Hell and Mr. Fudge (2012) Poster

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No such a thing as hell
bkoganbing5 October 2016
Mackenzie Astin stars in this autobiographical film on the life of one Alan Fudge who became a minister and then started preaching some most heretical doctrines. Heretical that is to evangelical Protestantism. Fudge after doing much research says that there just isn't any such a place called hell.

That biblical verse on which you see emblazoned on many a Tee shirt, John 3:16 about God so loving the world that he gave his only begotten son, etc. is taken by Fudge to be a blanket pardon. No doctrine has to be accepted, no behavior modified or changed, simply accept the pardon and heaven is your's. As you can imagine that upsets a few pious and self righteous minds.

Fudge went through quite a lot for this belief, eventually according to the movie postscript he left the ministry and now practices law. A profession itself that has many doctrines.

Astin turned in a very good job in the title role. This is an interesting and different Christian film you might want to check out.
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very bad
jeffho-0569824 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has a very impressive opening scene featuring various visual presentation methods, from the first-person point of view to the black and white view of an old camera for documentary purposes which will carry-on be used for the rest of the movie. Successfully explain relationship between a few central characters at the same time builds suspense to engage the audience within 3 minutes. I will describe this opening scene as efficient and perfect down to the last minor details, sadly the good work ends there.

The interview method used throughout the movie was at first cool and interesting but will later be wasted and become a time confusing factor that disturb the story telling flow and confuses audiences on when does scenes took place on the time line.one of the major problem is the dialogues, so of them are long and unnecessary, some requires background knowledge on bible, these dialogues create boring characters that I lost interest over time, halfway through the movie I become num and simply don't care were the story will take the characters to, what are the messages story trying to convey, what so ever. Lastly the biggest issue in my humble opinion are the bad and poorly mixed music, the reason background music even exist is to engage with audience, allow audience to participate characters' emotion, tone of the scene or build up anticipation, how ever due to the bad mixing and selection of music this movie did the opposite, whenever the cliché music starts to play in a wrongly loud volume, I zone out, critical scenes that are supposed to be emotional are ruined, only thing remains are me setting awkwardly in front of the screen, cringe out by the emotional dialogues.

So in conclusion this is a move with lots of wasted potential, horrible selection and mixing of music, bald and flat and almost cartoonish characters reading long and boring dialogue and surprisingly painful to sit through, I will recommend no one to watch this movie.
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Where do you end up when your spiritual walk takes a U-turn?
lauramarienorman3 August 2012
Courage and strength highlight each chapter of this story as we watch one man lead his family through the most difficult path of all; the right one. How does a humble man, without pretense or guile, open up the minds of folks so set in their ways that they cannot bear to hear any truth but their own?

Laced with humor and colored with a dash of southern charm, this amazing drama is sure to be a classic reminder that we must set aside prejudices in all areas of our lives if we truly seek to find the truth. Edward Fudge has diligently dedicated his life to deliberately digging deeper into the scriptures towards a more comprehensive understanding of God. What he finds challenges his core beliefs and forces him to defend the truth in the face of unfamiliar opposition, his own brethren.

Better than any rousing sports flick, this is a fascinating tale; one worthy of at least two bowls of popcorn.
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dianalopezlara2 April 2013
I loved this film. It was so beautiful, hopeful and moving. I have never watched a movie that has changed my life like this one. It not only has a great script, acting and music but the message is so refreshing. I think that this film resonates with what bother Atheists most about mainstream Christians.It is not very often that you get a new perspective of hell and God's grace. What is even more awesome is that this is a true story I am betting the dislikes are from the people Mr.Fudge went up against in real life. Regardless this is a must see and a must share. I will definitely be watching this again. I wish it was in more theaters around the world.
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A movie with real substance!!
dannyjoe5816 April 2013
To be forthcoming, I went into the movie theater intrigued to learn about Edward Fudge's view of hell and the Scriptures that influenced his newfound conclusions that proved violently unpopular with the religious leaders of his own brotherhood. But his story was familiar. Where had I seen it before? As the plot unfolded, what took center stage for me were the vivid reminders that surprisingly propelled me back in time 2,000 years ago. For I recalled reading in Scripture how the Son of God Himself was confronted by the religious leaders of His day who had "seated themselves in the chair of Moses." As a result, their lust for power and control blinded them from seeing the incarnate Truth Who stood right in front of them or accepting the much simpler message of God's truth. I had often wondered why the Holy Spirit thought I needed to know about the confrontations between Jesus and the religious leaders. Just so I would know that it happened? Or to prepare those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus for the same thing? "Hell and Mr. Fudge" answered that question.

