"Family Guy" Seahorse Seashell Party (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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Divisive, you'll love it or hate it. Awesome animation.
Sleepin_Dragon16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hurricane Flozell hits Quahog, forcing the family to stay in each other's company, Brian copes by taking shrooms, while Meg pushed to the limits snaps and finally tells her family how she feels.

Reading the reviews it's fair to say this is one of the most divisive episodes to date, people seem to really love or hate it, for valid reasons. There is undoubted quality and originality in Brian's trip scene, it confirms the darker route that the show has gone down, the animation sequences are awesome, quite bleak.

As for the Meg scene, it's great that she finally tells her family what she thinks of them, having been the butt of their jokes for years. It is nice to see Stewie looking after Brian.

It's not particularly funny, the gags are used very sparingly, all I can say is it's one of those episodes you'll enjoy or dislike depending on the mood you're in. 6/10
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Slightly underrated
askeland8910 May 2024
I enjoyed this episode back when it aired and I still enjoy it to this day. Watching Meg standing up to her family was deeply satisfying and Brian tripping on mushrooms was kinda cool.. I have no idea what gave Seth the inspiration but It perfectly illustrated what a bad trip might feel like and the animation was tight. This episode was part of a "Trilogy" if you will. American Dad and The Cleveland Show released episodes with a similar theme the same week and Family Guy's version was the best of the bunch in my opinion.

I'm struggling to understand why it's only rated 6.6, this episode is far better than average.
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I have to praise the animation here
pledgerock10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That sequence, while absolutely terrifying, is one of the coolest animation sequences I've ever seen. I do think it's strange that Brian had a bad trip on shrooms instead of acid. I've never done LSD but I have done a lot of shrooms and while I have hallucinated a few times while tripping, I've never seen anything like that. I feel like what Brian experienced was much more of a bad acid trip than a shroom trip.

The stuff with Meg started out great. It was tough to watch but I actually love it when Family Guy is brave enough to show real conduct, especially within the family. Meg has been the butt of jokes since the beginning, and it's great to see her finally stand up for herself. But it goes nowhere. No one learns any lesson. The fact that she realizes that she exists solely to be the punching bag of the family was a massive disappointment. I would've loved if there had been an actual change and they decided to lay off her a little bit. You could still do the Meg jokes but they wouldn't be so mean to her as they did in the past. It was getting tedious.

So yeah the Meg stuff doesn't go anywhere and it's disappointing. But the Stewie/Brian story is wild. It's violent and gory but like I said, that particular animation sequence of Brian experiencing this nightmare trip is just incredible. Also, seeing Stewie comfort Brian is so nice and I wish they did more of that. They have such a weird dynamic. They love each other but Brian can be such a jerk to Stewie and Stewie literally almost killed Brian a few times. They're the best part of the show.
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Insipid and soul-crushing after a wacky start
emfiliane11 October 2011
It's a testament to how utterly staid and predictable Family Guy has become that a SuperJail-esque scene of random psychedelic fear has been one of the most refreshing scenes in years, made with excellent animation and a complete lack of scripting, aside from the intercessions of the mandatory "Stewie is Gay" and "Meg is Butt-Monkey" scenes every episode has to have now. Sure, it doesn't really even match up with LSD's effects, let alone shrooms, but hey, it's a silly cartoon and a great change in pace. The van Gogh reference was especially great, but frankly could have been played much more disturbing than it was.

And yet, the entire second half of the episode was nothing more than a dull 10-minute speech by Meg, fake tears by Lois's voice actress; a total author on board, most likely by someone who's written a few special Mary Sue fanfics involving her over the years. It was as out of place as Gunsmoke in West Hollywood - no jokes, no changeups, they just ran flat out of ideas, just endless vilifying followed by an hokey resolution; at the very least they could have tied into the Stewie time travel episode, with Meg coming out as "Ron", which would have been a nice bone to longtime viewers. Ending with a Very Special Episode gag only works if you haven't already tuned the audience right out.

