Sunday Morning Rapture (2017) Poster

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My Highest Rating for a Film Like This
nammage4 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an atheist, and been one for 30 years. My parents are both Christian and even though me and my father don't get along with each other (not because I'm an atheist) he and my mother are not like the Christians in films like this. It's like simultaneously the Christians in films like this are scared out of their minds for the Rapture to happen but also want it to happen. Yet look at the price: billions of people around the world will die instantly (literal version), some will rise to Heaven and others will be stranded on Earth. Sounds fun, right? /sarcasm

Video quality is good. The acting isn't bad. The problem always is: when they get to the "rapture" everything then falls to the wayside, especially plot--if one could really say films like this have a plot. The good thing about this film, in such regard, is that the 'rapture' doesn't happen until the third act so the plot stays in least until then. A Christian is a person who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and lives every day to be like Jesus. That's it. Nothing else.

If one knows the Bible then one knows it is seeped in metaphor. There was a 3rd Century theologian named Origen who posited the 'rapture' (not a word he or any other Christian would have used back then) would be of a Spiritual nature rather than a physical one. In context: that does make more sense. Of course, by the 19th to 20th Century it became more and more literal rather than metaphorical; thank John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) for that, I guess. Darby's version is the version that mostly all Christians believe today.

There's some over dramatic scenes throughout, some angry, and only in the beginning is there any sort of humor and probably, to a point, happiness. There's plenty of stereotypes, clichés, and all other diatribes that come with that. I love how films like this place Church before Faith or without Church there is no Faith--that's Old Testament Christianity (ESV) Proverbs 18:1 "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment" not New Testament Christianity (ESV) Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues [Churches/Mosques/Temples] and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward." Films like this always cater to Old Testament Christianity except in concern to Revelation. It's doom and gloom not peace and love. Shame, really.

The last 15 minutes of this 71 minute film is the 'Rapture'. It goes into news around the world and then flashbacks of different characters being killed for their 'sinful' nature and those who went to Church (for the right reason) rising into the clouds of Earth (not shown). So, the message is: GO TO CHURCH OR GO TO HELL!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The composition at the end is ominous and overpowering of the dialogue. I'm still waiting for the Christian film that's really honest because there's a scene where it shows all the children were taken to Heaven but if they weren't baptised then they wouldn't have been taken. John 3:3 states we are all born sinners, that includes babies and children--no one is innocent.

I always love seeing Tiny Lister in a film. Even if it was short.
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Bad but emotional
pinkbows-7320619 April 2020
It was basically a movie of several families fighting and screaming at each other until suddenly the rapture and then the ones that are left scream at themselves.
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Not In Line With Scripture
heartme-4751221 July 2021
He should have read the Bible. The Bible teaches that all see Christ when He comes. The dead in Christ shall rise. His end contradicted the truth. People need the truth when those movies present an opportunity to Salvation.

The ending was not in line with scripture.. The Bible states we are not to add or take away from what it says.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 - For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Revelations 1:7 Behold, He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him, and they also who pierced Him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so. Amen.

Isaiah 40:5 And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

Matthew 24:30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.
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Come Next Sunday
fndforlivingwater26 May 2020
This movie was biblically based centering around the question of salvation and will a person be ready when Jesus comes back known as the Rapture. Some of the acting was unbelievable but some of the acting was good. The families presented have problems, the church has problems, the world has problems but it is all suddenly over when the Rapture occurs. Overall I think it's a great movie.
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The level of mind numbingness it took me to watch this movie is staggering
smooth_op_8527 May 2023
I don't know what got me to watching this movie, but I have to say that even though it's production value was low, it was less than 15 minutes into the movie before I knew it was going to be bad

1. Too many characters--I don't care about any of these characters. I thought it might follow two or three people as they get ready for church and someone is inevitably left behind

2. Dialogue is terrible--I've known church folk but it sounds like they had AI listen to people in church and regurgitate it without feeling

3. It feels long--the reason it feels long is because you're not really invested in any of the characters in the film and you're just waiting for the Rapture

4. It's sudden ending--I thought that we were going to watch people struggle with their faith after the Rapture, but the church scene at the end is the way people picture hell in the Bible. Anguish without the flames. The clothes are left there and when you cut to the "news" it's obviously green screen and actors

5. Timing of the Rapture--Apparently the Rapture is supposed to happen instantaneously but one anchor is Raptured while reporting ON the Rapture.

