Silver Clutch (2012) Poster


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Enjoyable Indie that has heart...
lautner_deb21 October 2012
While in Grand Rapids visiting family and friends I was able to sneak into the premiere of this movie a few months back. I love Indie films that truly have heart. The story of "Silver Clutch" did just that. Cezar played by "David Scott Diaz" really showcased why he is meant to be acting on the bigger screen and without him I would have not given this a movie a 9. I agree with previous reviews that he carried this film. I wont say he's the only talent, I really liked Sonya played by "Lo Maslanka" and felt she should of been the female lead..not saying the other wasn't good "Marjorie Yost" but I felt her acting was poor and just wasn't believable. I also loved Lorenzo's witty humor and Dante's character played by "Richard Raphael" The lows of this film happened to reoccurr more than hoped, Starting with "Scott Goudie's" role as Zarek and "Dominic Gabriel" as Nicholas. I had hoped the director would have limited there screen time but these guys were HORRIBLE. Had these 2 been replaced with better talent this movie would have had a chance at horror fest and possible direct to DVD distribution. Anyhow, I still found the movie enjoyable to watch despite the negatives. It truly moves fast and has a good score to creep you out. The story by "Kay Bouma" isn't original to a very familiar "TWILIGHT" ;) but does have heart. Nice work Kay.
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Very Low budget but offers something special in return
partners201321 October 2012
Silver Clutch in my opinion doesn't remind me of the "Godfather" as its used in the tagline, but actually is more of an adult version of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" but a lot lower of a budget. The movie has its goods and bads. I gave this an 8 out of 10 based on effort and the fact I actually enjoyed a few actors in this movie. The story is nothing new with a dragged out love story that seems to be a confused version of Edward and Bella in Twilight. The movie opens with a really cool flashback in the 1800's that fades from black and white to color. 2 men approach a women and young happens to be a vampire that's really thirsty killing off the women and boy within the first few minutes of the film. After this happens the movie goes to present time and the story moves pretty fast paced with a nice score. What helped and hurt this movie was lack of talent and poor Filmography. I truly enjoyed Cezar, who in my opinion..Stole the show..Superb acting from David Scott Diaz who is in Touchback with Kurt Russell. Brad Watts "Desmond" who has numerous short film credits and Richard Raphael "Dante" who has a nice credit list as well, also made this little flick fun to watch. What I agree with in previous reviews and most would after the movie was premiered is that the female leads were off beat and awful the entire movie and should not have been cast, including Scott Goudie who cannot act to save his life. This story wasn't original but it worked and was the most intriguing and enjoyable aspect of Silver Clutch. Id rent it and hope it gets a national DVD release.
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Cool Indie, but nothing new...
ompean159511 October 2012
Silver Clutch has a lot of potential with its story. It was intriguing from beginning to end..with a "Dark Shadow's" feel to it. With that said I'll point out the positive first.The score is something I truly enjoyed the most, it helped carry the movie and had a real eerie feel to it. Acting I have to say my favorite character was a toss up between "David Scott Diaz's" Character Cezar and "Rich Raphael" as Dante. Both really gave a solid performance that really helped carry this movie. I also enjoyed Lorenzo, who came off as the wimpy tag along with a comedic side.. Now for the negatives, both female leads were over played and felt forced in every scene. Zarek the bad boss played by Scott Goudie and Nick his brother played by Dominic Ryan Gabriel were also overacted bigtyme...but I guess for a low budget film you can't expect Robert Pattinson glistening on camera. With all said, for an ultra low budget film its def worth a look as long as you can appreciate the efforts put into this. Kay Bouma has great ideas and look forward to seeing more of her work get better.
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Instant Cult Classic
meganstewart922 October 2012
Silver Clutch is by far the best Indie in film made to feature in Grand Rapids. I seen several this year locally made and Kay Bouma definitely offers something unique and special here. Best performances coming from Richard Raphael portraying Dante, somewhat of a Biker werewolf from True Blood and David Scott Diaz who's portrayed Cezar, a vampire who reminded me of Lestat from Interview with the Vampire and Damon from The Vampire Diaries.