What killed it for me was the crocodile tears Lois cried; the voice acting was so bad I expected her to start laughing any second, but the speeches kept going. Obviously everyone involved knew the script burned with stupid and phoned in the worst performances in years, yet the tone deaf producers still put it on the air. Wonderful.
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A different kind of Family guy
marcotiero19 April 2021
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Over the years, Meg has become one of my favourite characters. She's dark, twisted and quirky and I always feel bad for her being the butt of the jokes from the rest of the family. In this episode, she finally confronts her family, calls them out on their behaviour... But then at the end they decide that she should just take it all back and apologise to the family. I didn't like that decision, as it took away from everything that went before it. She might as well not saying anything.

That final scene dropped marks for me.
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Great Episode
wayneo-6522311 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I dont understand why all this negative rewievs. It has to be said, Peter and Louis are horrible persons, chris is stupid. And even worse, they all miles away from being better than Meg, ok, myb not Louis, but Peter and Chris are way dumber and uglier than Meg, but they always mocking her down like they perfect or somethin'.
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Great character advancements, and one of the best animation sequences you'll see on family guy
eitanwass18 November 2019
This episode is less of a "ha ha peter is dumb" kind of episode and more touching to an emotional level. It suits some people, others search for other content in this type of series.
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The worst of the series...
james_peter-9583816 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since Family Guy has changed over the years with more bad episodes than good, there were three things that remained the same: I'm still a fan of Road to the Multiverse, Meg torture over and over again and Seahorse Seashell Party is still horrible. Here comes the worst Family Guy episode I've watched in forever. This episode is awful, there's almost nothing I liked about it and it's really abysmal.

First for starters, the title for this episode is very misleading. How did everyone screw up something as simple as the title?! At this rate, I might as well call it "This is Filler, Filler Night". Not something that has nothing to do with the premise! The humour (like the majority of Modern Family Guy) isn't funny at all. There are jokes I've seen a million times alongside boring cutaway gags and I didn't laugh or chortle one single bit. Plus, this is abysmal from a story point of view and audience point of view. The other thing is how the idea falls flat on its face. It is supposed to be a hurricane episode dedicated to the "Night of the Hurricane" event which could have incredible potential and the writers used none of it! Talk about false advertising.

It starts off where the Griffins have to stay in the house during a hurricane and they are heartless jerks to Meg (For Pete's sake! Did Seth not know how monotonous this was getting?! For the love of Meg, DO SOMETHING RIGHT!!) that brings me to the first problem with this episode: It is BORING! At least with the other bad Family Guy episodes, at least the characters do something but most the time, the characters do absolutely nothing and even if they are doing something it's painful to watch. While that's going on, Brian takes shrooms and we enter Nightmare Fuel territory and weird imagery. I will give some credit for making Stewie likeable and taking care of Brian but it doesn't do enough to save this travesty. Meg who had enough of this brings Peter, Lois and Chris so she can bring a perfect reason you suck speech and it's completely accurate for each character and seeing Meg scold them for their actions is very satisfying. But that got ruined by Brian explaining to Meg that the Griffins cannot survive without a punching bag to absorb its dysfunction, so Meg didn't win in the end and has to apologise for all the horrible things she said.

And I saved the worst part for last. You know what really grinds my gears? The moral they give us and that is staying in an abusive relationship to help the abuser's benefit. When I saw this, that made me very angry because staying in an abusive relationship is NOT OKAY! When this episode ended, it felt very incomplete. I always hated this episode since the first time I saw it. It is unsatisfying and lazily written as a matter of fact. If there's one good thing about Seahorse Seashell Party is how fans fixed this episode, they made a better ending on fanfiction and have Meg actually winning in the end and putting the unlikable Griffins in shame. Meg needs a spinoff where she will leave Quahog forever and move in with another family who isn't cruel or heartless. (A similar concept to Fifteen Minutes of Shame from Season 2)

