally scripted. This family has not owned land in Alaska and when not filming live in the lower 48. This got them in trouble with the State of Alaska when it was determined they took advantage of a state program that is only available to full time residents. Crooks they are.
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Such a Fun Show!!
dovecalls14 September 2014
I was born in Ak and I love this show! Are they fake? I don't think so. And do a lot of people live that way? YES! Once you leave the towns and cities, Half the people are off grid. There are a lot of bush people in Ak! (and more then half are crazy! and will shoot you if you step on their land) I personally do not live like that but I know some that do and my grandpa did. Yes you can shave every day in the bush. The eye docs. have a drawer that has free glasses in them. We also have the PFDs that every Alaskan gets, so buying 5gs of lumber is possible since we get PFDs in the begging of Oct. and it usually starts snowing by the end of Oct. so the time line of suddenly having money is right on, even for new clothes or eye glasses( thats when I buy clothes and stuff for my family). the towns folks helping them build the cabin, Totally believable! Im from a small community and when our house burnt down, well more like WHILE our house was still burning we already had the entire town helping us. Im sure they do have licenses to hunt, (even on state land) since you can get a license for that and much more, besides 90% of Alaskans have fishing and hunting licenses anyway and the law is different for the people who survive on wild game. When you get out in the small communities survival is first and foremost (bartering food is between the two)besides the local customs do not always get pressed under the law. There is a line of flexibility with (some) things in the smaller communities. As for their speech? Honestly I think they taught themselves to talk. If the older one had a speech impediment, then its not unbelievable to have the younger ones pick that up. One of the brown boys wears a leather coat. That too believable. You get acclimated to the temp. I have a friend that has stood outside when it was 30- below talking with someone. I eventually had to go to the car freezing!! while she stayed out there for another 15-20 min. like it was nothing. I don't know how but there are some Alaskans that can handle it and love it. (and we call them snowbirds) I think the browns are for real, but I think the producers could possibly do a little better at editing the show. However it is still fun to watch and I hope to see them back on soon.
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i like it
towdeanna616 April 2015
I cannot believe that people think that the brown's are not related. all the boys resemble each other and snowbird looks EXACTLY like her mother when she was younger, i.e the older picture when Billy's hair is still brown. Ami's genes are all over those children. Now, as far as how fake it is, ALL reality is BS, and yet we idiots keep on watching, so if you don't approve of this show, DON'T WATCH IT!!! the discovery channel has been lying to it's viewers for years. It's not Nat Geo. Sorry. This show is still not near as bad as the Amish Mafia!! What I like is how kind the family is and how they care about each other. Matt is a little irritating, a little HD. and Bam, although grumpy is usually right! His father and brothers rush through and it becomes a sh** sandwich. But that's family life!!
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Completely FAKE!
nickystikk1 January 2015
I was HONESTLY born and raised in Ketchikan Alaska. One afternoon I was in a local bar having a beverage with friends and this guy comes running into the bar, looks around and says ,"YOU!" He runs over and asks if my friend wanted to be on reality TV show. laughing, my friends and i all thought it would be funny if she did! so we walked across the street to a little store they had roped off the streets to, with PLEASE BE QUIET FILIMG IN PROGRESS signs on the window. The producer told me it was a new reality show they were making (unnamed at the time) and told her she was girl #2 and to walk into the store and what the guy (noah) would say to her, hit on her and to reject him and walk out of the store. Whole thing was set up and loosely scripted! with different takes and all! Later that year we saw the show on TV and WERE SO RELIEVED that they didn't use the scene she was in because it is such a ridiculous embarrassing show. All i have heard about these people from friends in Ketchikan is that a few of the older boys do hard drugs, they trash all rooms, lots, and property they squat in/on with trash and filth. AND to top it all off they are all in deep trouble right now for not being real alaskan citizens or living here and getting our perm fund dividend money for YEARS!!! This is something us alaskans do NOT take lightly. seems they started believing their own lies and thought their tales for TV were reality! WELL WE SAY lock this slime ball Billy up and make an example out of these fake idiots! How in the hell can a man be so self righteous and proud of his family when all he does is let them down and teach them to make bad decisions and to be happy with failure! I hope that part of the show is just as fake as the rest. Go ahead and watch this show if you want to learn the exact opposite of what to do to survive in the wilderness.
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Fun and unusual!!! Who cares what is rehearsed! It's entertainment!!!
the-sports-guy-cw7 February 2015
I'm not sure how much of the Brown Family story I believe. I can't imagine how the spend their off-camera hours. I believe that "Bear" can climb trees and catch fish with his hands. I believe that Noah is strong as an ox. I believe Birdie can actually shot as well as any of the men. I believe that Rainy is a cute little girl with a great personality.