After seeing this movie I was impressed with the acting overall and everything put into it for being a low budget film. The leading ladies were not great, poor acting on there behalf and could of been casted much better. This didn't necessarily hurt the movie. This movie definitely reminded me of a few Hammer horror films from back in the day..especially the TV series Dark Shadows. This is a must see instant cult classic!
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One of the worst films made period.
sidhaig193925 October 2012
A movie about vampires that only has one of the characters that resembles a vampire? 2 love stories crammed in over an hour of painful AMATEUR first time actors who look as if they're reading off cue cards. The dark haired whiny voiced girl who looks 40 trying to be a 20 year who played Katherine and The annoying Sylvester Stallone Brooklyn accent wannabe who played Nick absolutely CRUSHED this movie. I really wanted to give this movie a higher review but since these 2 amateurs took up most of film..not even the good actors in this movie could save this. Bad Sound, horrible effects, poor editing..the list goes on. Too many characters involved with poor development. Who names a movie about a SILVER Purse??? And then expects it to be a hit? I wasted money attending this premiere. I can't say I didn't warn you..
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2012 meets Dark Shadows
chloemaria224 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a producer and director of bigger budget films, I occasionally will come across a low budget film that catches my eye. Silver Clutch did just that for me. I loved the story and think this movie could be remade someday. What I didn't understand was the fact the movie was trying to focus on a love story that actually dragged and seemed pointless. The strengths of this film were few and is obvious to majority the reviews I've read that fan favorites were Richard Raphael as "Dante" and David Scott Diaz's Character "Cezar" I personally enjoyed both as well and actually got David's autograph after the Grand Rapids premiere. I would love to see more of the directors progress in future films and possibly pitch a few ideas to her. Im gonna agree with other folks on this but this really felt like old school "Dark Shadows" the TV show. Hopefully this will be available on Amazon and to rent soon!
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Just another vampire movie
jessicaneighbor1228522 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Looking for this on DVD but can't seem to find it anywhere. I saw this in Grand Rapids, Mi. on their version of a "Red carpet" event. It was thrown together and everything seemed last minute. No real time for photo ops with the actors or directors. I read the other reviews and they are pretty accurate. Overall it was disappointing. I heard some of the actors say that half of the cast quit before it was over. The movie seemed chopped up and thrown together. I really didn't understand much of it especially the ending. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. It was a waste of 2 hours of my life. Obviously trying to go off of Twilight and have a vampire movie but it came up way short. Not much story to it. It showed the zero budget through most of the film with bad lighting, bad fighting sounds, and I couldn't understand some of the talking between the "actors". A couple of the actors were great. Several were horrible. I only wish they had a better story to tell. Long pauses between scenes. It could have been an hour shorter and you wouldn't miss anything.
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Agreed, Cult Classic made in Grand Rapids
fmayweather124 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this at the Red Carpet premiere and wondered why this movie hasn't been put on DVD or available to rent locally at least?? Silver Clutch was a dope flick. I disagree that there was horrible acting. Everyone did well, some were more seasoned actors and that helped make things believable.

