Elvis Found Alive (2012) Poster

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We'd all wish he was still with us, but it's impossible
emilyebrown-1434912 August 2022
I've been a fan of his music and movies my whole life. I've been to his home Graceland. If u wanna be close to " The King of Rock N' Roll" himself, tour Graceland and the very last thing you'll see is where the " The King of Rock N' Roll" Elvis Presley is buried, as well as his mother, father, and stillborn twin brother Jesse Garon Presley.

We'd all wish he was still with us, but it's impossible physically, but spiritually, he's always with us.
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A fun "What If"
magpie131 March 2016
Don't take this too seriously.

I would actually like to see a series of these 'interviews' with historic celebrities. "Einstein Found ALive", "Jesus Found Alive", "Caveman Found Alive".

Using stock footage, public documents and existing testimonials the producers have crafted a compelling look at the life and times of Elvis Presley.

Get over the whole 'he is still alive' angle and enjoy a semi-autobiographical narrative of a celebrity who lived through WWII, the Civil Rights movement, the Summer of Love and the Nixon/Carter/Reagan presidencies.

It's an entertaining telling of the Elvis story with some socio-political biases (Elvis hates Obama).

I like Elvis' music in the same way I like Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis. Fun 'Oldies' stuff.

This is more of a 'My Dinner with Andre (Elvis)' and should be appreciated on that level.
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Satire mixed with some facts
colonel-1307024 August 2022
Satire mixed with some facts. That all this is. A fictional."what if Elvis is still alive". An alternate Fictional ending to a real American tragedy. I gave it a 2 for their effort.
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A Very Well Put Together Mockumentary
DennisSmithersJr17 September 2019
This is a very well put together mockumentary. You can tell a lot of thought was put into the writing. Very clever; It really does make you think. What they say really does fit together. Some of it's pretty damn comical, too.
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Real proof Elvis is not alive!
angelicseven24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Elvis couldn't possibly be alive. Cause around the time of his death, I was asleep and I heard this deep voice say "No one will ever see Elvis Presley when he gets old with gray hair." At the same time I saw an image of Vernon Presley at his son's funeral procession. I believe this film was staged in a way to cleverly convince people Elvis is still alive, just to profit big from it. It's bad enough that people has most likely seen some of Elvis lookalikes and mistake them for him, as we all have them. It was once well known even Humphrey Bogart had a lookalike. Not being able to see Elvis at all in this does not prove he's alive. I doubt anyone could get any written proof, if Elvis was protected, to prove he's alive. The fact that we see some delivery guy giving them a box is phoney enough, since if such happened no one would of been ready to film it. Another thing is Elvis wouldn't have put all those stickers on his car, let alone that TCB one. Or leave two guns in the back that would be visible. Elvis isn't self conceded enough to keep any music tapes or movie discs of himself in a car.
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If only...
phojo-123 September 2019
This is a nice way to do a documentary. However, a lot of the information in this movie seems too far out there to be taken seriously. His love for Captain Marvel Jr. comics is well known, the visit to President Nixon and his collection of law enforcement badges are also know. But there is much that wasn't covered.

The last TV special Elvis did was supposed to be his third TV special and was to be on CBS. But Elvis was so far gone from drug use that CBS cancelled the show but later released clips for documentaries and also the sound-track to recoup some of the lost investment.

Some of the things they got wrong was that the emergency number 9-1-1 wasn't around until years later. Could have been an oversight or just another term for "an ambulance," much like a "Kleenex" is the term for any brand of facial tissue.

After his death, why would Elvis continue to sport his sideburns years later? If he actually worked for the FBI, and was trying not to attract attention, I would think that he would do more to change his looks. (shaved head, beard, hair dye, etc....)

Celeste Yarnall had been sitting in the room during the entire interview... and he didn't recognize her???

And the big question: If Elvis was found alive and IS staging a come-back, why block his face?

Comedy? The only thing that was even remotely funny was the box of documents that still had wet ink when the UPS guy delivered them. I wouldn't categorize this movie as Comedy, but rather "Speculative."

I did like the "mocumentary" as it gave a lot of insight to his life prior to August 16, 1977. And though Vegas was run by mobsters back then and it's true that Col Tom was a compulsive, and poor, gambler, I'm still skeptical of Elvis' role in the DEA and that he the Memphis Mafia setting up drug deals to help capture criminals.

