Spirit of Love: The Mike Glenn Story (2013) Poster

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A film that touches the heart!
dan-282911 May 2013
Spirit of Love is one of those rare films that goes beyond the art of film making and touches the heart. You can't miss the message that each of us, while appearing different, are really quite the same - we ALL need to be loved, and to show love to one another!

One of the things I loved about the film was how what most view as a physical limitation was viewed as something normal - as opposed to over sensationalizing the topic. The metaphor of sports is great because, as one coach says in the film, "...anyone can play basketball..."

Spirit of Love will give you a new way of viewing those who, on the surface, appear different. And you will be challenged to show love to others in a brand new way.
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This movie was really cool.Kids were different like me.
jglader1621 May 2013
I really liked this movie.At first I didn't know if I would because I'm not really athletic and usually don't relate to athletes at school.But this film was cool because I could relate to being different.Plus I had to go to camp once and never really wanted too,just like Maddie in the film. What I liked most was how all the kids were real and how they knew they were not the greatest jocks.I don't even like basketball really but I even found myself cheering for the characters in this film because it is so much like me.I really felt closest to the Hunter,Brad,and Lizzie characters.Because they try so hard not knowing if they will make it. I think this is a really good film for teens who think they don't fit in.I have never been to an independent film like this before but I'm glad I had the chance to see this one. I think its cool that an NBA player helps other kids and that is why the film got made in the first place.More people should get to see films like this with a good message.It made me feel like things were good.Definitely a movie to help others feel good.
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Great Movie with ASL and Captions finally for teens!
jkelley57333 June 2013
My pastor brought me to see this movie at a Christian film festival in Houston. I wasn't sure if I would like it but I did. It had characters deaf and hard of hearing like me. Some used ASL and some didn't. Some had aids and some had CI like me. It was very cool to see teens like me. I don't like basketball but I liked this movie because it showed how we as deaf are the same. Best line in movie was coach Robin tells girl that Basketball is the same whether your deaf or not. This is how all people should look at us deaf like we are the same as hearing, cause we are. I thought it was cool that coach Mike knows ASL. I think it is a good lesson when coach Mike gives the bad attitude boy Alexi a second chance and gives him space to figure things out. It was great to see captions on the movie so my friends who are hearing and I could watch together. It is hard with no captions cause I feel dumb when I don't know what is going on. But not with Spirit of Love.I can't wait to see this movie again cause it has something for deaf and hearing. I want to watch again with my friends who didn't get to come. It was great for everyone. It was funny when coach made the boys wear stuff in their hair like girls. Movie shows we are all the same. If we work hard we can do some things we don't get chance to. I liked scene at lake and dance.
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Great Family Film, Great Lessons
fredmadison32716 August 2013
Great Family Film with Great Lessons. Recently I sat and watched this film with my 10 year old son, and one of his friends. The film is clean language wise and has many lessons that we all need to hear. Even as adults we need to have messages that teach lessons reiterated to us every now and then. The film has basketball in the film and the kids who play are unlike other kids in many ways. But they try hard learning the game and working together to accomplish their goals with those who are not the same as themselves. It is repeated over and over in a subtle way yet even my 10 yr old got it. This film is about giving people chances, and hope, which we all can use from time to time. I've never watched a film with captions on the screen before but I must say it added a level of interest to the whole experience of this film for myself and my son and his friend while sitting with those who were deaf. It even has characters who use sign language to communicate which also adds a level of interest not depicted in most films. The film does have a Christian/faith message of God giving us strength but it does not get preachy or over bearing. Personally my son and his friend came away with don't bully people at all but you should try your best at everything and treat people like you want to be treated and believe you can be friends with people who are not the same as you. As a parent I really can't ask for more. We need more clean films like this one which is rated PG. It does have a quick scene at the beginning establishing racial prejudice but since its historical I felt it is acceptable for my 10 yr old. Liked this movie and its many messages.
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Best Sports Story for deaf teens
jkennedy42966 August 2013
I really enjoyed watching this film last week with a few of my friends at a film festival in Georgia. It was awesome meeting the real person Mike Glenn who use to play in the NBA.I enjoyed it mostly because it reminds me of my life and people telling me that I can't do things but the movie Spirit of Love reminds me that I can do a lot of things. It also has mostly deaf and hard of hearing like me which was awesome. The film is about kids who are not really good at basketball but they get better as they go. They just keep trying and then coach tells them that it doesn't matter if they play basketball or not but that they can do all things because of God and he gives us strength. It is funny and made me laugh. When the guys steal the girls stuff when swimming is funny but when the coach makes them wear bows is so funny. It makes me feel good to know I can try. I liked that it had captions and ASL. It isn't really a lot of deaf culture but it has a lot of good stuff for deaf people because Coach Mike grew up around deaf culture. I liked the movie a lot and so did my friends. I got to watch with my hearing friends so that was cool.