Silver Clutch is definitely gonna be a cult classic, and seems to be getting many good reviews..I agree that "David Scott Diaz" Cezar and "Rich Raphael" Dante... were by far the most talented and seasoned actors . company will see the positive feedback and get this baby out to rent and online for purchase! I wouldn't recommend watching the extended trailer as it gives away key points to the film. I hope all y'all check it out!
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Good Indie feature..a mixed bag at times.
susangvsu527 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Im not sure where to start? I liked this movie but at times I really was annoyed by it. With that said. Here's my review... Silver Clutch begins with no shying away of blood and suspense..2 people are killed off within the first 5 minutes of the film. Not a bad way to get the audience lured in. But then the movie goes from good cinematography and really bad sound and one point you see the director behind a tripod thanks to bad camera angle and reflection from the car. The movie focuses on a confused love story between Katherine and Nick who are played by 1st time actress Marjorie Yost and Nick Gabriel who both were both unbelievable in character and boring to watch. The movie has another love story between Zarek "Scott Goudie" and Cezar played by "David Scott Diaz" who are both in love with the same girl, Sonya. The love triangles are intriguing and really makes sense despite how many holes there are in the story...Silver Clutch becomes more fun when you follow Cezar tracking down Nick who is on the run from his brother Zarek. I wont give away much more other than that the movie picks up with intensity between David and Scott's character as well as a nice supporting cast with conflicts of there own. Overall, Silver Clutch is a good Indie with an intriguing story...
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Bad, just plain bad...
acunningham58323 October 2012
I read some of the other reviews and it seems that they are picking on some of the actors that they don't like. Kind of strange since this is supposed to be a review of the movie itself. The movie was really poorly made. Bad lighting, bad sound, poor editing. I've made several shorts that blew this out of the water and I never had a big screen debut! As far as the actors-several reviews said David Scott Diaz was amazing...I'm not sure what movie they were watching but he was amazingly bad. Strange performance. Most of the other actors followed his lead and made the storyline confusing. The best part for myself and my friends had to be the love scene between Zarek and Sonya. Wow! The movie was carried by the leading ladies (Lo and Marjorie)and lead actor Scott Goudie and Dominique Ryan Gabriel. The emotion that was shown by each one of these actors are all worth an award. This storyline is nothing new and just shows how desperate people are to try and make a movie. I gave it 2 stars. I hope to NOT see this on DVD and hope that it will go away. This isn't as bad of a review as most of them. I am in the business and have acted and directed, and edited my own films so I know what I'm talking about. I really think the majority of the problem lies on the director and editor and casting department. David's character should have been played by someone with a more Italian look and not such a whiteness to him. The makeup was horrible on him and I found myself looking at the mistakes instead of paying attention to the movie.
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Goudie carried the whole film
johnstuart4041 November 2012
I'm giving this a 7 out of 10 because the acting overall was not that great. The story was just o.k. with lots of things that I just didn't understand. Scott Goudie carried the entire film with little help from the rest of the cast. His character "Zarek" was great. Reminded me of the old vampire flicks like Queen of the damned or Interview with the vampire. He really pulled off the mafia type with his personality and diverse acting. The rest of the cast seemed to be scared in front of the camera. Seemed at times to actually be "acting" so it wasn't believable. The white faced vampire guy, Cezar, was waaay overplayed. He seemed to always be trying to one up the rest of the cast. Yelling when it wasn't needed. Taking long breaks so the camera was on him too much and not focused on the actual scene or what was going on. Lots of lighting and sound issues. You actually see the director in several scenes and several actors look right at the camera during scenes which really gets rid of the impression that you're watching this unfold in front of you. I also saw the directors first film, which was a flop. This one was better with at least a decent actor running the show, but this will go nowhere. As a film maker, actor and director, this was just another home movie that shouldn't be on IMDb or in theaters or on DVD. I think it's time for the director, Kay Bouma, to retire, or stay with writing bad books. That's my review.
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Thanks for loaning me the DVD!
taylautner30225 October 2012
I was able to catch this movie while visiting Michigan for my sisters soccer game a couple of weeks ago. Scott loaned me his copy and wanted my honest feedback. We talked in detail about the film but here is a taste. I didn't expect much because he told me it was a no budget film. Not even a low budget! I was pleasantly surprised. Lighting and sound aside the story was interesting. Something a little different. Scott was for sure on top of his game and showed a ton of emotion and acting ability as the vampire mafia boss. I think we'll see a lot of him in the future. He's a great actor and person. I think this film will get picked up by a production company and we'll hopefully be able to see it on DVD or it will go overseas. The best part for me was to see the different areas of Grand Rapids that were showcased. Kind of cool to see that in a local film. Good luck to everyone involved. I don't like to see the negative feedback that's being posted on this, especially because it was a no budget film. I think this was great considering everyone worked for free, for 2 years!
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Pretty good overall/needs some work
patrickbateman124820 October 2012
I was able to catch this movie twice at local theaters. It starts really slow, barely crawling to a start. After it kicks in and shows some action the movie is just about over. I found myself daydreaming and wondering when it would be over at the beginning, middle and was happy to see it end. When you think you're going to see the story take off it slows back down to a halt. The overall performances of the actors were o.k considering it was low budget.

David Scott played Cezar who is a hit man type of character for his boss Zarek, played by Scott Goudie. Davids performance is confusing at best. He does most of his lines trying to mimic a William Shatner's type of speech pattern. Stopping and starting, pausing where it didn't belong. His performance made me wonder what was going on and why he was talking like that. Overall he ruined the movie for me.

Brad Watts plays Desmond. He gives a very solid performance, showing emotion and energy when needed.

Ron Hilliard plays Stykes and does a really good job. Although there's a spot when he said he was shot in the chest when he was actually shot in the back!

The leading ladies do a great job. I overheard that this was their first time on the big screen so for that reason alone they were amazing.

The best performance overall had to come from actor, writer, director, Scott Goudie as the evil mafia boss vampire Zarek. He was in Transformers, Real steel several blockbusters. After reading his biography on IMDb I saw how big of a talent he was.

How they got him to be in a low/no budget movie is incredible. He carriedthe movie throughout and I only wish that he was in more of the movie. If they had someone with this level of talent they should have used him more and made the movie around him. I'm only assuming they got him before he turns into a superstar. Instead they tried to involve too many people and stretch out the storyline.

I think this will be the last we see of director Kay Bouma. Kay is a writer. This was her second film with her first as another low/no budget vampire movie. I think 3rd one's a charm...but when it comes to making movies, it's time to move on and stick to writing books.
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