All in all, I detest this episode with a passion. It is heartless, it's boring, it's mean spirited and an abomination to Family Guy fans everywhere. That horrible moral just makes this definitely the worst Family Guy episode I have ever seen. If you want a watch a good episode, go watch Road to Rhode Island, PTV, Stewie Kills Lois two-parter, Petarded, And Then There Were Fewer, Road to the Multiverse and A Lot Going On Upstairs. Skip Seahorse Seashell Party unless you're a Family Guy critic. To sum up, this isn't Family Guy. Lucky there's a Scamily Guy!
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jaketrandell21 July 2021
A lot of people seem to be hung up on the point that Meg is being abused and apologized for it when that in its self is the joke. If you can't understand that your a snowflake.
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The Nadir Of Family Guy's decline
r-lythgoe26 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big Family Guy fan (well, I used to be at least) but ever since Season 8 or so, the show has gone downhill. It's still funny at times, but the scripts and comedy have both been not that impressive mostly.

Even the characters have become rubbish. Peter has gone from a lovable idiot to an unlikable, childish d**k, Lois has gone from a caring, likable mother to a complete b**ch, Meg has gone from being a typical teenager to being bullied and depressed, Brian has gone from being a wise cracking alcoholic to an excuse for Seth to speak his political views and Stewie has gone from being evil to just uninteresting altogether.

This episode is easily the WORST Family Guy episode ever aired. One subplot revolves around Brian taking drugs and having hallucinations. This subplot is SO badly written, with weird, dull hallucination sequences. I have to admit, I did find the sequences where Brian hallucinated Stewie calling his name and Brian "cutting his ear off to prevent WWII" freaking hilarious, but that's about it. And it also annoyingly overshadowed Meg's rant against her family as they just kept randomly interrupting.

You'd think this episode would be good because it has Meg finally snapping against her family, right? *Sigh* Well, no. as I said above, the whole scene is ruined by none of the characters except Lois taking it seriously. And if it wasn't already ruined enough, Seth decides to push the reset button by having Meg realise that she NEEDS to be abused by them or they will fall apart because of the dysfunction. That ending ENRAGES me, because it basically says that domestic abuse is OK, because they all need SOMEONE to pick on, and there are no consequences from what they have done to her.

This gets a 3/10 because of a few funny moments. That's it.
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The One Where Brian Does Mushrooms And Cuts Off His Ear...
taylorkingston26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this episode. I love disaster episodes, such as the one where they are being robbed and forced into their little bomb-shelter type room in the attack. This episode just makes me laugh and laugh. It's so funny.

In this episode a storm hits the town of Rhode Island and of Langley Falls, giving a little nudge to American Dad. The Griffin Family is practically trapped in their house and aren't sure what to do. Brian does some mushrooms and gets way too high. He even cuts off his own ear. And Meg goes a little nuts and finally stands up to the family. She says everything that's been on her mind for years. Calling the entire family out for their crap and how they've treated her.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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Not Playing to Their Strengths
severe_schizo15 October 2011
This week the writers have tried to change up the classic Family Guy formula of completely unrelated jokes and crazy plot twists/holes.. It doesn't work, they're obviously going for an overall parody of that episode in a sitcom when the family is stuck together for some reason and learns something about themselves. The problem is, there are no jokes in between, the idea is kinda funny I guess, but the execution involves a monologue from Meg that goes on and on.