I'm sure that it's hard to capture everyday life, and make it fun and exciting. That obviously call for a little scripting. So WHAT??? I enjoy watching them act like nuts! If it's all fake, then it's no worse than The Three Stooges or Little Rascals. BUT, if most of it is even close to fact based, it is so much more!!! Either way, don't blast me for watching because I enjoy it almost as much as any program currently airing on way too many channels that offer NOTHING!!! I'd like to visit Brown Town someday!!!

Chuck Welch 65 year old US Army Veteran
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Very entertaining and interesting to watch. Love the way the family interacts, and the way they find innovative solutions to their challenges.
myppl9 June 2015
This show is very entertaining, if you don't take it too seriously. In the latest episode, did you catch the shot of the light bulb on the ceiling of the tire house? If you blinked, you missed it. So, where did the electricity come from? It would be interesting to see them have power from solar panels and/or a generator so they really could have electricity in the big house. What do they do for fresh water? People living off the grid can dig a well and pump water.

The kids are all cute, but I don't like to see them bickering. It would be a mistake to let this show descend to the level of the "mean T-V" reality shows. There's enough of that in everyday life. When we sit down to the T-V at the end of the day, we want to be entertained, not see more of what has already stressed us out.

I like the way the parents are very loving and respectful of each other, no matter what they have been through. I do enjoy this show, even if it's obvious that it's staged. How else would you get anything interesting to see? I hope the family is making good money from this and that they take care of their health.
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One of the most fake shows on TV
bushape-6878215 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to believe in this show when it first came out. The premise of the show sounded good until you watch it and find out they don't live up to the premise of the show. Sadly I have watched every episode, not as a fan but as a critic. I follow a few groups about the show, several of the local people give their honest opinion and knowledge of the Brown's. In the groups you get to see pictures of them filming months before it comes out on TV. You also get to hear about all of the fake things that go on. And just because I know the show is 100% scripted doesn't make me a hater as a lot of people like to say, I am just stating the truth as seen by locals and a lot of peoples knowledge. The show is geared towards urban people that dream about living in Alaska. Obviously the people that believe in the show have absolutely no knowledge of outdoor life or survival. Truthfully ask yourself what would you have to do to survive in the bush and are the Brown's doing that? Anybody that says they are doesn't have a clue. Where is the firewood? the food?

Here are some fun truthful facts: Browntown is only a prop for filming. The house was built by a contractor. No one lives at Browntown. The Brown's spend their nights in Hoonah while filming. The island only has brown bears (in one scene it showed Matt chasing a black bear). They didn't shoot the deer, they don't qualify for hunting licenses. The property belongs to a relative of the mayor of Hoonah. Bear is 4'11" tall, Matt is 5'2" and the tallest is Gabe at 5'5". There are five communities on the same island, Hoonah is the largest. They have been around computers most of their lives. Birdy has a fake tooth she puts in after filming.

Here is the facts on their arrests: They got caught trying to defraud the state of Alaska out of over $21,000. They couldn't leave the state over 90 days at a time and still qualify. During the time period they were in the lower 48 for most of the time and the state had proof. They were all charges except for Matt and Rain. Matt didn't file and Rain was too young. Bam being the next oldest boy and he is the one that filed the paperwork had to serve with Billy. They plea bargained so only Bam and Billy had to do house arrest. They served their house arrest with ankle bracelets from April 13th to May 12th, 2016 at a posh hotel in Juneau. They had cable TV and room service for 30 days and yes the whole family stayed with them, they were never separated. They have 40 hours of community service to do also, the judge said that cannot be filmed. The show promotes an entirely different story of lies and deceit. This isn't the first time they got into trouble with the state of Alaska. In the 90's Ami and Billy got caught defrauding the state trying to get welfare money. They had to pay it back by the state taking money from their PFD checks. Matt got a DUI for hitting a car at 2 am in a Wal-mart parking lot. People are going to say what they want about my review, but it is the truth and there is so much more.