But watch it and see what you think...
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A work of fiction
jacquelynking13 September 2022
As a fictitious account of the "what if" of Elvis' life, and death, this mockumentary is entertaining with facts of Elvis' life and career. But what concerns me most is the gullible people who so desperately want Elvis to be alive, that they truly BELIEVE this is REALLY Elvis. And I believe that is hurtful and harmful. People, there is NO WAY that is Elvis "found alive"! The voice impersonator does NOT have the voice of an ELDERLY man, which Elvis WOULD be were he alive! The impersonator also OVER ACTS the stuttering and pauses in Elvis' speech. PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED by this, and just accept it as a work of "art" and entertainment! One thing I DO know about Elvis, dead or alive, he absolutely LOVED his fans and would NOT want to see them misled and hurt. It's JUST a MOVIE guys, with some REALLY BAD acting!!!
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EXCELLENT! Way better than I anticipated. Elvis speaks about his past life pre witness protection!
penny-271624 September 2022
I was curious so I started watching and was immediately impressed by the story and editing. The title is misleading as this is not the premise that this movie was trying to prove, it was more of a spoof and a what if premise. It's an entertaining take of Elvis life told by Elvis himself. It was so much fun to watch and so nicely done with authentic footage from his real life. Such a pleasure and its obvious so much work was put into this gem. Thanks to Joel Gilbert and his crew and Highway 61 for all your dedication and time that must have gone into this production. It begins with Joel Gilbert visiting Graceland and as it continues, Joel and his crew do some investigation and FBI inquiries and find out not only is he alive but living in Simi Valley. They find out where he lives and go to investigate.....the story transpires from there. It's a fun trip!
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One of the worst movies ever!
hannahloop9 August 2022
This is definitely one of the worst movies ever made.

I was curious obviously, so I gave it a shot. The acting is horrendous. I did read some reviews before I started watching and several of them said that the poor, horrendous acting at the beginning ended and that the movie really took off after that. Uuuuhhh, no it doesn't. I could only tolerate about 20 minutes of it, then skipped fast forward trying to find where the horrendous acting ended and the movie became at least tolerable to watch. Well, the point where it becomes tolerable to watch, it doesn't exist.

Of course I know that Elvis isn't alive but I thought that this movie would be at least somewhat interesting. It failed miserably. The acting, the production, the whole thing is horrendous.

Don't waste your time.
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Yeah Right
Michael_Elliott19 January 2016
Elvis Found Alive (2012)

** (out of 4)

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert started off doing documentaries on various stages of Bob Dylan's career but then he switched gears to a conspiracy film about whether or not Paul McCartney was killed back in the 1960s and replaced by a double. This film was said that have come from a confession by George Harrison shortly before his death. This new documentary tries to claim that Gilbert tracked down the real Elvis who agreed to do an interview.

How gullible you are will determine if you believe the "story" told here. Basically Elvis, with his face hidden, talks about his career in music, the Army and film before going into details about his undercover work for the government, which caused him to fake his death and go into hiding. Elvis talks about his closest friends and various other subjects as well learn the truth about it.

Look, there wasn't a single second where I actually believed that I was listening to the real Elvis talk about his life and why he faked his death. I'm sure there might be some who believe it but there are just too many logical issues with this so-called interview. For starters, Elvis talks about how the government won't allow him to come out of hiding yet why on Earth are they letting him do this interview? If he really had stuff on the government and they were hiding him, don't you think they would have taken this director and footage out before it became public?

Plus, the fact that this "story" and "interview" hasn't gone across the media tells you that no one took it serious. It also doesn't help that the Elvis hear sounds like he's still in his thirties. Obviously the "story" being told here just takes a bunch of conspiracy theories and tries to pass them off as the truth but once again there are just too many logical issues that prevent it from being believable. I will say that the film is slightly entertaining as long as you don't take it too serious but at 130 minutes the thing runs on way too long.