This is not to be mistaken for the usual Family Guy cut away to something boring eg. Conway Twitty for 5 whole minutes etc. It's just crap and genuinely boring. Skip this episode.
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Seahorse Seashell Party New storyline
mcclearyr-1156220 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Final crossover episode of American Dad and King of the Hill. Chris, Hayley, Francine, Roger, Bobby and Dale find Lois, Bonnie, Meg, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Beth, Tom, Olivia's parents and Principal Shepherd never disappeared Meg and events that happened before they disappeared and the events during their disappearance it turns Meg and the others even Peggy saw Chris and his friends kill Brian and the others. They even explained how the saved their lives and brought them back from the dead. Meg, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Lois, Beth, Bonnie, Peggy, Olivia's parents Principal Shepherd and Tom Tucker vow to confront smart family Brian, Stewie, Peter, Olivia, Jillian, Connie, Pouncey, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Steve, Stan, Debbie, Hank, Bill, Boomhauer and Luanne once and for all.
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This Ruined Family Guy...
connor-p-mcclory3 June 2015
Watching the episode, I almost died; Not of laughter, but of disappointment. Brian has a bad trip and Meg shouts criticisms at her family. This really could've ended well. And I mean it. The Griffins could've just seen their wrongdoings and apologized and promised to take it easier on her. Instead the status quo is god. And Brian's bad trip even could've tied into the main plot. Or at least that Meg and Brian could've gotten along better after this episode. The moral: Stay in an abusive relationship. Why? To the benefit of your abuser. That is the biggest load of B.S. that I have ever heard. My brother abused me as a child, and I snapped. I kind of did what Meg did here. My brother and I get along much better now. He's my best friend. Unlike here, where Meg gets the bad ending, so to speak. She continues to be a Lightningrod for abuse and insult. Although Family Guy has some good episodes now and then, Seahorse Seashell Party (What's with that title anyways?) is the worst episode of anything I've ever seen, next to Ren Seeks Help.
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The ending/conclusion absolutely ruins this episode.
familygoy28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to think I'm someone who can tolerate Family Guy a lot more than most people and I find a lot of its charm in areas that people hardly give it credit for.

And the same thing applies to this episode. It's focused on the family which I dig, the mushroom trip animation was top notch and had thought put into it, and Meg's lashing out of her family was justified since long.

However, the conclusion that Meg comes to absolutely shoots this episode in the foot. I mean, really? For me it's not even about what the message entails, since after all it's Family Guy, a show that decomposes the brain of anyone who binges more than 3 modern episodes in a single sitting.

But conversely, I also enjoy the satisfying moments when a weaker character stands up for themselves. When those moments end abruptly it's usually disappointing, but now Meg wants to be the "lightning rod" for the family? Aside from that being a real cringeworthy piece of line, you completely ruined the one opportunity this character got to deal some justified pain to the rest of them, just for the sake of status quo.


TLDR: I could care less that Brian cuts his ear off, I love the great animation in Brian's mushroom trip, the bond between Stewie and Brian is always nice to watch and Meg's treatment of the rest of her family were very justified and satisfying... up until the point where she completely backpedaled on it for the sake of status quo. Dare I say this episode would have been something nice if they just stuck to their guns and bothered with some character development that would stick on for the rest of the show, but alas, writing is hard.
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Weird trips and paybacks
OrestesWN19 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In a lot of ways this is an atypical "Family Guy" episode, and I guess if it would have to be compared to anything else in its canon - the Brian & Stewie bank vault episode would come close. It's fair to say that in it's entirety it probably is not an episode you would like to see week after week, however, I found that it worked perfectly within context of what the rest of the show has been about.

Much like the said bank vault episode was a character building episode for Brian (and you can't say 'character-building' is an oxymoron for this show, since the show-runners have done pretty much whatever they want up till now, so why not that?) this one gives Meg a moment to address the issue of her being the butt end of the jokes throughout the show's 10 and counting seasons. If you've ever, even on one occasion have felt a slight bit disturbed about that, this episode is where the payback is. I did not see it coming till some time into the episode, but when the bomb drops, Meg gives a rant that shows just how terribly dysfunctional this TV family would be if it would actually exist in real life (not that we needed further proof, but it was well done nonetheless). This was so engrossing that I was actually turned off (though not surprised) by the rather predictable 'let's return to the status quo' resolution of the matter. But I suppose you can't begrudge the writers not wanting to rob themselves completely of a device they've been using and will be using for episodes to come, and I can applaud them for at least exploring it in such an interesting fashion.