Odd balls: If they grew up on the water how come they didn't know how to sex a crab? Or drive a boat? Tie a knot? Billy says they spent 30 years on the water and 30 years living off of the land. Which is it? How come their garden was so small for 9 people? How come you don't see jars of canned food? Why don't they show family life in the house if the are supposed to live in there? Why cut the steps off when a bear could just climb up there anyway? How come we never see Billy have a "seizure"? How did he shoot the deer with the scope covers on? It's illegal to hunt grouse in the spring time, why did they show them doing that? Why doesn't NoDuh actually invent something instead of 7th grade science projects? Why did they hire an actress to pretend to date No-Duh? Why do they leave a giant mess every where they live?

A few opinions: I really can't stand NoDuh, he has an ego that is hard to beat. To compare himself to Tesla or Einstein just blew me away. How arrogant can you get? He has yet to invent anything. I mean any 12 year old could do anything that he has done. His weld job was like a 1st graders.

Why haven't the parents taught these kids to be independent? Isn't that the goal as a parent? They have really done the kids a grave injustice. Look at NoDuh, he can barely write his name. None of them have the skills it takes in life. I guess being home schooled by a 9th grade drop out really has it's perks. I would like to see the guys on "Alone", they wouldn't last 3 days and that is being generous. They have no survival skills.

