Superman: Solar (2023) Poster

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Fundamentally bad
elljawa9 August 2023
I am willing to cut a lot of slack for an indie film. I know technically, this is more of a fan film than true indie, but the principle is the same. Its a low budget film made outside of the hollywood system. I love that. I respect that.

So when I saw this is a truly bad film, I am not saying its bad in a "oh the VFX dont look like a million bucks" way. I mean its bad in a "has the director ever seen a movie" way

the acting, especially for clark kent, is bad. No charisma, so personality, and barely emoting at all. There are so many trained actors who are seeking some work, the acting here doest rise to community theater levels.

The camera work is sloppy. Again, not in a cheap camera sense, but in a way that shows no understanding of filmmaking. Why are shots framed the way they are? Where is the sense of continuity within a shot? How do they push the story forward

The writing is also very on the nose. No subtlety, no wit, no interesting way to convey information

There is no reason for a fan film to be bad. Its just an indie film that cant make any money. Lots of fan art is great. This isnt.
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masonvietti10 August 2023
A garbage film that lacks any real understanding of what it means to shoot a film. What's the 180° rule? What's lighting? What's framing? I don't think the cameraman on this has ever filmed anything but school fight videos.

I would cut it some more slack if it had dignity, but the fact that this is one of the only reviews from an actual person speaks volumes. Almost every single review here was left by an account that was just created and has reviewed nothing else.

And this cost $50k? Be for real. This is garbage. I've seen middle and high schoolers shoot more compelling films on their camcorders. It's made by people with a lack of filmmaking knowledge, dignity, and heart. Boooo.
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marsashton10 August 2023
I rarely watch a fan film that I dislike as usually the fan's love for the source material shines through any janky cgi and cinematography, in this instance that is not the case.

The acting is straight up emotionless, the writing borders on comedically bad and the way Superman is framed is wish fulfilment ignoring who the character has been since conception.

This is a film to appease people who don't know enough about Superman, don't know his personal dynamics and don't know how Lois Lane works.

There are so many weird cuts between shot as well that look like a bunch of random interconnected scenes thrown together.
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adeboyekalejaye10 August 2023
Seeing as it's a fan film the bar was set pretty low but I found some important aspects of the film was done poorly the casting was bad as none of the actors seemed to be able to "act" and I don't mean in an amateur way like basically just reading the script back to you which would have been better if that wasn't also bad at the core of the film itself it's characters it tried to depict were clearly not understood if not of the big s I doubt you would be a able to tell superman or the bald head Lex Luther it's not a professional film so I'll cut it some slack it's OK watch to while away time and not taken too seriously.
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Review Spamming
kryoymir10 August 2023
This is a legitimately awful film. Basic aspects of a movie like lighting, cinematography, sound mixing and acting are thrown to the wayside. No part of this movie is even remotely redeemable. The lead is one of the worst actors I've ever seen; lifeless, bland, and boring, it's like he's reading off a cue card the entire time. Not to mention, it clearly has been the victim of massive amounts of review spamming; you go through and it's just tons of 10s full of nonsense.

In short, you would be better off watching Man of Steel, the Christopher Reeve movies, or any of the very excellent animated entries.
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One of the worst things ever made
thomasibach10 August 2023
The people rating this utter garbage 10/10...come on. Looks like something Doug walker would make. Absolutely nothing redeemable, basically unwatchable. The only people praising this movie I imagine are doing it for some external culture war reasons I don't understand or care about. Go watch a Superman themed porno, I imagine the budget would be roughly the same with a much better script.

If you're really invested in the people who made this crap and want them to be successful despite their lack of talent or abilities, go ahead and lie to yourself and pretend this is watchable, let alone good. Just don't lie to others and act like this isn't objectively poor quality.
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Powerful Message
firefox-8410827 July 2023
This team knows Superman and the struggles we face daily. Not everything can be solved by strength or speed, and this movie proves Superman is up for anything, no matter how challenging the task. There's a lot of heart, love and dedication put into this fan film, with impressive detail to the characters.

The VFX, story and cinematics are impressive, and you can tell the team took their time to get it right.

Insane what was accomplished with such a small budget. If you're wanting a superman fan film with heart and emotions this is the one for you. I won't spoil the film, as it's a must watch, but the team did a wonderful job a replaying their message, building the characters and putting it all together.