The B-story of the episode could be considered a cautionary tale of drug abuse, but in a weird kind of way I enjoyed the seeming randomness of Brian's mushroom-induced visions. I do not know what the source of inspiration for it was, but that might have just made it an even better overall experience. The trip is as imaginatively portrayed as it is haunting (it will be quite some time till the Peter spinning on the spit-roast scene will dissolve in the furthest recesses of my mind) and even if you, like me, have never actually been tempted to try drugs, thus don't really need extra reminders why one shouldn't - the animation sequence itself is fun to watch and obviously required a lot of creativity (whether drug-induced or not, not for me to judge) to make.

The creativity of that sequence would've been worthy of a 9 for me alone (if it is indeed something completely original and not a reference to a for me hitherto unknown source of inspiration), but addressing an issue that had nagged me on and off within the show in an intelligent manner sold it to me completely, even if this rainy Quahog night will be all but forgotten in the episodes to come. As said - this would not work if it was all 'Family Guy' ever was, but in context I found it to be excellent.
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Are you kidding me?
tbone199915 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why is Meg apologizing for what she said? It's so TRUE. And why the hell should I stay in a family that abuses me because I can absorb all the abuse. I mean, I like Family Guy, but this is a disgusting and awful excuse for a episode. Complete garbage. Possibly my least favorite. In any show.
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Awful piece of junk
kaimoney21 June 2020
Who would actually enjoy this miserable piece of crap? This episode is just mean to Meg and disturbing for no reason! And why does Meg apologize for standing up for herself?! This episode is teaching people that you should stay as a punching bag for their abusers' benefit! Who thought about that and thought it was a good idea?! This episode is definitely not worth your time...
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Weird, but not in an all bad way
gvf27 July 2020
Definitely a memorable Family Guy episode, whether you enjoyed it or not. I liked it because it was so different, a refreshing break from the usual, and you have to take your hat off to whoever thought up all the weird little creepy crawly details of what Brian experiences during his trip. In any case, I don't understand a lot of the hate that this episode has been getting. They went on a ride with it, granted, but that could have turned out far worse.
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The Gag That never was funny
odavidenkova10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Do i even need to say anything about this episode?