Say what you want and believe what you want. I hope I opened your eyes enough to at least question this show. It has no future. I could of wrote forever and I probably overlooked a lot of stuff because the show is 100% scripted, the only thing real is that they are a family. I can back up everything I have stated too. The groups I belong to have all of the legal work that tells everything.
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Love them
davia-montanez28 May 2014
I love this show. Maybe they marketed it incorrectly, but it is still interesting. How can you not feel for this family? What an awesome lifestyle they are living. Is there anyone who hasn't, at one time or another wanted to just disappear and live this way? Their devotion to family is admirable and something that should be emulated. I look forward to watching them every week. Their devotion to each other and motto of never give up, never surrender, is one that many more people need to grasp in this fast food, instant gratification word most of us live in. All the critics out there need to go climb a tree and punch a fish.
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Fake no doubt, amusing and entertaining for sure
alainsomerlinck26 November 2019
The show can be fake, it is still entertaining and amusing to watch.
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fake "reality TV" at its worst
job-matt16 August 2020
This couldn't be more poorly scripted TV if they tried. A family of fake hardships and ridiculous scenarios. How people can watch this garbage is beyond me. I actually saw a few episodes one really stood out. The "inventor" of the family I believe Noah? Was "creating some worthless gadget that a true Bushman wouldn't need. While creating this he compared himself to Da Vinci? Are you kidding me? The only comparison to Da Vinci I can see is the both had hair. Let's not mention the Extreme Idiot that acts and talks like a 5 year old. There is little reality in this TV. The really scary part of this show is the fact that they are starting to re-produce!!
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The truth by a local.
bushape-2926330 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In real life back in 2008 in Port Protection, the "boys" would use the word dad all the time. "My dad said to come get these things" and would hand the Trading Post clerk a scrap of paper with a few things written on it. The "boys" would always be in pairs and there would just be a few items written on the scrap of paper, things like: toilet paper, paper towels, milk, bread, 2 Banquet fried chicken, pot pies, burritos, 12 Dr Pepper, 6 Pepsi, Marlboro's, camels, chocolate ice cream etc. They never bought alcoholic beverages but I did often see the "boys" including 16 year old Noah, down on the dock drinking beer and smoking pot with the fisherman. Matt was down there on the dock the most and often none of the other "boys" was with him later in the evening. Matt and Josh and I think Sol and Gabe smoked cigarettes, and they all 5 smoked pot at times. Matt always had a pack of cigarettes with him and smoked a lot including roll your own Top and Bugler tobacco. At the store, the "boys" would say, " oh and dad said we could get these things" and they would grab some snack items and junk food like cookies, Dr Pepper, chips like Funions etc. Then sometimes, just a short time later, another two of the "boys" would come in and do the same thing. In one day, this would happen a dozen times, always just a few items on the list, including items like paper towels and toilet paper and canned goods that were picked up more than once a day. Some friends of mine saw where the Browns later stashed boxes and boxes of things in the woods hidden under a tarp with brush and branches over it near where their maroon SUV was parked. When the Browns left, they had the roof of that vehicle piled high with boxes and covered with blue tarps and the inside packed with lots of things and all nine of them going down the logging road. They always said "on dad's account". The "boys" would always be in pairs, (Matt is the only one I ever saw alone and not often), always have a scrap of paper with items written on it by "dad" and always would get a few junk food items for themselves also. I was there every day and this happened every day for the more than the two months they were there that summer of 2008. People saw that SUV on the logging load loaded with boxes a few times before they left, so they were stashing boxes of things someplace else down the road. Every few days, Billy and some of the boys would leave in the SUV down the logging road for a few hours to most of a day sometimes. Billy ordered lots of things through the Trading Post on it's account, I unloaded the float plane with hundreds of pounds of boxes from the A&P Ketchikan grocery store, for the Browns. Many times after Jack, (WWCTrading Post owner) went home or when Jack was up at a community meeting, the Brown "boys" would load up the skiff and go over to the landing by the logging road and stash a bunch more boxes of things like cases of paper towels and cases of canned goods. At the end of the first month, a check came from TN for a couple thousand dollars towards the Browns' account, but then Billy had a sad story on how his good friend in TN that was his "backer/investor" had suddenly died but he had another "backer/investor", a lady in California and the Browns went on charging things for more than another month. By the then, in more than two months there, Billy's bill was over $40,000 including the rental of 4 skiffs for 3 months, lodging, charged on account groceries, fuel, other supplies and things came to head between in the office with Jack's office worker and Jack asking about the payments now way overdue on Billy's bill and Billy, who had all 5 "boys" in the small office yelling and threatening Jack and my friend, Jack's office worker. Billy was red faced, yelling, cursing, threatening Jack, Solomon jumping up and down bouncing and Gabe with fists clenched and raised. Fishermen friends on the dock heard the commotion and came up to outside the office and the Brown males left and went back upstairs to the lodge. I saw Matt and Gabe just a little while later out on the porch of the upstairs lodge laughing. TheBrowns left a few days later, not paying their bills, leaving a mess in the lodge and piles of garbage inside and outside and at another place that they had set up a tent at and trashed and garbage over on the parking area by where they loaded up their vehicle as well as in the woods nearby where they had stashed lots of boxes. Billy is a very good con-artist, amazingly, incredibly good at scamming people and getting what he's after. He has done it for decades and has been very successful at it. Billy's 5 sons and and his wife and the two daughters he has raised are also very good and week trained, going along with Billy on everything as a family. Billy is a very smart man when it comes to reading people and getting what he wants. I believe that he has even successfully conned Park Slope and Discovery as he has also conned producers, investors and backers over the last decade.
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These people aren't real Alaskans
brandesevan6 June 2015
I am a 4th generation Alaskan out of the Southeast, that grew up in a remote logging camp. I've logged, commercial fished, and worked jobs all over the state. I have even actually seen the Brown Family in local communities. First off, this show is completely staged. I get that many Americans respect and admire their way of living but this is completely fake. Do people in Alaska live successfully in the bush?... Yes, I grew up doing it. Currently, the Brown family is all over local Alaskan news because they are wanted for Perma Fund Fraud (Collecting State Resident Benefits) when in fact they are not officially state residents. Yet, court dates have been pushed back due to the power of the Discovery Channel and the media. Last I heard they are set for court in July on Felony charges. I know the Browns were living in a cabin in Craig during part of season 1 according to the local community/family friends out there and filming episodes in the bush temporarily. I know the also resided in Myers Chuck before being kicked out. This leads to where they now. Among the Alaskan community they have little respect. After all the they tried to barter fish with my local dentist who claimed the show was fake. To state it simply for those Alaskans out there... who sets crab pots in Alaska without knowing the proper depths and sinks their own pots?? And then goes out at dusk to pull them... later to be rescued. Seems idiotic, clueless, and staged. This is a money hole show that is allowing this family to thrive.
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ratings and the shows contents
webebiker222 October 2014
OK, call me crazy but- I do not like always watching shows that have so much crime, smut, and drugs. So I rated this really high, and (no I do not do any drugs). It is nice to see people getting along working together, and really love each other without excessively slaved to cash to survive. Also, I think people should learn from the programs. Do you know how to survive? The other shows I have watched, ha, you know anybody that does not have a lighter, have extra stuff in case your car breaks down, or food-water, to keep you alive till your out of a situation. I do believe that this family did live the required time to gain property by homesteading, and were not given any time to leave with their property. I do believe the life there is hard, and I would go there to live and enjoy the beauty of that state. Most people would not live there if given a chance. As far as the items they have, I believe that I saw a program with Mr. Brown in a contest for longest mustache,(a regular contest for longest beard and stash). Wouldn't be nice to see barter working out for people in need, rather than cost,demand, and profit. As far as their accent, every state has regional distinctions, I can tell what side of Chicago your from by the way you dress, speak, and your attitude, so, people can really learn more than just living a few blocks from where they grew up. We all need to have open minds for the next few years, and work with whom ever we come to meet in our lives.
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2016 review
carolhudson-0573625 May 2016
The music is way too loud! I would like to see you lower the volume of music so that we can hear the vocal from each episode. I would rather hear the vocal part of the program instead of the actual vocal part of the program. Please make the musical part a background part of the series and let us hear the vocal part of the program. I love the program but oftentimes the music is way too loud to understand what is being said. I hope you will read this review and understand what is important here.....we need to understand what is being said. It is important to know what is being said so that we can understand the lifestyle this family is trying to relay.
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sad FAKE show for FOOLS to watch?
eatcoyote-0913020 July 2015
The Discovery channel people have gone to a new low for them for them to try and pass this off as real. This CULT/Family is lead by a looser who makes every move a new joke while he drags his wolf pack out of there own way of living. So many mistakes the film crew have over looked in trying to fool us while MAKING this show, like not hiding the generator, and all the new power tools, chain saw- what they wear and how about that 60 foot boat for $5,000 on credit? Dad and Mom have no care for there family for being safe or giving medical care. The whole family is charged with trying to get money from Alaska as living there ,yet to be fined in court.Google them "The Bush People Fake" and read about this poor wolf pack living off the land alone. At first it was fun to watch as a joke, but after us that love our outdoors and who live by all the Game Laws who do not take because it is there. But after awhile we all thought does the Discovery people really think we are such fools to think this is real? The Bush People have made every mistake a person could make in ten life times, they are a joke to all who have ever spent more than a week end in the woods. And how did they ever come up with talking the Baby Talk they all do so well? Please give us a show that has some truth to it,like other shows you have put out that we enjoy. By now that wolf pack has made there million, and can take all they can from you and the bush, we have had enough of this FAKE very sad family.
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More - More - More
mizzzing25 June 2014
I raised four wonderful boys for years in much of the same way, some times were tough, there is always more. Sorry I only have four boys, If I had any daughters I would be sure to get her in touch with the family. More of the younger generation needs to be in touch with nature and what is like to enjoys the simpler things in life, put down the computer phones, text ting, and drugs / alcohol. I could have only wish all family bonds were as strong as the Browns. The bond between this family seems to be unbreakable. Wish I could help the family out of the town they are in and get them back into nature where they belong. Please bring back the show, can not wait to see you More.
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Not "fake," but not great either
timmyhollywood18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show has received so much backlash for being "fake," that the producers decided to make an episode (S1E5) addressing the accusations.