Without spoiling anything, do make sure you watch all the way through the credits.
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Not a super flop but not super great.
nicko-7899111 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie tells a heartfelt story following Superman preventing a young man's suicide while trying to get a job at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent. I'm not gonna lie, the acting is pretty bad and the lighting, sound and practically everything makes the film look very amateur. The suit is really cool and the actors look the part, but the acting really pulls me out of the film at times. While I'm being harsh about the film, I will say that it is the Director's first film and there is definitely time for improvement. The film ends with some cool teases for possible sequels, I hope to see more work.
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this is the fan film blue print!
kennyburton-7705631 July 2023
This should be the blue print for every fan film. A true real heartfelt story. While its full of superhero moments the story at its core is about showing love to everyone and that everyones thoughts and views hold value even if we dont see them.

The theme of not giving up and showing everyone no matter how different can relate to our struggles even if we cant imagine that.

Id love for hollywood to give this team a big budget and set them loose!

Wonderful job to everyone involved. Loved the VFX. Loved the message and fantastic acting. All the more impressive when you realize it was made on a very small budget!
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They get SUPERMAN!
jakeation28 July 2023
Where to begin... Their is so much love and care to a story in this. Yes plenty of fun easter eggs and superman moments but at its core its a story we can all relate to about mental health.

They really capture supermans greatest ability, his care and love for others.

When you realize this is a fan film on a shoe string budget it's even more shocking how good it is. At times the VFX rival movies and high dollar TV... The locations/costumes are top notch... The acting touched me on a personal level. Lois was perfect, Superman was perfect and I loved the character of Matt.

Watch this with an openmind and remembering its a fan filmand youll have a good time!
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vabadzic25 July 2023
Thanks to this story, we still have hope that someone from above is watching over us, listening to our story, good or bad. This story showed that regardless of whether we wear a coat or an ordinary jacket, each of us is a superhero and each of us, as we receive, gives a helping hand. A beautiful story that shows that life is the most valuable diamond that this universe has. As Jor El once said: "They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son." Thanks to the director and the whole team for the excellent work!
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A fan film for everyone!
lennywatches28 July 2023
What's so special about this fan film is how it really is for everyone. EVERYONE matters. It's made clear no matter how big or small you feel you DO matter. That message is what puts this film so high to me in terms of everything!

Anyone who says Superman isn't relatable needs to watch this.

It's such a wonderful story that will live on for years and years to come, it will be relatable to any and everyone.

I really enjoyed the nice shocking easter eggs and fighting I wasn't expecting, top of the line VFX with a wonderful cast.

You can tell they cared and most of all whoever wrote this, please hire them to write official works!!!
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A Superman Film With Soul
hsk9726 July 2023
Often times when we watch a superhero movie we are greeted with a non stop action flick with little to no substance. That can't be said for Superman Solar. Taking place 1 year into his time as Superman we find Clark Kent in a tiny apartment struggling to make ends meet. He's still getting his bearings in metropolis and needs a day Job. He is lucky enough to come across an ad in the Daily Planet and setup's an interview for a low paying job with the newspaper. As his day continues he does more Superman like things but gets delayed from that interview with a kid named Matt looking to jump off of a building. I'm not going to get into the plot and spoil it but it's truly a great one. It's one that puts Superman into a unique spot and raises awareness on a very important issue. If you like Superman with substance then this is the movie for you. I highly recommend it.
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A masterpiece!
s-210666 August 2023
What a wonderful film that is full of fun, excitment easter eggs and of course heart. These guys really understand superman and that universe.

I loved this deep message of mental health and how well it was covered.

This was probably my favorite fan film Ive watched, even more impressive when you realize how small the budget was on this film! Great job to everyone involved.

This film shows that Superman is and always will be for everyone and he may just be the most relatable character in comic book history.

Great vfx, fun exciting easter eggs and somehow a grounded and personal story. Incredibly impressive.
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Emotionally powerful
perfectthought27 July 2023
This movie was so emotionally powerful to me. Tackling a subject many ignore... mental health and that everyone even the person we rarely notice matters.

Yes, their are plenty of Superman iconic moments we know and love in Superman media and packed full of fun easter eggs and teasers but at its core its a story about Superman's hummanity.

The VFX in this were incredbile, as well as costumes, sets and acting. It's hard to believe its a low budget fan film at times.

Last, the writing. Some of the BEST Superman writing weve ever gotten in live action. Give them a large hollywood budget and set them loose!

This is the model every fan film should adapt when storytelling.
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such a much needed story to tell
georgeofthemovise1 August 2023
Wow. Yes this movie is about comic book universe, its exciting, great vfx music and full of fun superhero moments...

... but what it is.. is a deep and real story that everyone can relate to. This is a relatable story to anyone and mental health is the main focus, which I loved.

I want to say congrats to this team to create such a stunning, interesting and exciting fan film on a very small budget. Smaller than what anyshow or movie would spend on one persons wardrobe.