NO REALLY. DO I NEED TO SAY WHY THIS EPISODE IS TRASH?! *Sigh* Fine I do it.. This episode is about a Hurricane comming to Quahog and then the TV Turns off.. AND ILL WARN YOU THIS EPISODE HAS ALOT OF BULLYING, FILLER AND DRUG TRIPS READY?! So Meg Asks What to do And then Peter says that he will make the dad Noises.... okay... ... AND THAT PART GOES FOR 1 MINUTE ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Also Brian Tells Stewie he will Eat the mushrooms with drugs so he will have fun. So we see him kinda weird like REALLY WEIRD. But Peter decided to play Finger Bang and Chris and Lois joins in... But when Meg joins in They all like: Go F#@% yourself OKAY TO BE HONEST I never was a fan of Bullying Meg Gag It's not funny AT ALL. So Stewie wants to vomit. BUT he notices Brian Trying to Cut his ear to stop the WW2 and he did it.... Oh and there where is THE ONLY GOOD PART ABOUT THIS EPISODE. Stewie takes Care Of Brain is kinda nice. So ill skip Brian's Drug trips cuz they aren't that important. SO Peter Decides to Sing the India Jones music And When Meg opened Soda Can He sayed: OH MY GOD MEG CAN YOU STOP THATS REALLY ANYOING! And then Meg starts Screaming at everyone cuz they all against her. So Brian Woke up and Stewie sayed he should drink some Water. MEANWHILE Meg Makes Lois Cry! And all the words she sayed about her was true. And Then After Chris she starts Screaming at Peter And they all Make Peter Cry so he goes upstairs. And Brian SAYS TO MEG SHE NEEDS TO BE A PUNCHING BAG AGAIN.... DUDE I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE MEG IS A PUNCHING BAG GAG BEING REMOVED AT THIS EPISODE BUT BRIAN JUST SCREWED IT UP! Also i don't hate Brian I like Old brian from season 1-6 BUT MODERN BRIAN SUCKS HE IS THE WORST. And then they still Bully Meg now.... (Awful: 3/10)
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Not what you would expect from Family Guy
milosra45 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was, to my amazement, quite unlike any other Family Guy episode that I saw; it was pretty boring, uninteresting, and at some points I almost fell to sleep(except for the scene with an Italian guy and a black woman) and I think that it is mainly due to Meg speaking too much(her monologues were just killing me), so it is not without reason that Meg is and should be treated in the show as a character that is the least interesting in it because it factually is, so I hope this season will continue better than it began, in spite of this being the episode from the previous season that hasn't been aired. Maybe this episode indeed should not have been aired at all. Cheers
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I really Loathe this Episode Warning: Spoilers
Good Gosh this Episode is one of Worst episodes of Family Guy I have seen. The episode is about Meg Finally standing up to her Family for being overly cruel to her & the episode is really boring with jokes like Peter making Dad Noises & the Subplot with Brain takes Magic Mushrooms & him having a Drug trip & we all see this disturbing crap Brain goes through. I also just hate the way the Griffin Family abuses poor meg & the Title of the Episode is so stupid. Anyway Avoid this Episode. 0/10.
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An animated version of a thanksgiving dinner where everyone gets too drunk
dickhill-inc27 November 2020
This was way more in depth soul searching and angry accusations than I like in my animated comedies.

There were a few good bits but Meg fighting back and doling our the truth went on way too long. If Meg had a backbone why just pull it out now?

My favourite joke was Brian drinking loudly in the background during the start of the family feud. Probably not as good for people who don't have a dog who drinks very loudly and takes forever doing it.

At least they got back to comedy after this with an episode about Quagmire's sister being violently abused.
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Psychologically Disturbing
shaunkahler20 January 2022
I'm just here to vent and try to undo the awful, icky feeling that this episode provided me. Particularly a YouTube video online that compiles Brian's hallucinogenic experiences into a single clip. This single clip has seriously disturbed me and I'm having difficulty shaking it. The problem is it so accurately and effectively captures these wildly scary psychological phenomena, stuff that like people don't even talk about but you still feel disgusted by or that induce fear and like a painful.. harmful terror / disgust. I haven't been able to watch the clip all the way through, just basically up to the part where Brian steps on a bee or something and then it turns into like super a whole bunch of scary bees or whatever. The animator who did all these clips was tapped heavily into a very dark energy and that dark energy found its way into the whole episode. It was awful. I recommend avoiding at all costs if you can, if you happen to somehow have stumbled across this review before watching.
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mary_kaycunningham28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Aye, 'twas but only an age ago when I hath art ennui of the cacophony of the media at the time. Now, I passed to my abode, and was aquivered when I saw the new episode of the television show, Family Guy. My eyes hath glimmered! ''Twas only a miracle this happened! I sat upon my chesterfield to regard, but... 'twas only an umbrage. The characters art glib, the writing doth nothing but add on non-sequiturs, and the "message" is all but ubiquitous. The family Griffin, they art nothing but nefarious. I've not the slightest idea why the daughter, Meg, does not vamoose out of the property. Peter is a sycophant, as well are the rest of the family. If Meg truly is the lightning bold that man clings on to, the family is truly in a quagmire. After the initial airing, I was flummoxed! I drew my pistol and blasted the television repeatedly until I felt shimmy. What a boondoggle. This show, can proudly state, that they have lost a mellifluous attendee. Good day!
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