The thing is, most viewers have no idea what goes into making a television show. You can't just follow people around with cameras. You need permits in many cases and appearance release forms from anyone you film. You might miss a critical moment - like two brothers shooting a caribou at dusk - so you reenact it, cut a scene together with what footage you have, etc. It happened, it just didn't unfold directly in front of the cameras in real time.

If the family goes into a bar to attempt to barter with the owner, you think the cameras were already in there all set up? Or if they go into a store and flirt (poorly) with the female cashier? Of course not. Those people are asked in advance, sign waivers, and maybe are even coached a little how to behave. It's been done this way since 1992's The Real World.

Where Alaskan Bush People succeeds is in its characters. I find these people fascinating. And whether or not there are sides to them we don't see (of course there are), what we do see is endearing.

The problem is all the repetition. At least for the first two seasons, the writers have introduced us to the family about a dozen times. "Bear runs through the woods, Matt is the oldest," etc. I realize the show aired on Discovery before I got to it here on HBO Max, and it's cut for commercials, but my God, how many times are we going to get the recap of their first cabin, then being run off their land, then their boat sinking, etc. The Christmas in the Bush episode (S2E1) was particularly excruciating and I fast forwarded through most of it. An hour of them cutting a tree down and decorating.

But it goes on for 12 more seasons! I'll skim along and find out what happens to this interesting family.

UPDATE: Having watched (or skimmed, really, due to the insane amounts of repetition) to halfway through season 8, my tune has changed a bit. The show *is* fake. But, a few caveats: Of course I don't think the family are actors (I even follow some on instagram). And I believe the basic story of a family of libertarian parents and their seven kids who, for a time, truly did seem to live off grid. Once the show started, though, their lives understandably changed. "Browntown" wasn't as remote as it was depicted on the island of Chichagof, and there's no way they're feeding those strapping kids with a couple of deer and that tiny, sad garden. Or even the chickens they had one year, or the cow. No, the show never comes right out and directly claims they are 100% self-sufficient, but its implied. And it's just not true.