Celeste Yarnall, a former flame of Elvis, is also on hand to try and push the story over even more. I'm sure Gilbert sold some copies of these and I'm sure his production budget was made back. I just doubt anyone is going to take this too serious.
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Obvious Fan Fiction
tgwmatu21 January 2024
A friend told me about this film and had totally believed it. I will say it was well researched and has a lot of great archival footage. It is interesting as a hypothetical portrayal: What if Elvis had faked his death and were found alive? What would he say in an interview? But the problem here is the acting. "Elvis" sounds like he's reading a book. He does not speak like a normal person would speak extemporaneously. He over-pronounces words and phrases and pauses in all the wrong places, as does the interviewer. He says things about his thoughts and feelings that no one would say unless asked directly. Others have pointed out he doesn't have the voice of a 77 year old man. Additionally, a Tennessean living under cover in California is not going to still have a thick Tennessee accent. It may be worth a watch if you're interested, but it's pure fantasy. I give it 3 stars for the history in spite of the misleading pretense and bad acting.
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I believe Elvis is alive
nietodoris13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the move Elvis is alive and I believe he is I remember when I was young they said his casket was empty and different things saying it was a suspicious death after seeing this movie brought flashbacks of when he died this was a great movie and I believe there's people that do things like this God Bless you Elvis if you really did this 🙏and those who don't believe this I don't think you was old enough to know Elvis life I been wondering this for many years since I was a young girl the Mafia had something to do with his disappearing or that's what he said and none of us was there to see this happen so don't judge a book by its cover if he lived that long he was blessed we still love you Elvis your soul will never die.
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Always knew he was alive
sephygirl-0742113 June 2023
I have a relative who was a very close friend of Elvis Presley and when she went to his funeral she demanded the officials, "What have you done with the real Elvis? This is not him. Where is the real Elvis!?" She tild that to everyone she met afterwards including my mom at that time. I always knew he was still alive. There are also stories about his home tours that different sections are crossed off at every tour and you can hear footsteps upstairs whenever it was crossed off. Another one of my aunts showed my Dad a newspaper clipping with a picture of a man from California who looked exactly like Elvis but with white hair back in 2016 so i know that this is true.
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An under-rated and unheralded master class
Info-340-3230679 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a whimsical, fantastical whirlwind ride through popular history from the mind a still living, not deceased - Elvis Presley. A parallel universe if you like.

Some reviewers seem to believe that the film/documentary makers are trying to rip-off Elvis or destroy his reputation and memory. That is not the case and misses the whole point of story – it is a spoof, not to be taken seriously or to be offended by.

I found the 2 hour documentary to be a tongue in cheek light hearted look back at some of the United States' culture, from the mob to black panthers and weathermen to FBI and DEA busts all intermingled with Elvis' life story.

The two hours runtime flew by and was perfectly segmented into chapters. The two story lines - from the 1950's up until 2012 - are obviously separate, running parallel but in no way related to each other, however the makers of this documentary have melded and merged two factual groups of events into one magical Elvis mystery tour, which has been done to perfection.

For viewers who are not aware of the subject matters it must be made clear that some points discussed in the documentary are true and some are rumour and some simply not true. So don't take the contents as historical fact.

I can't recommend this title highly enough, an under-rated and unheralded master class. 9/10.
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This made me lose hope in Humanity. 😂
Freethinker_Atheist3 September 2023
I watched this today on YouTube and laughed my socks off reading the comments. Unbelievable how many people take this mockumentary seriously, thinking it's a true documentary. Here on IMDb too. What's wrong with the people? This clearly is a comedy!!! It's making fun of people who believe in conspiracy theories, in this case in "Elvis is still alive". It's a joke, and it's hilarious! So many people taking this seriously, either believing it or angrily dismissing it as a lie, confirms the world is full of gullible humorless people. Although a comedy, it's very entertaining and informative. OK, maybe it overused the comic book joke and the guy playing Elvis was clearly reading his lines, that is, wasn't speaking like a person who is being interviewed. But those were minor issues, given that, on the whole, it's very well made and very funny. Long live the King!
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Good Movie
tcharboneau-3814823 September 2023
It was a good movie that really made me think, maybe Elvis just might still be alive. I think to this day Elvis is alive. I already knew most of the things in the movie. I believe he did go into hiding to protect Lisa Marie and Priscilla. I hope one day very soon he will come out of hiding and admit why he faked his death. I think the main reason he faked his death was to get off of the drugs and be able to spend more time with Lisa Marie. I know this movie is not completely true but there was a lot of true facts in it. I did not think that this movie was very funny at all. I enjoyed watching it.
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Writing for Elvis
amandamull-694416 August 2022
It has always been mine and my dads dream to meet Elvis someday. I understand why you did what you did Elvis. You are a true hero. I hope we will get to meet you someday.
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very clever
srouse-0419013 April 2023
Addictive and underrated on here as extremely clever film. The research alone is astounding. Highly entertaining as so original in its approach.

I repeated this as it required a ridiculous number of characters before submission so just ignore below.

Addictive and underrated on here as extremely clever film. The research alone is astounding. Highly entertaining as so original in its approach.

Addictive and underrated on here as extremely clever film. The research alone is astounding. Highly entertaining as so original in its approach.

Addictive and underrated on here as extremely clever film. The research alone is astounding. Highly entertaining as so original in its approach.
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