Along with the Bible itself, the story of Edward Fudge encouraged me to desire God's truth and seek it, knowing that truth will be unpopular with those who have become content to hide behind the ritualized religious systems built around the commandments of men. The best line of the movie came from Fudge's dad, who said, "If the Bible says it, it's true--even if the whole world is against it."

How one feels about God's word has no bearing on its truth. Yet, I was touched at how a young Edward Fudge (played by Cody Sullivan) struggled to embrace a church doctrine that would see a loving God torturing the souls of unbelievers for all eternity. Both Sullivan and Astin brought convincing portrayals of deep emotion that kept me connected. Two solid thumbs up!
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An introduction to the God you'd been yearning for
noldor-fb20 November 2013
This is a story of a man coming to grips with a new reality about the nature of his God. It is one of the most profound stories ever told because it uncovers a view of God revealed in Scripture that has been muddled by age-old false doctrine which is not easily shed by those whose tradition embraces it. Be warned: if you opt to take this red pill, your life will be forever changed, your eyes opened and you will encounter the face of the God who truly is love and who wants to save and have relationship. You may also encounter the wrath of your fellow man, reticent to embrace this truth because they choose to follow the dim light of an orthodoxy that slanders God's grace-full and righteous nature. As the good book says, the wages of sin is truly death, not eternal life. Only our Lord Yeshua (transliterated Jesus) has the words of eternal life, and those are a free gift for those who choose them.
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If you're ready for the truth....
bcarby-11 August 2017
A friend had told me about this guy named Edward Fudge who had written a book about annihilationism. I had already had a problem with the concept of sinners burning in hell forever and ever even though that's what I had been taught my whole life. It just didn't seem like the heart of God that would cause or allow that nor did it make sense. It just seemed like overkill. This movie is a good introduction to the understanding of hell being a place where unbelievers go to be destroyed. His arguments are not only compelling but I believe very accurate as to the meaning of the scripture on this matter. Die-hard traditionalists blow off this teaching and call it heresy, but I doubt any of them have done the research and study that Mr. Fudge has done to get to the bottom of it all. Mackenzie Astin's performance as Edward Fudge is great and Keri Lynn Pratt (Sara Faye) is an angel.
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Good movie
ChrisinDesMoines30 September 2019
I stumbled across this DVD on accident and found it curious. I grew up being taught that you would spend eternity in either heaven or hell, but encountered this theological debate about 10 years ago and found it interesting.

I watched it twice in one week because in some ways the story has allot to take in, but it's genuinely a good movie about a man who stands firm for what he believes the Bible says on a topic.

This is undoubtedly a Christian movie so it's unlikely to get much attention outside of followers of the Judeo-Christian faith or those who are curious about the topic. Overall the acting is superior to other Christian based movies I've seen as well as the quality of the sets, remaining true to the timeframe it takes place.

This isn't a big budget film, it's an Indy film that makes do with what they have available, so if you're a film connoisseur, you'll see that from the beginning... But you won't care.

If the producers see this review, my complements. I truly am impressed with your final product and am recommending the hell out of it.
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Excellent movie and I was also a part of it
sb57fury24 October 2020
I will vouch this movie is awesome and It is worth buying the DVD . I will also let you in on a little secret I was an extra cast member . The other secret is I owned the black car parked between the green chevelle and nova . The Car I owned was a 1961 plymouth fury
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True to Life Cognitive Dissonance
clarkasweepstakes31 May 2024
The movie handles the subject of cognitive dissonance in a powerful and relatable way, as the main character loses sleep and struggles with the possible consequences of losing all his relationships for what he is learning to be true. The film also explores deep doctrinal issues, such as the idea of hell as eternal torment vs. A permanent punishment, and delves into the history of Plato and the concept of the immortal soul. There is an issue where Fudge in the film appears slightly ecumenical in his position regarding the church, which I am unsure is true to reality. For a Christian film, the acting and music are well done and not cheesy.
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