When the family must move to California for Ami's treatments, okay -- no problem. It's a "reality" show, after all. And in real life, stuff happens. But after a season (7) almost entirely of repetition and flashbacks, the family then ostensibly heads to Colorado. Only, at the start of season, they're not in Colorado, but Washington State. Wait--what?? Unless I missed something, this was NEVER EVEN MENTIONED. Season 7 just ends with them in Colorado to start a new life, and somewhere into season 8, Bill Brown says "Washington," and then Birdie says "Washington." I looked it up. They're in Washington.

But -- and here's the more important thing -- they're not really living atop a mountain in Washington. They're not living in those four teepees, or even the mobile home. No way. They're in city clothes, well-fed, sitting around a fire while the cameras roll. A crew goes off with Matt and he makes some fireside coffee, or purifies water, and the producers spread this across a couple of episodes. That way it looks like daily life for the Browns. It's not. They arrive for a time, get wired up with the microphones, and the cameras roll while they cut down a couple of trees or build a small deck off the RV. Bam is dating a producer. Bear wears Michael Jackson leather jackets and pants. Rain is a California kid if I ever saw one.

But hey, I like them. I think they are genuinely good people. I think this show happened to them, and it's obviously changed their lives irrevocably. But they're no more "Alaskan Bush People" than I am. They're a reality TV family, a sort of anti-Kardashian family the cameras follow through changes and misadventures. Try as the producers might to bend the show towards some kind of survivalist family story, toward bushcraft or outdoorsmanship, it's really not. But that's okay.
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TigerHeron16 October 2017
I watched a little of this show. I know some people claim it's fake, but I would be far more concerned if it was real. The kids have speech defects. They don't appear to have social connections outside the family. Some of the children are old enough to be married. The whole thing seems like a desperate attempt to control one's children and keep them at home. It looks like a cult. Is this really legal?
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Interesting learning experience
zebra-122466 June 2015
I get a kick out of this show. Our family of 5 kids and 2 parents took a photo on a 1970 vacation camping from Santa Barbara to Surrey, B.C. Canada to visit our grandparents and this show reminds me of that though certainly not exactly. Everyone in the family had their distinct personality and contribution to the traveling and camping routine. The veracity, i.e. how real is this TV show and are they really 100% bush people, I'd guess about 50/50. I think they rather are survivalists and do whatever necessary to survive. I like the interaction between the family members and their personalities. I like that they can survive in the bush with varying degrees of modern assistance. Re. the pending lawsuits about public fund benefit fraud, I tag that to their survivalist nature, neither condemning nor agreeing with it. It could be a misunderstanding of qualification requirements. It could be deliberate. No doubt they are paid for the TV show. So the lease for where they built their Brown Town is probably payment for filming rights. To me, this is just survivalist. I think patriarch Billy is very savvy and knew how to market his family's interesting way of living. I don't think that's fake, I think it's survivalist. Summary: I'd much rather watch this show than stupid Real...(i.e. completely fake)Wives or Husbands of Wherever or Whatever. If you remember that TV is entertainment and that TV "reality" is never 100% real you'll have a good perspective. All I have to do is look at the condition of their teeth for me to determine how real it is.
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marcococco-117 October 2022
Like many other "reality" I'm watching this show on italian tv Dmax.

I found this show very entertaining even if it's quiet obvious that many things we see are completely fake or dramatically staged for the audience.

I Just watched an episode in which Billy and two sons went to buy a boat leaving the others at home in the woods for days... Amy, Billy's wife, was worried because they weren't home yet and she can't contact them.. FALSE cause with Billy and the boys there were some members of the crew and also another crew boat was behind them on the water so they could've informed Amy. I know nowadays a program should have some kind of drama in it to make audience but, please, don't insult the viewer with these kind of tricks.

The same things happens in many other episodes. There is always at least a camera with every group of the family so it's always impossible for the other not knowing where they are.

But, in spite of these tricks, I like the show and I like the Brown Family. I'ts amusing watching them on their life even if we don't really know how much is real and how much is staged. Let's say it's almost like watching a comedy tv series like many other which are not sold as "reality"

Eventually I can give 6 star to this show. Maybe it deserves more but the fact that is almost totally staged keeps me for giving more than that.
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So basically...
cwuk-358267 April 2020
Y'all shunned the world but then when you needed it you took the money and ran. Wow
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