Also, there are only two characters that are connected to each other. I would've liked to see something connecting them

Such as

The pregnant woman underwater with her bills and the woman who just lost a child talking on the phone and trying to reassure her that it's hard but she also knows how it is to have a miscarriage then encourage her to go to church and say "I also wish MY HUSBAND would go with me" then have him say "I gotta work Sundays to pay these BILLS"

Just an example to tie the characters together.

Anyway, watch at your own peril and if you play a drinking game, watch it first so you know what keywords or tropes to avoid.
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A Loony Bin Jim type of movie
ThunderKing611 May 2022
This movie reminds me of Crash movie where the focus is on multiple people. In this movie It's not about racism, instead it's about cognitive dissonance and fear propaganda or what I like to call it Propaganfear.

I watch these movies to get a good laugh. SMR is a fear based movie. They use violence and fear tactics to make you go to church and tithe 10% to the pastor. (Do pastors tithe?)

This movie is about a few people being sad because they don't go to church. It's very silly, dumb and embarrassing. Iunno why this type of behaviour is not listed in the DSM.

It's even funnier, Debo shows up and talks and tries to scare people into going to church, while he wears the "mark of the beast" on his shirt. This is comical. All characters in this movie are dumb, and it's sad because characters like me do not exist in the movie. I would have told them the truth about this Christian hash.

In addition, the acting was horrible. Only Debo had skill.

Watch this movie for a good laugh. It's embarrassing. If you are insecure and can be easily manipulated then don't watch this because the propaganfear in this one is strong.
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Seen better acting at a church play
sh56268 October 2019
It's impossible to get over the horrible acting in this movie. Seriously it's laughable. The rapture is no laughing matter.
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Awesome Film and The point was made!
arnoldfamilyempire19 May 2024
I'm grateful to see a film where Christians can exemplify Christ! People are being critical of acting not realizing the message is to get "right with Christ before it's too late! I love that we see real emotions from real lives! This movie is one to save and show the family. Most people who are critical of this movie aren't believers they are just here to be negative about a film on Christ Return. This movie leaves you thinking about yourself. Watch this with an OPEN heart! If you're looking to be critical watch something else and if you're open to see real conversation from real people then you will enjoy this movie!
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False doctrine theology
gerardokosonoy20 July 2020
This movie is anything but biblical although the rapture event is true what was portrayed was a works salvation theology the preacher left behind says "if you live like like hell then hell is where you want to go" it paints a false narrative that what we do affects salvation and it removes the biblical truth that nothing you do saves you only by what Christ has done his finished work on the cross are we saved Romans 4:4-5
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Good concept, bad execution!
summergirl_230719 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the rapture isn't biblically accurate, the concept of showing how being a lukewarm Christian can impact your salvation is good. However I didn't like the concept that missing one Sunday could be the difference between you being lost or saved. I know the characters in the movie (that missed the Sunday) only went when it suited them but it's still a flawed concept. The acting didn't help as most of the actors were either shouting or overacting, too many characters were being focused on. This didn't help with keeping interest in the plot, the plot itself could have been better if they had cut down on the amount characters they could have expanded their back stories a bit more. It was the opposite of show me don't tell me, the ending was probably the worse part of the movie. The sound effects plus the loud organ playing in the background just didn't help with the mood of the scene. Most of the budget probably went into all the stock videos they shoved on screen of natural disasters happening around the world, which lasted way longer than it should have. At the end with everyone screaming hysterically, the horrible music and the overacting, I just couldn't help but laugh. In conclusion, I think that's it has good concept but it was badly written and acted, which made it more of a comedy than something to take seriously.
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