I will be sending and sharing this to my family and friends and i think this film will live on for years to come and touch many more fans.
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outstanding! up up and away!
sarahcustards1 August 2023
This fan film has everything a Superman fan could want. Heart, humor, action and an interesting story. I love that it's different than typical fan films that just have good guy vs bad guy fighting and thats the whole movie. Superman Solar does not do that, yes their are lots of cool moments showing Superman's powers and abilities but at the core its a story about compassion and caring for the little guy. I love that this shows who Superman is, this film does that better than hollywood might have ever done. What's even more impressive when you realize everything was made on a tiny budget! Well done everyone!
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They understand SUPERMAN!
captainplayhard27 July 2023
What a wonderful story and message. This is a fan film with heart,love and care to the characters. Full of impressive VFX amazing writing too. You can tell these guys understand and love the character.

Insane what was accomplished with such a small budget. If you're wanting a superman fan film with heart and emotions this is the one for you.

The topics covered over mental health is such a real world problem we all face todayso its refereshing to see it covered in the way that they did!!!

What an incredible job to everyone from score to acting but most of all the story! BRAVO to everyone on the team!
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An excellent fan film that stands tall
musicspeedforce25 July 2023
This film is exactly what the Superman and comic community has been looking for from a Superman film for a long time. The action sequences are stellar and well placed, as well as an excellent costume for Superman. Glen delivers a performance that conveys the power of this character but also displays the fragile humanity that reminds us that the "super" should never take precedence over the "man." The films most important sequence displays Superman saving a life without using any of his powers, but simply his humanity and compassion. This film reminds us of what Superman should be, and can be in the future.
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powerful message we need today
karriemorton29 July 2023
A powerful heartfelt message we all need to hear today. Superman is and always will be for everyone. Superman always cares about the little guy.

This film does so well showing all of us, our struggles, fears and worries... matter. WE matter.

Mental health is rarely covered in movies and tv and i think almost never in fan films. Incredibly refreshing to see.

Bravo to everyone involved. Great writing, acting, vfx all round.

I will be sending and sharing this film with everyone iknow!

Also really really loved the teases left at the end of the movie i hope they are able to expand this universe!
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A story that will live on forever!
rickeydavone27 July 2023
Without a doubt a fan film full of passion not only for the character and universe of Superman but care for everyone.

I won't give away spoilers but in short this film tackles mental health in a tasteful, real and powerful way. This wasn't a fan film made just for cheap pops and laughs, you can tell they love people, just people.

For a fan film, on a low budget, blown away by the acting, vfx, music and of course the stand out writing.

Great job to everyone involved. This should be the blue print for Superman Legacy and for telling stories that ground heroes. If anyone says Superman isn't relatable again, I'll be linking them this!!!
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The best fan film ive seen in years!
zacharyorpelcustoms9 August 2023
This film had everything! Superman heavy, story, fun, excitement, great score and most of all a great message!

So impressed with what they pulled off with a very small budget at that. Their are times the vfx rival studios.

Covering a subject matter that is very important to be discussed. Nothing but love to these creators for sending this much needed message out to the masses!

This is the type of Superman content I hope hollywood decideds to properly cover in the future. This is a Superman story for everyone and one you can tell was a blast to create by everyone involved. Loved the teases at the end!
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Attention to detail
dominicjbucci10 August 2023
Whether you're a casual fan, or an avid comic book reader you can appreciate this fan made film. The city shots at night are beautiful with so much detail and contrast. Costume design was also extremely impressive. Also worth noting nothing was distracting. Felt very professional with a lot of effort.

Every A list short film gets better, especially from a production value. You don't always feel like you're watching fan film.

As for the story, it was easy to follow but it also gave difffrent perspective to Superman. He was a different guy with different motivations and personality, all while staying true to the OG character.
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Superman Solar
jkmjhsfj10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, this film is a fan film. It's not a multi million dollar Hollywood production. This is a team of dreamers who got together to tell a story.

This film focuses on Superman's 2nd year. It shows a more human side of Clark and brings light to mental illness.

There are some great moments in this film and the message is outstanding. The fx are amazing. The suit is one of the best suits I have ever seen.

Although there is some action in this film, it is more of a narrative based film. So sit back and enjoy what fans of Superman have presented. A new perspective of who Superman really is.

This film is a 10 all the way!!
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I believe again
michaellawson-6243310 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film brings a strong message that reminds me that we matter. And when I'm feeling low this film brings me back up. For it being a fan film I believe they did a fantastic job with the actors and the cinematography. Hard to believe this wasn't a major motion picture at times. The film leaves me wanting more and I hope that they are able to bring us another continuation of this storyline. I loved the part where it jumps back to moments in Superman's life while he tells story's to the troubled young man and how well the stories connected with his life. It was absolutely incredible. Check out the film and believe in the message. You matter.
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