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Great Family Film
missnwflorida31 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was deeply inspired by this movie. Spirit of Love offers a unique perspective into the world of the Deaf and Hard-of-hearing. Mike "Stinger" Glenn really gives the young people positive life lessons, and he is a role model for all adults, particularly those who work with kids. It would be a dream come true for any kid to be mentored by a pro athlete like Mike "Stinger" Glenn, and yet, he pours his life into perhaps those who need him the most. He expects the best out of each kid at the camp. I highly recommend this film to anyone looking for a positive family night. Safe for the whole family! A must-see for teachers and coaches!
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A Film about working together Loved this message!
rersland275131 August 2013
As a nurse I have had the opportunity to work with many people with various disabilities. I know of kids who are bullied who are deaf or hard of hearing. Spirit of Love does a nice job in making you feel like their is hope for our society. Hope that we will learn to accept those who are different from ourselves. Spirit of Love is full of life lessons. All lessons that all ages can learn from. The teen cast is really quite remarkable. The coach who plays himself does a fine job and is very believable.My family really enjoyed this film. I'm sure because it had some great kids who were funny and real. The filmmaker captures a purity and sweetness that reminds me of films from my childhood. While the kids are quirky while dealing with their own individual angst you find yourself cheering for all of them. Spirit of Love is definitely a feel good family movie. Even during the basketball games I found myself cheering, and I don't really like sports. I was reluctant to watch another sports film but that's what my kids like. I'm glad we did. Also know that this film has captions and sign language. I was glad we watched it with the captions on. It was not distracting. I found it educational for my family. It created a lot of discussion. This film is worth a watch with your family and any teens you know who need to know they can accomplish things even when people tell you that you cant. Very encouraging and inspiring. Might be a great movie to show young athletes and sports teams. Its about winning in so many ways. You don't have to like basketball to like this film. A new kind of The Blind Side only basketball and great teen kids and an NBA player. We Loved this movie.
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Educational,Entertaining,and Inspiring
tommycoffan020215 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Recently I had the opportunity to view a private screening at a fundraiser for a local school. The film was well received by a very diverse audience mix. I personally enjoyed the story and its multiple messages. Many of the messages in the film are simple and lessons we should have learned when we were kids. Be kind and helpful to those who are different from yourself. The film addresses racism by showing teens picking teens for teams to play basketball at a camp for deaf kids. When the kids neglect to pick diverse teams, the coach addresses it in a positive way. We have all heard the story or experienced it first hand not being picked for a team or being picked last. All of the kids in the film were funny and charming. They were also competitive and the message to never give up caused the audience to cheer. You could feel the hopeful intensity in the audience. Personally I wanted to stand and yell lets go! Funny thing is I don't really like basketball. I prefer football, I enjoyed this film. My kids enjoyed the film and enjoyed meeting some of the cast. These kids and the NBA player Mike Glenn are remarkable and so is the film. This is the first film that I have ever watched with captioning. This in itself along with the sign language in the film was very educational. The film has a slight faith based angle but it is not religious. It is however Inspiring and Motivational. Spirit of Love is a great film to experience with your family. Reminds me of the old Bad News Bears or more recently Facing the Giants. The difference being basketball with deaf and hard of hearing teens. Spirit of Love is simple and not a big flashy Hollywood style movie. It is a movie that tugs on your heart strings. It did mine and I heard many others sniffling. Always a good sign as my wife said.
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Inspiring,relevant and impactful
tam_burks22 August 2022
Although this was made a few years back I found it to be relevant today.

This film should ve scree b ed in every school across the country. It is based on a true story. It deals with segregation which is the driving factor of why NBA legend Mike Glenn started his camps for deaf and hard of hearing teens because the friends he grew up with were in fact deaf. The film addresses numerous issues of rejection,anger,and bullying which are all issues most teens face on a regular bases. The film embraces the opportunity to teach life lessons in a beautiful and non threatening way. It's done while both deaf and hearing kids learn to work as a team. Many times it's the teens who are the teachers and not just the coaches while they work towards an opportunity of playing in the championship games.

Interesting plot twist of throwing girls into the camp for the first time adds another layer of obstacles and choices that the teens have to make. The biggest lesson that is approached with great compassion and a spirit of love is one about " Consequences for your actions". A lesson we all need to learn regardless of our age.

It's a beautiful and touching film, and I really like that teens with real hearing loss adeafness we're cast in this film.
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